8.1 Frameworks for governance, risk and compliance Flashcards
Risk management, governance and c_________ arrangements protect an organsiation and its s_____________ from a range of adverse events including fraud, legal liability claims, regulatory sanction and reputation damage.
Policies and procedures may be complemented by a r____ a_________ f_________ which highlights what risks may be taken within agreed limits, and those that must be avoided.
risk appetite framework
An organisation should establish and implement risk management compliance frameworks to ensure that all l____ and r_________ are complied with and that any other compliance risks are managed effectively. This included drafting a compliance management p_______ as well as allocating roles and responsibilities for compliance management.
Organisations may, as part of their risk management compliance framework, ensure that i_______ company policies and procedures, as well as e_______ standards , guidance and codes of conduct, are complied with.
An organisation should implement procedures and controls for its compliance risks. This includes compliance r________, compliance reviews, internal duties and control m___________.
ISO 1__________ provides guidance on the establishment and implementation of effective compliance management systems. This guidance can be used to help b_________ existing organisational practices.
To complement compliance management activities, and organisation requires risk management governance arrangements. These arrangements should ensure that risks are managed in accordance with an organisation’s o_________ and the expectations of its s___________.
Various approaches to governance exists depending on the nature, scale and complexity of an organisation’s activities. One common approach for larger organisations, especially within f_________ services is the “t_______ lines of d_______” approach. An alternative is the “five lines of assurance” approach.
three lines of defence
Some organisations use GRC systems to coordinate their governance, risk and compliance activities. GRC systems provide a mechanism for storing common resources and d____ (such as policies or risk metrics). GRC systems may be used to facilitate integrated r_________ of governance, risk and compliance issues.