7.1.2 Health and Safety Act Flashcards
What legislation did the UK Government introduce in 1974?
The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, also known as HSWA, the HSW Act, the 1974 Act, or HASAWA.
What was the purpose of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974?
To protect all employers and employees, ensuring legal safety protection at work.
How many employees had no legal safety protection before the 1974 legislation?
Approximately 8 million employees.
Who are considered ‘duty holders’ under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974?
Employers, employees, and certain self-employed people.
What is the role of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) in Great Britain?
The HSE is the regulator that aims to prevent death, injury, or ill health in the workplace.
What methods does the HSE use to manage workplace risks?
Providing advice, raising awareness, operating permissions, conducting inspections, and taking enforcement action.
What are Industry Guidance (INDGs) and Health & Safety Guidance (HSGs)?
They are guidance documents produced by the HSE to help comply with the law and provide technical information.
What are Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs)?
ACOPs are approved by the HSE and have special legal status, providing practical advice on complying with the law.
What do the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require from employers?
Employers must put arrangements in place to control health and safety risks.
What is required if five or more people are employed?
A written health and safety policy and significant findings from risk assessments must be recorded.
What is HSG 65?
HSG 65 provides guidance for managing health and safety arrangements in organizations.
What are the core elements of managing health and safety according to HSG 65?
Core elements include planning, doing, checking, and acting.
What does the ‘Plan’ stage involve in health and safety management?
Determining the policy, planning for implementation, and defining acceptable performance.
What does the ‘Do’ stage involve in health and safety management?
Profiling risks, organizing for health and safety, and implementing the plan.
What does the ‘Check’ stage involve in health and safety management?
Measuring performance and investigating events.