7.2. Renal Assessment and Micturition - Measurement of Renal Plasma Flow Flashcards
What is used to measure renal plasma flow?
Para-Amino-Hippuric Acid (PAH Acid)
What is Para-Amino-Hippuric Acid (PAH Acid)?
An orgaic anion
How is Para-Amino-Hippuric Acid (PAH Acid) filtered at the glomerulus?
What happens to the remaining Para-Amino-Hippuric (PAH) Acid in the plasma?
It is actively secreted into the tubule
What is the result of Para-Amino-Hippuric (PAH) Acid being freely filtered at the glomerulus, and actively secreted into the tubule?
More than 90% of the plasma is cleared of Para-Amino-Hippuric (PAH) Acid content in one transit of the kidney
What is the advantage of >90% of Para-Amino-Hippuric Acid being cleared in one transit of the kidney?
PAH clearance is a measure of all the plasma flowing through the kidney in a given time
What does Para-Amino-Hippuric Acid clearance equal?
Renal Plasma Flow
What is renal plasma flow?