8 Medical Red Flags (USDA Mandates) Flashcards
Red Flag #1
Visible deformity in the outer ear.
Red Flag #2
visible evidence of cerumen impaction or significant accumulation or lodged foreign body within the ear canal.
Red Flag #3
History with active drainage (oterrhea) within 90 days.
Red Flag #4
History of sudden onset of hearing loss within 90 days.
Red Flag #5
Acute or chronic symptoms of dizziness.
Red Flag #6
Onset of monaural hearing loss of a duration of 90 days or less
Red Flag #7
Pain or discomfort within the ear.
Red Flag #8
A gap of more than 15 dB between air conduction and bone conduction scores at 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz.
What timeline is “history” defined as?
Occurring at anytime in the past.
What is “acute” defined as?
Has happened once or twice before.
Importance of red flag #1?
Medical issue that may need to be looked further into by an ENT Physician, can present problems during hearing tests with possible occlusion caused by deformity, as well as mold fitting and masking issues. Better to let a further trained physician to deal with tests and fittings.
Importance of red flag #2?
Depends on state regulations regarding the removal of cerumen, but in general, it is very easy to damage the ear canal and tympanic membrane while cleaning out impactions, so it is best to leave it up to a medical professional trained on the removal of foreign objects/ear wax.
Importance of red flag #4?
Medical emergency that needs treatment as soon as possible, refer to ENT immediately.
Importance of red flag #3?
Most likely the cause of an ear infection of some sort and should be treated with medication by the proper physician.
Importance of red flag #5?
Can be a sign of Meniere’s disease or other underlying problems and should be treated by ENT physician.