8.157 Social media Flashcards
The specific portion of a social media website where content is displayed and managed by an individual or individuals with administrative rights.
Content an individual shares on a social media site or the act of publishing content on a site.
Personal information that a user provides on a social media site.
Public concern
Topics that relate to a matter of political, social, or other concerns to the community. It does not include topics that relate to employment/personal matters or information learned in the course of employment.
Social media
A category of electronic resources that integrate user-generated content and user participation, such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, etc., and a smart phone or other portable device applications.
Expressions or communication of thoughts or opinions in spoken words, in writing, by expressive conduct, symbolism or images.
Public employees are public servants and are ________.
Entrusted with the public trust.
Because of this, law enforcement are held to a higher standard of professionalism than private citizens.
Department members must give _________ __________ to their actions to avoid damaging the reputation and trust the department has with the community.
Thoughtful consideration
Public employees have qualified first amendment rights.
As public employees, is speech made on- or off-duty, made specific to official duties protected under the first amendment?
It may for the basis for discipline if deemed detrimental to the efficiency of operations of the department.
Department members are free to express themselves as private citizens in matters of public concern to the degree that their speech does not: (4 points)
- Impair working relationships of the department for which loyalty and confidentiality are important
- Impede the performance of duties
- Impair discipline and harmony among co-workers, or;
- Negatively impact or tend to negatively impact the department’s ability to serve the public
Department members will not post, transmit, or otherwise disseminate any information, documents, photos, or videos, to which members have access as a result of employment, without written permission from who?
The sheriff
Department members are ________ from disclosing information pertaining to any other members of the department without permission of the affected member (to include “tagging” in text or photos).
Officers working in a ________ capacity, as defined by 5/206.01 ‘Covert and Undercover Officers’ will not post any form of visual or personal identification.
For officer safety it is required that officers working in a covert capacity and have posted anything, past or present, that may identify the member as a department member must remove all such posts.
On the job use of electronic communication, department sanctioned presence must: (2 points)
- Each social media page shall include an introductory statement that clearly specifies the purpose and scope of the agency’s presence on the website.
- Social media pages will be designed for the target audiences, such as potential LVMPD employees and volunteers.
Department sanctioned social media procedures: (5 points)
- All department social media sites/pages shall be approved by the Deputy Chief, or designee, or as otherwise determined and forwarded to the PIO for approval and registry.
- Pages will clearly indicate they are maintained by the department and display department contact info prominently.
- Content regarding programs, services, events, or initiatives should point uses to the LVMPD website for expanded content.
- Content will be consistent with department strategic goals and adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and policies, including all information technology and records management policies.
- Social media pages should state that the opinions expressed by visitors to the page do not reflect the opinions of the LVMPD.
- Page shall clearly indicate the comments will be monitored and LVMPD reserves the right to remove postings deemed inappropriate
- Clearly indicate any content posted or submitted is subject to public disclosure.
Who is responsible for regularly monitoring department social media pages?
The bureau or section who created the page. The department or position responsible for monitoring shall be identified to the PIO.
Department Sanctioned social media use:
- Conduct themselves at all times as representatives of the department. Adhere to LVMPD 4/101.00 General Conduct policies and observe proper decorum.
- Identify themselves as members of the department.
- Make no statements about any suspect or arrestee, or comments concerning pending prosecutions or otherwise disseminate personal or confidential information, including but not limited to photographs or videos, related to department training, activities, or work-related assignments without express written permission.
- Monitor public comments and respond to those that may spread misinformation.
- Conduct no political activities or business.
- Keep information current and up-to-date.
Department members _________________ observe and abide by all copyright and trademark restrictions in posting materials to social media (i.e. badge/logo).
Potential social media uses:
- Social media is a valuable investigative tool when seeking evidence or information about missing persons, criminal investigations, etc.
- Social media can be used for community outreach and engagement by providing crime prevention tips, soliciting tips about crimes, etc.
- Social media can be used to make time-sensitive notifications related to road closures, special events, etc.
Department members should be mindful that once a photo has been posted to the internet, it can never be purged from existence. As such, department members are cautioned that the following actions could have a detrimental effect on department member’s safety and the operational security of the department: (2 answers)
Posting/displaying department logos, uniforms, or other similar identifying items on social media
Posting/displaying on social media personal photographs or providing similar means of personal recognition that may cause a person to be identified as an officer or a department member.
Department members should be aware that privacy settings and social media sites are constantly in flux, and should _______________ assume that personal information posted on such sites is protected from public access.
Department members should expect that any information created, transmitted, downloaded, exchanged, or discussed in a public online forum may be accessed by the department at any time ______________ prior notice.
Department members should be aware that they may be subject to civil litigation for: (4 points)
- Publishing or posting false information that harms the reputation of another person, group or organization (defamation)
- Publishing or posting private facts and personal information about someone, without permission, that has not been previously revealed to the public, is not legitimate public concern, and would be offensive to a reasonable person
- Using someone else’s name, likeness, or other personal attributes without that person’s permission for an exploitative purpose, or;
- Publishing the creative work of another, trademarks, or certain confidential business information without permission of the owner.
Department members ________ _______ access social networking site(s) while on duty.
Shall not
Department members _______ ______ use the department logo, a replica of the badge or use “LVMPD” as part of a page, posting, signature, or to serve as an embellishment of any statement.
Will not
Department members are prohibited from speech that ridicules, maligns, disparages, or otherwise promotes __________ against race, ethnicity, religion, sex, natural origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, political affiliation, gender identity and expression, or other explicit class of individuals.
Department members are prohibited from speech or otherwise expression that suggests the person is engaged in behavior ___________ ___________ to be unlawful or reckless toward public safety.
reasonably considered
Engaging in prohibited speech as stated in this policy, may negatively affect the department member’s credibility and impair the member’s ability to perform the essential job functions. A department member’s speech is a reflection of __________ and ___________.
Character and values
Speech must adhere to the ICARE values. Violation could make the department take appropriate actions, up to and including termination.
Department members will not use what as part of a page, posting, signature, or to serve as an embellishment of any statement?
The department logo, a replica of the badge, or LVMPD