8: Viral Diseases - Yoho Flashcards
causes verruca
human papova virus
replication of HPV
- requires a host for survival
- multiplies w/i epidermal cell nucleus
- NOT dermis
- incubation period
key feature verruca
loss of skin lines
thickness of dermis in soles
1.5 mm
virus verruca vulgaris/common warts
HPV 2 & 4
grey or brown papules with keratinized pitted surface
frequently multiple, up to 2 cm
verruca vulgaris
virus verruca plana
HPV 3 & 10
small flat lesions with koebnerization
verruca plana
scratch the lesion, spread the virus along lines of scratching
virus filiform or digitate warts
HPV 6 & 11
finger-like projections froma single base that bleed easily
filiform or digitate warts
virus plantar warts/verruca plantaris
HPV 1 and mosaic HPV 2
*** pain on side to side pressure on lesion on bottom of foot
verruca plantaris
histopathology of verruca
- epidermal hyperplasia
- inclusion bodies (psuh nucleus to side)
- papillomatosis (above skin level)
virus molluscum contagiosum
DNA pox virus (poxviridae)
dome shaped papules with central umbilification
pearly white or translucent
molluscum contagiosum
tzanck test molluscum contagiosum
ground glass inclusion bodies
- a KOH wet moutn will show molluscum bodies
two forms of herpes simplex on foot =
herpetic whitlow (dentist - under toe nail)
eczema herpeticum (compromised skin)
non genital v. genital HSV
nongenital - HSV 1
genital - HSV 2
sudden onset itching and burning, small grouped vesicles on erythematous base, painful
herpes simplex
histopathology herpes simplex
ballooning degeneration, acantholysis, large multi-nucleated cells
topical and oral tx herpes simplex
topical - acyclovir, penciclovir
oral - acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir
shingles virus
varicella virus
pain localized in area of dermatome followed 2-5 d later by erythematous papules
herpes zoster
hand, foot and mouth disease virus
coxsackie virus A16 and A5
flu like symptoms before acute vesicular eruption in children, late summer
light grey vesicles in red areola, painful
hand, foot, and mouth disease (location)