6th Flashcards
one sided, grav(when do it maybe got to do preply)
What can 는데 and ㄴ/은데 do other than primary meaning, I asking its function not translation as you do they are very versatile.
other than for 는데 to mean even though and …until(in sense like I have a question…until when do we have to finish this work?), ;(in the sense of I have to go now; can you give that to me tomorrow?
Also other than for ㄴ/은데 to mean and(in the sense of but, though),though, “,(in the sense of like but, though.”
(ig), grav(when do it maybe got to do preply)(ig)
Showing background information(reasoning)
배가 고픈데 라면 끓여 먹을까?
Now that I’m hungry, shall we cook and eat ramen?
밥 먹는데 갑자기 전화가 왔어.
When(while) I eat, I got a call out of nowhere
한국어 공부하는데 너무 어려워요.
I study Korean but it’s too difficult
때 is what kind of word which means what(not like a catergory of word)
(ig)때 is a noun ( you can use with or without adjective before)
회의 때 자지 마세요.
Just give the word, a noun
meeting(in the sense of the other meanings not where you meeting someone), conference, council
doubt (about), skepticism
회의(give me 2, first one(give me 2 to 3, similar and its connotation), second(1 is fine)
회의를 열다
hold[have] a meeting[conference]
그는 문득 삶에 회의를 느꼈다
Suddenly, he felt doubts about life.
회의가 끝나기 전에 교감선생님이 말씀하실 거예요
= Before the meeting finishes, the vice principal will speak
candlestick, not the primary way to say candle not candle stick(초, 촛불)
The woman is carrying a candelabrum.
여자가 촛대를 들고 있다.
I see a person holding a candle stick.
촛대들고 있는 한 사람이 보여.
촛대에 초를 꽂다
put a candle on a candlestick
One sided,(grav when can)
What can happen with and if they can be used toghter. 에서, 의, 에, 부터, 까지
(grav when can)(ig) 에서, 의, 에, 부터, 까지 can be all interchangeable when appropriate like obviously can’t use 에서 and 부터 같이 또는 부터하고 까지 together or 에서 and 까지 together or 의까지 and other when obviously wrong.
학교에서의 수업은 (집에서의 수업)보다 어려워요.
Class of in(class in) school is harder than class of in(class in) house.
= in-school-class is harder than in-house-class
학교의 수업은 집의 수업보다 어려워요
아기 때부터의 친구가 우리 집 옆에 살아요.
From When baby’s friend
아기 is time clause since it’s before 때
A friend that I’ve been friends with since when I was baby lives
possibly repeat, no trick, one sided
For A의 B is it B of A or A of B
(ig)B of A= A’s B
Give me the weired, longer form, and the regular, shorter form.
Class of in(class in) school is harder than class of in(class in) house.
= in-school-class is harder than in-house-class(two particles are connected in this sentence)
Just give me the translation.
학교에서의 수업은 (집에서의 수업)보다 어려워요.
In it’s regular form: 학교의 수업은 집의 수업보다 어려워요
보다 is attached to 수업
what can 학교에서 하는 수업 this equal(has 의)
What can this equal(somewhat tricky)학교에서의 수업
sometimes, occasionally(not 가끔)
종종 놀러 오십시오
Come and see us often[sometimes].
When I listen to the news these days, I sometimes wonder what the world is coming to.
나는 요즘 뉴스를 들으면 종종 세상이 어떻게 되려고 이러는 것일까 하는 생각이 든다.
종종 들어요.
I hear that occasionally.
You should use the word(give me conjugated and not version) this word in place of the word 주다 when one gives something to somebody(can’t be not a person makes not sense) who deserves high respect. What must you use with it?
In terms of more formality what, can’t you use and why?
드리다, 드려요
Give me the meaning and what it can replace and its connotation.
Korean people don’t say “드리시다.” 드리다 is formal enough to cover both the person acting and the person receiving in these situations.
저는 항상 손님들께 봉지를 드려요 = I always gives bags to the customers
저는 스님께 돈을 드렸어요 = I gave money to the monk
아버지가 매일 쓰실 수건을 드리고 싶어요 = I want to give dad a towel that he will use everyday
shows a ridiculous amount of respect to mean to eat, and saying it to anybody other than people who deserve that amount of respect will most likely just make people laugh. More formal than 드시다. Used like to girlfriend grandparents.
잡수시다,잡수셨어요 meaning and connotation of usage and formality.
잘 잡수셨어요? = Did you have a good meal?
However, in cases when you are saying something (some words) to a person of high respect (and therefore, you are the acting person) 말씀 is used instead of 말. When used like this, the formal word “WHAT” is commonly used to indicate that “some words” are given to a person.
드리다 (can also be used in what other context than traditional formal to give)
Give me the context and the meaning is used for?
제가 드리고 싶은 말씀이 있습니다
= I have something that I want to say
You would say this when you will speaking to a person (or people) who deserves high respect.
somewhat tricky
I have something(some words) that I want to say(very formal)
제가 드리고 싶은 말씀이 있습니다
Grav(3 for the meanings)
Other than (네(요)), what can be added(3) to the Just like other grammatical principles, creating a direct English translation for this is difficult. These endings are added to the end of a sentence that the speaker just came to realize. When adding this to an adjective or 이다, they are attached directly to the stem of the adjective (or attached to 이 in the case of 이다), which acts like 겠, where irreg don’t apply. In effect, the speaker is showing surprise of this newly discovered information. What words can these 3 be attached to like adverb, noun?
Basically meaning: Oh! I didn’t realize that
Grav(3 for the meanings)
구나, ~군 or ~군요
connotation of usage in placement in sentence, also only tell me how to attach this noun and adjectives(it can be to apply to verb also) and affect on irregularities if any, meaning , and what does it basically mean and can there be a direct translation?
해군에 대령이군요 = I didn’t realize that you were a general in the navy
네가 매우 똑똑하구나 = I didn’t realize that you are so smart
이 시험이 지필시험이구나 = I didn’t realize that this exam is a pen-and-paper exam
Exapanded repeated
Give me the translation for this. (two words)
(Ah really?) I didn’t know/realize he is a science teacher(not direct translation, uses a verb suffix that shows surprise of this newly discovered information.) (doesn’t use the the one that is attached or detached of 요, there is only two words, one for science and and teacher)
A speaker would use one of these endings at the end of a sentence that he/she did not know before. In this situation, the speaker would have just discovered that this person is a Science teacher.
과학 선생님이구나. Give me the translation meaning and give context and what does this sentence indicates and what has the speaker understood as you know for 구나, ~군 or ~군, it’s always said to oneself?
Also give me what does 구나, ~군 or ~군요 indicate in the knowledge prior before.
One sided
In terms of feeling, what is it said to for 구나, ~군 or ~군요 and the conntoation of that and basically what’s the remark when said.
(ig) 구나, ~군 or ~군요 have a feeling that the speaker is speaking to himself/herself. This “self-talking” isn’t really part of the conversation – the speaker is just kind of mumbling to “Ah, I didn’t realize _______.”
one sided(grav for all three tenses)
For 구나, ~군 or ~군요, how is it added to present tense verb, past tense verb,adjective, and 이다(이었), future in different flashcard
(grav for all three tenses even with ig except)(ig except when ~구나, ~군 or ~군요 used in past, present, and future what can be attached to like noun)
When adding ~구나, ~군 or ~군요to a verb, ~는 should be placed between it and the verb.(present tense)
When adding this to a verb, adjective or 이다 in the past tense, you can attach ~구나, ~군 or ~군요 to ~았/었.
장마에 비가 이렇게 많이 오는구나
= Oh, I didn’t realize that it rains this much during the rainy season
강아지가 쓰다듬는 것을 싫어하는구나
= Oh, I didn’t realize that the dog doesn’t like to be pet
어제 생일이었구나 = Oh, I didn’t realize that yesterday was your birthday
둥지가 나무에서 떨어졌구나 = Oh, I didn’t realize that the nest fell from the tree
One sided
(little bit long) How would you add 구나, ~군 or ~군요 to the future tense? What’s connotation of meaning and typical of what are that connotation, connotation of usage in like what form of future tense will you use more commonly with it.
(grav despite ig)(ig)~구나, ~군 or ~군요are used when one realizes something. Inherently, one usually realizes something about a fact that has already happened or is currently happening. However, it is also possible to add ~구나, ~군 or ~군요 to a sentence conjugated to the future tense. This would most commonly be done if one realizes that something will be the case. The realization still happens in the present tense, but the event will happen in the future. These realizations of future events are typically guesses, and therefore you would most commonly see ~겠다 used instead of ~ㄹ/을 것이다.
Basically mean:Oh, subject/pronoun will probably verb/verb(obj)
돈이 없겠구나 = Oh, we will probably not have money
당황스럽겠구나 = Oh, you will probably be embarrassed
구나, ~군 or ~군요 are commonly added to 그렇다(adj, can be apply to many grammar principles)
What construction is often used when the speaker wants to refer to the previous situation and say “Oh! I didn’t realize that.”
그 친구가 어디 갔어?
= Where did that friend go?
Person 2: 여기가 좀 불안해서 집에 갔어
= He was a little uncomfortable here, so he went home
Person 3: 그렇구나
= Oh… (I didn’t realize that fact)
One sided
With 있다 and 없다, is it adjective or verb, with ~구나, ~군 or ~군요, which means what?
Also what subject particle are used with ~구나, ~군 or ~군요?
(ig)있다 and 없다 are adjectives in this sense, so like other adj add 구나,군, 군요, replacing 다.
햇빛으로 지면이 이렇게 뜨거울 수 있구나
= I didn’t realize that the earth’s surface could get so hot from sunlight
이 전철에 가방을 올려놓을 수 있는 선반이 없군
= I didn’t realize that there was no shelf to put your bag onto on the subway
subway (literally translates to electric train)
지하철 = subway (literally translates to underground train)
One sided, NT
전철 vs 지하철 difference
(ig)지하철 = subway (literally translates to underground train)
전철 = subway (literally translates to electric train, not underground)
Tell me the formality situations and commonality comparsion(not for 군요) and exception of commonality(not for 군요 again) comparision in what regard(sitation) for 구나, 군, 군요
~구나 and ~군 are used in informal situations and ~군요 is used in formal situations. Also, ~구나 is very common in conversation – much more common than ~군. However, younger people commonly use ~군 when chatting on the internet or on their phones.
One sided
Sentences using ~구나, ~군 or ~군요 have a feeling that the speaker is speaking to himself/herself. This “self-talking” isn’t really part of the conversation – the speaker is just kind of mumbling to “Ah, I didn’t realize _______.”
If that were the case, why would we need to use “군요? Tell me what the majority time in terms of who it is directed and the minority of the what the minority of the time it is directed to.
(ig)I would say that, within one sentence, 90% of the feeling is that the speaker is speaking to himself/herself. The remaining 10% is the speaker wanting to show the listener that he/she is surprised about the fact. Therefore, while technically “self-speech,” a part of the function of the sentence is to show the listener that the speaker is surprised. This is the reason why we should use honorifics if the situation calls for it (if you are speaking to somebody who deserves high respect).
Grav(based on the connotations)
Just like with ~구나/군/군요, a speaker can use “(give me 2 very obvious no trick)” to express surprise to the information he/she just received.
The difference is so slight and in almost every situation, they do not need to be distinguished most of the time.
Tell me the present, past, and future. What can be add to for present tense, past, and future?
(grav for present, present) verb stem+ 네(요), meaning/function, practically the comparison/relationship in general with its very similar counter part.
네(요) can attach directly to(right after) ~았/었 for past
There’s no future.
This is added directly to the stems of verbs, adjectives and 이다 in present tense and past(there’s no future).
아들이 귀엽네요 = Oh, I didn’t realize that your son is so cute
욕실이 아주 깨끗하네요 = Wow, the bathroom is so clean
이 음식점은 음식이 정말 맛있네요 = Wow, this restaurant’s food is really delicious
밥을 빨리 먹었네 = Oh, you ate really fast
점검을 벌써 받았네 = Oh, I you already got the inspection
분실한 돈을 찾았네 = Oh, you found the money that you lost
video(not konglish)
동영상을 찍어주면 안 돼요?
= Can you please take a video?
제가 그 동영상을 지금 다 편집하도록 하겠습니다
= I will finish editing the video now
학생들에게 암을 어떻게 방지하는지에 대한 동영상을 보여줄까 해요
= I am thinking about showing the students a video about how to prevent cancer
To sing(has 하다 and commanlity to 불러요(부르다))
Just give me the translation.
노래해요 and less common than 불러요
call in a doctor / the police
의사/경찰을 부르다(불러요)
그 사람은 변태인 것 같아요 = It seems like that person is a pervert
변태를 만나면 경찰서에 신고해야 해요 = If you meet a pervert, you should report him to the police
변태들을 피하기 위해서는 어두운 골목길을 피해서 다녀야 해요 = In order to avoid perverts, you should avoid dark alleyways
docs, grav
Whenever you finish a sentence using for future tense(primary, more but give the one) (give me the conjugation and the grammar construction, the meaning changes to something that might happen
Basically mean probably, will probably
The subject with this can be anything.
Also you can use this for what verbs?
(grav)verb stem+ㄹ/을/X 것 같다, meaning connotation, what’s basically mean(2, one is extension of another extra word), and what tense is this and the subject?
You can use this for both action and descriptive verbs.
나는 밥을 먹을 것 같다 = I will probably eat rice/I might eat rice.
저는 친구들이랑 내일 낚시를 할 것 같아요 = I will probably go fishing with my friends tomorrow
우리 아빠는 저것을 싫어할 것 같아 = Dad will probably not like that
선생님이 그 수업을 하지 않을 것 같아요 = The teacher probably won’t do (teach) that lesson
비가 올 것 같아 = It will probably rain/it seems like it will rain
문이 열려 있을 것 같아요 = The door will probably be open
그 교실이 아주 답답할 것 같아요 = That classroom will probably be very stuffy
우리는 늦을 것 같아 = We will probably be late
새우가 너무 비쌀 것 같아요 = The shrimp will probably be too expensive
grav, htsk
Give me it and its conjugations and the conjugations
Meaning connotation: These situations are guesses from the speaker. It is possible to change the conjugation of the word before “grammar construction” to** express that something may have happened in past or might be happening in the present. **
Note: This isn’t another future tense.
When using this because of the grammar in it, you had evidence, which leads you to believe ___?
(grav) instead of using the future conjugation of ~ㄹ/을 것 같다, you can use the past/adj (~ㄴ/은 것) or present (~는 것) additions of ~는 것 plus 같다.(don’t need to give the difference) in another flashcard
Give me the meaning and connotation of what the contect that happens when using it.
For example, if I am talking with my teacher and he is telling me how difficult it was to get accepted into University back in his day, I could say something like:
선생님이 열심히 공부한 것 같아요 = You (teacher) probably studied hard (when you were younger)
Here, you have heard the evidence of him getting accepted into University, which must have been difficult. Therefore, this evidence leads you to believe that “he studied hard” when he was younger.
grav, htsk
Other than using ㄹ/을 것 같다 for future tense(only way to say it future). Explain what it basically means for using past/adj present(right no error) (~ㄴ/은 것) or present action verb (~는 것) additions of ~는 것 plus 같다.
Renemeber the speaker is recieving evidence and thinking this.
(grav) It basically means: it seems that” or “it seems as though.”
Give me the grammar constructions and what tense like present. Also(repeat) since using one the grammar what does it mean in terms of evidence?
부장님이 그 일을 이미 다 한 것 같아요 = It seems that the boss already did all that work
In this situation, you could be looking at a pile of papers on your boss’s desk that looks like the completed work.
그 사람이 아직 답장을 하지 않은 것 같아요 = It seems that that person still hasn’t responded
In this situation, you could be looking at your phone and noticing that you have no new notifications – which would lead you to believe that the person hasn’t responded.
옆 집에서 사는 사람은 그 소나무를 자른 것 같아요 = It seems that the person who lives in the house next door cut that pine tree
In this situation, you could be looking outside to your yard and noticing that the tree is missing.
Give me it and its conjugations and the conjugations and connotations. How do you past tense for ㄹ/을 것 같다. Also what verb can you use?
~ㄴ/은 것 같다(for action verbs only) (for example: 한 것 같다)
~았을/었을(을 is required) 것 같다(for action verbs only) (for example: 했을 것 같다)
Though not that key, what are the difference between the two different constructions is going to be on another flashcard.
grav 2 when can
What are the differences between these?
~ㄴ/은 것 같다(for both verbs) (for example: 한 것 같다)
~았/었을 것 같다(for both verbs) (for example: 했을 것 같다)
(grav 2 when can) Using ㄴ/은 같다(for both verbs) the speaker probably got some evidence, and leads to believe ___.
However, by using ~았/었을 것 같다(both verbs), the speaker is indicating that this sentence is more of a blind guess and hasn’t received any evidence that would lead him/her to think this way.
아빠가 돈을 이미 낸 것 같아요 = It seems like dad already paid
Here, the speaker probably saw his/her family get up and leave a restaurant (or some similar evidence). This evidence would lead the speaker to believe that the father already paid, and they are ready to leave.
선생님이 살이 찐 것 같아요 = It seems like the teacher gained weight
You would say this if you are looking at the teacher and noticed that (for example) his face looks a little bit fatter than usual. Of course, you can’t be sure if the teacher gained weight or not, but the evidence in-front of you leads you to believe that he/she did gain weight.
선생님이 살이 쪘을 것 같아요 = The teacher probably gained weight
You would say this if you are talking about the teacher and how he went on vacation recently. You haven’t seen him since he left, but you are guessing that – because he went on vacation, he “probably gained weight.”
One sided
if “것 같다” is being described in the future tense in all its 3 forms, what should be known about it in terms of tense and what does it bascially it can mean with the rule?
In addition, how is 같다 conjugated and pronounced?
(ig) ㄹ/을 것 같다(future tense) depending on context can basically just mean probably(present tense, no error)
it doesn’t necessarily mean that the meaning of the sentence is based in the future.
It is very common for Korean people to pronounce 같아(요) as “같애(요)
후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어할 것 같아요
This doesn’t necessarily mean that the speaker thinks the juniors “will not like” volunteering. It is possible that the juniors are volunteering right now, and the speaker is not with them. Therefore, the speaker has no real way of knowing if the juniors are enjoying themselves or not – and this is merely a guess.
Meaing: = The juniors probably won’t like volunteering, or, depending on the situation:
= The juniors probably don’t like volunteering
However, if the present tense was used:
후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어하는 것 같아요
In this situation, the speaker is most likely with the juniors and can directly see (receiving evidence) that the juniors are not enjoying themselves.
Meaning: = It seems like the juniors don’t like volunteering
for ㄹ/을 것 같다(future tense), how do you do it in the present tense for action verbs not applicable for descriptive. (repeat) What do it mean again?
(grav)는 것 같아요(같아요 is pronounced as 같애(요). What verbs used for the indicated tense, this is for what tense
Renember it means it seems that” or “it seems as though.”(repeated)
엄마는 기다리고 있는 것 같아요 = It seems as though mom is waiting now
In this situation, your mother may have called you and told you that she would have been finished 10 minutes ago.
그는 휴식을 하는 것 같아요 = It seems as though he is taking a break now
In this situation, the worker may have been very loud a few minutes ago. However, now it seems like he is not making a sound, so he probably taking a break now.
학생들이 요즘에 운동을 하지 않는 것 같아요 = It seems like students don’t like exercising these days
In this situation, you could be looking at some students playing on their phones during lunch time instead of playing outside.
후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어하는 것 같아요 = It seems like our juniors don’t like volunteering
In this situation, you could be looking at your juniors and noticing that they are not enjoying themselves.
One sided
Difference between 후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어하는 것 같아요 and 후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어할 것 같아요
(ig) Even if “것 같다” is being described in the future tense, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the meaning of the sentence is based in the future(ㄹ/을 것 같다). 후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어할 것 같아요. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the speaker thinks the juniors “will not like” volunteering. It is possible that the juniors are volunteering right now, and the speaker is not with them. Therefore, the speaker has no real way of knowing if the juniors are enjoying themselves or not – and this is merely a guess. However, if the present tense was used: 후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어하는 것 같아요In this situation, the speaker is most likely with the juniors and can directly see (receiving evidence) that the juniors are not enjoying themselves.
후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어할 것 같아요
= The juniors probably won’t like volunteering, or, depending on the situation:
= The juniors probably don’t like volunteering
후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어하는 것 같아요 = It seems like the juniors don’t like volunteering
One sided, grav(2 past, present must)
How would you use 이다 and adjectives with ㄹ/을 것 같다(future tense) in present and past tense.
(grav 2 past, present despite ig)(ig)For present tense: ㄴ/은 것 같다 should be used for both the adjective and 이다, renember is conjugated as adjective.
For past tense: 았던/었던/앴던(learned this but not with 것) 것 같다
친구가 아픈 것 같아요 = It seems like my friend is hurt
엄마는 저랑 얘기하기 싫은 것 같아요 = It seems like mom doesn’t want to talk with me
너의 아빠가 너무 행복했던 것 같아 = Your dad was probably very happy
그 학생이 학교에서 왕따인 것 같아 = It seems like that student is an outcast at school
그 사람은 변태인 것 같아요 = It seems like that person is a pervert
Is 이다 conjugated as adjective or verb?
(ig) adjective
그럴 것 같다 from adding ~ㄹ/을 것 같다
Give me literal meaning and meaning/meanig connotation(2)
Don’t need to give me the basically mean(to varied and hard to memorize/translate)
Also what tense is this like past?
(grav)Literally ‘this construction’ means “it is probably like that.” It is used very often to indicate that something “might be the case” or “is probably true.”
Also this is future tense.
Basically mean:Probably/I think so/It seems as such
엄마가 어디에 있어요? 병원에 갔어요? = Where is mom? Did she go to the hospital?
그럴 것 같아요 = Probably/I think so/It seems as such
다음 주 목요일은 휴가인가? = Is next Thursday a holiday?
그럴 것 같아 = Probably/I think so/It seems as such
grav, htsk
What’s present tense and why for 그럴 것 같다.
Also what does it basically mean(just give me one, don’t have to be accurate, renmber using grammar with 그렇다 translation is very varied and hard to translate.
(grav)** Only anwser what tense is this like past? **remember that 그렇다 is an adjective, so in this case it is 그런 것 같다, and not 그렇는 것 같다.
Basically meaning: Probably/I think so/It seems as such
아빠는 낚시하러 갔어요? = Did dad go fishing?
그런 것 같아요 = Probably/I think so/It seems as such
수영장물이 다 넘쳤어요? = Did all the water overflow out of the pool?
그런 것 같아요 = Probably/I think so/It seems as such
그 사람이 말을 잘 타요? = Can that person ride horses (well)?
그런 것 같아요 = Probably/It looks like/It seems as such
repeated expanded, grav
very common to hear what? used in a way that is similar to expressing possibility.
Here, we can see how this can take on this function of possibility in the present, not always future.
this form is most commonly used when you see something or hear some fact, and are stating that something “must be the case/guess” based on that evidence you saw or heard.
겠다, meaning connotation, tense connotation, this form is most commonly used when you in terms of evidence and doing what because of it(2)?
힘들겠다! = That must be difficult!
You would most likely say this if you are looking at somebody do some difficult task.
나는 캐나다에 못 가겠다! = (I guess) I can’t go to Canada
You would most likely say this if you just found out (evidence that shows you) how difficult it would be to get to Canada – for example, because the price is too high or because it was too far or something like that.
돈이 부족하겠다! = (I guess) there won’t be enough money
You would most likely say this if you were trying to figure out how much money you need, and you just found out (evidence that shows you) that you probably won’t have enough money.
허벅지가 아프겠다! = Your inner thigh must hurt!
You would most likely say this if you were looking at your friend do some sort of inner thigh exercise. Like that machine at most gyms where you have to squeeze your legs together against resistance.
맛있겠다! meaning connotation/circumstances. Also give the connotation of its tense like past.
(one word, use grammar, ends with 다, not really trick) It is hard to translate that directly into English. People don’t usually say this when they’re eating food – instead, they say it when they’re looking at (or hearing about) food and want to express that it “would be delicious” if they ate it.
You could argue that this is technically the future tense conjugation, but it’s not really about expressing an idea that is occurring in the future.
one sided
Imagine you were talking with your friend and he was telling you how he hasn’t eaten in 12 hours. In English, you would respond by saying:
“You must be hungry!” or “You are probably hungry!” In Korean, you could say either of these(2):(가 ommitted and two words are combined, no space)
Also give me connotation of tense.
(ig) 배고플 것 같아! = You are probably hungry!
배고프겠다! = You are probably hungry!
Here, you can see that the speaker is not saying “you will be hungry”, as your friend is definitely hungry in the present. Here, we can see how ~겠다 can take on this function of possibility in the present.
That must hurt!(one word, uses grammar not with 것)
You must be full!(one word, uses grammar not with 것)
To be full(food)
배부르다, 배불러
배불러서 더는 못 먹겠다발음듣기
I’m stuffed and can’t eat anymore.
That must be difficult!(has ㅎ,one word, uses grammar not with 것)
힘들겠다! meaning connotation
One sided
We distinguish “~구나/군/군요” with “~네(요), it’s to help in certain contexts.(for this flashcard don’t, it’s on another.) Explain the difference in responses when saying, also give the translation just need to be near the ballpark. 선생님! 영어를 너무 잘하시네요!” and 선생님! 영어를 너무 잘 하시군요.
(ig) 선생님! 영어를 너무 잘하시네요!” = Teacher! I didn’t know you were so good at English!
The teacher, in response, said “아니야~ 너무 못해!” = No! I’m so bad!
Notice here that the teacher responded to the student, which emphasizes that what the student said was not only directed to himself, but also towards the teacher.
If, however, the student came into the room and said:선생님! 영어를 너무 잘 하시군요 = Teacher! I didn’t know you were so good at English!
The chance of the teacher responding would be less, because most of the sentence was directed at the person speaking and not to the other person.
(long anwser)To help with understanding Korean, distinguish “~구나/군/군요” with “~네(요). Tell me about when one is more used in the sense of the info that they recieved and response and prior recollection.
Know that this technically use “~구나/군/군요” or “~네(요)” in either situation, nothing is set in stone.
(ig) ~구나/군/군요”– that most of the feeling within this grammatical principle is “self-speech.”
While “~네(요)” could also be seen as a form of “self-speech,” I feel that it is less so compared to “~구나/군/군요.” That is, when you say “~네(요),” although part of the feeling of the sentence is spoken to oneself (about 60%), a lot of it (about, 40%) is directed at the other person in the conversation. Compare this with the 90% to 10% ratio of “~구나/~군/~군요”
“~네(요)” would be more likely to be used when the speaker is impressed from a fact that he/she just realized. On the other hand, “~구나/군/군요” would be more likely to be used when the speaker simply realizes some mundane fact that he/she didn’t know before.
grav, htsk
Verb suffix to express one’s realization (and/or impression) of this evidence.(part of it is from a suffix that this is commonly used when the speaker sees something or hears some fact, and is stating that something “must be the case” based on that evidence.)
(grav, htsk) It is common to attach ~네(요) to ~겠다= 겠네. 요 added not reallly common since it’s speaking
돈이 부족하겠네 = Oh, we probably won’t have enough money
빚을 빨리 갚아야 되겠네 = Oh, I should probably pay off this debt quickly
오늘 일찍 귀가해야 되겠네 = Oh, I should probably go home early today
안전 점검을 수시로 해야 되겠네 = Oh, I should probably do a safety check frequently
Is commonly used when another person states a fact for the first time (usually something that the listener didn’t know or recognize up to that point). As the fact is being stated, the listener is witnessing the fact for the first time.(this one is techinally one if disregarding formality, which is your hint)
Basically meaning: Oh, it’s like that!
(grav)그렇네(요) meaning connotation, also basically what it means just need to be around the ballpark.
비가 많이 와요! = It’s raining really hard!
Person 1 could have known this fact all along, he or she doesn’t necessarily need to witness that it is raining hard for the first time. He/she is just telling this fact to another person who probably doesn’t know that it is raining hard.
Person 2: 그렇네! = Oh, it’s like that! (Oh! It really is raining hard!)
Person 2 probably didn’t know or recognize that it is raining hard, and he is probably witnessing the heavy rainfall for the first time today. As he witnesses the heavy rainfall, Person 1 tells him “It’s really raining hard!” At this point, Person 2 can express his surprise by saying “그렇네!”
Person 1: 오늘 점심은 피자야! = Today’s lunch is pizza
Person 2: 그렇네! = Oh, it’s like that! (Oh! It really is Pizza for lunch today)
Person 2 probably didn’t know that the lunch today is pizza, and he is probably looking at the menu for the first time. As he looks at the menu, Person 1 tells him “Today’s lunch is pizza.” At this point, Person 2 can express his surprise by saying “그렇네!”
How are you(2nd)
어떻게 지내세요?
One Sided
Difference, commanality, and what do you need with 가져가다 and 가져오다. Also how do you know which one to use.
Also how about the two interchangability.
(ig)가져오다 = to bring something
나는 나의 숙제를 가져왔어 = I brought my homework
가져가다 = to take something
저는 저의 모자를 가져갈 거예요 = I will bring/take my hat
However, the translation of “to bring” could work for both 가져오다 and 가져가다.
Deciding to use 가져오다 or 가져가다 depends on the point of reference of the acting agent in the sentence to the speaker. Specifically, whether the acting agent is coming or going to the location in question.
If you are currently at your house and are talking to your friend about what you will do, you should use the word “가져가다” because you are going to your friend’s house while in possession of the money.
grav, HTSK
courage, guts, bravery, also verbs typically used with.
grav 용기(give me 3),
typically used with 가지다 in 고 form = 가지고(고 = and)(to have, possess)
and 내다(in another flashcard with this)
누군가를 좋아한다면, 고민하지 말고 용기를 가지고 고백해 보세요
= If you like somebody, don’t stress about it, pick up your courage and try confessing
원래 그 여자랑 얘기하는 게 너무 무서웠지만 지금은 갑자기 용기가 났어요
= Originally I was too scared to talk with that girl, but now all of a sudden I have courage
나는 용기를 내고 그의 수업이 있는 교실에서 기다렸다. 하나, 둘, 셋! 멀리서 그가 수업이 끝나고 걸어 오는 것이 보였다.
= I summoned up the courage, and waited at the classroom where he has class. One. Two Three! I saw him finish class and come walking.
to be brave, to show courage
용기를 내다(give me 2)
나는 용기를 내고 그의 수업이 있는 교실에서 기다렸다. 하나, 둘, 셋! 멀리서 그가 수업이 끝나고 걸어 오는 것이 보였다.
= I summoned up the courage, and waited at the classroom where he has class. One. Two Three! I saw him finish class and come walking.
HTSK, little trick
“Cheer up!” or “Good Luck!”(the hint is good luck, little trick)
힘내다 is hard to translate and combined with imperative form.
Difference between 있다 and 가지다
있다 is what corresponds to the “to exist” sense of the “be” verb
가지다: (transitive verb) is similar to “have/own” in English
- 어느 소년이 있었다: There was one boy.
- 내 곁에 있어 줘: Stay by my side please.
- 나는 [나에게는] 개가 두 마리 있다: For me, there are two dogs => I have two dogs.
- 이거 너 가져: You keep this (I give you this).
- 비가가 오니까 우산을 갖고 가거라: It is raining, so take your umbrella with you.
- 나는 개를 두 마리 가지고 있다: I have [own] two dogs.
One sided
1) 저는 학교에 가다가 친구 집에 갔어요
2) 저는 학교에 갔다가 친구 집에 갔어요
Difference between 1 and 2?
(osid) Q2 is the only one that I went to school
1) In the first sentence, the action of “going to school” did not finish. Here, while I was going to school, the action was interrupted/halted/cut short and I went to a friend’s house.
2) In the second sentence, the action of “going to school” finished. Here, I went to school, and then after that went to my friend’s house.
We can do the same with 오다. Notice how the endings of the following sentences are different because of the context that 오다가 or 왔다가 creates:
mix (sth and/with sth), blend (sth and/with sth)
(cards)shuffle mix (up), use imperative 으세요.
섞다, 섞어요(give me 2, first one has two, and the second one has a condition)
시멘트와 모래를 3 대 1의 비율로 섞다
mix[blend] cement and sand in the ratio of three to one
패를 잘 섞으세요
Give it a good shuffle.
재료를 다 섞다가 거품이 생겼어요
= While mixing all the ingredients, bubbles formed
Basically mean while not in the sense of two actions progress along together (으)면서.
Verb suffix is used to expresses something else happens which causes the first action to halt. It can be applied to any verbs and adj. What tense can be used with it, for this one it is present tense?
When you use this, the final clause usually indicates what the subject does that interrupts the first action.
(like english) Most of the times assumed from context the speaker “halted” the action in first clause and don’t need to show/say it and if the context doesn’t make it clear, typically stories will mention the speaker stopped.
다가 function, only used for present tense, meaning and meaning connotation. This one is present, only can be present and past.
Also what should you know using this and basically common sense, what is the connotation of understanding it .
학생은 열심히 공부하다가 잠이 들었어요
Here, the student was studying. However, this studying was halted/cut short because he fell asleep
요리를 하다가 주방에서 불이 나서 급하게 가스레인지를 껐어요
Here, I was cooking. However, this cooking was halted/cut short because a fire started in the kitchen and I turned off the stove.
제가 집을 청소하다가 잃어버린 열쇠를 찾았어요
= While I was cleaning the house, I found the key that I lost
과학 천재가 실험을 하다가 실수로 집을 폭발시켰어요
= While the science genius was doing an experiment, he accidently blew up his house
grav, htsk
Verb suffix(and its conjugation)where the end result of completing that action is often stated in the upcoming clause(renember clause isn’t sent). Basically the verb is completed which causes the verb in the next clause to be the ending result of the verb in first clause being completed.
Also what tense is this and significance
(grav) Past tense(not important) of 다가 where you get 았/었다가
그 침실에서 잤다가 그 다음 날에 아팠어요
= I slept in that bedroom, and then the next day I was sore
Here, I completed sleeping before the next action of “being sore” takes place. The act of “sleeping” was completed – and me “being sore” is the end result of this action completing.
열심히 운동했다가 운동을 그만둬서 살이 다시 쪘어요
Here, I completed exercising before the next action of “gaining weight” takes place. The act of “exercising” was completed – and me “gaining weight” is the end result of this action completing.
요리를 했다가 먹을 사람이 없어서 다 버렸어요
= I cooked, and because there was nobody to eat the food, I threw it all away
Here, I completed cooking before the next action of “throwing it away” takes place. The act of “cooking” was completed – and me “throwing away the food” is the end result of this action completing.
synonymous with “later,” as its construction literally implies “after we are here” or “after this.”(which is you hint)
A time frame can also be put before “this” to indicate how much later.
(grav)있다가, meaning and what also be used with the meaning
언제 가고 싶어요? = When do you want to go?
Person 2: 있다가 = Later
10분 있다가 = 10 minutes later
1년 있다가 = 1 year later
10분 있다가 나가자! = Let’s leave in 10 minutes!
우리는 아마 1년 있다가 결혼할 것 같아요 = We will probably get married in a year
십 분 있다가(1)
1년 있다가 (2)
give me 1 annd 2
10 minutes later(1)
1 year later(2)
Give me 1 and 2
Let’s leave in 10 minutes!
십 분 있다가 나가자!
one sided
What is the common way that 다가 is used incorrectly and what can you do to fix it.
(ig) It would not be correct to use ~다가 if that action finishes as planned in the sentence. For example, the following would be incorrect:
재료를 다 섞다가 드세요
재료를 다 섞다가 10분 동안 비비세요
It would be more appropriate to use ~고 or ~아/어서 in setences where the action finished as planned.
(don’t worry about this, it’s going to be on the test, shows how it 다가 supposed to be used.)
If we want to use the first clause “재료를 다 섞다가” in a correct sentence, we should insert some action that causes the first action to halt or be interrupted. For example:
재료를 다 섞다가 거품이 생겼어요
= While mixing all the ingredients, bubbles formed
재료를 다 섞다가 떡의 형태가 변했어요
= While mixing all the ingredients, the shape/form of the rice cakes changed
“Because,” like ~아/어서, ~기 때문에 or ~(으)니까. it is usually implied that while one is doing the first action, something about that action caused the action in the second clause to occur. It’s where something about that action caused you to result in the second clause.
다가, nothing to deal with the first action halted by action in second clause or the first action completion resulted in the action in second clause.
눈길을 걷다가 넘어졌어요
= I was walking on a snowy road, and then – something about walking on a snowy road caused me to fall
친구만 믿다가 결국 가족을 잃었어요
= I only trusted my friend, and then – something about only trusting my friend caused me to eventually lose my family
해물만 먹다가 식중독에 걸려서 병원에 갔어요
= I only ate seafood, and then – something about only eating seafood caused me to get food poisoning and go to the hospital
우리가 계속 얘기하다가 선생님의 말씀을 못 들었어요
= We were talking, and then – something about us continually talking caused us to not hear what the teacher said
One sided
Relationship between 에 and ~에다가.
(ig)에 and ~에다가 sound identical and have identical meanings. Though, 에다가 is more likely to be used when one thing is being added to something else.
Put the rice here(1)
Please stick it there(2)(there is verb that you use for please(very common not 제발)
Give me 1 and 2(informal polite)
밥을 여기다가 넣어요(1)
거기다가 붙여 주세요(2)
Give me 1 and 2
~에 is often omitted in words like “여기,” “저기,” 거기,” and “어디”, ~다가 is often added directly to those words.
에다가 is more likely to be used when one thing is being added to something else.
to indicate that one goes somewhere and comes back.(one verb) (this one isn’t to go in)
갔다, , where ~았 + ~다(가) is attached to 가다 , one of only instance where 가 is omitted.
박쥐가 날아갔다가 또 나타났어요
= The bat flew away and then came back (showed up) again
지금 갔다 올게요 = I will go and come back (if that is okay with you)
a foreign-born Korean
저는 한국에서 태어난 게 아니라 캐나다에서 태어난 교포예요
= I wasn’t born is Korea, I am a foreign-born Korean born in Canada
우리 학교에서 일하시는 영어 선생님이 한국 사람이 아니라 교포예요
= The English teacher at our school isn’t Korean, he is a Korean who was brought up abroad
to block, to obstruct, to stop
(optional) This more written and 막다,막아요 is more colloquial. (Not important) basically the same
차단하다 meanings(3 very similar) and relationship with similar counterpart, don’t stress about this part
차단 could sometimes be used, but is chinese meaning is attach with others
통로를 차단하다발음듣기
block (off) a passage[hallway]
to block out UV rays
자외선을 차단하다
cut off the island from communication with the outside world
그섬을 외계와의 교통으로부터 차단하다.
(two things)How do you block something on email like block CVS Extracare, in the sense of the recieving email from them. Also explain why like that
(ig)Renember when on computer for buttons uses noun form of verb with chinese not mattering and 님 is polite suffix means most of the time for person, but sometimes can be entity treated like a person subject.
“CVS Extracare”님 차단(from 차단하다)
Give me the verb,reg form, conjugation in present and present plain form.
To stay(not to be or at) in the sense of specific level or location
It can be used in any way and with any grammatical principle, but must be used in accordance with the 르 irregular.
Not used often
머무르다, 머물러요, 머무른다, meaning, commanlity, meaning connotation
우리는 부산 중심에 있는 호텔에서 머물렀어요
= We stayed in a hotel in the center of Busan
부산에서 3일 동안 머무르고 서울로 가는 게 어때요?
= What do you think about staying in Busan for three days and then going to Seoul?
그 나라의 국민들이 한국에서 1900년대에 머물렀어요
= That country’s people stayed in Korean during the 1900’s
한국에서 온 교환학생이 우리 집에서 1년 동안 머물렀어요
= A Korean exchange student stayed at our house for a year
To not be good at something, Clumsy(descriptive verb), give the verb reg, conjugated present, give me the adj, but in the abbreviated form.
서투르다, 서툴러요,서툰(from abbreviated 서툴다, ㄹ irreg renember 긴)(adj) (give 2, there can e more but all mean the same, 1st one need to be right, 2nd can be near the ballpark)
나는 아직 농사일에 서툴다(abbrev version)
I’m still unaccustomed to farming.
서툰 수작 부리면 재미없을 거야
Don’t do anything stupid, or you’ll be sorry.
htsk, grav
(grav) “to have,” “to possess” or something similar. Give me the word and common form to see it.
(grav) 가지다, give me the defintion(2)/connotation
It is most commonly used with 있다 to indicate that one “the verb defination” an object, so in the form of
가지고 있다(ing)
그 나라의 국민들은 다 여권을 가지고 있어야 돼요
= That country’s people all need to have a passport
옆집에 사는 할아버지는 우리 열쇠를 가지고 있어요
= The grandpa living next door has our keys
그 변호사가 진실이 쓰여 있는 서류를 가지고 있어요
= That lawyer has the document with the truth written on it
To indicate that one does something while possessing an object.
Basically means that I do a verb with an object(possesing an object)
(grav)가지고(고 =indep verb and)(Hint this one is in 고 있다 form)
Just give me the meaning connotation/ don’t need to give me the basically.
술을 가지고 영화관에 입장해도 돼요?
= Am I allowed to enter the cinema with alcohol?
교과서를 가지고 도서관에서 독학했어요
= I studied alone at the library with my textbook
저는 카메라를 가지고 산 정상에 올라갔어요
= I went to the top of the mountain with my camera
grav(for anwser, can, but in reg form is fine since it’s complex)
What’s 가지다 abbreviated form?
(grav for 갖다 can, but in reg form is fine since it’s complex)갖다 is what category words not like noun like color, irreg, neg, also tell me about the makeup of the verb?
갖다 can replace 가지다 in all of these cases. For example: 그 나라의 국민들은 다 여권을 갖고 있어야 돼요
옆집에 사는 할아버지는 우리 열쇠를 갖고 있어요
그 변호사가 진실이 쓰여 있는 서류를 갖고 있어요
갖다 is an abbreviated form of 가지다, so it follows strange rules with gramm principles, so what are they, acceptable(1) and not(1)?
(ig)It is incorrect to add any grammatical principle starting with a vowel, or with the option of adding a vowel, to 갖다.
However, it is acceptable to add grammatical principles that apply to both 가지다 and 갖다 in the same way.(only acceptable if there would be no change to the grammatical principle if it were attached to 가지다. )
And any of these would also be correct:갖다 + ~고 = 갖고 갖다 + ~는~ = 갖는
What **verb suffix ** is commonly added to what verb **also what does it equate to **to indicate that one possesses an object and then does something with it.
~다(가). This is commonly added to 갖다, one of only instances where 가 is ommited = 갖다. What does this indicate.
펜을 갖다 주세요
= Give me a pen, please (Please get a pen, and then give it to me)
쓰레기를 갖다 버리세요
= Throw out the garbage (Please take the garbage, and then throw it out)
커피를 갖다 드릴까요?
= Would you like some coffee? (Would you like it if I got a coffee and gave it to you?)
영수증을 갖다 줄게요
= I am going to go and get your receipt (Would you like it if I got a receipt and gave it to you?)
Difference and explain why diff and translation: 지금 갔다 올게요
지금 갖다 줄게요
(ig)지금 갔다 올게요 = I will go and come back (if that is okay with you)
지금 갖다 줄게요 = I will get it and give it to you (if that is okay with you)
use 갔다 to indicate that one goes somewhere and comes back. You should use 갖다 to indicate that one possesses something and does an action with it.
ㄹ/을게(요) is most commonly used immediately before giving/offering something to somebody. In a way, the speaker is asking “if it is okay” if he/she gives/offers something to the listener. It’s more broad and the speaker does not need to be directly giving something to (or doing something for) the listener than ㄹ/을까(요). Like 지금 밥을 먹을게요 = I will eat now (if that is okay with you)
How can 가지고 be pronounced other than this form and why(2 more)
Common for Korean people to pronounce “가지고” as “가주고” or even “가주구.” This is technically an accent that you would here in the south (of South Korea), but I hear 가주구 very commonly, even in Seoul.
EX: 오늘 날씨가 너무 더워 가주구 약속을 취소했어요 = Because the weather is so hot today, I cancelled my plans
Give me conjugation and word?
Because(there is direct connotation, has not 에, 때문, 니까, 서, 까, not 다) To help differentiate this in terms of politeness, commonality, written what’s this?
(grav) (basically prev verb conjuagated even irreg)아/어(space) 가지고 meaning/function
Using ~아/어 가지고 is very colloquial, and therefore, quite common in speech. However, it is not common in written Korean.
어제 늦게 끝나 가지고 집에 못 갔어요
= Because I finished late yesterday, I couldn’t go home
우리가 너무 일찍 와 가지고 오랫동안 기다렸어요
= Because we came so early, we had to wait for a long time
오늘 날씨가 너무 더워 가지고 약속을 취소했어요
= Because the weather is so hot today, I cancelled my plans
공기가 좋지 않은 도심 중심에 살고 있어 가지고 항상 목이 아파요
= Because I live in the middle of a city with bad air, my throat is always sore
grav for abbrev form, but it can be reg since it’s complex with addition
Abbrev of 머무르다
(grav for 머물다 can, but in reg form is fine since it’s complex)머물다 is what category words not like noun like color, irreg, neg, also tell me about the makeup of the verb?
(conjugation and gramm add on test becuase long)
우리는 부산 중심에 있는 호텔에서 머물렀어요
= We stayed in a hotel in the center of Busan
부산에서 3일 동안 머무르고 서울로 가는 게 어때요?
= What do you think about staying in Busan for three days and then going to Seoul?
그 나라의 국민들이 한국에서 1900년대에 머물렀어요
= That country’s people stayed in Korean during the 1900’s
grav for abbrev form, but it can be reg since it’s complex with addition
Abbrev of 서두르다
(grav for 서둘다 can, but in reg form is fine since it’s complex)서둘다,서둘어요 is what category words not like noun like color, irreg, neg, also tell me about the makeup of the verb?
I don’t want her to be rushed.
난 그녀가 서둘지 않기를 바랬어.
There’s no reason to rush anything, you know?
무엇이든 서둘(future action for abbreviated) 이유가 없어요, 아시죠?
Grav(2 based on meanings), htsk
means “to hurry, to rush” and can be used as a stand-alone verb.(1)
is more commonly used before another verb connected with ~아/어(서). Here, the meaning of “rushing” is combined with the upcoming verb.(2)
Give me reg and conjugated present.
(grav)서두르다, 서둘러요(르 irreg)meanings(1 has 2, and 2 has meaning connotation), connotation of usage
왜 이렇게 서둘러요? = Why are you rushing like this?
우리가 안 서둘렀더라면 늦었을 거예요 = If we didn’t rush, we would have been late
우리는 서둘러 나갔어요 = We hurried (and went) outside
선생님은 서둘러 학생들에게 수업을 가르쳤어요 = The teacher hurried to teach his students the class
비가 와서 밖으로 나가서 서둘러 차로 뛰었어요(to run) = I went outside and hurried to my car because it was raining
grav for abbrev form, but it can be reg since it’s complex with addition
Abbrev of 서투르다, give me conjugated in present tense, plain present, ㅁ noun form, imperative form, 니 question.
(grav for 서툴다 can, but in reg form is fine since it’s complex) 서툴다, 서툴어요,서툶, 서툰다, 서두세요, 서두니?(ㄹ irreg) is what category words not like noun like color, irreg, neg, also tell me about the makeup of the verb?
I’m not very good at driving yet.
나는 아직 운전이 서툴다
I’m not a very good driver yet.
나는 아직 운전이 서툴다
I’m not quite used to driving.
나는 아직 운전이 서툴다
Since abbreviated, 서둘다 follows strange rules, tell me gramm principles acceptable and not in terms of starting with vowel, give options to choose, consonant, or like can be applied(2) to both this and reg version(1).
(ig) Any grammatical principle that starts with a consonant (and there is no option other than that one consonant), can be added to 서둘다.
Any grammatical principle where there is a choice of whether a vowel or consonant needs to be added, then it is also acceptable
There is no other option other than a vowel – then that grammatical principle cannot be added to 서둘다. The two most common grammatical principles where this occurs is when conjugating in the past or present tenses.
Since abbreviated, 서툴다(ㄹ irreg) follows strange rules, tell me gramm principles acceptable and not in terms of starting with vowel, give options to choose, consonant, or like can be applied(2) to both this and reg version(1).
(ig) Any grammatical principle that starts with a consonant (and there is no option other than that one consonant), can be added to 서둘다.
Any grammatical principle where there is a choice of whether a vowel or consonant needs to be added, then it is also acceptable
There is no other option other than a vowel – then that grammatical principle cannot be added to 서둘다. The two most common grammatical principles where this occurs is when conjugating in the past or present tenses.
Correct: follows same with 서둘다 and 머물다.
Grav(2 or more based on meanings), htsk
If you want to say that you are doing something FOR (the benefit of) somebody, you do what, followed by what(technically 2 give me both)
This form is usually used when you are doing something for a person, but can also be used sometimes when you are doing something for a non-person:
The important thing is that the thing for which you are doing something must be a noun.
Just because you say ‘for’ in English, doesn’t mean that it can be translated directly to this grammar. In Korean, it means for the benefit of.
(grav 2 or more based on meanings)You can add ~를/을 to the person who you are doing something for, followed by 위해(서)
Give me connotation of meaning and usage and common function, also the idea you should know from it .
Also what important thing you should know the translation and its connotation and the correct usage.
나는 나의 여자 친구를 위해(서) 꽃을 샀어 = I bought flowers for my girlfriend
나는 부장님을 위해(서) 이것을 썼어 = I wrote this for my boss
저는 친구를 위해 빵을 만들었어요 = I made bread for my friend
저는 회사를 위해 열심히 일할 거예요 = I will work hard for the company
Relationship between 위해 and 위해서
(ig)no difference
Difference between:
N을/를 위해
N을/를 위한
(ig) N을/를 위해 adv. for N
N을/를 위한 adj. for N
위하다 is rarely used as a verb
N을/를 위해 adv form, this can be adv form
위하다 is rarely used as a verb
(ig)N을/를 위해
N을/를 위해 adv form, this can be adv form
위하다 is rarely used as a verb
(ig)N을/를 위한
N에 대해 vs N에 대한 difference in terms of like noun, verb
(ig) N에 대해 adv. About N에 대한 adj. About
What is the adv form of N에 대해, this could be it?
(ig)N에 대해
What is the adj form of N에 대해, this could be it?
(ig)N에 대한
(ig)Differentiate 와/과 and (이)랑 in terms of commanlity of writing and formality
(ig)와/과” is more likely to be used in writing and in formal situations, whereas “~(이)랑” is more likely to be used is speech.
Two adverbs that are commonly used in sentences with “with”(과/와/랑/이랑/하고) , with the addition adverb still means “with” and nothing more even with adverb
It’s optional by the way these two verbs obviously can be used by the selfs
(grav) 같이 and 함께 can be used with what, which are optional, it doesn’t change the meaning, but what does it mean(renember Korean can’t be translated and specify every detail.)
(I’m going to ask to differentiate both in diff flashcard)
저는 녹차를 엄마랑 같이 마셨어요 = I drank green tea with my mom
저는 엄마랑 유명한 영화를 같이 봤어요 = I saw/watched a famous movie with my mom
저는 선생님과 함께 공부했어요 = I studied with my teacher
저는 여자 친구와 함께 영화를 봤어요 = I watched a movie with my girlfriend
When attaching optional no changing anything “with”(과/와/랑/이랑/하고), in terms of commanlity give the difference between the two 같이 and 함께, also other than this which one is more commonly used.
Elaborate what this “with” meaning can’t mean
Despite optional and doing anything, what is a circumstances that you will use this and also what will you need in this circumstances.
(ig)같이 is more commonly used than 함께.
However, when 함께 is used, it is more likely to be used with ~과/와, renember using it just means “with”.
나는 친구랑 같이 있어 = I’m with my friend
저는 친구와 집에 함께 있어요 = I’m with a friend at home
Note that this meaning of “with” in Korean cannot be used like this:
I built a house with my hands
Remember, “my hands” are the method by which you did something, use ~(으)로
Can also be attached to nouns like 를/을 위해, but this has the meaning of “about.”
(grav)에 대해, also what you need using this, and function
나는 나의 아버지에 대해 말했어 = I spoke about my father
나는 그것에 대해 책을 쓸 거야 = I will write a book about it
그 회계사는 정부에 대해 나쁜 말을 했어요 = That accountant said bad things about the government
Difference with 에 대해 and 에 대해서.
(ig)no difference
Difference between (hint think politeness and how it sounds like)-니?
ㄹ/을/x 까? (for this one tell me translation)
-니? Question ending, casual, kind
냐? Question ending, casual, mean
ㄹ/을/x 까? Question ending, Suggestion ; shell we?, should I?
(somewhat repeated)
Tell me translation?
ㄹ/을/x 래? Question ending
우리 집에 고양이 보러 올래?
What’s question ending?
For would you?
Can all verbs be used with question, verb endings
Why can we use 우리 or 저희 with mother(2 reasons)
(ig) 1. mother can be own by you and siblings
2. 저희 is polite way of speaking
What should you know about using 당신 in real life in terms of politeness?
(ig)당신 isn’t used as polite form of you in real life.
EX: 당신 뭐야?
To hug someone tighly, 안다 is more hug(to embrace) in general
껴안다 meaning connotation and give the difference with 안다
What’d you say(what did you say)?
뭐라고 했어?
To be angry
화(가) 나다 = 화나다, renember 나다 is passive
to get mad at(active)(hint make anger occur)(one verb, but give me the two ways)
화(를) 내다 = 화내다(is it passive or active) Also give me the meaning since it is passive or active.
surely(need to,must)/definitely(hint not must)(adjective noun)
우리는 이번에 꼭 이겨야 돼요 = We must win this time!
물이 넘치지 전에 꼭 불을 꺼야 해요 = You need to turn off the flame before the water overflows
꼭 저녁에 잠을 자기 전에 세수를 해야 해요 = Before you go to sleep at night, you must wash your face
우리 둘 다 해리포터 좋아하니까, 해리포터 촬영 장소도 꼭 가보자!
= We both like Harry Potter, so let’s definitely also go to the place where the movie was filmed!
아침에 눈을 뜨자마자 저는 꼭 커피를 마셔야 해요
= As soon as I wake up in the morning (as soon as my eyes open), I need to have coffee right away
to think of (for a thought to come up)(passive)
생각(이) 났어요
좋은 생각이* 났어요! = I have a good idea (Literally – a good idea came up)
핸드폰에 있는 사진을 보면 전 여자친구 생각이 나요.
If I see pictures that are in the cellphone, It gets me thinking of my ex gf.(just english ing, no ing or noun, don’t take translation too serious)
저의 아들은 열이 났어요 = My son had a fever
(Renember dad and mom can own son so you can use 저의, also for politeness.)
To get a fever(little tricky)
열(이) 나다
Fuss(no real hint, but what means fuss and that’s it)(1)
(a state of commotion and disorder)panic, mess(2)
난리 (give me 1(1), 2(2))
근처에 불이 나서 난리가 났었다
A fire nearby caused panic.
왜 이렇게 난리죠?
What is all the fuss about?
To make a fuss(translation wrong, it used in a passive way)
(grav) 난리(가) 나다 give me meaning
All hell broke loose up here, man!
이봐! 여기 난리가 났군.
But it’s turned into a full-blown affair.
그러나 사건이 터져서 난리가 났다.
We were heading towards the first corner and all hell broke loose.
우리가 첫번째 코너를 향하고 있을 때 난리가 났다.
(move outside)bring sth out, carry sth out(not 뽑아내다)
들어내다(give 1st connotations(has 2)
그들은 내 짐을 모두 집 밖으로 들어냈다
They carried[brought; moved] all my stuff out of the house.
그녀는 자궁을 들어냈다
She had her uterus removed.
To pull out,select out(not 들어내다, you could differentiate with this, but not important) This one have a more sense of pulling.
뽑아내다(just give me 1 is fine)
draw out a cigarette from the pack
곽에서 권련을 한대 뽑아내다.
reel the cocoon silk off=reel the silk thread off cocoons
누에고치에서 생사를 뽑아내다.
It’s gonna take a lot more pulling.
더 많이 뽑아내게 될 거야.
To get a pimple/acne(doesn’t used a verb that means to get)(hint passive, think a verb that means occur)
여드름(이) 나다
Pimple, acne
To pick at, to pluck
뜯다 , 뜯어요
집에 오자마자 기다리고 기다리던 선물의 포장을 뜯었다
= As soon as I arrived home I ripped open the wrapping of the present I was waiting for
액자를 감싸고 있던 종이를 뜯자 아주 멋진 그림이 나타났다
= After picking off the paper covering the frame, there was a really nice picture inside
to rip off the wrapping(no trick, think to pick at)
포장을 뜯다
to rip out, off(action/causitive)
beguile a person (out) of money
아무를 구슬려서 돈을 뜯어내다.
beguile a person (out) of money
아무를 구슬려서 돈을 뜯어내다.
One sided
(trick, follows pronounciation rule) How is 맛없다 pronounced and why and why doesn’t 맛있다?
(ig)If it’s compound word, you need to read separately first and
then combine later.
맛없다 [마섭다] X [마덥다] O
Ground rule
If it’s compound word, you need to read separately first and
then combine later.
맛없다 = 맛 + 없다 => [맏] + [업다] = [맏업다] = [마덥다] O
Koreans misprounced for so long for 맛있다, that’s why it doesn’t follow the rule.
(osid)(grav if you can)
Can you use particles like 에, 에서, 부터, 까지 can be used with 여기, 저기, 거기
(ig)(grav if you can)Yes you can you connect them.
여기에서 저기까지 제가 사는 곳이에요. From here to there is where I live. 여기부터를 이해 못 하겠어요. I can’t understand it from here.
To be burned(passive, not 피다)(intransitive)
타요(not to ride, is this passive or active)(when means to ride, it’s transitive)
내 피부가 탔어요. My skin was burned
햇볕이 뜨거워서 피부가 많이 탔어요. Sunlight was hot so my skin was burned a lot.
New adj form, not the formal new
새로운(ㅂ irreg)
새로운 휴대폰을 아직 안 샀어요 = I still haven’t bought a new phone
Napkin, used both for korean and konglish, main way
Wet tissue
종이, meaning and meaning connotation
Paper(for document like notebook paper)
box tissue
Angle, chinese, but is used for Korean also
각(not each)
a right angle
각. - 각이죠.
Angle. - It’s the angle.
(grav using the verb phrase)
download N, also how would you make it verb, the common way(2)(verb phrase)
(grav using the verb phrase) 다운로드 N
To make it a verb phrase
다운로드 받아요
다운로드해서 - 다운로드…
He downloaded it. - Download..
다운로드 뭐야? 다운로드 되는거야 안 되는거야?
Download, what is it? Can I or not?
Don’t download this, this is a cam rip.
이거 다운로드 받지 마. 캠립이야.
Every month
grav if can. good, one sided
Difference between 이따가 and 있다가
Which one for ___ 만나요, also what happens when I put 좀 in terms of speaking and grammar and usage?
which one for __ 나가요.
(grav if can)(osid)이따가 means a little bit later, a little bit of time has passed
있다가 means after staying somewhere
좀 이따가 만나요 is grammatically incorrect with 좀 due to repetitiveness as repeating little bit, but Korean people still used it anyway. Nevertheless 좀 basically emphasize a little bit.
Use 이따가 for 만나요. Use 있다가 나가요, since you’re saying after we stay a bit let’s leave.
guest, visitor, customers
손님(give me 3)
식당은 손님으로 가득 찼어요 = The restaurant is filled with customers
그 주인은 손님들을 잘 대우해요 = That owner treats the customers well
손님을 맞이하러 공항에 가는 데 2 시간이 걸렸어요 = It took two hours to go to the airport to meet the guest
one and a half month(no trick, using prior vocabulary)
한 달 반
Difference with 또(1 connotation) and 다시(3 connotations)
또 repeat the action
다시 1. When you found out that something’s wrong
2. redesign, remodel, innovate, recreate
3. you used to do something regularly but stopped for a
while, you resume.
is it okay even if ~ ; Can(Hint it’s from preply, uses two things, not 수, no 면)
It is something to make speaking more natural.
(grav)아/어+도 돼요
like 아무 데나 앉아도 돼요?
Give me the meaning(2) and what does it to speaking?
Regardless of… : ~아/어도
anywhere(not 아무 데나)
More written, more formal
아무 곳이나, tell meaning and and more of spoken or written.
How’d you like to give her a punch in the pants?
아무곳이나 그녀 좀 때려주는거 어때?
Why do you leave so much money lying around?
왜 이렇게 돈을 아무 곳이나 놔두는 거야!!
저희가 원하는데 아무 곳이나 갈 수 있나요?
We can choose anywhere?
Can we sit anywhere(2, 1 has the written form of anywhere, 2 has the speaken form of anywhere, uses a phrase meaning (is it okay even if ~ ; Can(Hint it’s from preply, uses two things, not 수, no 면) )
아무 곳이나/아무 데나 앉아도 돼요?
Just give me the meaning
One sided
What should happen with the subject of any clause that is not the main clause of a sentence.
(ig)Always add subject particles 는/은 or ~이/가, such as 저는 배고파서 밥을 먹고 싶어요 = Because I am hungry, I want to eat
How to do 아/어서 in the Past Tense and it’s connotations(multiple), also main idea from it
(ig) You cannot conjugate a word into the past tense and then use ~아/어서. For example, the following is incorrect:
저는 배고팠아서 밥을 먹었어요
Instead, the tense of the first clause is inferred from the context of the sentence. For example: 저는 배고파서 밥을 먹었어요 = I was hungry, so I ate
The final clause of the sentence doesn’t necessarily need to be in the past tense in order to suggest that the first clause is in the past.
점심을 안 먹어서 지금 먹고 있어요 = I didn’t eat lunch, so I’m eating now
Also, it is possible that the final clause of the sentence be in the future tense to suggest that the first clause is in the past tense.
거기에 안 가 봐서 내일 갈 거예요 = I haven’t been there yet, so I will go tomorrow
As I said – you’re not guessing. The context makes this clear. A lot of meaning in Korean is derived from context.
I didn’t eat lunch, so I’m eating now(use ~아/어서 as because)
(ig) 점심을 안 먹어서 지금 먹고 있어요.
You cannot conjugate a word into the past tense and then use ~아/어서. The context makes this clear. A lot of meaning in Korean is derived from context.
What can happen when a noun ends with a vowel using 이다 with 아/어서
the word 이다 becoming 이 and 어 can merge to form 여.
Renember 이다 plus 어서
Relationship and commanlity in writing and speaking between 이라(서) and ~라(서) with ~이어서 and ~여서.
Also when can you use these 4?
(ig)이라(서) or ~라(서) has the exact same meaning of ~이어서 and ~여서
You can use these 4 only with 이다 and future since it hs 이다, but don’t use like present tense
(이)라(서) is used more often in speech (not to say that it is not used in writing – but when speaking, ~(이)라서 is more common than ~이어서 or ~여서). (이)라서 just flows off my tongue better.
일요일이어서 공원에 가고 싶어요 = It is Sunday, so I want to go to the park
PLAY일요일이라서 공원에 가고 싶어요 = It is Sunday, so I want to go to the park
예쁜 여자여서 똑똑하지 않을 것 같아 = She is a pretty girl, so she is probably not smart
예쁜 여자라서 똑똑하지 않을 것 같아 = She is a pretty girl, so she is probably not smart
grav when you can, osidm super easy, NT
How to add 아/어서 to 아니다, you can either add ~어서 or ~라(서).
(ig)(grav when you can)When adding ~아/어서 to 아니다, you can either add ~어서 or ~라(서).
osid, nt
아/어서 in the Future Tense
(ig) When adding ~아/어서 to a verb or adjective in the future tense, it is the same as adding ~아/어서 to 이다.
Just use ㄹ/을/x 것이어서,” “거여서,” “것이라서” or “거라서.”
나중에 밥이 없을 거라서 저는 지금 먹고 싶어요
= There will not be any food later, therefore, I want to eat now
친구가 거기에 많을 거라서 그 파티에 가고 싶어요
= Many of my friends will be there, so/therefore I want to go to that party
입장료가 너무 비쌀 거라서 저는 안 갈 거예요
= The price of admission will be so expensive, so I am not going to go
htsk, grav
By adding thie to the verb at the end of one clause, the second clause is expected to occur regardless of what happens in the first clause.
The clause with this attached is a supposition. That is, it is uncertain if that clause will occur or not.
Basically means “Regardless of if”
(grav)verb stem(descrptive and action)+아/어도 does what, basically mean what? Also give me connotation of clause attached and effects.
보석을 그 동굴에 숨겨도 사람들이 찾을 거예요
= Regardless of whether you hide the jewels in that cave, people will find them
네가 건축가가 되어도 손으로 건물을 짓지 않을 거야
= Regardless of if you become an architect, you won’t be building buildings with your hands
그랑 일대일로 면담하려고 해 봐도 그는 말을 안 할 거예요
= Regardless of if you try to talk with him (face to face) he won’t say anything
여자들이 예뻐도 똑똑하지 않으면 매력이 없어요
= Regardless of how pretty girls are, if they are not smart, they have no charm
Difference between verb stem+지만 and verb stem+아/어도
(ig) The clause with 아/어도 is a supposition. That is, it is uncertain if that clause will occur or not, the second clause is expected to occur regardless of the first.
When ~지만 is added to a clause, that clause is already a fact (or already was a fact, or already will be a fact). The clause that follows ~지만 is a statement that opposes this already accepted/known fact.
(already know this, just never put on flashcard), NT, grav
When this is added to a clause, that clause is already a fact (or already was a fact, or already will be a fact). The clause that follows this is a statement that opposes this already accepted/known fact. Tell me conjugation in present,past, and future(NT) and effect on irregularity.
basically means even though
(grav)verb stem+지만(no conjugation doesn’t effect on irregularity), function and connotation of usage, also what it basically means.
지만 to the past tense by adding ~았/었 to it(before it)
지만 to the future tense by adding the ~ㄹ/을 것이다 (or ~ㄹ/을 거다) or ~겠다 forms.
요즘에 한국어를 열심히 공부하고 있지만 아직도 잘 말할 수 없어요
= Even though I am studying Korean hard these days, I still can’t speak well
밥을 먹었지만 배고파요
= Even though I ate, I am hungry
상처를 치료했지만 아직 고통이 있어요
= I treated the wound, but there is still pain
한국에 안 가겠지만 여전히 한국어를 배우고 싶어요
= Even though I will not go to Korea, I still want to learn Korean
오늘 선생님이 안 올 거지만 우리는 선생님이 준비하신 내용을 공부해야 돼요
= Even though the teacher won’t come today, we need to study the material that she prepared
Tell me about adding question words to verb stem+지만 and verb stem+아/어도
The fact that the first clause of this sentence is a supposition (i.e. is uncertain to occur) allows question words to be used with.
Using 지만 the first clause is already some accepted/known fact. This means that a question word cannot be used in these types of sentences.
What word in these types of sentences with 아/어도 describe/translates “how much” something is done.
Also how placed?
아무리 means what with used before(space) the verb stem+아/어도. You can’t used the similar counterpart look at the bottom of examples for this word to help osid.
네가 나를 아무리 사랑해도 우리는 헤어져야 돼
= Regardless of how much you love me, we need to break up
애기를 안으려고 아무리 노력해도 애기가 나를 안고 싶지 않은 것 같이 보여요
= Regardless of how much I try to hug the baby, it looks like the baby doesn’t want to hug me
Anw to help with not osid
아무리 usually replaces 얼마나 in these types of sentences
grav 2 or more, one least vowel
How do you add 아/어도 to 이다(2)
Also give me what can happen with adding to vowel(2)
(so I need 4)
(grav despite this 2 or more, one with vowel)(ig)(similar) adding ~아/어서 to 이다
아/어도 can be attached directly to the stem of 이다, ex:남자이어도; 사람이어도
Or, the “~어” can be changed to “~라.” For example: 남자이라도; 람이라도
If the noun ends in a vowel, “이” can merge with the addition. For example:
남자여도 ( 이 and 어 merge to 여)
남자라도 (이 and 라 merge to 라)
그 남자가 마법사라도 그 문을 열 수 없을 거예요
= Regardless of if that man is a magician, he is not going to be able to open that door
그 사람이 네 엄마여도 나는 그녀와 말을 안 할 거야
= Regardless of if that person is your mother, I’m not going to talk to her
PLAY그 일을 하는 사람이 누구라도 창피할 거예요
= Regardless of who does that job, they will be embarrassed
Give me the word, what is often used with.
It is also a word that is put in sentences to allow the listener to expect what the speaker will say and provide feeling.
It is also used for feeling that ~아/어도 is coming later in the sentence.
(grav) Other than replace 얼마나 in sentences with ~아/어도, what can 아무리 do, don’t tell me meaning, tell me function and effect on listener(anwser is going to be vague-like)?
아무리 is often used in sentences with ~아/어도.
Also about its connotation of 아/어도 when using it.
아무리 그 제품을 반값으로 줘도 저는 안 살 거예요
= Regardless of if you give me that product at half price, I’m not going to buy it
repeated since edited
그래도, give me primary meaning(2)
Also what does it do/mean when some situation is being talked about
Primary meaning:“regardless” or “it doesn’t matter.”
When some situation is being talked about, you can use this to say “Regardless of if (that situation) occurs…”.
(has 그)
같이 가자! 사람이 많을 거야! = Let’s go together! There will be so many people
Person 2: 그래도 가기 싫어요 = Regardless. I’m not going.
Person 1: 선생님! 배가 좀 아파요! = Teacher! My stomach is a little sore
Person 2: 그래도 수업에 와야 돼 = Regardless, you have to come to class
How to add 아/어서 to 이다.
(ig)Adding ~이라(서)(c) or ~라(서)(v) has the exact same meaning of ~이어서(c) and ~여서(v) respectively. POV (이)라서 is more common in speech than ~이어서 or ~여서). (이)라서 just flows off the tongue better.
grav(2 for verb and noun with 이다)
How to construct “no matter how”for verbs(2 plus the other vowel) and nouns with 이다(2 equal (4 v,c)) (more than verb suffix)
So need(7)
Also how would you know the tense
(grav 2 for verb and noun with 이다)Just give me what this means
아무리 + Verb Stem + -아/어/여도
or 아무리 + noun+이다+ 라(v)/이라도(c) or여/이어도
Similar to 아/어서 in the past tense, You can understand the tense and the voice, as well as the subject of the entire sentence, from the context.
아무리 어려워도 = No matter how difficult it is…
아무리 심심해도 = No matter how bored you are…
= Even if you are a rich person… = 아무리 부자여도 or 아무리 부자라도
아무리 미인이라도 or 아무리 미인이어도 = No matter how much of a beauty she is…
How can you construct a phrase(2)where it indicates no matter how verb it is(you are, etc) still../or….(verb(3, 1 is other v))
or Even though that the subject is the noun+이다is …(noun(2(4 v,c)) )
When you add “this word(has 그)”, the sentence can be used on its own, without a second clause. Here, this word(has 그) means “but still…”.
Also how do you make these constructions polite?
Give me the meaning construction for verb(2/3, needs to be on the line) and noun+이다(1)
Also when doing constructions, give me the connotation of it and what does 그렇지 mean in these constructions.
아무리 +verb stem+아/어/여도 그렇지.
아무리 +noun+이다+ 라(v)/이라도(c) or여/이어도 그렇지.
To make it polite add 요, 그렇지요(그렇죠)
아무리 어려워도 그렇지.
= I know it is difficult, but still… / No matter how difficult it is, still….
아무리 학생이라도 = Even though he is a student…
아무리 학생이라도 그렇지. = Even though that person is a student…
아무리 바빠도 그렇지. = No matter how busy you are…
How to make 지 polite (2)
(ig)지요, 죠
Other than 싫다 meaning “to hate”, but it also means what other in terms like feeling, not meaning to be bad(not good)
This word not only means “to hate”, but it also means that you do not feel like doing something.(has ㅅ in it, two syllables, no 하)
아무리 싫어도, 안 싫은 척해 주세요.
= No matter how much you hate him/her, please pretend you do not.
= No matter how much you do not feel like doing this, please pretend you do.
which is used to express the meaning “even if” or “there is no use”. It is more commonly used in spoken Korean than in written Korean. (doesn’t have 도 in it)
When used after verb stems, this construction gives the entire sentence the meaning that “even if” one tries to do something, they will NOT get the desired result.
아/어/여 봤자 meaning(2) and when used after verb stems gives the sentence the meaning of what(2) with the subject don’t give the effect of the second clause and predication nor what you need when using the sentence and what you need after, also commanlity in speech and writing.
말해 봤자 = Even if you talk (to them) (there is no use).
찾아 봤자 = Even if you look for something / even if you find it (there is no use).
After you say -this grammar, it is already expected that you are going to say something along the lines of, “It will not work”, “It is impossible”, or, “You cannot do it”
Or you can simply add negative phrases using 안 or 못.
Quite often, you can just drop the above expressions after using -this grammar and just add -예요 (= to be) to end the sentence end.
How do you predicate/end sentence with 아/어/여 봤자, also what should you expect with what saying(2-3, give me 1 or more around the park)
Also what can you add in these sentences after 아/어/여 봤자.
말해 봤자 소용없어요. = Even if you talk (to them), it will be of no use.
가 봤자 시간 낭비예요. = Even if you go, it will be a waste of your time.
More EX: 울어 봤자 소용없어요 or 울어 봤자예요.
= Even if you cry, it will not help.
모르는 척해 봤자 이미 다 알고 있어요 or 모르는 척해 봤자예요.
= Even if you pretend you do not know, I already know all about it.
How do you make 아/어/여 봤자 informal, and what should know about it when using it
(ig)아/어/여 봤자 can be replaced with -아/어/여 봐야 when it is followed by a phrase that is NOT -예요 (you cannot say -아/어/여 봐야예요).
지금 출발해 봐야 시간 안에 못 가요. 울어 봐야 소용없어요. 모르는 척 해 봐야 이미 다 알고 있어요.
step, phase, stage(nothing with building)
단계(give me 3)
그 학생은 아직 첫 번째 단계에 있어요 = That student is still at the first stage
in stages, step-by-step
The pay increase will be introduced in stages.
임금 인상은 단계적으로 도입될 것이다.
Closure of the hospitals was phased over a three-year period.
그 병원들의 폐쇄는 3년에 걸쳐 단계적으로 진행되었다.
The new tax will be phased in over two years.
그 새 세금은 2년에 걸쳐 단계적으로 도입[시행]될 것이다.
How would say 2 grades(quantity in the sense stage, level)(1)
and grade 2(in sense of only one, specific stage, level)
1 and 2 corresponds with the anwser
차이가 뭐에요: 두 단계(1) and 이 단계 (2)
1 and 2 corresponds with the anwser
두 단계 공부했어요. (level 4~6) I studied 2 levels
이 단계 공부했어요 (level 2) I studied level 2 (only)
(level 4~6) I studied 2 levels
(level 2) I studied level 2 (only)(no grammar or word that will mean only)
차이가 뭐에요:
두 단계 공부했어요. and
이 단계 공부했어요.
This is usually used when referring to the members of the family, but this word is more about the family as a whole and the interconnected relationships that make up the family. A good example is how it is used in the word (this word)파괴자 (or (this word)파괴범). This refers to the person who “broke” the family (a home-wrecker, I guess). Here, the home-wrecker didn’t break the individual members of the family, but broke the family as a whole and the relationships within it.
가정 meaning and connotation of meaning
슬기는 행복한 가정에서 자랐어요 = Seulgi grew up in a happy family
가정파괴자 or 가정파괴범 meaning and connotation of the word and its reputation/effect
파괴범 isn’t used outside of this, but 파괴자 is.
Give me 2
This refers to the person who “broke” the family (a home-wrecker, I guess). Here, the home-wrecker didn’t break the individual members of the family, but broke the family as a whole and the relationships within it.
Destroyer, wreckor, havocker(anything doesn’t have to be person)
파괴자(give 1 is fine around the ballpark)
The school principal swore out a warrant for the arrest of the vandals.
그 학교 교장은 물품 파괴자들에 대한 구속 영장을 발급 받았다.
Shiva, the destroyer of the world, is one of the three main gods in Hinduism.
세상의 파괴자인 시바는 힌두교에서 세 명의 신들 중 하나다.
He’s a show destroyer.
(grav 2 based on common way to use it and alternative)
to assume (fancy/academic) hypothetically speaking
Just like English, common to use quotation form: Say the sentence, predicating verb/있다/없다 of clause in adj form +다고 or
predicating noun +이다/아니다+ 라고
after 라고 or 다고 place this verb.
If like a tool or method or whatever, you can used (으)로 connected to it and ten place this verb.
내가 계속 미국에 산다고 가정하면, 돈을 더 많이 벌어야 해.
If I assume that I continuously live in the US, I need to make
more money.
에이든을 나쁜 사람으로 가정하면, 수업을 더 들으면 안 돼.
If you assume Aiden as bad person, you shouldn’t take the
class more.
(grav 2 based on common way to use it and alternative)가정하다, is this colloquial, fancy, meanings(2)
What is commonly used when using this, not required and what else can you use?(think English) Also where is 가정하다 placed.
계산서, give me 2 meanings very similar
Can I have the check, please?
계산서 좀 갖다 주시겠어요?
Can I have the bill, please?
계산서 좀 갖다 주시겠어요?
현금영수증, means what(NT) and the point of this word with the government and what benefit do you get
영수증 is receipt
a “cash receipt.” The Korean government tries to track cash transactions, so it allows people to ask for “this word” when making purchases with cash. If you do this, you get tax benefits at the end of the year.
Very, really(not 너무, 많이, 정말,사실, 아주) has ㄱ in it it
Translation of synonym
유의어 means what
to be nice, to be kind
친절한 사람 = a nice person
한국 사람들은 아주 친절해요 = Korean people are very nice
Thank you, you’re very kind( very isn’t 너무, 많이, 정말,사실, 아주) has ㄱ in it it), you express shock and want to show it towards a person less of talking to yourself and is informal polite the sentence.
감사합니다 되게 친절하시네요.
descriptive verb to be surprising, amazing give me reg and conjugated.(not 멋지다, more like to be cool)
놀랍다, 놀라워요!(ㅂ irreg)
To emphasize 놀랍네요! or 놀랍군요!(irreg not affected)
놀라운 소식을 접하다
hear[get] surprising[astonishing] news
It’s amazing how quickly people adapt.
사람들이 얼마나 적응이 빠른지 놀랍다.
It astonishes me (that) he could be so thoughtless.
그가 그렇게 생각이 없다니 정말 놀랍다.
It is remarkable that nobody noticed sooner.
아무도 더 일찍 알아채지 못한 것이 놀랍다.
passive verb to be surprised, amazed, give me regular and conjugation
놀라다, 놀라요(not irregular)
놀라서 소리치다
cry out in surprise[astonishment; amazement]
당신의 영어 실력에 무척 놀랐습니다
I was amazed at your English skills.
be amazed at the sight [news] of…
…을 보고[…의 소식을 듣고] 놀라다[대경실색하다].
be frightened at the sight (noise, sound)
그것을 보고 (잡음, 소리) 놀라다.
(don’t worry about this to much) 놀랍다 vs 놀라다 difference
(ig)놀랍다 = descriptive to be suprising and amazing
놀라다 = passive to be surprised and amazed.
Meaning: garden
In Korea, most people don’t own a house with a yard or grass. “This word” is used to refer to having a house with any form of grass, and it doesn’t necessarily need to be a garden with flowers. Though it can still mean garden like in English.
정원 meaning and what does it mean as in Korea and why is it used, though it can man what despite this(NT)
정원이 있는 집에서 사는 게 제 꿈이에요 = It is my dream to live in a house with a garden
나이가 먹으면 정원을 가꾸는 것은 좋은 운동이에요 = When you get older, doing gardening is good exercise
그 정원이 아름다워도 내일 그 장소에서 건물을 지을 거예요 = Regardless of if that garden is beautiful, tomorrow we will construct a building on that location
정원 = garden
to hide/cover up/conceal, give me reg and conjugated
가리다, 가려요(give me 3)
손으로 얼굴을 가리다
cover one’s face with one’s hands
바닥으로 하늘을 가리려고 하지 마라발음듣기
Don’t try to bury your head in the sand.
put one’s hand over one’s eyes
(눈이 부시거나 하여) 손으로 눈을 가리다.
shade one’s eyes with one’s hand
(빛에 눈이 부시지 않게) 손으로 눈을 가리다.
잘했어(요) meaning and connotation of usage.
you did a good job (one word, nt, not any new word, you know this already.
from someone higher to someone lower
New Year in Native Korean
New Year in Chinese Korean
Happy New Year(for Korean not chinese, not direct translation)
새해 복 많이 받으세요.
Difference between 시일, 시간, 시
시 is o’clock
시일 is time and daye
시간 is duration
What should know about irregular conjugation for descriptive verbs with -plain form for any tense, 다 ending
You don’t conjugate irregular forms such as 길다, 멀다
Other than the meanings, and function forㄴ/는데 other than but(though) in terms of its effect on the next clause.
(ig)Background information for the
next sentence ; now that, given that, considering, because~
Though you can differentiate it, not important, important thing is immersion and can be understood through context.
(not 놓다)put, set, place
leave (behind), but usally use 고(and) 왔어요
keep, leave(keep)
두다, give me meanings(3), give me connotation with one of them what you must usally use. for the 3 sets of meanings, there are mutiple give me 1 for each one and around the park is fine.
그것은 책상 위에 둬라
Put[Place] it on the desk.
학교에 가방을 두고 왔다
I have left my bag at school.
(일정한 상태로 있게 하다) keep, leave, let
창문을 열어 두세요
Please keep[leave] the window open.
to leave the car in neutral
자동차의 기어를 중립에 두다
Can you use any verb with quoting with 고, and the other common verbs that you can you other than say
(ig) 생각하다, 믿다, 듣다, and others.
Tell me about what can you do instead of verb+고 말하다 for quoting in it’s replacement using 해(요)(1) for using 자, 라(used with older people), plain form also in the form of 다고, basically plain form + 고, 냐
(ig)You drop down 고, 말, only applies when using 해(요), you can combine the mentioned suffixes(라,자,다,냐)
엄마가 밥 먹으라(고) (말)해 = 엄마가 밥 먹으래(라+해)
엄마가 밥 먹자(고) (말)해 = 엄마가 밥 먹재(자+해)
엄마가 밥 먹냐(고) (말)해 = 엄마가 밥 먹냬(냐+해)
엄마가 밥 먹는다(고) (말)해 = 엄마가 밥 먹는대(다+해)
What can you do with quoting when using 해 and verb+고 when using 라(used from older people)
(ig)You drop down 고, 말
combine the 라 with 해 = 래
엄마가 밥 먹으라(고) (말)해 = 엄마가 밥 먹으래(라+해)
What can you do with quoting when using 해 and verb+고 when using 자 (used from older people)
(ig)You drop down 고, 말
combine the 자 with 해 = 재
엄마가 밥 먹자(고) (말)해 = 엄마가 밥 먹재(자+해)
What can you do with quoting when using 해 and verb+냐 when using 냐
(ig)You drop down 고, 말
combine the 냐 with 해 = 냬
엄마가 밥 먹냐(고) (말)해 = 엄마가 밥 먹냬(냐+해)
What can you do with quoting when using 해 and verb+present plain(ㄴ/는다) form when using present plain(ㄴ/는다) form
(ig)You drop down 고, 말
combine the 다 with 해 = 대.
엄마가 밥 먹는다(고) (말)해 = 엄마가 밥 먹는대(다+해)
dog changing hair(molt(shedding) for dogs)
Similar to 먹이 for animal feed
털 = animal hair
갈다 = to change
Our dog is shedding these days.
우리 집 개가 요즘 털갈이를 한다
Our dog is molting again.
우리 개는 다시 털갈이를 하고 있다.
They molt their fur to long, white fur during the winter.
그들은 겨울 동안 길고 하얀 털로 털갈이를 합니다.
osid, verified
What’s the difference between 묻다 and 요청하다 and its connotation?
(ig)묻다 is asking question like talking, basically asking question but not requesting for somebody to do something
요청하다 is to ask somebody to do something(not causitive, think english(
inquire after one’s health
남의 안부를 묻다, 문안을 드리다.
demand a person’s business [name]
무슨 일이냐[이름이 무엇이냐]고 묻다.
to request an opinion letter regarding a case
사건에 대한 의견서를 요청하다
to call in the receivers
파산 관재인을 요청하다
ask a person for a ticket
아무에게 티켓을 달라고 요청하다.
boss, literally means “head of some department,”
그것을 하려면 먼저 부장님께 물어봐야 돼요 = In order to do that, you need to ask the boss first
저는 부장님을 위해서 이것을 썼어요 = I wrote this for my boss
부장님을 만족시키는 것은 어려워요 = Is it is difficult to satisfy our boss
부장님은 내일까지 출장을 갔어요 = The boss went on a business trip until tomorrow
부장님이 그 일을 이미 다 한 것 같아요 = It seems like the boss already did all that work
이 사실을 부장님께 알려 줘야겠어요 = I guess I should tell the boss (about) that fact
우리 교장선생님은 영어를 할 수 있습니다 = Our principal can speak English
저는 책을 교장선생님께 줬어요 = I gave the principal a book
vice principal
교감선생님은 선생님들을 위해 식사를 살 거예요 = The vice principal will buy a meal for all the teachers
저는 교감선생님에게서 한국어를 배웠어요 = I learned Korean from my vice principal
food at school(one word, tricky)
If you work at a school in Korea, you will hear this word every day – otherwise, it will not be as common
우리는 급식으로 오리고기를 먹었어요 = We had duck for the school lunch
오늘 급식으로 김치찌개를 먹었어요 = We had Kimchi jigae for lunch today at school
Glue N
그 종이를 공책에 풀로 붙이세요! = Stick that paper to your notebook using glue!
a polite way to say “customer”(1)
regular way to say cusomer(2)
고객님들은 항상 맞아요 = The customer is (customers are) always right
그 주인은 고객님들을 잘 대우해요 = That owner treats the customers well
오늘 고객이 많고 분위기가 좋아요 = Today there are a lot of customers and the atmosphere is good
president/CEO of a company(2)
To a stranger
old woman(40 and higher) very very offensive(1)
old woman(40 and higher) little nicer, still not respectful than above, but still offensive, but can be used for housekeeper(2)
Give me meaning and connotations of usage, also when can you use 2, only 2.
young lady ; sexual connotation can be included
(Can’t say to your gf)
아가씨 meaning and meaning/usage connotation, also what should you keep in mind
hey kid(2 way, both the same one is abbrevaited in the sense of the vowel)
얘야 (=아이야)
동물원에 카메라를 가지고 입장해도 돼요?
= Am I allowed to enter the zoo with a camera?
제가 동물원에서 유일하게 보고 싶은 동물은 코끼리예요
= The only animal I want to see at the zoo are the elephants
우리 어머니가 강아지를 아주 좋아하지만 다른 동물을 싫어해요
= My mother really likes dogs/puppies, but doesn’t like other animals
하지만 펭귄이 있는 곳은 동물원 입구에서 멀다고 하니 아빠와 나는 우선 다른 동물들을 먼저 봤다
= But (because) the place the penguins are was said to be far from the zoo entrance, so Dad and I saw other animals first
Difference and commonality between 자식, 걔, 아이 차
Only 자식 can be used with baby animal, must use 동물.
아이 and 자식 both mean : a human baby, child
걔 : short for 그 아이 that boy/girl
juvenile, young person(under 18), not really the prison
청소년 meanings(2) and give me connotation
청소년들은 그들 자신을 사랑하지 않아요
= Young people don’t love themselves
20’s, 30’s(age), give me the construction to get this and use native or sino, also what should you know about this
What does this do and for below give me translation
sino num+대
이십대, 삼십대, 백대
일십대 doesn’t apply must be 십대
way/means/method(doesn’t have 쪽, 수)
방식, can be abbreviated to 식for colloquially for when talking
Abbreviations tend to be used in colloquial speech(just like English)
tricky, grav
It’s hard to translate
To do in this sort of way(has 하다)
in this mannar, in such a mannar, in this way, like this(no 하다)
Look at the examples if confused by the defintion
(grav) Just give me one translation for each , need to be around the parl
이런 식으로 하다(1)
이런 식으로(2)
이런 can mean such, like this
식 is abbreviation of 방식
이런 식으로 못 살겠어 I can’t live in a
way like this(this way)
나한테 그런 식으로 말하지 마라
Don’t talk to me like that.
그냥 이런 식으로. - 응, 이런 식으로.
Just like this. - Like this.
At this rate, we’ll soon be bankrupt.
이런 식으로 가다간 우린 곧 파산하고 말 것이다.
Let me put it this way.
이런 식으로 설명을 하지요.
It’s hard to translate
To do in that sort of way(has 하다)
in that mannar, in such a mannar, in that way, like that(no 하다)
Look at the examples if confused by the defintion
그런 식으로 하다(1)
그런 식으로(2)
그런 can mean such, like that
식 is abbreviation of 방식
아 그런 식으로? 과일, 먹을 식?
What about relating overeating to eating fruit?
왜 그런 식으로 말 해? Why do you talk like that?
That does it, I’m off. I’m not having you swear at me like that.
더 이상은 못 참아. 난 가겠어. 네가 그런 식으로 나한테 욕하는 걸 듣고 있을 수 없어.
That’s no way to speak to your mother!
엄마께 그런 식으로 말하는 거 아냐!
htsk, grav
It’s hard to translate
To do in that(far) sort of way(has 하다)
in that(far) mannar, in such a mannar, in that(far) way, like that(far)(no 하다)
Look at the examples if confused by the defintion
(grav) 저런 식으로 하다 (1)
저런 식으로 (2)
저런 can mean such, like that(far)
식 is abbreviation of 방식
That sort of attitude really gets my back up!
저런 식의 태도는 정말 짜증스러워!
Why is Frank looking at me that way?
프랭크가 왜 날 저런식으로 보는 거지?
Try to think of it that way, Mina.
미나야, 저런 식으로 생각하려고 해봐.
to make somebody cry
To ring(sound)
울리다, 울려요(give me 2, unrelated)
가끔씩 아기의 우는 모습이 귀여워서 일부러 아기를 울릴 때가 있어요
= Sometimes the look of a baby crying is so cute that there are times where I purposely make the baby cry
초등학교 남자아이들은 좋아하는 여자아이가 있으면 꼭 그 아이를 울려요
= If an elementary school boy has a girl that he likes, they always make them cry
종을 울리다 ring a bell
할머니 핸드폰이 울리다 granma’s phone’s rining
to honk your car horn 차의 경적을 울리다
To honk
경적을 울리다
What is the basic order and alternative way for Thing + number(s)(amount of a thing). Also explain the connotation of alternative way?
basic order= thing + number/몇 + counter, such as Five apples = 사과 다섯 개
alternative order=number/몇=counter(의) + thing, such as Five apples = 다섯 개의 사과. Put 의 after counter to prevent confusion and make it more understandable.
in a way repeated
In terms of position change what’s the difference 가다 and 오다
가다 involves position change
오다 doesn’t involve position change
걸어 왔어요 give me translation and give me connotation of translation
(ig) I came walking (you’ve already finished walking)
To be curious
to delete (files, names, etc…)(1)
button on computer to to delete (files, names, etc…)(2)
삭제하다 (1 meaning and connotation)
삭제(2, why would use this), not really used by itself, noun form of above
저는 컴퓨터에 모든 파일을 실수로 삭제했어요
= I mistakenly deleted all of the files on my computer
그 사람이 못 온다고 해서 그 사람 이름을 목록에서 삭제하면 돼요
= That person says he can’t come, so we can delete that person’s name from the list
In terms of politeness tell me about 당신, and what circumstance will you use it(3)
(ig)polite form of ‘you’ but in reality, It doesn’t sound polite.
1. General you
2. Stranger ; when you don’t have any information (name,
title) about the person.
3. Honey, baby (between married couple[old])
is the formal equivalent of the word “나이.” When talking to older people (much older people), you should use the word “this word” to refer to their age. Using this word is a delicate science, because if you use the word “나이” on a very old person, he/she might be offended. However, if you use “this word” on somebody who isn’t very old, he/she might be offended as well.
up until about 65 years old, you would be safe to use the word “나이.” Anything after that and you should be safe using this word. The difficulty here is also how old the person looks. If the person looks really really old (like 80 or above), you should definitely use 연세 instead.
When should you use 연세, also give its meaning connotation and what should uou be aware of when using this word?
Apple peel(nt)
껍질 can be used with any plant(vegestable or fruit) and doesn’t change like English
Peanut peel(NT)
껍질 can be used with any plant(vegestable or fruit) and doesn’t change like English
egg shell
the crust of bread
to be old,lint(not direct translation, uses formal age, doesn’t use 드시다 ,먹다)
연세(가) 들다
to enter oldness
How old are you? (honorific, different from polite, doesn’t use 이다, 3 words in the question)
연세(가) 어떻게 되세요?
What’s the age counter(polite and honorific, so give me 2)?
살(polite), 세(honorific) are counter for what?
우리 엄마는 예순 두 살이야
저희 어머니는 육십이 세예요.
What have you been up to?(informal)
그동안 뭐 하고 지냈어?(고 is and for verb)
그동안 means during that time/in the meanwhile
Aunt for mother side and father side
What is this for?
고모(father side)/이모(mother side)
somewhat repeated
Uncle for mother side and father side
What is this for?
삼촌(on father’s side)/외삼촌(on mother’s side)
birthrate, fertility rate
한국의 평균 출산율은 1인당 1.16명에 지나지 않는다발음듣기
The average birthrate in Korea does not surpass 1.16 per woman.
lifestyle/life(livelihood, living)
생활 meaning and meaning connotation
활 is chinese activity
preply for 2, 1 is valid
At the end of life(adds 생 and a suffix is attached to it, is 에 or 에서 used)
생의 끝자락에서
생의 끝자락에서 그녀의 이름을 부른다.
At the end of life, I call her name.
usage, use(not way method, not 사용, not 쓰임)
good, grav
To grant, access(has ㄷ and isn’t honorific)
소원을 들어주다
grant sb’s wish
한국어와 영어로 각각예를 들어줄 수 있나요?
Can you give me an example of each?
grant a person’s request
남의 부탁을 들어주다.
do a person a favor
아무의 부탁을 들어주다
confess a penitent
고해자의 고해를 들어주다.
respectively, each
respectively means in the order given(separately or individually and in the order already mentioned)
Basically means each.
They lost $40 each.
그들은 각각 40달러를 잃었다.
Julie and Mark, aged 17 and 19 respectively
줄리와 마크, (나이는) 각각 17세와 19세
They each received a legacy of $5000.
그들은 각각 5 000달러의 유산을 받았다.
spacious part of skirt, clothes, blanket(means the wide, loose sagging part)
Sleeve(not spacious), the end of a skirt, clothes(part where clothes end, see skin), blanket.
옷 끝자락… - 옷 끝자락?
End of shirt… - End of shirt?
담요 끝자락 밖으로 그녀의 발이 살짝 보였다.
Her feet peeked out from the end of the blanket.
그녀는 긴장한 나머지 그녀의 블라우스 끝자락을 만지작거렸다.She was so nervious that she had a tinker at the edge of her blouse.
To enjoy(not like and to be happy, hint is enjoy)
그는 인생을 즐길 줄 안다
He knows how to enjoy life.
가무를 즐기다
enjoy singing and dancing
To be written, to be used as(passive)
쓰이다 (2)
이 방은 창고로 쓰인다
This room is used for storage.
편지에는 이렇게 쓰여 있었다
This is what the letter said.
to copy (computer way, printer, science)
복사하다 meaning, meaning connotation
복사 isn’t used by itself only for button on computer
문서의 원본을 복사하다
make a copy of the original document
이 파일을 디스켓에 복사해 놓으세요
Please transfer[copy] this file to a diskette[disc].
copy and paste
Give me 1 fine
복사&붙여넣기 or
복사 붙여넣기
붙여 넣다 or 붙여넣다
give me meaning and connotation
give me 1 is fine
What can you with particles such as 에, 한테, 에게(께honorific), 으로 to highlight, emphasis, focus. The anwser is in the examples.
How can you make 다가 highlight, emphasis, focus. The anwser is in the examples.
다가 particle (used at the end of another particle[place, direction, method, target) 에, 한테, 에게(께honorific), 으로
Such as(I created these sentences):
I bring strawberries to my friend
저는 딸기를 친구에게다가 가져 가요
My doctor is helping my friend.
제 의사가 친구에게다가 도움 드립니다.
Repeated concept but diif example
다섯시 반
Take your time(uses an adverb that means slowly, has ㄴ in it.)
천천히 하세요
Another(not 외에, two words in in it), else
또 다른, give me 2
Another new dress, eh!
또 다른 새 드레스라구, 응!
What else did he say?
그가 또 다른 말은 뭐라고 했나요?
Time is another important consideration.
시간이 또 다른 중요 고려 사항이다.
또 다른 메시지 another message
To worry(primary)
Similar to 걱정하다, don’t worry about difference
in the sense to agonize, to suffer trying to figure out something
고민 can be used by itself
오늘 한 시간 더 수업을 할지 아니면 다음 주에 한 시간
수업을 할지 고민돼요.
It got me agonizing whether I’ll add one more hour today’s
class or(otherwise) I’ll do an hour class next week.
고민을 괜히 많이 했어! = I was all worried for nothing!
무대 위에서 노래를 부를 때마다 저의 걱정과 고민은 모두 사라져요
= Whenever I sing on stage all of my worries and fears disappear
누군가를 좋아한다면, 고민하지 말고 용기를 가지고 고백해 보세요
= If you like somebody, don’t stress about it, pick up your courage and try confessing
선물을 사거나 파티에 빈손으로 가거나 어떻게 할지 고민 중이에요
= I’m not sure what/how to do it – I might go to the party with a present, or go empty handed
to be thinking about something/to be worried about something(hard, not direct translation)
고민 중(noun phrase, but doesn’t act like it) give me 2 around the ballpark
Debating whether or not to go to hot yoga, I don’t know if I want to take the abuse today.
핫요가에 갈지 안 갈지 고민 중. 오늘 내가 혹사 당하고 싶은지 모르겠어.
She is thinking about whether or not to go abroad.
그녀는 해외로 나갈지 말지 고민 중이에요.
All국제언어대학원대학교 신어사전
I am torn between which to buy, a rollable phone or a foldable one.
롤러블 휴대전화와 폴더블 휴대전화 중 어떤 걸 살지 고민 중이에요.
I am wondering whether to buy a cheap dalgona kit from the Internet.
인터넷에서 달고나 키트를 싸게 팔아서 살지 고민 중이야.
in a way repeated
to get worried(no trick)
I don’t remember(common way)
기억(이) 안 나요
What’s the difference between 예술 and 미술?
예술 : art focused on academic sense such as literature,
movies, sculpture, paintings
미술 : art focused on special and visual beauty, paintings only
Art musuem(nt in a way)
Musuem, not art musuem
human body (in the sense of like science)
인체 meaning and meaning connotation
인체의 구조
structure of the human body
인체 박물관 human body museum
Western people
서양 is the west(not direction)
Eastern people
동양 is the east(not direction)
The east(not direction, oriential)
a dazzling display of oriental dance
동양 무용의 현란한 춤사위
a spice used extensively in Eastern cooking
동양 요리에서 광범위하게 쓰이는 양념
The west(not direction, like europe, white people)
I was born in Japan, but I’ve lived in the West for some years now.
나는 일본에서 태어났지만 이제 몇 해째 서양에서 살고 있다.
White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures.
흰색은 서양 문화에서 항상 순수의 상징이었다.
아트 meaning and when is it used(2)(one is obvious)
art konglish, used when something not normally expected
becomes art
모던 아트modern art, 북 아트book art, 네일 아트nail
nail art
Nature(like forest)
자연 meaning and meaning connotation
자연의 법칙에 따르다
follow the laws of nature
to be natural
t’s natural that he is with her.
그가 그녀와 함께 있는 것은 자연스럽다.
All사용자 이미지
English spelling is very simple and natural.
영어 철자는 아주 간단하고 자연스럽다.
It comes natural to me.
그것은 나한테는 자연스럽다, 조금도 힘이 들지 않는다
NT pronounced as 어새카다
to be awkward, weird
10 초 동안 조금 어색했어요 = It was awkward for 10 seconds
누구나 자기 전 여자 친구를 만나면 분위기가 어색해요
= When/if anybody meets their ex-girlfriend, the atmosphere is awkward
그 사람이랑 얘기를 할 때마다 대화가 이상하기도 하고 어색하기도 해요
Whenever I talk with that person, the conversation is weird and also awkward too
osid, good
Give me the meaning connotation of 일 for thing
(ig)a thing that is happening like event
Difference and commanlity difference between 사물(2) and 물건 (1)
(ig) 물건 is more common than 사물
물건 physical item such as product, device, etc
It’s always tangible
사물 is a physical object taken collectively, basically grouping them. Image below shows this. Also it can mean an abstract concept for a thing.
(korean) traditional percussion quartet
사물 means things(for category to be grouped)
놀이 means a play/game/recreation
사물놀이 공연을 감상하다
watch[appreciate] a samulnori performance
Development(s)(not 개발, has ㄴ in it)(명사)
전개 from 전개하다
Are you up to speed yet on the latest developments?
최근의 전개 상황에 대해 이미 다 알고 계신가요?
Are you up to speed yet on the latest developments?
최근의 전개 상황에 대해 이미 다 알고 계신가요?
Such a development seems unlikely, at least in the short term
그러한 전개 과정은 있을 것 같지 않다. 적어도 단기적으로는.
Such a development seems unlikely, at least in the short term
그러한 전개 과정은 있을 것 같지 않다. 적어도 단기적으로는.
오징어 is squid
to show(to express), to express, to represent, to apprear, to show up(apprear)
나타내다, 나타내요(give me 3 or more)
그는 회의에 모습을 나타내지 않았다
He didn’t turn up[show up] at the meeting.
그녀는 미소로 찬성의 뜻을 나타냈다
She showed[expressed] her approval with a smile.
그래프의 푸른 선은 매출액을 나타낸다
The blue line on the graph represents[refers to; denotes] sales.
감정을 나타내다 = to show one’s emotions
to show one’s emotions(think to express, to appear)(표현하다 isn’t used)
감정을 나타내다
표현 can be used by itself
남자가 여자에게 자기 마음을 표현했어요
= The man expressed his feelings to the girl
제가 표현할 수 없을 만큼 학생들에게 감동을 받았어요 = I’m impressed from the students to the point that I can’t express myself (I can’t express how much I am impressed by my students)
to express(not 나타내다)
감정적이다(when want to predicate,obv)
감정적으로 대응하다
react emotionally
They made an emotional appeal for help.
그들은 감정적으로 도움을 호소했다.
He tends to get emotional on these occasions.
그는 이런 경우에 감정적이 되는 경향이 있다.
Expression, not emotions
그녀는 처음으로 감정을 드러냈어요 = For the first time, she revealed her emotions
저는 남자 친구에게 슬픈 감정을 보여주고 싶지 않았어요
= I didn’t want to show my sad emotions to my boyfriend
제가 지금 느끼는 감정을 설명하기 어려워요
= It is difficult for me to explain the emotions I am feeling now
여자 친구가 다른 남자랑 같이 있는 것을 봤을 때 여러 가지의 감정을 느꼈어요
= I felt many types of emotions when I saw my girlfriend with another man
to hide/conceal one’s emotions(not cover)
감정을 감추다
to show/express one’s emotions(나타내다 isn’t used)
감정을 표현하다
to cut (down/off/out/away)
to fire, dismiss(give me reg, future(거) and present conjugated)
자르다, 잘라요, 자를 거예요(give me 2, not super similar)
가위로 자르다
cut sth with scissors[shears]
사장은 자기 마음대로 직원을 자른다
The president fires employees as he pleases.
to cut a piece of wood along/across the grain
나무 조각을 결대로/결을 가로질러 자르다
to cut a baguette with a breadcutter
바게트를 빵 칼로 자르다
=x 옆머리 doesn’t work, wouldn’t make sense
side hair
Armpit hair
겨드랑이 털
penis(private part)
penis(slang) ; dick (curse)
pubic hair (proper, not common)
Crotch(the part of your body where your legs join at the top, or the part of pants or underwear which covers this area), pubic
가랑이, 이 isn’t subject particle
가랑이를 벌리다
spread one’s legs (wide/apart)
pubic hair (common, give me 1 is fine the(the common, but not vulgar, and super inapporpiate one)
give me translation
자지털(common fine), 좆털(caution this)
king penis (big penis)
penis(childish)/ small pipi (derogatory)
this word is from
고추 pepper
anal (proper)
poop hole ; asshole (childish, curse)
똥구멍 two meanings
엉덩이, 이 not subject marker
엉덩이를 찰싹 때리다
Can you throw this away(natural, word for “this” is used and abbreviated, two different please feeling word used)
이거 좀 버려 줄 수 있어요?
설거지를 어떻게 제대로 하는지 몰라요
= I don’t know how to do the dishes properly
제대로 쉬지 않고 계속 일만 하느라고 결국 아이를 유산했다
= I eventually had a miscarriage because I never got a chance to rest and was only working
단시간에 대회를 준비하는 바람에 대회를 제대로 치를 수 없었다
= We couldn’t complete the competition fully because we only prepared it over a short time
제대로 운동을 하더라도 스트레칭을 하지 않으면 효과가 별로 없어요
= Even if you exercise properly, if you don’t stretch, there isn’t much effect
조건과 기준을 제대로 맞추더라도 면접을 잘 못 보면 시험에서 떨어질 수도 있어요
= Even if you meet the requirements and standards, if you don’t do well in the interview, you could do poorly on the exam
immediately, can be used to indicate that something happens immediately (in terms of time) or that something is “immediately/right” close to something (in terms of space.
저는 바로 갔어요 = I left immediately
우리는 집에 와서 바로 잤어요 = We came home and went to sleep immediately
저는 책을 읽고 바로 잤어요 = I read the book and then slept immediately
은행이 학교 바로 옆에 있어요 = The bank is right (immediately) next to the school
A right(a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way.)
picture below help visualize it
그 권리에 대해 얘기하려고 변호사가 판사를 내일 만날 예정이에요
= The lawyer is scheduled to meet the judge tomorrow to talk about that right
소비자는 사서 먹는 모든 음식에 대한 영양소를 알 권리가 있어요
= Consumers have the right to know all of the nutrition (facts) about the foods they buy and eat
To argue
주장 can be used by itself
그 사람이 다른 사람들을 위하는 척하며 자기 의견만 주장해요
= That person pretends to be for other people, but just asserts his own opinion
사회 불평등에 대해 강력히 주장해 봤지만 어느누구도 제 목소리에 귀 기울여 주지 않았어요
= I was strongly arguing against the inequalities in our society, but nobody would lend an ear to what I was saying
little tricky
to stand/fight for a right
권리를 주장하다
the rights of laborers(tricky, has a feeling of interest, pay attention)
노동자의 권익
권익 is really on used for this
factory worker
공장 노동자
공장 is a factory
to work(physical labor), to do labor
노동하다 meaning and meaning connotation
certificate (something showing qualification)
자격증, look at the examples for 증 understanding after look at the anwser
“증” refers to some sort of proof that one can, or is allowed to do something. For example:
면허증 = drivers licence (a card showing that one can/is allowed to drive)
학생증 = student card (a card showing that one is a student)
Give me 3(all the same but diffrent parts ommited)
drivers licence (a card showing that one can/is allowed to drive)
My hint think english like Driver license, license means both the same based on context, and all renember korean like to omitt things.
면허증, (운전)면허증, 운전면허
look at the examples for 증 understanding after look at the anwser
저는 운전면허를 16 살 때 땄어요
= I got my driver’s license when I was 16 years old
“증” refers to some sort of proof that one can, or is allowed to do something. For example:
학생증 = student card (a card showing that one is a student)
자격증 = certificate (something showing qualification)
to get a driver’s license(give me three, all three the same but ommitable parts).
(운전)면허증을 따다,
운전면허을 따다
저는 운전면허를 16 살 때 땄어요
= I got my driver’s license when I was 16 years old
student card (a card showing that one is a student)
학생증, look at the examples for 증 understanding after look at the anwser
to get a certification/certified
자격증을 따다
그 나라에서 선생님이 되고 싶으면 특별한 자격이 있지 않아도 돼요
= If you want to become a teacher in that country, you don’t need any special qualification
저는 자격미달로 그 학교에 떨어졌어요
= I didn’t get into that school because I wasn’t qualified
이 회사에 지원하기 전에 먼저 자격요건을 확인해주시길 바랍니다
= Before applying to this company, please check the qualification requirements first
to get(something of value), to obtain, to win(like medal, something of value)
따다 meanings(give some around the ballpark) and meaning connotation
학위를 따다 = to obtain a degree
자격증을 따다 = to get a certificate
운전면허증을 따다 = to get a driver’s license
저는 운전면허를 16 살 때 땄어요
= I got my driver’s license when I was 16 years old
슬기가 10 년 동안 연습하다 보면 올림픽 금메달을 딸 수 있을 것 같아요
= If 슬기 (continually) practiced for 10 years, she will probably be able to win an
Olympic gold medal
to be desirable
It is desirable that interest rates be reduced.
금리를 내리는 것이 바람직하다.
It is desirable that you should be there by two o’clock.
두 시까지 네가 거기에 가 있는 것이 바람직하다.
It is desirable that people get a medical check-up regularly.
정기적으로 건강검진을 받는 것이 바람직하다
Korean new year
진실성,look at the examples to understand 성.
성 (性) = Character or a Range of Some Quality
나는 네 이야기의 진실성을 의심하지 않는다
I don’t doubt the veracity of your story.
All the same, there’s some truth in what she says.
그렇긴 하지만, 그녀의 말에도 어느 정도 진실성은 있다.
to be honest, to be truthful
진실 can be used by itself
hand wash(liquid soap for washing one’s hands)
to do the laundry (literally, to turn the laundry [in the washing machine])
빨래를 돌리다
to hang the laundry, tricky(hard)(two word is used noun and verb)
빨래를 널다, 널다 isn’t used outside of this
verb used for hanging laundary
to hang the washing on the line
줄에 빨래를 널다
to hang the laundry on a winter dyke
겨울 실내용 빨래 건조대에 빨래를 널다
hang out clothes to air
옷이 마르도록 내다 널다.
더 이상 does what and what is translated as?
to indicate that one will not do something “anymore.”
translated as anymore with anymore meaning the connotation above
저는 이 영화를 더 이상 보고 싶지 않아요 = I don’t want to watch this movie anymore
approach, go near (to)(no 오다 for this)
다가가다 give me meanings(around the ballpark)
similar with 다가오다, but the difference is with 가 and 오, where the speaer does the action and not based third person.
그녀는 창가로 다가가 밖을 내다보았다
She approached the window and looked out.
그는 다가가기 어려운 사람이다발음듣기
He is not easily approachable.
to approach slowly/gradually(hint it not based off third person and in relationship to somethine, more of subject doing the action, doesn’t use 천천히)
서서히 다가가다
To fail
실패 can be used by itself
To misunderstand V, give reg and not conjugated
오해하다, 오해요(conjugated, omit the 하, just other verbs wtih 해하다)
오해 can be used by itself
서로에 대한 오해로 인한 인종차별이 많아요
= There is a lot of racial discrimination due to (people) misunderstanding (each other)
모르는 사람과 같은 집에서 살면 오해에 의한 싸움이 자주 생겨요
= If you live with a person you don’t know, fights due to misunderstandings often occur
긴 머리 때문에 나는 그를 여자로 오해했다
Because of his long hair, I mistook him for a girl.
무슨 오해요? What wrong way?
What’s 그렇지 formal?(nt, real easy)(renember it means , is quite similar to the ending ~지/죠 (that is right, isn’t it!?, aren’t they!?, eh?, wasn’t there?, didn’t I)
When you add “the word”, the sentence can be used on its own, without a second clause. Here, this word means “but still…”.)
그렇죠 meaning(in a way repeated)
What’s the abbreviated form of 나를; 너를; 나는;
What about/connotaion of abbreviating with the rule above with 저는 and 제가;
(ig) 날; 널; 난; 넌
It is possible to abbreviate 저는 to 전, but doing this generally is seen as informal – which sometimes means it would be inappropriate.
This doesn’t apply to 가(subject marker).
난 어렸을 때 해병이었어 = When I was younger I was a marine
넌 누구를 기다리고 있니? = Who are you waiting for?
난 천둥이 치는 소리를 들었어 = I heard thunder
아버지는 날 위해 튀김을 사 주었어 = Dad bought some fried food for me
What can you with 는 or ~를 (2) with what nouns and with it; also what circumstances does this happen?
(ig)any noun, which must end in a vowel, and you can abbreviate the particles ~는 or ~를 by attaching just ~ㄴ or ~ㄹ to a noun, or you can simply omit it if context allows for it. These types of abbreviates often occur in speech. Often the speaker isn’t even making a conscious effort to abbreviate these words.
It is also possible to see these used in literature where direct quotes are used. In these cases, authors often try to write in a way that mimics the sound of a real sentence as if it were spoken.
이건 얼마예요? = How much is this?
나의 침댄 너무 딱딱해! = My bed is too hard!
여긴 금연 구역이라 여기서 담배를 피우지 마세요 = This is a non-smoking area, so please don’t smoke here
나 이 손목시계 늘 차고 있어 = I always wear a watch
나 만두 먹기 싫어 = I don’t want to eat dumplings
What does more ㅋ do in ㅋㅋ for like internent and messaging and 왜?
Though less common, what it the alternative form of ㅋㅋㅋ?
(ig)Typically, the more ㅋ characters there are, the more you are laughing since it sounds like somebody chuckling.
This is less commonly represented as “ㅎㅎ….”
What is the thing you see/put on internet/messaging to symbolize crying to show that you are sad and when include more it indicates you are very sad(typically in sets of two).(for understanding look at examples here after seeing the anwsers)
Also what’s the less common alternative?
(after looking anwser)
The letters represent two eyes with tears pouring out of them – indicating that you are sad.
ㅠㅠ means on messaging/internet
What does adding more(sets of two usally do)ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
The less common alternative= ㅜㅜ
너무 abbreviation, which you typcially see internet, messaging, and what can you do emphsaize very very
넘(is an abbreviation of what)
넘넘 does what, which some people(NT, obvious)
난 넘넘 배고파! = I’m sooooo hungry!
On internet and messaging what can you to represent happy face(similing face) (for anwser understanding look at examples after seeing anwser)
(after looking at the anwser)
When Korean people smile, their eyes usually make a half-moon shape, which is what each one of these “^” symbols represent.
^^ does what for korean internet and messaging?
내일 abbreviation
낼 is an abbreviation from what?
abbreviation of 것, or 거
꺼 is an abbreviation from what?
my thing/mine(abbreviated)
people on the internet will often what with ㅅ when it is used as the bottom of a syllable, and why?
(ig)For no real reason, people on the internet will often substitute ㅅ for ㅆ when it is used as the bottom of a syllable.
instead of “있어” they will write “잇어”
htsk, grav
What does 그러니까 basically mean(2), and what should know about commanlity in what?(don’t tell me when connected to a clause?)
Also give explanation of what it basically means(just need to be around the ballpark)?
Also what is the preferrable way to use this word(2~3)?
(grav)Basically mean:That’s the thing!” or “I know right?!”
it is quite common in speech in general.
The best way to use “this word” is by itself (or before a clause, but separated from it), used after somebody mentions some fact – usually their opinion about something.
That’s the thing/I know right mean is used to emphasize something that represents or is indicative of one’s point, basically when we agree with someone else’s point.
Person 1: 아~ 김연아가 올림픽 금메달을 못 따는 걸 믿을 수 없어ㅠㅠ
= Ahh… I can’t believe 김연아 didn’t win the gold medal at the Olympics
Person 2: 나도! 그 러시아에서 온 선수가 많이 넘어졌는데 어떻게 이길 수 있어?
= Me too! That skater (athlete) from Russia fell so many times, how could she win?
Person 1:그러니까! 김연아가 러시아 선수보다 훨씬 잘했어~
= That’s the thing! 김연아 did so much better than the Russian skater!
Person 2: 음~ 괜찮았는데 남자가 조금 못생겼어 ㅠ = Oh… it was okay, but the guy was a little bit ugly
Person 1: 아 진짜? 그 건 안 돼~ 남자랑 사귀려면 남자가 잘생겨야 돼 = Really? That’s not good! If you go out with a boy, he should be handsome
Person 2: 그러니까! = That’s the thing!
Person 1: 그 선생님이 우리 딸이 체육을 못 해서 좋은 대학교에 못 가겠다고 했어
= That teacher said that our daughter isn’t good at P.E. and therefore won’t be able to go to a good university
Person 2: 모든 학생들이 각각의 특기가 있는데 어떻게 그런 말을 할 수가 있어?
= Every student each has their own specialties, how could he say something like that?
Person 1: **그러니까 **나 엄청 화났어
= That’s the thing! I was so mad!
Person 1: 박스가 커 보이는데 실물로 보면 엄청 작아
= It looks big on the box, but when you see it in person it is very small
Person 2: 그니까! 나도 마찬가지로 박스 때문에 샀는데 연 다음에 실망스러웠어
= That’s the thing! I also bought it because of (what was on the) box, but after opening it I was disappointed
What does 그러니까 do when connected by another claused and isn’t used on own and not seperated?(2 very similar meanings, just need to be around the ballpark) Also how is this placed?
(grav) similar to “그래서” and means “that is why/that is the reason why…” Just like 그래서 is placed on the beginning(one word.(hint it is a common word for speech)
그러니까 에너지를 절약해야지!
= That’s why we need to save energy!
그러니까 그것을 만지기 싫어. 너무 징그러워서
= That’s why I don’t want to touch it. It’s too gross.
그러니까 학생들이 반의 목표를 위해 각자의 역할을 잘 해야 돼요
= That’s why students in the class each need to do their role well in order to achieve the class goal
Abbreviation of 그렇지(1)
Abbreviation of 그렇죠(2)
Renember It is often used after one says a statement and is asking the listener to agree with what he/she said. They are quite similar to the ending ~지/죠.
(NT) What should you know about the connotation of usage of these abbreviations?
그치(1) abbrev of what?
그쵸(2) abbrev of what?
그치 and 그쵸 are almost exclusively reserved for speaking.
Also just review what do they mean/do?
날씨가 너무 더워, 그치? = The weather is very hot, isn’t it!?
우리가 어제 산 토마토가 엄청 신선해, 그치? = The tomatoes we bought yesterday are fresh, aren’t they!?
어젯밤에 안개가 많이 꼈어요, 그쵸? = There was a lot of fog last night, wasn’t there?
한국피자가 제일 맛있다! = Korean pizza is the most delicious pizza!
그치! = (I agree!)
그러니까! = (That’s the thing!)
Abbreviation of 아이 and what should you know about this abbreviation meaning connotation and relation to 아이, when using it as an adult?
(ig) 애
As an adult, it is common to refer to children (roughly 12 years and lower) as 애, but it seems strange for me to refer to children of that age as 아이. As a teacher, I often refer to all of my students as 애, but I would never call them 아이.
애들이 미술 수업 시간 동안 미의 기준을 배우고 있어요
= During art class students learn about the standard of beauty
What are the abbreviations of 이 아이, 그 아이 and 저 아이?
얘, 걔 and 쟤 are abbreviations from what?(not verb ending nothing to deal with quoting or 하다.
쟤가 누구야? = Who is that?
쟤가 우리 선생님의 딸이야 = That (person) is our teacher’s daughter
얘가 내가 전에 말한 친구야 = This is the friend that I was talking about
걔가 코로나에 걸린 사람과 접촉해서 걔도 걸렸어요 = That kid was a close-contact with a person who caught COVID, so he caught COVID too
One of the cutest things you can do in Korean (when speaking or writing) is doing what? Also tell me what of what it usally add to like verb, adj?
Typically Young Korean girls will use this form all the time, both in speaking and in writing. When an older person does it (older than about 30 or so), they are most likely doing so as a joke. An older Korean man would sound very funny using this form. Nonetheless, I (a 36 year old male) do this sometimes when I message my wife or when I’m feeling cute or something
In what contexts in terms of like speaking, writing, formal, internet, and informal, etc. and in terms of social context(1), type of people that used and its connotation of usage and implacation with different type of people(2), do you this for adding ㅇ to 받침 of a word without one, basically ends with vowel, and also what does do(1)?
This typically isn’t added directly to nouns (although it could sometimes, it is totally up to the speaker), and is more commonly attached after conjugating a verb or adjective(verb).
먹었어 ~ 먹었엉
배고파 ~ 배고팡
난 다 왔엉! = I’m here! (I came the whole way)
내일 안 갈 거양 = I’m not going tomorrow
What does ㅇ added after 요 or ~습니다(as 받침) mean/do and its connotation?
Note however that in most situations, using ~ㅇ with formal conjugations would sound ridiculous. The only time this could be done is if using polite speech with your friends as a joke. For example, I could write this to my girlfriend:
내일 맛있는 걸 사 줘용! = Buy me something delicious tomorrow, please!
감사합니당! = Thank you!
a cute way to say “yes.”
Language ability(no trick, from other vocabs)
능력 is Ability, capabilities
그 사람이 특별한 언어 능력이 있어요 = That person has a special ability with languages(renmner don’t worry to much about spacing, and when it is common there’s no space)
Language ability(no trick, from other vocabs)
What’s the difference between 자료 and 재료.
(ig) 자료 refers to data that you get from some sort of study or research. 재료 refers to “materials” or “ingredients” that you use to make something.
to collect data/material(this one doesn’t use 수집하다)
자료를 모으다
effective(noun)(nt, uses a effect and turns into a nouns with a common suffic)
sound effects(little tricky, but think of grammar and effect may get it)
To produce(NT)
생산 can be used on its owm
천연 꿀을 생산하기 위해서는 벌이 필요해요 = Bees are necessary to produce natural honey
제품 생산을 중단하는 게 아니라 그 문제를 해결해서 곧 다시 생산할 거예요
= It is not that we are halting production of this product, it is just that we are fixing the problem and we will soon produce it again
Producer(a person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale.)(NT)
To experience
To experience the compassion fade when seeing too many charities
너무 많은 자선단체를 볼 때 연민의 피로를 경험하다
to have first-hand experience of poverty
빈곤을 직접 경험하다
go through strange adventures
갖가지 이상한 일을 경험하다.
HTSK, grav
How would you have it where the acting agent within the quoted sentence would be telling the listener to give/do something to another person.
This can only be used to quote that one tells a person to give something to another person.
(grav) Must use Quoted Imperative Sentences: (으)라고, not 고 b/c that’s for quoted sentences, nor 아/어라(used by way older people) since it’s only imperative. (to refresh with ex: 고급시험을 봐 보라고 했어요 = I told him to try to write the advanced exam)
**What does 주라고(줄다 + (으)라고) do, give the special circumstances with it as well?
성경에게 펜을 주라고 했어요 =I told 성경(이름) to give (you) the pen
(or to somebody who we can’t know in this sentence)
A. Person 1: 애기에게 밥을 줘 = Give the baby rice
B. Person 2: 뭐라고? = What did you say?
C. Person 3: 애기에게 밥을 주라고 했어 = I said “give the baby rice”
When the original speaker of the quoted sentence asks for an object to be given to him/her (or for an action to be done for him/her) use what?
What does 달라고(달다 + (으)라고) do?
Don’t tell me what 달다 mean/usage connotation?
휴지를 달라고 했어요 = I said “please give me a tissue”
맥주 한 병을 달라고 했어요 = I said “please give me one bottle of beer”
엄마가 숟가락과 칼을 달라고 했어 = Mom said “please give me a spoon and a knife”
우리 아들은 계속 용돈을 달라고 졸라요 = Our son keeps pestering for pocket money
Tell me about usage connotation when would you be using it and what does it basically mean for 달다?
(ig)달다 basically means to request and is really only for 달라고(달다 + (으)라고)
It’s typically only used in these situations – as a substitute for “주다” in quoted imperative sentences when the original speaker of the quoted sentence asks for an object to be given to him/her (or for an action to be done for him/her)?
What’s the difference between 달라고(달다 + (으)라고) and 주라고(줄다 + (으)라고)?
(ig)주라고(줄다 + (으)라고) is used where the acting agent within the quoted sentence would be telling the listener to give/do something to another person.
달라고(달다 + (으)라고) is used when the original speaker of the quoted sentence asks for an object to be given to him/her (or for an action to be done for him/her)
성경에게 펜을 주라고 했어요 =I told 성경(이름) to give (you) the pen
휴지를 달라고 했어요 = I said “please give me a tissue”
NT, in a way repeated, osid
What should be aware of the subject when using 달라고(달다 + (으)라고) and 주라고(ㄹ goes away)?
(ig)in order to use 달다 in these sentences, the speaker of the final sentence doesn’t need to be “I/me.” Regardless of who says the final sentence, if somebody requests something be given (or be done) to him/her, and that sentence is quoted, 달다 should be used instead of 주다.
Same applies to 주라고.
A. Person 1: 밥(을) 주세요 = Give me rice
B. Person 2: 뭐라고? = What did you say?
C. Person 1: 밥(을) 달라고 했어요 = I said “give me rice”
A. Person 1: 밥(을) 주세요 = Give me rice
B. Person 2: 뭐라고? = What did you say?
C. Person 3: 밥(을) 달라고 했어요 = He said “give me rice”
htsk, grav with noun not verb
부탁하다 give me 2 basically what it means, and connotaion of usage with noun not verb and connotation of the noun used commonly and the meaning that is is then used to create meaning of what in relationship to also what kind of noun?
(grav with noun not verb) (not formal, informal high)(formal/other way in another flashcard) “to ask for a favor” or “to request a favor.”
This verb is often used with a noun that refers to some sort of task or work. 부탁하다 is then used to ask the listener to “take care of” that task.
Hard to translate these setences with this verb, see the meanings, same
저는 더 자세한 설명을 부탁했어요 = I asked for a clearer explanation
남편에게 청소를 부탁했어요 = I asked my husband to take care of the cleaning (for me)
저는 신입사원에게 그 일을 부탁했어요 = I asked the new employee to take care of that work (for me)
빨래를 아들에게 부탁하고 집에서 나왔어요 = I asked my son to take care of the laundry for me and left the house
HTSK, grav
Instead of coming after a noun. If the favor (or what you are requesting) is an action, you do what with the verb and placement in regards to 부탁하다.
(grav despite this) (ig)If the favor (or what you are requesting) is an action, you can attach ~아/어 달라고(달라고 is when When the original speaker of the quoted sentence asks for an object to be given to him/her (or for an action to be done for him/her)** to the verb, followed by 부탁하다.**
밥을 빨리 만들어 달라고 부탁했어요 = I asked him to make (the rice) quickly
저는 그에게 더 자세히 설명해 달라고 부탁했어요 = I asked him to explain it more clearly
NT(obvious in a way)
What the formal way to give a request(favor) to somebody, which would allow to use this verb in the verb/phrase construction?
When using “the noun in the construction,” the person receiving the favor is you, and you should never use “the verb in the construction” when talking about yourself receiving something.
Tell me 부탁 드리다 politeness and its function, also tell me usage connotation?
밥을 빨리 만들어 달라고 부탁 드렸어요 = I asked him to make (the rice) quickly
엄마에게 그것을 사 달라고 부탁 드렸어요 = I asked my mother to buy that for me
Maybe repeated, NT, grav
(grav)Other than to indicate that when one action occurs, another action occurs; To indicate that an action occurs whenever another action is repeated, what does (으)면 do?
Also for this function what does it basically mean and the connotation of the second clause? Also tell me the connotations of both actions in the two causes?
I’m going to expand on the relationships and differenting the two meanings of this in different flashcard.
(grav)(NT)What indicates that one action occurs “when/if” another action (that hasn’t happened yet) occurs
in this usage that the action in the second clause is a supposition/assumption of what would happen when the first clause occurs. Both actions haven’t happened yet and the speaker is merely assuming what will take place.
신호를 보면 저에게 말을 바로 해 주세요
= When/if you see the signal, let me know immediately please
과학자가 되면 피부에 습도의 영향을 연구하고 싶어요
= When/if I become a scientist, I want to study the effects of humidity on the skin
내일 비바람이 오면 경기가 취소될 거예요
= If it storms tomorrow, the match/game will be cancelled
지금 환경을 보존하지 않으면 미래에 더 큰 문제가 생길 것 같아요
= If we don’t preserve the environment, there will probably be bigger problems in the future
htsk, osid
Tell me relationship on interchangeability and differentiating (으)면 meaning “when” or “if” for one of usage where it indicates that one action occurs “when/if” another action (that hasn’t happened yet) occurs. In this usage that the action in the second clause is a supposition/assumption of what would happen when the first clause occurs. Both actions haven’t happened yet and the speaker is merely assuming what will take place.
Also(NT) when using for if, what should you be aware to make it natural and what main idea should you know overall?
(ig) in the event of/clause with (으)면 seeming inevitable and certain, because it is certain that this action will occur, the translation of “when” is often used.
If there is uncertainty in whether the first event will occur or not, the translation of “if” is often used to express this uncertainty, to be natural make sure the clause has a condition that will make the event uncertain just like English(obv). EX: 집에 일찍 도착하면 빨래를 할 거예요 = If I arrive home early, I will do laundry
Often times it isn’t even clear if the sentence is uncertain or not. EX: 학교에 가면 알려 주세요 = When/if you go to school, let me know
Depending on the situation and context, you need to use the context to distinguish specifically what meaning is being implied.
osid, grav
Tell me past tense of and what does it do for (으)면 usage of it indicates that one action occurs “when/if” another action (that hasn’t happened yet) occurs. In this usage that the action in the second clause is a supposition/assumption of what would happen when the first clause occurs. Both actions haven’t happened yet and the speaker is merely assuming what will take place.
**Also for past in this context, what is it usally translated to for (으)면, and what do you also do to the predicated verb and what meaning is added to it(tricky)?
Also what kind of feeling/circumstances is (으)면 typically used for?
(grav if can)(ig)Much like the present tense, the action in the second clause is a supposition/assumption of what would have happened if the first clause had occurred.
to assume/suppose what would have happened if something had occurred. In order to do this, ~았/었 is added to the stem of the word followed by ~으면. **
** Usually when the verb/adjective after “if, (more appropiate for (으)면 in past tense) is conjugated to the past tense, the later clause ends in “would have…” Expressing this meaning of “would have” in Korean is done by adding ~았/었을 것이다 to the final word of the sentence.**
- Using ~(으)면 in the past tense is a common way that you hope or wish for something(I hope/I wish: ~았/었으면 좋겠다)*
내가 공부했으면 시험을 합격했을 것이다 = If I studied, I would have passed the test.
돈을 다 쓰지 않았으면 그것을 샀을 거예요
= If I didn’t/hadn’t spent all of my money, I would have bought that
내가 사과를 다 안 먹었으면 너에게 한 개를 줬을 거야
= If I didn’t/hadn’t eaten all of my apples, I would have given you one
햇살이 그렇게 강하지 않았으면 밖에 나갔을 거예요
= If the sunlight wasn’t so strong, I would have gone outside
How can you add a little bit more of an emphasis of the fact that the action is a supposition/assumption for (으)면 used, and what does it commonly mean “if” or “when”
They have the same meaning as their earlier counterparts – just that there is more of an emphasis that the clause before this construction might or might not happen:
For what usage of (으)면 is used for verbs to be conjugated using the plain/diary form before ~면 can be added on, also what does do and relationship to without it?
내가 공부했더라면 시험을 합격했을 것이다
내가 밥을 먹었더라면 배고프지 않았을 것이다
친구를 만났더라면 재미있었을 것이다
maybe repeated, for adj present tense is repeated, osid
What’s the plain form of adjective in present tense, and 이다 and 아니다 in past tense and vowel and consonant just for 이다 past tense?
(ig) For adjectives in the present tense(there’s no change):
행복하다 = 행복하다
길다 = 길다
For 이다 and 아니다
이다 = 이라 (present tense)(valid, no 다)
이다 = 이었다 for consonant, 였다 for cosonant (past tense)
아니라(present tense)
아니었다 (past tense)
tricky, novel
What’s another way(long like this one)for (으)면 to be past tense than 았/었으면 and predicated with 았/었을 것이다 to the predicating verb for the (으)면 usage of it indicates that one action occurs “when/if” another action (that hasn’t happened yet) occurs. In this usage that the action in the second clause is a supposition/assumption of what would happen when the first clause occurs. Both actions haven’t happened yet and the speaker is merely assuming what will take place.
What usage of (으)면 of adding 았/었더라면, also what tense is this, where for this addition still have to add 았/었을 것이다 to the predicating verb?
내가 공부했더라면 시험을 합격했을 것이다
내가 밥을 먹었더라면 배고프지 않았을 것이다
친구를 만났더라면 재미있었을 것이다
돈을 다 쓰지 않았더라면 그것을 샀을 거예요
osid, grav
what can (으)면 do other than usage to indicate that one action occurs “when/if” another action (that hasn’t happened yet) occurs. (1) To indicate that an action occurs whenever another action is repeated(2)
Also what must the actions needs to be connotation and what should know about the clauses with it in the sense of assumptions, facts, general facts?
What should you know about the tenses with it? and the translation of (으)면 using this(give me 2)
(grav despite ig)(ig)To indicate that an action occurs whenever another action is repeated. In this usage, every time the first clause occurs, the second clause occurs. For this usage to work, the actions need to be things that are repeated frequently.
Notice in this usage that the events being described are not assumptions but are general facts.
the final clause of these sentences is typically conjugated in the present tense.**
The typical translation for this usage is “whenever/ever time”.
피자를 먹으면 저는 콜라를 마셔요 = Every time I eat pizza, I drink cola
그 연예인이 방에 들어가면 양쪽에서 사람들이 그에게 다가가요
= Whenever that celebrity goes into a room, people approach him from both/all directions
아버지가 운전하면 습관으로 담배를 피워요
= Whenever my dad drives, he smokes cigarettes out of habit
제가 경기를 보면 우리 팀이 이기기를 기도해요
= Whenever I watch a game, I pray for my team to win
htsk, grav 2
Other than meaning otherwise, what does 아니면 mean and describe it. Where is it usally placed/ connotation of reference?
describe it’s “or” meaning as well
(grav 2)What conjuction can be used to mean if not(often see this conjuction used at the beginning of a sentence referring to the previous sentence.)
It is also possible to see 아니면 used within a clause, often between two nouns. When used like this, 아니면 indicates “if not this (noun), then that (noun),” commonly translated to “or” in English in the sense of above.
저는 밥을 먹고 싶어요. 아니면 죽을 것 같아요 = I want to eat rice. If not, I will probably die
진정하세요! 아니면 제가 교장선생님을 부를 거예요 = Calm down. If not, I will call the principal
저는 밥 아니면 사과를 먹고 싶어요 = I want to eat rice, if not, (I want to eat) apples
(which could be translated as “I want to eat rice or apples.”)
(adjective verb) is used to describe a “fortunate” or “lucky” event.
다행하다, mb
아무도 안 죽은 것은 다행한 일이에요 = It is fortunate nobody died
Adverb to mean fortunately
다행히, wg
제가 유럽을 여행했을 때 다행히 문제가 생기지 않았어요 = When I travelled Europe, fortunately no problems came up
at some point in a month(like at some point in January), never translated as at some point in time must be used with a month, you place something for the month.
Use what for number sino or native?
(sino number)월달(월 + 달), meaning other than month, give me the meaning connotation
1월달 = sometime in January
2월달 = sometime in February
저는 5월 달에 한국에 갈 거예요 = I’m going to Korea sometime in May
저는 6월 달에 시험을 볼 거예요 = I’m going to take an exam sometime in June
polite his/her;that person’s, also what you know about this spoken
(there are like 4 connotations, but knowing this insignificant, so give me 1)
For all the 4 ways what does it basically mean?
그분 (의 is usually omitted in spoken Korean)
그분의 것 = his/hers (written Korean)
그분 꺼 (usually in spoken Korean)
somewhat repeated, htsk, grav
A word that refers to time. In its most simple form, you can see it placed after some event or period to refer to the time during that event/period.
It basically mean during.
(grav) Other than when meaning when where it can be used for any tense(ㄹ 때)
때 meaning and its simple form, what is it usually placed after to refer what?
Also what does it basically mean?
What should you know about having the same subjects twice in a sentence/question?
(ig)Also notice that (as you should know) when the subject of both clauses is the same, you don’t need to write the subject twice.
저는 돈을 받을 때 행복할 거예요 = When I receive (the) money, I will be happy
뼈마디가 아플 때 이 약을 드세요 = When your joints hurt, take this medicine
당신의 눈을 응시할 때 가슴이 설레어요 = When I gaze into your eyes, my heart flutters
What should you know about meaning “when” for ㄹ/을/x 때
(ig)The main action of the sentence is occurring precisely at the time indicated by the clause describing “때.” The main action of the clause is not occurring after the time indicated by “때,” or as a result of action.
선생님이 여기에 계실 때 나는 선생님의 말을 듣기 시작할 거야
= When the teacher is here, I will start listening to him/her
뼈가 아플 때 고통을 버티려고 이 약을 먹어요
= When your bones are sore, in order to endure the pain, take this medicine
사람들이 곤충을 죽일 때 아무 느낌도 없어요
= People don’t feel anything when they kill insects
htsk, osid
How do you past tense (ㄹ/을/x 때) while?
Also other than past tense, what you use this to describe(like past, NT)
(ig) add ~았/었 to the stem of a word followed by ~ㄹ/을 때
Using ~았/었을 때 is the way you can describe what used to happen when you were younger.
그 연예인의 사인을 받았을 때 너무 설레었어요
= When I got that celebrity’s signature, I was really excited
가방을 처음 봤을 때 가짜인 것을 알았어요
= When I first saw the bag, I knew that it was fake
그 사람이 말을 했을 때 그 사람이 경찰관인 것을 짐작했어요
= When that person spoke, I guessed that he is/was a police officer
제가 어렸을 때 곤충을 먹었어요 = When I was young I used to eat bugs
제가 열 살이었을 때 아주 뚱뚱했어요 = I was really fat when I was 10 years old
NT, osid
For meaning time for 때 what can you attach to it
(grav if can)(ig) More complicated particles can be attached to 때 as well, such as 마다, 도, 까지, 부터,adj, and pretty much other particles(you learned about the interchangbility of particles on preply)
키가 클 때까지 얕은 수영장에서만 수영할 거예요
= I’m only going to swim in shallow swimming pools until I am taller
저는 그 팀을 어렸을 때부터 응원했어요
= I’ve been cheering for that team since I was young
내가 한국에 있을 때마다 한국어로 말하고 싶어
= Every time I am in Korea, I want to speak Korean
제가 저의 여자 친구의 부모님을 만날 때마다 저는 너무 긴장돼요
= Every time I meet my girlfriend’s parents, I am very nervous
제가 집에 있을 때는 TV를 봐요
= I watch TV when I’m at home (but not when I’m somewhere else)
HTSK, osid,ig, grav
What other meaning can 때 have the meaning of time alone, when, during, and to create what meanings(give me some around the park, but must have two), what do you need for the construction(couple predicating verbs); what should you know about what is attached to 때 as well?
(ig)때 can also be used to indicate that some sort of “time” or “case” has occurred. This usage is usually predicated by a word like “있다” or “없다” to indicate that there is/is not times/cases where some event happens. Also it is always in 때가 form(가 subject marker)
In this usage, it could be appropriate to attach ~ㄹ/을 때 to 가다 or 오다 like 올 때.
그 친구를 죽이고 싶을 때가 있어요 = There are times when I want to kill that friend
밤 늦게 배고플 때가 많아요 = There are many cases/times where I am hungry at night
In this usage, it could be appropriate to attach ~ㄹ/을 때 to 가다 or 오다.
그 학생이 늦게 올 때가 많아요 = There are many times where that student comes late
HTSK, osid
When comparing two things by saying they are the same, it is more common to use 같다(거나) 똑같다.
(ig)When comparing two things by saying they are the same, it is more common to use 똑같다 instead of 같다.
For example, instead of saying:
저와 저의 형은 같아요
It would be more natural to say:
저와 저의 형은 똑같아요
우리가 똑같은 옷을 입고 있어요 = We are wearing exactly the same clothes
미국은 캐나다와 거의 똑같아요 = The US is almost the same as Canada
exactly, adverb
똑, wg
계산이 똑 들어맞았다
My calculations were exactly correct[right on].
Whatever (work) he does, he always does a perfect job.
그는 무슨 일이든 똑 부러지게 한다
Extra, additional adjective
추가, wg
Who is going to stump up the extra money?
추가 금액은 누가 지불할 건가요?
an extra pint of milk
추가로 우유 한 파인트 더
2분 추가, 2분 추가. -2분 추가요.
Let’s add two more minutes. - Stay there two more minutes.
grav, htsk
Adding what to the stem of the verb gives it the meaning of “with the intention of” or “in order to.”
The translation of “to”, “so that” are also usually appropriate,
(grav) verb stem+려고,으려고(v,c) give what meanings(2, bp main)
Give me other meanings it can have around bp?
밖에 일찍 나가려고 숙제를 빨리 했어요 = I did my homework fast in order to go out early
저는 신발을 신으려고 잠깐 앉았어요 = I sat down for a minute in order to put on my shoe
저는 그 사람을 살리려고 경찰관을 불렀어요 = I called the police officer in order to save that person
그 문제를 해결하려고 우리는 잠깐 만났어요 = In order to solve that problem, we met for a little bit
그 뜻을 이해하려고 책을 두 번 읽었어요 = In order to understand that meaning, I read the book twice
When (으)려고 is at the end of a sentence, attached to the predicating verb what does it do and usage connotation, and when it is this usally used in what circumstance connotation(NT).
Despite being used for spoken, is grammatically valid to end with it, also how to make more formal, when you end with it?
You can specifically use what verb suffix attached to the predicating at the end of a sentence, which typically indicates what the speaker is just about to do. It is usually used in response to a question.
The language has evolved to allow the above constructions to be correct if the context allows for i. Also notice that you can add the honorific “요” to “(으)려고”
마트에 갔어요? = Have you gone to the store?/Did you go to the store?
아니요~ 지금 가려고요 = No, but I’m going right now/I’m just about to go
일을 다 했어? = Have you finished the work/Did you finish the work?
지금 하려고 = I’m doing it right now/I’m just about to do it/finish it
What irregulars follow their rule still with(으)려고 addition?
What irregulars aren’t effected?
(ig)The ㅅ irregular, ㄷ irregular and ㅂ irregular all follow the same rules. The addition of the vowel causes a change (or elimination) of the last letter of the stem.
The ㅡ and 르 irregular are not affected by this addition. The final letter in both types of stems is a vowel, so ~려고 is added.
/The purpose of adding ~으려고 to a stem that ends in a consonant, and ~려고 to a stem that ends in a vowel is to make pronunciation easier. For example, it would be difficult to pronounce 받다 (to receive) if ~려고 were attached to it. Therefore, instead of being “받려고” the correct form is “받으려고.”/
How is ㅎ irregular affected by (으)려고 and why/universal idea with ㅎ irregular, you should know?
(ig) Adding ~(으)려고 causes a change to ㅎ irregular words. The ㅎ is removed, and ~려고 is added to the stem. Anytime you have the option of adding ~(으) as part of a grammatical addition, the ㅎ will be removed from the stem and the grammatical addition without “으” will be added to the remainder of the stem.
그렇다 + ~(으)려고 = 그러려고
anytime you add something that begins in ~(으)ㄹ, what irregular patterns will you see?
(ig)The ㅅ irregular, ㄷ irregular and ㅂ irregular all follow the same rules. The addition of the vowel causes a change (or elimination) of the last letter of the stem. For ㅎ irregular words. The ㅎ is removed, the grammar portion, and the grammar portion without “으” is added.
grav, htsk
What does (으)려고 노력하다 do?
(grav)(not with 보다)what construction creates “to try to”
그 친구를 매 주말 만나려고 노력해요 = I try to meet that friend every weekend
한국어를 배우려고 노력하고 있어요 = I am trying to learn Korean
한국어를 배우려고 노력하기 시작하고 싶다 = I want to start to try to learn Korean
verb that means to try/put effort into something
노력하다 give two meaning and their connotations around bp
노력 can be used by itself(noun)
꿈을 이루기 위해서는 열심히 노력해야 한다
You have to strive for your dreams.
Try not to revert to your old eating habits.
예전의 식습관으로 되돌아가지 않도록 노력하다.
What clause connector is specifically used when one is “going to” or “coming from” a place in order to do something, typically ends with 가다,오다, but other variations of those verbs are also acceptable (for example: 내려가다, to go down; 내려오다, to come down; 들어가다, to go in; 들어오다, to come in)
(grav)verb stem+(으)러, meaning what do you with type of predicating verbs do you(2 or more with varations)
공부하러 학교에 가고 있어 = I’m going to school to study
표를 예매하러 극장에 가고 있어요 = I am going to the theater to buy the tickets (in advance)
그 연예인을 보러 행사에 갔어요 = I went to the event to see that celebrity
일자리에 지원하러 왔어요 = I came to apply for that job
To go down(location, price)
내려가다, mc
층계를 내려가다
go down the stairs
오늘 부산에 내려갑니다
I’m going down to Busan today.
가격이 많이 내려갔다
Prices fell[went down] greatly.
boat down the river
보트를 타고 강을 내려가다.
To come down(location ,physically)
내려오다, mc
그는 천천히 계단을 내려왔다
He came down the stairs slowly.
드레스가 발목까지 내려온다발음듣기
My dress reaches[comes down to] my ankles.
도시에서 시골로 내려와 살다
leave the city to live in the country(side)
What’s the interchangeability between (으)려고 and (으)러
(ig) you cannot use ~(으)러 instead of ~(으)려고. That is, while this sentence is okay: 밖에 일찍 나가려고 숙제를 빨리 했어요
The following sentence is not correct because it does not use 가다, 오다, or a similar “come/go” verb:
밖에 일찍 나가러 숙제를 빨리 했어요
However, the opposite can be done. That is, ~(으)려고 can be used instead of ~(으)러. For example, all of the sentences below are okay:
표를 예매하려고 극장에 가고 있어요
그 연예인을 보려고 행사에 갔어요
일자리에 지원하려고 왔어요
**Basically (으)려고 can be used for (으)려고 and (으)러.
But, (으)러 can be only for (으)러.**
NT, obvious, think of known grammar
What creates for (the purpose of)” a verb(two things), just like (으)러 or ~(으)려고.
verb stem+기 위해 does what?
친구를 만나기 위해 여기로 왔어 = I came here to meet a friend
공부하기 위해 학교에 가고 있어 = I’m going to school to study
what should you know about/determining the tenses for 기 위해/~(으)러/~(으)려고.
(ig)It is important to notice that in all of these cases the tense is indicated in the final clause of the sentence. That is – no indication of tense is to be made before ~기 위해/~(으)러/~(으)려고.
친구를 만나러 학교에 갔어요 = I went to school to meet a friend
친구를 만나러 학교에 가고 있어요 = I am going to school to meet a friend
친구를 만나러 학교에 갈 거예요 = I will go to school to meet a friend
공연을 보러 행사에 갔어요 = I went to the event to see the performance
공연을 보러 행사에 가고 있어요 = I am going to the event to see the performance
공연을 보러 행사에 갈 거예요 = I will go to the event to see the performance
What’s the difference between: 나는 밥을 먹으려고 노력했다
나는 밥을 먹어 봤어
(ig) 나는 밥을 먹으려고 노력했다
Means that you tried to eat rice in the sense that you put effort into eating. A less ambiguous (but less natural) translation would be “I put effort into eating the rice.”
나는 밥을 먹어 봤어
Means that you tried rice, similar to the meaning that you “tried something out.” This meaning is not related to the effort of eating the rice, but instead the experience of the “test” or “trial” or “attempt” of trying the rice. Another good way to translate that sentence would be to say “I gave the rice a try.”
osid, grav
for 아/어 보다 meaning “try,” describing
(ig)(grav) the usage of “try” is not related to effort, but instead related to a “trial/test/attempt.”
엄마가 요리한 음식을 먹어 봤어? = Did you try the food mom cooked?
결혼하기 위해 남자들을 만나 봤어 = In order to get married, I tried meeting a lot of men
그 신발을 신어 봤어요 = I tried on the shoes
옛날 친구를 연락해 봤어요 = I tried contacting an old friend
그 셔츠를 탈의실에서 입어 봤어요 = I tried on that shirt in the change room
What’s difference between for 아/어 보다 for “try”
and (으)려고 노력하다 for “try”
(ig)아/어 보다 = the usage of “try” is not related to effort, but instead related to a “trial/test/attempt.”
(으)려고 노력하다 = to try/put effort into something
htsk, grav
When predicating with 아/어 보다 other than to try in a sentence, what can it also do?
(grav) is when you are telling somebody to do something. In essence, telling somebody to “try/attempt” something.
그것을 확인해 봐! = Check that! (Try checking that!)
이것을 먹어 봐! = Eat this! (Try eating this!)
여기 와 보세요 = Come here (Try coming here)
지금 앉아 봐 = Sit down (Try sitting down)
To be healthy
건강 can be used by itself
건강을 위한 운동 프로그램
an exercise program to improve your health[fitness]
Both mother and baby are doing well.
산모와 아기 두 사람 다 건강하다.
He’s wonderfully fit for his age.
그는 나이에 비해 놀랍도록 건강하다.
to have a healthy/strong/weak constitution
체질이 건강하다/튼튼하다/약하다
be in good [bad, poor] health
건강이 좋다[안 좋다], 건강하다[건강하지 않다].
Health Noun
건강을 위한 운동 프로그램
an exercise program to improve your health[fitness]
be in good [bad, poor] health
건강이 좋다[안 좋다], 건강하다[건강하지 않다].
To anwser, reply, respond
대답하다, bp
대답 can be used by itself.
to reply to a question / an advertisement
질문에 대답하다/광고를 보고 응하다[답신을 보내다]
lend a patient ears and give a courteous answer to any question
어떤 질문이라도 꾹 참고, 점잖게 대답하다.
answer in the [return a] negative
아니’라고 대답하다, 부정[거절]하다.
respond briefly to a question
질문에 간단히 대답하다.
Anwser, reponse, reply noun
대답, bp
확실한 대답을 듣고 싶다
I want a definite[solid] answer.
Are you deaf? Why don’t you answer my question?
귀가 먹었니? 왜 묻는 데 대답을 안 해!
She rolled her eyes by way of an answer and left.
그녀는 대답으로[대답 대신] 눈을 부라려 보이고는 떠났다.
제발 대답 좀’. 대답.
“Please respond”. Responding
to be old(negative connoation when describing oneself)
This is typically only used when somebody is actually old, not when somebody is comparatively older than somebody else.
늙다 meaning connotations
늙은 아주머니는 넘어졌어요 = The old lady fell over
나 너무 늙었어 I’m so old (saying even though not)
to be young
그녀는 다른 사람보다 젊어 보여요 = She looks younger than other people
NT, grav, from preply
Not the translation, but how ask: how about something? In essence how about you?
What does this do?
선생님(네) 할머니는요? How about teacher’s granma?
선생님은요? How about teacher(you)?
Give me the verb for to talk with, to have a conversation(give the abbreviated and non-abbreviated version)(not to speak, say)
이야기, 얘기 can be used be on its own
저는 어제 여자친구랑 이야기했어요 = I talked with my girlfriend yesterday
저는 그녀랑 개인적으로 얘기하고 싶어요 = I want to talk to her personally
엄마는 저랑 얘기하기 싫은 것 같아요 = It seems that mom doesn’t want to talk with me
그 문제에 대해 담임선생님과 함께 얘기했어요 = I talked about that problem with my homeroom teacher
in a way repeated
(hint comes from 하다) conversation, story(give me the abbreviated and non abbreviated version)
이야기, 얘기 give me 2
‘토끼와 거북이’ 이야기
the fable of The Tortoise and the Hare
그가 공금을 유용했다는 이야기가 있다
Rumor has it that he misappropriated public funds.
at any rate, in any case, anyways
Basically: anyway(not 그나저나)
어쨌든, give me meanings around the
어쨌든 오늘은 저의 생일이기 때문에 화를 내지 않을 거예요
= Anyways, today is my birthday so I won’t be mad
나는 사자를 보는 게 무서웠지만 어쨌든 우리는 사자가 있는 곳에 도착했다. 하지만 사자는 낮잠을 자고 있었다.
= I was afraid of seeing the lions, but, at any rate, we arrived at the place where the lions were. However, the lions were taking a nap
비가 올지도 모르지만 어쨌든 가겠습니다
It may rain, but I will go anyway[anyhow; in any case; at any rate].
Well, that’s one good piece of news at any rate.
글쎄, 어쨌든 그건 좋은 소식이군.
Oh, bugger the cost! Let’s get it anyway.
에이, 값은 모르겠어! 어쨌든 그걸 사자.
He should have paid. He suggested it, after all.
그가 돈을 냈어야지. 어쨌든 그가 제안을 한 거니까.
By the way (bringing up a topic irrelevant to the
current topic)
(not 어쨌든)
그나저나 지금 몇 시예요?
By the way, what time is it?
By the way, would you do this for me?
그나저나, 이거 좀 해 줄래요?
Anyway, where did Sally go?
그나저나 샐리는 어디 갔어요?
Anyway, now I’m out 20 dollars!
그나저나 20달러만 손해봤지 뭐예요!
How was it?(one word)
어땠어?, what translation does it give?
word for jerk(offensive/not swear)
그 회계사는 정부에 대해 나쁜 말을 했어요
= That accountant said bad things about the government
그 계좌에 돈이 아예 없어서 해지했어도 돼요 = There is no money in that account at all, so you could have closed it
많은 회사에서 수익을 감추기 위해 수백 개의 차명계좌로 돈을 보내요 = A lot of companies send money to accounts under the names of other people to cover up their income
Account number
계좌 = account
번호 = number with usage
account under somebody else’s name(one word)
차명 isn’t really used outside of this
She transferred 100 dollars to a borrowed-name bank account.
그녀는 100달러를 차명계좌에 이체했다.
The prosecution team found that Lee had 4.5 trillion won hidden in bank accounts under other people’s names and charged him with evading 112.8 billion won in taxes.
특검 팀은 이 회장이 차명계좌에 4조 5천억 원을 숨긴 사실을 발견했고 그를 1,128억 원의 탈세혐의로 기소했다.
He obtained[collected] three billion won by illegally using[unlawfully manipulating] borrowed-name bank accounts.
그는 차명 거래를 통해 30억 원의 부당이득을 챙겼다
What verb does this?
to stretch, extend, raise, increase
늘리다, give me meanings around bp
수출을 늘리다발음듣기
increase the amount of export (of)
문법 실력을 늘리다
improve one’s grammar
to extend a fence / road / house
울타리를 늘리다/도로를 넓히다/집을 넓히다[확장하다]
to increase public spending
공공 지출을 늘리다
to bring one’s lean mass up by exercising regularly
규칙적인 운동으로 제지방량을 늘리다
Verb to mean to go for a walk
우리는 공원에서(/을) 산책했어요 = We went for a walk in the park
날씨가 좋아서 산책하는 것은 즐거워요 = It is pleasant go to for a walk because the weather is so nice
Shall we go for a walk?(one word,doesn’t use ㄹ까)
To be wet
수영장에 들어간 후에 옷이 완전히 젖었어요 = My clothes are completely wet after going into the pool
빨래를 다 하고 젖은 옷을 줄에 걸었는데 빨래가 무거워서 줄이 바닥으로 늘어졌어요
= After doing the laundry, I hung the wet clothes on the line, but the laundry (clothes) were so heavy the line drooped to the floor
What does 았/었+었
(ig) had/ have past verb, recalling
What is the difference 걷다 and 산책하다?
(ig) 걷다 to walk (action itself like swimming, running, jumping)
산책하다 to go for a walk (purpose of going out is taking a
piece, slice
조각, give me 2 around bp
당근을 작은 조각으로 자르세요 = Cut the carrots into small pieces, please
저는 떨어진 그 조각을 또 세웠어요 = I (again) stood up the pieces that fell
저는 아이들에게 피자를 한 조각씩 줄 거에요 = I will give one piece of pizza to each kid
엄마가 한 조각 더 먹으라고 했지만 제가 배불러서 더 못 먹었어요
= Mom told me to eat one more piece, but I was full so I couldn’t eat anymore
유리병을 떨어뜨려서 바닥에 유리조각이 많으므로 걸을 때 조심하세요
= Be careful when you walk because I dropped a glass bottle and now there are many pieces of glass on the ground
조각 = piece
a man as handsome as a statue(one word)
조각 = piece
미남 = chinese, but can be used by itself for handsome guy.
Chinese noun not verb that can be used by itself for: handsome guy(a beautiful man, pretty boy)
미 = beauty, 남 = boy
그는 타고난 미남이다
He was born handsome.
He’s God’s gift, heaven sent!
저 사람, 정말 미남이다.
Wherever he goes, people mention how handsome he is.
그는 어딜 가나 미남 소리를 듣는다
I thought you said I’m your doll-face.
네가 날 미남이라고 말했던 걸로 기억해.
Honorific verb to see(give me 2 and conjugations past, present, future)
Also out of two which one is more formal
What is the meaning/function of these
grav(2)뵈다, 뵙다(more formal)
conjugation for 뵈다(뵈어/봬, 뵈었어 or 뵀어, 뵐)(될 것 같아요, similar to 되다)
conjugation for 뵙다(봽어” or “봽었어” are incorrect; only additions that begin with a consonant can be added to 뵙다. For example: 뵙겠다; 뵙는; 뵙고)
저는 어제 선생님의 할아버지를 뵈었어요 = I saw your (the teacher’s) grandpa yesterday
나는 어제 너의 할아버지를 뵈었어 = I saw your grandpa yesterday
내일 뵙겠습니다 = See you tomorrow
나중에 뵙겠습니다 = See you later
What’s the difference between 구두 and 신발
(ig) 신발 is more of footwear, and what you think of shoes, any shoes, picture on question side show this
구두 is more fancy shoes, typically black, picture below shows this:
Both can be for mean and girl
Somewhat NT
to go out and enjoy the breeze(two words)
바람을 쐬다
Seat(not 자리)
specific and only refers to a place that one sits in (in a car, a stadium, etc…). It can sometimes be similar to the word “의자” (chair), but 의자 is even more specific and refers to an actual chair itself.
좌석, mc
혹시 무대에 더 가까운 좌석이 있어요? = Do you happen to have a seat closer to the stage?
제가 임산부좌석에 앉아 있었는데 임산부가 버스를 타서 자리에 일어나야 되었어요 = I was sitting the seat reserved for pregnant women, but then a pregnant woman got on the bus, so I had to get up
좌석 and 자리 difference
(ig) 자리 is more broad and can be used to refer to any place that is/can be occupied by something/someone. On the other hand, 좌석 is more specific and only refers to a place that one sits in (in a car, a stadium, etc…). It can sometimes be similar to the word “의자” (chair), but 의자 is even more specific and refers to an actual chair itself.
little tricky, not direct translation
To save hold onto a seat(two words)
(ig) 자리를 잡다
a front-row seat(two word, uses a preposition, no suffix)
앞 좌석
NT, similar to translation
a certain type of bus in Korea with little standing room, but a lot of seats(two words)
좌석 버스
a seat for pregnant women(one word, two words connected)
to be constant
성공에 대한 끊임없는 노력 끝에 드디어 결실을 맺었어요
= At the end of my constant efforts for success was the long awaited fruits of my labor
사업이 대박이나 셀 수 없을 정도로 돈이 끊임없이 들어왔다
= The business constantly has a crazy, uncountable amount of money coming in
Do not enter(two words, one word means forbidden or prohibitted, and other is something that can mean come in go(think chinese)
출입 금지
To be born
It is born in silence.
그것은 침묵 속에서 탄생한다.
And a new career is born.
그리고 새로운 직업이 탄생하였다.
A cosmos born of matter and gas.
물질과 가스에서 탄생한 우주.
When added to verbs~거리다, how does it behave like action verb or descriptive for conjugation. Also what should you verbs with it and connotation of adding it, and what meaning does it add(2 and for of them, what can it be translated to)
**Also overall what vibe does give to sentences. **
A majority verb suffix, though sometimes a verb can’t exist without it.
When a word ends in this, it means that whatever is being done, it is being done repeatedly – in a stopping and starting fashion.
This only can be part of certain verbs.
Though adding the feeling of a “repeated action” doesn’t always make sense. It can also a sense of one’s perception or feeling and where expressing this exact feeling is difficult., where the translation is more about a strange feeling or perception to “all” Like: “I touched that goo and it was all sticky.”
Overall words with this thing often give sentences a more descriptive feeling and image.
all words ending in ~거리다 are verbs and therefore must be conjugated as action verbs.
우리는 흔들거리는 다리를 건넜어요
= We crossed the wobbly bridge (the bridge that keeps shaking, the shaky bridge)
PLAY남자가 여자와 얘기하는 것을 머뭇거렸어요
= The man kept hesitating to talk with the girl
반짝거리는 목걸이를 하고 있었어요
= She was wearing a necklace that was all sparkly/shiny
바다에서 물이 출렁거렸어요 = the sentence immediately above could be translated to “the water rocked back and forth.” However, it could also be translated to “the water sloshed back and forth in the ocean.” The word “slosh” gives me a more descriptive feeling and image of the water. In Korean, these ~거리다 words often give sentences a more descriptive feeling and image.
to admit the truth(two words, truth starts with ㅅ)
사실을 인정하다
To be formed, come up(not 일어나다)
생기다, 생겼어요 meanings around bp
비가 와서 군데군데 웅덩이가 생겼다
Pools were formed here and there due to the rain.
돈 생기면 갚을게요발음듣기
I’ll pay you back when I get the money.
종종 작은 실수 때문에 문제가 생긴다발음듣기
Problems often arise from simple errors.
ain(=attain) a new meaning of a word
낱말에 새로운 뜻이 생기다.
arise from a mistaken view as to…
…에 관해 잘못된 견해가 생기다.
What do use for ~~ that I know(one word)
like older sister that I know, place that I know
(grav) 아는 does what
제가 아는 공연 종류는 연극밖에 없어요
= The only type of performance I know about is plays
아는 언니/오빠/ 형/누나 = someone I know who’s older than me
an acquaintance(someone you know but don’t have a close relationship with/friends)
A close acquaintance(someone you know well, but not as well as a close friend)
친한 지인
not direct translation, uses a grammar
someone I know
아는 사람
아는 동생
(not direct translations, uses grammar) someone I know who’s younger than me
Basically meaning:one’s junior
if you are the same age as somebody (especially in school), you can call them your “친구” (friend). You can refer to the people who are in grades below you as your “this word.” Even if they are your friends (of course, it is possible to have friends in a lower grade), you would generally not refer to them as your “friend.
후배, mc and what should know about this word;basically meaning?
저는 슬기의 고등학교 후배예요 = I’m Seulgi’s junior from high school
후배들이 봉사하는 것을 싫어하는 것 같아요 = It seems like our juniors don’t like volunteering
유명한 가수들은 후배양성을 위해 최선을 다해요 = Famous singers do their best to develop/train their juniors (singers younger than them)
What should know about using 친구?
(ig) If you are the same age as somebody, you can call them your “친구”; though age based hiearchy is becoming more loose and it doesn’t mean someone that is same age as you mean that you are close
Basically meaning:one’s senior
if you are the same age as somebody (especially in school), you can call them your “친구” (friend). You can refer to the people who are in grades above you as your “this word.” Even if they are your friends (of course, it is possible to have friends in a higher grade), you would generally not refer to them as your “friend.”
선배들이랑 얘기하면 존댓말로 해야 돼요
= When you speak to your seniors, you should speak in “polite-speech”
한국에서는 자기보다 더 높은 학년에 있는 사람은 친구가 아니라 선배예요
= In Korea, people in higher grades than you (in school) are not “friends” but rather “seniors”
그 상황에서 어떻게 해야 되는지 몰랐는데 선배가 전에 해 준 조언이 떠올라서 도움이 됐어요
= I didn’t know what to do in that situation, but then I remembered the advice that my senior gave to me before and it helped
one’s college senior
one’s school senior
대학 선배 (1)
학교 선배 (2)
살인자가 사람을 죽인 동기를 드러내지 않았어요
= The murderer didn’t reveal his motive for killing the person
저는 꾸준한 동기부여를 위해 책을 읽어요
= I read books continuously for motivation (to motivate myself)
모든 일을 시작할 때는 어떤 동기를 가지고 시작하는지가 중요해요
= When you start all tasks, it is important to have a motive to start it
대하교 동기
동기 = motive
(same year) fellow student at university(two words, one is 대하교)
Generally/commonly(not 보통 or 전반) has word that can mean general with mutiple suffix added to it being for noun
It is now generally accepted that…
…라는 점은 이제 일반적으로 받아들여지고 있다.
It is generally acknowledged to be true.
그것은 일반적으로 사실로 인정된다.
As teachers go, he’s not bad.
일반적으로 교사들이 그렇듯, 그는 나쁜 사람이 아니다.
일반적으로 카드를 하진 않지.
Koreans usually don’t play western cards on holidays.
What the difference between “보통 and 일반적으로” with “전반”
(ig)While the word 전반 translates to in general, its meaning is different than 보통 or 일반적으로. When using 전반, you are indicating that something is done across the board, in a general sense, amongst all things.
저는 한국 역사 전반에 관심이 있어요
= I am interested in Korean history in general (I am interested in all parts of Korean history).
Notice the difference between the sentence above and the following sentence: 저는 한국 역사를 보통 좋아해요
= I generally/usually like Korean history
many types of(two syllables)
for, also what can be used with it?
여러 가지;
의 can be used with it.
저는 여러 가지의 단어를 배우고 싶어요 = I want to learn lots of different types of words
옛날에 그리스인들은 여러 가지의 신을 믿었어요 = A long time ago, Greek people believed in a variety of gods
a watch, a diary and sundry other items
시계, 일기, 그 외 여러 가지 물건들
a medley of flavours/smells
여러 가지가 뒤섞인 맛/냄새
many/several times(for many/several 많다, 다양하다, 다수, 무수하다 isn’t used)
여러 번
to prohibit,ban ,forbid(three syllables)
관광객의 사진 촬영을 금하다
prohibit[bar] tourists from taking pictures
inhibit a person from doing
남에게 …하는 것을 금하다.
outlaw a player in a game
선수의 경기 출장을 금하다.
forbid a person (to enter) the house
남이 집에 들어가는 것을 금하다.
Not direct translation
To be impatient(two words with space, one word is a seperate 하다 verb, other word is a noun)
성격이 급하다
Bulls are incredibly unpredictable and hot-tempered.
황소들은 믿기 힘들 정도로 예측 불가능하며 성격이 급하다.
He is hot-tempered.
그는 성격이 급하다.
a press, media company(3 syallable)(not 매스컴)
Catch and kill shows that political journalism is corrupt.
언론사가 특정 뉴스를 독점 구입하고는 보도하지 않는 행위는 정치 언론이 부패했음을 보여준다.
They criticized the press’ witch-hunting reports.
그들은 언론사의 마녀사냥식 보도를 비난했다
Who handles inquires from the press?
언론사들로부터 질문이 오면 누가 처리하는가?
안 vs 못 difference(not just don’t and can’t, think in the sense of intention)
(ig)안 vs 못 = don’t(even if I can) vs can’t(even if I want)