3- Cranial Perfusion and Circle of Willis Flashcards
What is the Circle of Willis?
Anastomosis of ARTERIES along the inferior aspect of the brain to ensure cerebral perfusion
What is the Circle of Willis supplied by (2)?
1- vertebral arteries POSTERIORLY
2- internal carotid arteries ANTERIORLY
What is the pathway of the Vertebral Artery?
Right & Left Subclavian
go up superiorly throught TRANSVERSE FORAMINA of the cervical vertebrae
The Right & Left Vertebral arteries will give off branches to what (2) arteries and where is it located?
1- Anterior Spinal artery
2- Posterior Spinal artery
-which travel inferiorly along the spinal cord
The Right & Left vertebral arteries will also give off the Right & Left PICA, what does PICA stand for?
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
What does the Right and Left PICA supply?
the posterior cerebellum
the inferior cerebellum
When the Right & Left vertebral arteries merge what artery does it form and where does it lead to?
merges to form the Basilar artery
continues to the Arterial Circle
What artery does the Basilar Artery give off?
Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
What does the AICA supply?
the anterior aspect of the cerebellum
the inferior aspect of the cerebellum
What artery from the Basilar Artery after AICA?
bonus question: what does that artery supply?
Labyrinthine aka Internal Acoustic Arteries
They supply the inner ear
What is the last artery to emerge from the Basilar Artery right before it enters the Circle of Willis?
Superior Cerebellar Artery
What does the Superior Cerebellar Artery supply?
superior aspect of the cerebellum
The Basilar Artery splits into terminal branches known as what?
Posterior Cerebral Arteries
What does the PCA supply?
the inferior aspect of the cerebrum and the occipital lobe
What is the occipital lobe related to?
The PCA is connect to the internal caroitd arteries via what artery?
posterior communicating arteries
Label the Following:
A- Anterior Communicating Artery
B- Anterior Cerebral artery
C- Internal Carotid Artery
D- Middle Cerebral Artery
E- Posterior Communicating Artery
F- Labrinthinae Artery
G- Posterior Cerebral Artery
H- Basilar ARtery
I- Anterior Inferior Cerebrellar Artery
J- Vertebral Artery
K- Anterior Spinal Artery
L- Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
What does ICA stand for?
Internal Carotid Artery
Where does the ICA emerge from?
Common Carotid
What are the two branches that ICA branches into?
internal and external branches
What does the ICA enter the cranium through?
Carotid Canal
What are the three terminal branches of the ICA?
1- Right Middle Cerebral Arteries (MCA)
2- Left MCA
3- Anterior Cerebral Arteries (ACA)