8 Work-related stress and well-being Flashcards
3 approaches of work-related stress
Structural approaches
Transactional approaches
Resource-based approaches
Konsekvenser av stress
Fysisk og psykisk helse
Health related behaviour
faktorer som påvirker stress og velvære
Individuelle forskjeller
Situasjonelle faktorer
Intervensjoner mot work-related-stress
Primary interventions
secondary interventions
Tartiary interventions
Positiv psykologi og Saligman had opinions abot the concept___ ______
3 stages of Hans Selyes General Adaption Syndrome (GAS)
Alarm reaction
3 Models under the tructural approach to work related stress
JDC-M:The job demands control-model, Karasek (kvantitativt og kvalitativt stress)
- strain hypotheisi, buffering hypothesis, social support
Person-environment-fit model & Mitchigang model (same) AKS fit
- psykolog stressa hvis må fikse bil
Vitamin model
- strukturell støtte bra i små doser
2 models under the transactional approach to work related stress
Lazarus & Folkman
- primary (problem? threath?)
- secondary (can I cope?)
- tartiary apparaisal (how did it go? self afficacy)
Effort–reward imbalance (ERI) model, Sieglist
- unfairness
- well supported
2 models under the resource-based approach to work related stress
Job-demand-resource model, JD-R
- Demand –> stress
- Utfordring –> engasjement (vigour, dedikasjon, absorbsjon)
- god støtte, også utenfor jobb faktorer spiller inn
DISC, Demand induced strain compensation model
- Good match between: “emotional, cognitive and physical” recourses with demand = bra
Ways to measure psychological and physical health
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)
The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)
World Health Organisation’s Well-Being Index (WHO-5)
The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)
- emotional exhaistion, helsepersonell
A problem with Physiological measures?
Construct validity
Example of maladaptive healthrelated behaviour
Positive posychological well-being (PPWB) works as a buffer against disease.
4 theories of well-being
Broaden and Built theory
- positive spiral, PPWB from a thankyou can make you feel good
and work harder
Flow Theory, Csikszentmihalyi
Goal setting theory, purpose
Saligmans 5 om velvære
- engasjement, relasjon, måloppnåelse, pos. følelser
Studying only the absence or presence of stress overlooks issues such as enjoinment or thriving at work. Describe other affect and emotion relevant
Individuelle faktorer som påvirker stress & velvære
Personlighet, p. fleksibilitet, resiliens
Kognitiv stil, locus of control, self-efficacy, self-esteem
Clusters of individual differences, psychological capital (PsyCap) = optimism, efficacy and resilience
Core-self-evaluation CSE
Demografi, eldre mindre stressa pga erfaring
Coping strategies include
analysing the situation,
planning a course of action,
seeking information from others,
seeking support and comfort from others,
relaxation techniques,
counselling and maladaptive coping strategies
Skiller mellom:
problem-focused strategies
emotion-focused strategies
8 Situasjonelle faktorer som påvirker stress & velvære
-arbeidsmengde, arbeidstid, emosjonell belastning, work-life balance, arbeidsledighet, underload (airtraffic controllers) og overkvalifiserte
- individuelle forskjeller
Rolle på jobb (rollekonflikt, utydelighet)
organisatorisk forankring
_______ interventions forsøker å bekjempe stress som kommer fra situasjonelle faktorer.
Arbeidsplasser kan være vanskelig å forandre, så ________ interventions forsøker å styrke ansattes psykologiske resurser.
Et populært kurs er ___ ____ ____. Other strategies/kurs?
Stress management training (SMT)
Cognitiv atferdsterapi
Which strategy is most effective to combat work-related stress?
Studies of intervention effectiveness indicate that, on average:
Secondary stress management interventions with a
cognitive–behavioural element and
relaxation interventions are the most effective.
Care should be taken when interpreting these findings because the paucity of research regarding other types of intervention makes rigorous analysis difficult.
Many experts recommend that each organisation follows a systematic problem-solving approach to the management of employee well-being. Nielsen and Noblet (2018) identify five important stress management intervention phases that have been used in a range of different countries and organisations. The specific phases are: