5 Attitudes at work Flashcards
Tankekart: ch 5: attitudes at work
Attitudes definition
Regularities of internal feelings, thoughts, preconceptions and behaviours about something
(always targeted: object/person(concept).
Two components of an attitude. Come with example
affective and cognitive
Kan like jobb (affektiv) men misfornøyd med lønn (kognitiv)
Viktig å skille attitudes fra:
Personlighet, verdier og humør
Men de kan påvirke hverandre
Eksempel på en attitude som kan påvirke verdier
Misfornøyd med jobb. Endrer verdi om at jobb ikke er så viktig for deg i livet, familie og hobby viktigere…
Attitudes helps us (3 things)
-make sense of the environment
- identity
- definere og ivareta relasjoner
Hvordan måle holdninger? Fordeler og ulemper
IAT (implicit)
Pros: måler holdninger man skjuler
Cons: Måler det du senest ble eksponert fro fremfor holdninger (endres lett..)
Self-report/survey (explicit
Pros: likert scala med. Måler hvor sterk holdningen er. Styrke avhenger av kunnskap, følelser, verdier. Sammenheng mellom holdning og atferd er en funksjon av hvor eksterm holdningen er.
Cons: Social desirebility bias, internal reliability (samma svar diff. questions som måler det samme er bra).
The strength of the link between an attitude and behaviour depends on several features of the attitude but also a range of other individual differences and environmental influences.
Prattkins & Turner (1994) identified four of the factors they suggest will increase the correspondence between attitudes and behaviour:
- godt definert objekt holdning/atferd skal rettes mot
- styrke på holdning
- Kunnskap
- Om attitude støtter aspekter v selvbildet
2 theories about attitudes and behaviour
Job satisfaction can be seen as a attitude for the job as a whole. What innfluences it? (3 punkter)
Judg et al 17´s 3 syn på job satisfaction
1. dispositional (lært + genetisk)
2. the social info process (hva andre sier på jobb)
3. cognitive information processing approach (characteristics about the job, if it matches you)
Privatliv kan påvirke..
ways to measure job satisfaction
- Job Descriptive Index
- Job Satisfaction Scales
- Overall Job Satisfaction scale
- job satisfaction scale of the Occupational Stress Indicator
- Global level, and facet-level
- Lots of questions better than one big
Thomson & Pua 4-items measure of job satisfaction
1. I find real enjoyment in my job.
2. I like my job better than the average person
3. Most days I am enthusiastic about my job
4. I feel fairly well satisfied with my job
kritikk: crosskulturaal, word not mean the same… :(
- eldre liker jobben sin bedre
- de som skifter jobb ofte “honymoon phase” går over…
Causes of job satisfaction
- Good at it
- Liked by others
- Personlighet (ekstroversjon)
- Core-Self-Evaluation (genetic, high consciencious)
- Gender (damer dårligere betalt men mer fornøyd, lave forventninger…)
3 types of organisational commitment?
Allen and Meyer (1990) argued that there were three types of commitment.
- Affective commitment: (‘I want to stay’).
- Continuance commitment: (‘I need to stay’);
- Normative commitment: (‘I feel I ought to stay’).
Kritikk: blander holdninger for objekter og atferd. Bedre modell for å predikere turnover…
Hvordan teste organization commitment?
Organization commitment questionaire OCQ.
Gir kun snapshot, repeterte mål gir mest riktig resultat.
4 approches to understand organizational commitmentt
The Behavioural approach
(siden jeg gjorde noe heftig må jeg være committa)
The affective approach
(diskret investment prediktor for affectiv.. )
The social exchange approach (de snill med meg, jeg snill med dem)
1. Socialisation practices (god velkomst)
2. Organisational changes (team + tech)
3. Human resource practices
4. Interpersonal relations
5. Employee–organisational relations
Cognitive approaches to commitment
(focus on identifying the features of the job that are reliably linked
to commitment)