7- Muscles of Facial Expression Flashcards
The skin of the scalp is relatively thin except for where?
Posterior position of the scalp is relatively thick due to a large quantity of what six things?
Posteriorly there is a large quantity of:
1- Sudoriforous glands (sweat glands)
2- Sebacious glands
3- Hair follicles
4- Arterial supply
5- Venous supply
6- Lymphatic supply
What is the vascular and neural status of the underlying thick connective tissue of the scalp?
Of the scalp the underlying thick connective tissue is well vascularized with a large quantity of Cutaneous Nerves
Deep to the Subcutaneous tissue in the scalp is located what?
Deep to the subcutaneous tissue is the Galea Aponeurotica
What does Scalp stand for?
Connective Tissue (Dense)
Loose connective tissue
This is ranked Superior to Deep
What are the three layers that make up the cranial Meninges?
From Superficial to Deep:
Dura matter
Pia Mater
What is the Subachnoid space filled with?
What is the Galea Aponeurotica inserted by anteriorly and posteriorly?
Anteriorly: Frontalis muscle
Posteriorly: Occipitalis muscle
What does the inserted Galea Aponeurotica by Frontalis muscle and Occipitalis muscle form?
the Occipitofrontalis
What is the muscles of the facial expression innervated by?
Facial expression muscles are innervated by branches of the Facial Nerve
What does the Occipitofrontalis do?
Moves the scalp anteriorly/posteriorly
Elevates the eyebrows
What is the bony attachment of the Occipitofrontalis?
bony attachment is:
Superior Nuchal line
Where does the Frontalis attach to?
attaches to the skin of the Forehead
What does the Obicularis Oris do?
Closes the oral orafice
What are the attachments of the Obicularis Oris?
Attachments are:
What does the Obicularis Oculi do?
It closes the eye lids
What is the attachment for Obicularis Oculi?
attaches from the Orbit to the skin surrounding the eye
What does Platysma do?
- It tenses the skin of the Anterior neck
- Depresses the mandible
What are the attachments of Platysma?
Attaches from the Mandible with fibers overlying the tissues inferior to the oral orafice
projects inferiorly to blend in with the pectoral fascia
What does Mentalis do?
Elevates the lower lip
Protrudes the lower lip
What is the attachment of Mentalis?
Attaches from the Mandible
the skin of the chin
What does the Depressor Labii Inferioris do?
Depress the lower lip
What is the attachment of Depressor Labii Inferioris
Attaches from the Mandible
the skin of the lower lip
What does Depressor Anguli Oris do?
Depresses the lateral aspect of the mouth
What is the attachment of Depressor Anguli Oris
Attaches from the Mandible
the Angle of the mouth
What does Levator Labii Superioris do?
Elevates the upper lip
What is the attachment of Levator Labii Superioris?
attaches from the Maxilla
the skin of the upper lip
What does Levator Anguli Oris do?
Widens the oral orafice
Where is the Levator Anguli Oris located?
Located deep to the Levator Labii superioris
Where is the attachment of Levator Anguli Oris?
attaches from the Maxilla
the Angle of the mouth
What does Risorius do?
Depress Lateral Aspect of the mouth
What are the attachment of Risorius?
attaches from Parotid fascia
the angle of the mouth
What does Zygomaticus Major do?
Elevates the lateral aspect of the mouth
What is the attachment of the Zygomaticus Major?
attaches from Zygomatic bone
angle of the mouth
What does the Zygomaticus Minor do?
Elevates the upper lip
Where is the Zygomaticus Minor located?
Located between Zygomaticus major
Levator Labii Superioris
What is the attachment Zygomaticus Minor
attaches from Zygomatic bone
the skin of the upper lip
What does Buccinator do?
Tenses the cheeks
Where is the Buccinator located?
it runs deep to the Masseter
What is the attachment of the Buccinator?
attaching the Mandible and Maxilla
the angle of the mouth
What does Nasalis/Procerus do?
“Flares” the nostrils
Depresses the Medial Eyebrow
What is the attachments of Nasalis/Procerus?
attaches from the Nasal bone and Cartilage
skin of the forehead (specifically in between the orbits)
What does Corrugator Supercilii do?
Draws eyebrows Medially
Draws eyebrows Inferiorly
Where is the Corrugator Supercilii located?
located deep to Occipito-Frontalis
What is the attachments of Corrugator Supercilii?
Attaches from the Superciliary Arch
the skin along the Medial Orbit
and deep to the superciliary arch
What does Levator Palpebrae do?
Elevates eye lid to increase diameter of Ocular Orafice
What is the attachment of Levator Palpebrae?
attaches from Lesser wing of Sphenoid
skin of upper eye lid
What does Auricularis do?
Allows for movement of the ears
What is the path of Auricularis?
Projects from Temporal Fascia
continuous with Galea Aponeurotica
with insertion into the Auricle
What are the 3 portions of Auricularis?
What is located between Buccinator and Masseter in infants to prevent collapse of the cheeks during suckling?
Buccal fat pads
What are the 6 branches of the Facial Nerve with the Parotid Gland removed?
1- Posterior Auricular
2- Temporal
3- Zygomatic
4- Buccal
5- Marginal Mandibular
6- Cervical
What Trigeminal Ganglion gives rise to how many branches and what do they primary function as?
There is 3 branches and are primarily sensory in function
Name the 3 branches of the Trigeminal ganglion.
1- Ophthalmic
2- Maxillary
3- Mandibular
What do each Trigeminal Ganglion sense?
Ophthalmic senses the: Orbit, Forehead, and Anterior scalp
Maxillary senses: Maxillary region, surrounding Mucosa, and Lateral Nose
Mandibular senses: Mandibular region and the rare Motor innervation to Primary muscles of Mastication

Label these nerves

How would you decribe the texture or characteristics of Galea Aponeurotica which is inserted by the frontalis anteriolry and occipitalis to for occipitofrontalis?
It is tendinous
Give the path of Facial Nerve CN VII to Plexus ganglia
inner acoustic meatus
innervates the stapezius
leaves the cranium via Stylomastoid foraman
goes through the perotid gland
then shread as plexus ganglia
How is the Platysma oriented?
it is very superficial
What is the primary and secondary use for Platysma? and why?
primarily is used to fight against gravity
secondarly is used for opening mouth very wide
What sort of facial expression is expressed with the depressor anguli oris?
Frown face
What sort of facial expression is expressed with mentalis?
sad face
What two muscles are involved in smiling?
Levator Labii superioris
Levator anguli oris
How is the Buccinator oriented? aka what two structures is it deep to?
located behind Masseter then deep to that is a buccal fat pad
Tell us about the buccal fat pad in infants and in adults
In infats it is much bigger to assist with suckling for milk and it decreases and muscle become bigger in adults
What innervates the Levator Palebrae?
occulomotor CN III
What muscle is the Auricularis superior to?
it’s superior to the temporal muscle
From the 6 branches of the Facial nerves (motor for the face) which branch straight from CN VII and which are via the Parotid gland?
Straight: Posterior Auricular
Via Parotid gland: Tempora, Zygomatic, Buccal, Marginal Mandibular, and Cervical
What branch of the Facial nerve innervates the Platysma?
The Cervival branch of CN VII
Which CN innervates the sensory information from the face and orbital region?
Trigeminal CN
Which facial muscle is most involved in mastication?
Greater occipital nerve innervates the posterior portion of the head, what aspect of the C2 is it and what does it go through to get there?
posterior rami of the C2
via semispinalis capitus
What is the path of the facial nerve?
Internal acoustic meatus
innervates the stapezius
leaves the craniums via the Stylomastoid foramen
Goes through the Parotid gland
and shreds to plexus ganglions
When will the Occipitofrontalis elevate the eye brows? under what condition?
only when the Galea Aponeurotica is already stablized
Obicularis Oculi’s antagonist is what muscle?
Levator Palpebrae
There are 6 branches of the facial nerve. Which innervates the motor to the face directly and which goes through the Parotid gland?
Directly: Posterior
via Parotid gland: Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Marginal Mandibular, and Cervical
which Cranial nerve serves as sensory nerve to the face?