6.360 Crime Scene Investigations and Investigative Personnel Notifications Flashcards
It is the policy of this department to identify, document, and collect __________ that may prove or disprove that a criminal offense has been committed and to identify the party or parties responsible.
The responsibility of conducting the preliminary investigation normally lies with the ______________. Since a ______________ is typically the first to arrive on the scene of nearly all crimes, it is their responsibility to evaluate the circumstances, take immediate and decisive action, render aid to injured persons, and protect the crime scene as outlined in LVMPD 6.300, Protecting Crime Scenes and Rendering Aid.
Patrol officer
Patrol officer
When a patrol officer arrives on the scene in a ______________ capacity, they will assume the responsibility of evaluating circumstances and directing and coordinating the efforts of those officers assigned.
Some crimes and incidents, because of their complexity, require expertise and time that the patrol officer may not have. To ensure these types of crimes receive proper investigation, the patrol officer or supervisor assumes the responsibility for evaluating all circumstances related to the investigation and determines the need to request assistance from a detective. When the crime involves a dignitary or politician, the __________________ or designee will be notified.
Criminal Intelligence Section (CIS) lieutenant
When detectives are responding to assume investigative responsibility, the patrol officer will begin the preliminary investigation and will brief a supervisor. A patrol supervisor should respond and either ________________ to detectives or will designate an officer to provide the briefing to detectives.
Provide the briefing
Patrol investigations will be notified on all property related crimes involving:
- Property-related crimes at a felony level to include:
a. Auto thefts requiring immediate follow up
b. Residential/commercial burglaries over $50,000
c. Grand larceny over $75,000
d. Residential/commercial/ vehicle burglaries as part of an identified series
e. Firearm-related crimes to include:
1) Prohibited person in possession of a firearm
2) Possession of a stolen firearm or obliterated serial number
PD will be notified on residential/commercial burglaries over _________.
PD will be notified on grand larceny over _________.
Patrol Investigations will be notified on person related crimes at a felony level to include:
a. Assault, battery, mayhem, attempted murder, robberies, and larceny from persons
b. Domestic-related crimes at a felony level to include:
1) Assault
2) Battery
3) Strangulation
4) Harassment
5) Stalking
6) Violation of protective orders
Who will be notified on suspicious deaths?
Patrol investigations
If the Crime Scene Investigations (CSI) Section, the coroner’s investigator, or Patrol has assessed the scene and observed something suspicious, the Homicide Section lieutenant will be notified.
After PD has been notified on a suspicious death, and CSI, patrol, or the coroner has observed something suspicious, who gets notified?
Homicide section lieutenant
Who will be notified for crimes involving:
1. Any commercial robbery where a victim has been shot or seriously injured.
2. Takeover type robbery (e.g., casino or bar) – these events generally have numerous victims/witnesses who should be interviewed on scene if possible.
3. Armored car robberies.
4. Robberies assigned to the Robbery Section that are part of an ongoing series and have been previously identified.
5. Active kidnap events that the Robbery Section is responsible for investigating. Extortion demand must be an element (see LVMPD 3.320, Kidnapping Investigations).
6. Any situation involving a crime the Robbery Section handles that may gain intense media attention.
7. Bank robberies.
8. Commercial robberies or other crimes that the Robbery Section handles where immediate follow- up investigation is necessary (i.e., search warrants). The immediate necessity of follow-up will be discussed between the supervisor on scene and the on-call Robbery Section representative.
9. Commercial robberies that are part of an identifiable spree of three or more events.
Theft Crime Bureau - Robbery Section
Who will be notified for crimes involving:
1. Theft is over $75,000 in value of a retail product(s).
2. Theft involves a suspect in custody who has specific, verifiable, and actionable information on a fencing operation.
3. Theft involves commercial fuel and any theft that involves fuel with the use of a pulser device, or any other device used to manipulate commercial fuel pumps.
4. Theft involves items taken from an active construction site including copper.
5. Misdemeanor and felony thefts related to retail businesses.
6. Commercial burglaries that occur during business hours as part of a grand larceny or a petit larceny.
Theft Crimes Bureau - Organized Retail Crime and Construction Theft Section
____________________ will retain responsibility for commercial burglaries that occur outside of normal business hours and for any construction thefts that occur away from active construction sites (i.e., a light pole gets stripped of its copper). Any applicable intelligence gained from these investigations will be forwarded to the ORC and Construction Theft Section.
Area command detectives
______________ section will be notified on all:
1. Homicides
2. Fire deaths
3. Suspicious deaths after crime scene analysts (CSAs) have responded to and assessed the scene
____________________ will be notified on all:
1. Children or elders with substantial injuries caused by abuse or neglect
2. All child deaths, including suicides
3. Deaths of elders (60 years of age or older) caused by abuse or neglect
Abuse/neglect detail
The ___________ or __________ will respond to all major incidents/scenes and assume command from the patrol officer at the scene. It will be the responsibility of the area sergeant, lieutenant, or incident commander to evaluate the circumstances and determine the need for CSI. The area sergeant will provide the details of all major incidents/scenes to the watch commander.
Personnel working in an acting supervisory capacity are responsible for duties of the position in which they are acting.
Area sergeant or lieutenant
If after consultation between the area sergeant, lieutenant, or incident commander and the investigating detective, it is determined that additional preliminary investigation and follow up investigation is required, then the ________________________ will assume investigative responsibility for the crime scene. The area sergeant, lieutenant, or incident commander will assist in coordinating available patrol personnel to maintain the integrity of the crime scene until the investigation is complete or they are relieved by investigative personnel. Detectives will keep only the essential number of patrol personnel needed to maintain crime scene integrity during the completion of the investigation.
Investigating detective
If follow-up by an investigative bureau/section/detail is not needed, the patrol officer will retain the investigative responsibility.
Accurate documentation of a crime scene is vital to identifying and prosecuting suspects who commit crimes. The _____________________ should be completed by the patrol officer on all scenes where an investigative unit will be responding or conducting a follow-up investigation. The Major Incident Log must be completely and accurately filled out, as this is the only record of the personnel at a crime scene. The Major Incident Log will be given to the investigating detective before securing the scene.
Patrol officers are responsible for completing all reports associated with the event unless relieved of this responsibility by the responding investigating detective.
Major Incident Log
Crime scenes where CSAs are required to assess and document, the CSAs responding to the scene will properly book and seal all evidence from the actual crime scene. With the exception of Homicide Section and/or FIT investigations, evidence found at secondary locations will be the responsibility of the __________________ unless it is determined by the CSAs that it would be in the best interest of the case for the CSAs to recover the evidence, or there is a need for special handling. If any evidence at the crime scene is physically handled by officers other than the CSAs, those officers will properly book and seal all of the evidence to maintain the chain of custody unless it is determined by the CSAs that it would be in the best interest of the case for the CSA to recover the evidence, or there is a need for special handling. Items recovered for safekeeping purposes will be properly impounded by the patrol officer or investigating detective.
Finding officer
If a CSA is requested to photograph or process the crime scene of a _______________ offense, the investigating officer requesting the service will properly book and seal any evidence.
Crime scenes where CSI personnel are not requested, the officer locating the evidence will properly book and seal the evidence. If several officers locate evidence in proximity of one another, it is acceptable for ______________ to book all of the evidence.
One officer
Photographs of crime scenes will be taken, handled, and disseminated in the following manner:
- Typically limited to terrorist attacks or mass casualty incidents with a reasonable belief that there are additional suspects or accomplices who must be identified rapidly and that a delayed response may result in additional loss of life or suspects’ escape from the city, state, or country.
- Sergeant or higher will take the photographs, authorized by a ___________ or above, utilizing only a department-issued device; no personal devices may be utilized (see LVMPD 10.300, Department-Issued Cellphones).
- Photographs may be disseminated to the SWAT Bureau commander, Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center Bureau (SNCTC) commander, or a Deputy Chief or above.
- Photographs will be uploaded to OnBase and Evidence.com for potential discovery later and maintained in the case file of the originating investigative unit along with a copy of the log, memo, or email supporting the exception.
- Document the exchange/change of custody via a log, memo, or email, and necessity for rapid movement of information and exception to the crime scene preservation within 24 hours. The log, memo, or email are to be kept at the division commander level and archived on the H: drive and OnBase.
The bureau commander will verify the photograph deletion (and their upload to OnBase and Evidence.com)
from the department device to limit further distribution by the _____________ or ___________ once initial distribution
is made to authorized personnel.
End of shift or 24 hours
All reported deaths or bodily injuries inflicted upon a person to the extent that death is a probability will be treated as a _________ until an investigation determines otherwise. All investigative follow up will be coordinated by a Homicide Section supervisor; any investigative follow-up to include interviews and evidence collection (physical, video/audio, or forensic) will be conducted by Homicide Section personnel, unless otherwise approved by the Homicide Section lieutenant or designee.
When an apparent suicide or other death occurs, and the preliminary investigation reveals the possibility that the death may have been due to homicide, the officer in charge of the scene will request a ______ to respond to the scene to confirm the death is suspicious. If the death is confirmed to be suspicious, then the officer will immediately notify the Homicide Section lieutenant or designee. The Homicide Section lieutenant will ensure that the appropriate Homicide Section detectives are notified. The CSI director will be notified of incidents involving multiple homicides.
When it has been determined that a motor vehicle was the instrument of a homicide, or an attempted homicide where it is believed death will occur, the Homicide Section detective will use discretion when requesting the assistance of a detective from the _________________________.
Traffic Bureau’s Fatal Detail
____ and _____ respond and conduct appropriate investigations related to critical events, in-custody deaths, and incidents where LVMPD members are the victims of violent crime while performing their official duties.
____ will respond to cases where there is death or critical bodily harm to a subject and there is police involvement.
CIRT will be notified of these incidents by FIT on a case-by-case basis as needed for an ___________ review.
FIT accomplishes their mission by conducting a complete and thorough criminal investigation to ensure an effective prosecution is made possible against those who commit violent acts against LVMPD members.
CIRT accomplishes their mission by conducting a complete and thorough administrative investigation to identify policy and procedure shortcomings that, if not corrected, may lead to a similar outcome if the incident presents itself again in the future. The collective results of a FIT and CIRT investigation allow the department to ________________________ to better prepare members when confronted with similar situations.
Learn from each incident
Fit will be notified on all:
- Officer-involved shootings (OISs)
- In-custody deaths, death, or critical bodily harm where there is police involvement
- Use of deadly force incidents
- Incidents where the force used by officers led to critical injury to the subject whom the force was applied
- Any incident where the department member, during the course of official duties, is the victim of a violent felony crime and sustains critical injury
CIRT will be notified on all:
- OISs
- In-custody deaths
- Attempted suicides at Detention Services Division (DSD)
“Gestures” are actions by inmates that may appear to be suicide attempts. These gestures are not
made by inmates with the intent to actually harm themselves, but rather gain the attention of
corrections personnel. When it is clear that an inmate’s intent was not to commit suicide, and there
are insignificant injuries to the inmate as a result of the gesture, then corrections personnel will
assume investigative responsibility. The results of these investigations will be forwarded to the
CIRT lieutenant. - Use of deadly force incidents (including intentional animal shootings)
- Incidents where the force used by officers led to critical injury to the subject whom the force was applied
- Any incident where the department member, during the course of official duties, is the victim of a violent felony crime and sustains critical injury
It is the responsibility of the on-duty DSD or patrol ________________ (depending on the incident location) to respond to incidents requiring a FIT/CIRT call out and ensure the on-call FIT/CIRT lieutenant is notified by the Communications supervisor.
Watch commander
Are patrol detectives required to respond to DSD incidents that require a FIT/CIRT call out?
If additional investigative assistance is required, the on-call FIT/CIRT lieutenant will make the request to area command detectives.
The Gang/Vice/Special Investigations Section (SIS) Bureau Gangs Section will be immediately notified when the following crimes are determined to be gang-involved (see LVMPD 6.255, Department Response to Criminal Street Gangs) and will respond to the scene to assist the respective investigative unit with intelligence gathering and dissemination for:
- Homicide
- Attempted murder
- Any incident where Gang Section detectives can provide or gain actionable intelligence to or from any department member
The Gangs Section will be immediately notified when the following crimes are determined to be gang-involved and will respond to the scene to assume the role of primary investigative unit:
- Firing a gun into an occupied structure
- Firing a gun from a moving vehicle
- Violent felony crimes (e.g., BWDW, AWDW, or BWSBH)
- When the facts known to the primary investigative unit of a homicide, robbery, kidnapping, or sexual assault are reviewed and, in accordance with this policy, it is determined that the crime is gang- involved and that members of a gang, as defined in department policy, may take retaliatory action.
Before commencing the crime scene investigation, the FIT detective and CSAs will confer to determine the actions to be taken by those persons assigned to the scene, including which officers/detectives/CSAs will be authorized to enter the crime scene perimeter. Only sufficient personnel essential to the _____________ will be allowed to enter the interior of the crime scene perimeter. Any involved officers and witness officers will be removed from the inner perimeter.
Furtherance of the investigation
If, at the conclusion of an event where a suspect has been actively pursued by officers (on foot or in a vehicle), and the suspect commits suicide, ______ will be notified and may respond to the termination point to conduct the suicide investigation. If a firearm was involved in the suicide, the detective may conduct a countdown of all involved officers’ firearms who were present at the termination point when/where the suicide occurred.