7.540 News Media and Public Information Flashcards
The department recognizes that its legitimacy depends on what?
Being transparent with the community
Who is dedicated to ensuring that the public has access to timely and accurate
information regarding matters of public safety.
The Public Information Office (PIO)
PIO is responsible for the release of information and will:
- Write and disseminate news releases.
- Assist other department members in the preparation of news releases.
- Maintain a three-year repository for news releases.
- Serve as liaison to the news media.
The director of the PIO reports to the Undersheriff. A representative assigned to PIO is available on a 24-hour basis. Call-outs may/ be requested by who
Executive staff, bureau commanders, incident commanders, or the watch commander through the Communications Bureau.
Requests for call-out of the on-call public
information officer should be limited to what?
Crimes or incidents in progress
Between 1700-0800 hours, media personnel are directed to contact who regarding crimes
in progress.
The watch commander.
Media personnel are instructed to wait at least how many minutes for a response before contacting the on-call PIO representative?
15 minutes
In the absence of a directed call-out, response will be at the discretion of either
the PIO director or sergeant. This is based on the necessity for what?
Continuing media updates, safety concerns
for citizens and officers, and the shortage of on-scene personnel to manage the media due to the magnitude of an incident.
Events that may be of interest to the media include:
- Events involving officers in heroic or lifesaving actions.
- Line-of-duty injuries or deaths of officers.
- Major civil disturbances, riots, etc.
- Confirmed sniper, barricade, or hostage incidents.
- Aircraft accidents.
- Bomb-related incidents.
- Arrests involving prominent persons.
- Pursuits resulting in accidents or injuries.
- Officer-involved shootings (OIS).
The Public Records Unit (PRU) processes public record requests for release to the media (see LVMPD 2.130, Office of General Counsel). The following can be released to the media:
- Incident Crime Reports (ICR)
- Declaration of Arrest Reports (Arrest reports are released by the District Attorney’s Office.)
- Traffic Accident Reports
- Vehicle Impound Reports
- Property Impound Reports (with approval of the investigative unit)
- LVMPD criminal history record
- Booking photos and non-gaming work card photographs (approved by the investigative unit)
- 911 calls (approved by the investigative unit)
- Department photographs of employees, released only by the PIO
The determination whether material will be released to the media is based on the test set forth in what case law?
Donrey v. Bradshaw
Information will not be disclosed to the media if it is either:
1) privileged by law, or
2) the interest in public disclosure is
outweighed by privacy or law enforcement interests.
What records are generally considered privileged, and not released to the media?
- Names, addresses, and exact location of victims of sexual assault.
- Personnel information, other than employee name, age, title, place and dates of employment.
- Records of internal investigations.
- Names, addresses, and photos of arrestees under age 18, not being tried as adults.
- The existence or contents of any confession, admission, or statement given by the accused, or
refusal or failure to make any statement. - Examination or test results of the accused, or the refusal or failure to submit to an examination or test.
- The identity, testimony, or credibility of prospective witnesses.
- Opinions as to an accused person’s guilt or innocence or merits of a case.
- Information received from other law enforcement agencies (without their approval).
Who (in coordination with the respective investigative bureau) will release information of officer-involved shootings, use of force incidents, robberies, homicides, and other criminal investigations.
Media briefs will be conducted (in coordination with PIO) for what?
In-custody deaths may be briefed depending on independent circumstances. Privacy concerns of the family should be considered when a medically related, in-custody death occurs in a police operation or at the Clark County Detention Center (CCDC), North Valley Complex, or Tucker Holding Facility. Media briefs should be conducted when in-custody deaths occur where no clear medical issues are related to the death, there is a potential for community concern, or at the discretion of the Sheriff.
Any deadly force or other high-risk critical incident.
Who will release information on non-fatal and fatal traffic accidents not involving
department members.
The traffic bureau
The Fatal Detail will release information regarding serious/fatal injuries of citizens or department members resulting from accidents involving department vehicles.
Who will release bulletins, photographs, or video of wanted commercial/series robbery suspects.
The commercial robbery section
Who (in coordination with PIO) will release bulletins regarding missing or
endangered individuals.
The missing persons detail
Who may release information on field incidents and activities.
Ranking officers
Watch commanders/area
lieutenants may release information on field incidents and activities.
Who may furnish information on routine matters, such as traffic conditions,
and may recommend detours or advise on hazardous conditions.
Communications personnel
Requests for information about confidential department investigations and operations will be referred to the PIO for coordination with who?
The Sheriff or Undersheriff.
Requests for information on lawsuits against department members will be referred to who?
The Office of General Counsel
Requests for information on incidents/investigations under the primary jurisdiction of another law enforcement agency will be referred to who?
Department employees will not confirm, deny, or release any related information. If a response is necessary, it will be referred to who?
That agency
The appropriate
bureau commander.
Requests for information regarding officer-involved shootings or accidents involving an outside agency in which LVMPD is the lead investigative unit will be referred to who?
The involved agency.
Who will release information regarding residential or street-level robbery suspects in the area command?
The Bureau commanders or their designee.
The news media may photograph and report what they observe when legally present at a scene. Where publication of coverage would interfere with an investigation or place victims, suspects, or others in jeopardy, the withholding of publication depends on what?
Media cooperation, not department censorship.
Under such circumstances, PIO should advise the news media or their superiors of the possible consequences of publication; however, officers may not interfere with media activities within the confines of the law.
Individuals may request no publicity for personal reasons. They should be told that police cases are matters of public record and subject to media inquiry. Although an officer’s report may indicate, “Citizen Requests No Publicity,” the requester should understand the decision rests with who?
The news media
Who at a disaster or crime scene is responsible for providing relevant, timely,
and accurate information to the news media.
The ranking department member
In major incidents or newsworthy events, the PIO should be called to the scene to coordinate with the media. If the PIO is unavailable, a ______________ may
designate someone for media relations.
Watch commander
At the scene of a disaster, crime scene, or tactical operation, where are the media allowed?
- Free movement in secured disaster areas after being advised of existing or potential dangers, as
long as they do not interfere with enforcement or public safety functions. - Access to sanitized and secured crime scenes in public areas. News media members are subject to any restrictions of the owner or person in charge when a crime scene is on private property.
a. Media members are not allowed access to crime scenes secured with yellow tape and are subject to any restrictions of the officer in charge (see LVMPD 6.360, Crime Scene Investigations and Investigative Personnel Notifications). - Within the outer perimeter and at a safe location of a tactical operation, subject to restrictions by the incident commander. The ranking officer or designated media liaison officer will keep the news media informed.
- Tactical missions will not be jeopardized to accommodate the news media.
LVMPD is committed to keeping the citizens of Clark County informed by providing the highest level of transparency and accountability. In the event of a use of deadly force incident, the goal is to furnish ______________ to the public.
Timely, accurate information
A mass casualty incident will generate many requests for speaking and training engagements. As seen following 1 October, the requests will flow into the department through numerous avenues. It is imperative that any speaking request following a mass casualty incident is referred to who?
The office of the Undersheriff
This will ensure a consistent message is being communicated to the public to avoid confusion or disruption.
Before conducting an interview or training pertaining to a mass casualty event or major incident involving
significant media coverage, LVMPD employees will contact the Office of the Undersheriff for approval.
A ______________ message will be delivered in all news conferences.
clear and concise
News conferences must
be discussed and approved by the division commander of the unit requesting the news conference and must be coordinated with the PIO. If the news conference is referencing an ongoing investigation, the respective investigative division commander must also be consulted (i.e., Investigative Services Division).
For incidents involving other public service agencies (e.g., law enforcement, coroner, or fire department), who will confer with other agency command staff to coordinate releases of information to the news media?
the watch commander or PIO
Generally, the agency having primary jurisdiction will bear the responsibility.