10 Leadership Flashcards
Area of Transformational leadership and charisma make a clear distinction between _________ and _________and ________ leadership
Transformational, transactional, laissez-faire
The four components of transformational leadership
1 Individualised consideration: The leader treats each follower on their own merits, and seeks to develop followers through delegation of projects and coaching/mentoring
2 Intellectual stimulation: The leader encourages free thinking, and emphasises reasoning before any action is taken
3 Inspirational motivation: The leader creates an optimistic, clear and attainable vision of the future, thus encouraging others to raise their
4 Idealised influence, or charisma: The leader makes personal sacrifices, takes responsibility for their actions, shares any glory and shows great determination
The two components of transactional leadership
1 Contingent reward: The leader provides rewards if, and only if, subordinates perform adequately and/or try hard enough
2 Management by exception: The leader does not seek to change the existing working methods of subordinates so long as performance goals are met. They intervene only if something is wrong. This can be active where the leader monitors the situation to anticipate problems, or passive where the leader does nothing until a problem or mistake has occurred
Laissez-faire leadership
The leader avoids decision-making and supervisory responsibility and is inactive. This may reflect a lack of skills and/or motivation, or a deliberate choice by the leader.
There- fore, although they examine qualitatively different behaviours, measures of transformational and transactional behaviour are often highly/low(????) correlated ?
transformational seems to depend partly on his or her personality. What traits?
transformational leaders tended to score higher than others on the personality traits
extraversion, agreeableness and openness to experience.
Hvordan måle/vurdere lederstil?
MLQ, Multifactor-leadership-questionaire
Limitations ved transformational leadership
- Forskere spekulerer om det alltid passer. Sterk gruppesamhold ikke like viktig. Men samhold pga tidligere transformational leader?
- Leder så viktig?
- Leder riktig bilde av fremtiden?
- Uetisk, kult, hjernevasking, –> autoritharianism
- Metodekritikk, begrunnelse for komponenter og konseptualisering. Kausal model for transformational leader = performance er underutviklet
Transofrmational leadership er positivt korrelert med
performance + gruppesamhørighet
De positive effektene av Transofrmational leadership er skjer pga mediator variablene…..?
Affektiv (positive følelser man får av leder)
social exchange
Utfordringer for kvinnlige ledere?
Bias: kvinnlige ledere mer relasjonsfokus enn task fokus. feil. Kvinner faktsk mer transformatonal
Kvinner/menn erketypiske ledertrekk
Lik oppførsel oppfattes ulikt hos kjønn
Contigency theories assume that
optimal leader behaviour is contingent upon (i.e. depends upon) the situation.
2 Contigency theories
Contigency theories. Person vs Task oriented. LPC=least prefered-co-worker. Personfokus oftest viktigst. Mye sitert men ikke mye empirisk støtte for teori
Vroom–Jago theory of leadership (1988). Vroom and Jago assume that leaders are able to alter their decision-making style to fit the situation they are in. Many factors in the situation can help determine appropriate styles, including time pres- sure, clarity of the decision parameters and attitudes of subordinates.
Overview of leader decision-making styles (Vroom and Yetton, 1973)
Thompson and Vecchios “Situational leadership theory (SLT)”
Despite some conceptual ambiguities and lack of support in research, SLT is used a great deal in leadership training. Why?
it can be argued that SLT is a useful vehicle for leaders to reflect on their own behaviour and that of their team members. It is important, however, that leaders do not passively accept the predictions of SLT, but instead actively consider whether they apply it to their context.
The most widely known example of relation-based leadership theory
Leader-member exvhange theory (LMX)
Store studier støtter at LMX predikerer OCB + Performance
Relasjon viktig for hele arbeidsopplevelse, ikke egen lederstil men gjennomgående faktor?
As a response to Contigencys difficulty of separating person/context, CONTEXT THEORIES has made detalied analyses of which contexutual factors that innfluence leadership-behaviour.
Two levels of contextual factors?
Omnibus level (når, hvor, hvem)
Når: krise=karisma
Hvor: LMX mer å si i individ.kultur. Mer transformational non-profit
Hvem: kjønn, heterogen/homogen-gruppe?
Descrete level
task, social, physical and temporal aspects of the context