6W: Ectoderm-Endoderm Flashcards
What is the first step of gastrulation?
Formation of the Primitive Streak
What is special about day 17 formation?
Notochord is present. Notochord and primitive streak never overlap!
Formation at day 19
Early Neurulation
- Neural plate is induced (neuralized) by underlying notochord (neuroectoderm) and prechordal mesoderm
- notochord and prechordal mesoderm secrete noggin, chordin, and follistatin to “dorsalize the ectoderm”
How do levels of BMP4 effect cranial neurulation?
BMP4 is a ventralizer
High BMP4: ectoderm become epidermis
Medium BMP4: neural crest is induced
Low BMP4: ectoderm become neuralized (to form the neural plate)
- with low BMP4, noggin, chordin, and follistatin from the notochord, prechordal mesoderm, and node are antagonizing the BMP4
Neural folds form what later structures?
Forebrain (proencepahlon), Midbrain (mesencephalon), and Hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
Formation at day 20
Neural Fold Formation
- elevation of later portions of the neural plate to form the neural folds
- depressed midline = the neural groove
Formation at day 22
Cranial and Caudal neuropores are still open to amniotic cavity.
- fusion occurs in the middle first and then moves out bidirectionally cranially and caudally
- areas still open (not yet fused) are called neuropores
- mesoderm somites are forming which will later become vertebrae
Formation at day 23
Pericardial bulge (from the lateral plate mesoderm) starting to form. Which will later become the heart
Formation at day 28
Completion of Neurulation
- neuropores close cranially at day 25 and caudally at day 28
- neural tube now comprised of spinal cord and brain vesicles
- other ectodermal thickenings (lens and otic placodes) are apparent
Ectodermal Derivatives
- Sensory epithelium or ear, nose, and eye
- Epidermis, hair, and nails
- Mammary, pituitary, and subcutaneous glands
Anencephaly and Spina Bifida
- when the baby does not have a head
- caused by the cranial neuropore not closing
- high levels of alpha fetoprotein in the maternal serum or amniotic fluid are indicators of failure of neuropore closure. (follow this up with ultrasound)
- can be prevented by maternal use of folic acid (Vitamin B9) prior to and during pregnancy
Spina Bifinda
- neural tissue and/or meninges protrude through the vertebral arches and skin
- caused by failure of the posterior neuropore
- can be prevented by maternal use of folic acid (Vitamin B9) prior to and during pregnancy
Neural Crest Cells
- found at the crest/border of the of the non-neural and neural ectoderm
- exit the neural tube at head and trunk regions.
- multipotent
- transient (only found in the embryo)
- unique to vertebrates
What do the neural crest cells give rise to?
melanocytes, craniofacial cartilage and bone, smooth muscle, preaortic ganglia, sympathetic chain, Schwann cells (glial cells in PNS)
How do neural crest cells exit the neural tube in the TRUNK REGION?
- only leave once the neural tube closes
- as the neural folds fuse, NCCs undergo epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in order to leave and enter the mesoderm
- note that the ectoderm has to then come together to cover over the neural tube
How do neural crest cells exit the neural tub in the HEAD REGION?
- cells leave before neural tube is closed
- NCCs migrate into the pharyngeal arches (1-4, 6)
- NCCs can form craniofacial seleton and cranial ganglia
What structures to NCCs form in the head/ neck that they don’t anywhere else? Why don’t they form these anywhere else?
Cartilage, bone, and connective tissue. Because it is so important for the head to develop, that they go ahead and form these. Everywhere else, these tissues are mesodermal derivatives (while NCCs are ectodermal derivatives).
What are possible neural crest related cranio-facial defects?
Treacher Collins Syndrome - small mandible and malformed ears DiGeorge anomaly - craniofacial defects such as low-set ears and widely-spaced eyes Robin sequence - small mandible Hemifacial microsomia - lower half of one side of the face is under-developed; ex: ears, mouth, mandible
Hox genes
- responsible for patterning the body plan along the A/P axis
- code for transcription factors that activate gene cascades regulating segmentation identity (i.e. what structures form from what segments)
- genes present in clusters on multiple chromosomes
- the lower the number (i.e. 1 or 2) are expressed anteriorly and early while the high numbers (i.e. 12 and 13) are expressed posteriorly and later
- lower numbers are more susceptible to retinoic acid/oxidized Vitamin A
a. gene cluster duplication
b. paralogous groups
a. clustering of Hox genes on a chromosome
ex: all of the Hox-A genes are clustered on one chromosome
b. genes that encode for the same temporal and spatial expression on different chromosomes
ex: all of the Hox-(N)1 genes, N being A, B, C, or D, are a paralogous group
relation between Hox genes and the hindbrain
Hox genes encode positional information about the A/P axis within the hindbrain
- segments the hindbrain into rhombomeres, which are segments along the A/P axis that them develop different functions such as chewing or breathing
Gut formation from the endoderm and cephalocaudal folding
- cephalocaudal folding promotes the endoderm-lined cavity to be incorporated into embryo body (gut formation)
foregut (anterior): bounded by buccopharyngeal membrane until rupturing in the 4th week
midgut: temporarily still connected to the yolk sac
hindgut (posterior): terminates temporarily at the cloacal membrane until it ruptures during the 7th week
Lateral folding
- results in rapid somite growth
- pinches off cranially and caudally, but the midgut stay connected to the yolk sac
- how the amniotic cavity goes from being above the embryo to surrounding the embryo
Vitelline duct
midgut connection with the yolk sac as lateral and cephalocaudal folding occurs that becomes long and narrow
Why is the Vitelline duct important in gut formation?
because as our intestines grow, there isn’t enough room inside the embryo. So, our gut herniates out through the Vitelline duct and are in the umbilical cord for awhile
Defects of failed lateral folding
Ectopia Cordis: ectopic heart
Bladder Exstrophy: failure of pelvic region to close causing eversion of the bladder
Gastroschisis: intestines stay in the Vitelline duct, causing herniation of the intestines through the abdominal wall
Cloacal Exystrophy: failure of pelvic region to close
Role of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions and Hox genes
- interactions between the mesenchymal cells expressing Hox genes and epithelial (endodermal) cells expressing SHH stabilizes the segments so they retain their “identity” of where they are supposed to go (being segmented.
How are the esophagus and trachea formed?
The respiratory diverticulum/lung bud is an outgrowth from the ventral wall of the foregut and about 4wks. of development. the Tracheoesophageal septum later divides the foregut into the dorsal esophagus and the ventral trachea + lung bud
so… foregut = esophagus respiratory diverticulum = trachea and lung buds