5th from flashcards
to pull out, to extract
also commonly used to mean “except for…” ; (except for something) count (sb/sth) out
It is also commonly used to tell somebody serving you what you don’t want. Hold the food item, please don’t put food item in it.
빼다 meanings and what can it commonly mean with ingredients
When it means except for use 배고, since there is two verbs and this except for acts likes a verb
불을 빼 주세요 = Please take out the fire (common in a BBQ restaurant)
살을 빼고 싶으면 매일 운동해야 돼요 = If you want to lose weight, you have to exercise everyday
저는 공휴일을 빼고 매일 일해요 = I work every day except for public holidays
이번에는 저를 빼 주세요발음듣기
Please count me out this time.
그것을 빼고 일을 다 했어요 = I have done all the work except for that one
It is also commonly used to tell somebody serving you what you don’t want. For example:
우유(를) 빼고(요) = hold the milk… (please don’t put milk in it)
치즈(를) 빼고(요) = hold the cheese… (please don’t put cheese in it)
Technically these are not complete sentences, but you can add “~요” in formal situations.
이를 빼다
to get a tooth pulled
오늘 학교에서 더하기와 빼기를 배웠다
I learned addition and subtraction today at school.
subtraction (in math)
To lose weight
살을 빼다
살 = weight
바람을 빼다
to deflate a tire
Tink I extract air is I deflate a tire
바다 근처에 바람이 세게 불어요 = The wind is strong near the ocean
문이 바람에 닫혔어요 = The door was closed by the wind
바람을 넣다(one word verb)
To inflate
Give me all three anwsers:
verb to put on (shoes or socks, anything related to this like boots)
to put on shoes
to put on socks
(넣다 isn’tused)
신다 isn’t used outside of this only for 신발, 양말, and anything related to those two like 부츠.
신발을 신다
양말을 신다
그 신발을 신어 봤어요 = I tried on those shoes
오늘 날씨가 쌀쌀하니까 따뜻한 신발을 신었어요 = The weather is chilly today, so I put on warm shoes
부츠를 신다
put on one’s boots
thing like bad sheepor sheep talk equal socks
Give me 3 answers:(passive)
verb to put (shoes or socks on somebody, or anything related to those 2 )
to put shoes on another person
to put socks on another person
신기다 isn’t usally used outside the two 신발, 양말, and things related to it like 부츠.
신발을 신기다
양말을 신기다
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “신따”
신발을 신겨 주세요 = Please put these shoes on for me
나가기 전에 애기의 신발을 신겨야 돼요 = Before we go outside, I need to put the baby’s shoes on
To pour(liquid)
fill (sth with sth)(not 붓다, 쏟다, 흘리다)
따르다, 따라요, 따랐어요(으 irreg not 르) (2nd version(not to follow, attach, obey) somewhat common, give meaning(two similar versions)
컵에 물을 따르다 = to pour water into a cup
물을 이 컵에 따라 주세요 = Please pour water into this cup
한국 사람들은 자신을 위해 술을 안 따라요 = Korean people don’t pour alcohol for themselves
to empty
This is the active version of the word “비다”(passove)
쓰레기통을 비워 주세요 = Please empty the garbage can
집을 언제까지 다 비울 수 있어요? = When can you remove everything from the house by?
비다, 빈, 비어요
빈 깡통
an empty can
8시 이후에는 시간이 빈다
I’m free[available] after eight o’clock.
그 여자는 예쁘게 생겼는데 머리가 비었다
She’s got the looks, but she’s empty-headed.
To be empty(not 휑하다, 공허하다)
To move out(two words, one is a noun, 이주하다 isn’t in it, think emptying outside of house)
집을 비우다
to check out of a room(two words, 방 is one of them)
방을 비우다
자리를 비우다
I’ll be away a few days.
전 며칠 자리를 비울거에요.
I was only away two minutes!
자리를 비운 건 2분 뿐인데!
You’ve been away quite a while.
꽤 오랫동안 자리를 비웠네.
for somebody to be “out” (to not be present)(two words, one word is noun,one of the word in the sense of seat/spot)
자리 meanings(2) and connotation(long), and commonality
a seat(more broad in 좌석), a place to put something
Incredibly common word that is used in very important situations. This word is some area of space, but not really 3-dimensional space. It is more space on the ground or something similar to that. For example, if somebody is standing where you are standing, you could say “get out of my place/my spot!” In that case, you can use this word.
He took the seat next to me.
그는 내 옆자리에 앉았다.
자리에 앉아 주십시오.
Please take a seat.
자리가 없어요 = There are no seats/there is nowhere to sit
그 책을 제자리에 두세요 = Put that book back in its place
각 자리에 번호가 쓰여 있어요 = There is a number written on each seat
마음을 비우다
to empty one’s mind (for example, if you are about to give a presentation, you can clear your mind of thoughts to help you relax)(two words, 마음을
The passive form of this word is 끊기다
술을 끊다 = to give up alcohol
끊기다 = (cut off)
연락이 끊기다 = for contact to be cut off
가스/전기가 끊기다 = for the gas/electricity to be cut off
전화가 끊기다 = for the phone to cut out
전화가 자꾸 끊겨요! = The phone keeps cutting out
그 학생이 질문을 많이 해서 수업 흐름이 계속 끊겨요 = That student keeps asking questions, so the flow of the class keeps getting disrupted
전화를 왜 그렇게 빨리 끊었어요 = Why did you hang up so fast?
저는 이웃사람들과 관계를 완전히 끊었어요 = I completely cut off any relationship with neighbors
지금 담배를 끊더라도 당신은 폐암에 이미 걸렸어요
= Even if you quit smoking now, you already have lung cancer
2 anwsers:
to cut off, to quit something(give me active)
to cut off passive(give me passive)
연락을 끊다
to stop contacting somebody
To contact
연락 not really used by itself
옛날 친구에게 연락해 봤어요.
I attempted to contact an old friend.
네, 일요일 근무자들에게 연락해 볼게요.
Okay, I will contact the workers on Sunday.
전화를 끊다
to hang up a phone
constantly(not 계속, 자주,
끊임 isn’t used outside of this
훌륭한 건축가가 되기 위해서는 끊임없이 설계도를 많이 그려 봐야 해요
= In order to become a good architect, you have to constantly try to draw a lot of blueprints
이 화창한 날씨를 보니 기분이 아주 좋아요. 2 주일 동안 비가 끊임없이 왔거든요.
= I’m so happy to see this clear weather. Because it rained constantly for two weeks.
What is the verb 살리다 used for?
목숨을 살리다
경제를 살리다
살려 주세요! = Please save me!
저는 그 사람을 살리려고 경찰관을 불렀어요 = I called the policeman in order to save that person
give me 3anws:
to save(a life/economy)
to save a life
to save a economy
야채를 썰다 = to chop up vegetables
당근을 다 썰었어요 = I chopped all of the carrots
양파를 작은 조각으로 썰고 재료를 다 섞으세요 = Chop the onions into small pieces and mix all the ingredients
to chop, to slice
(a verb)To purchase in advance
표를 예매하다 = to purchase a ticket in advance
Actually, “매” in Korean has two meanings depending on the Hanja character that is being used. 매 (買) and 매 (賣) mean “buy” and “sell” respectively. The word “賣買” (매매) in Hanja means “to buy and sell.” Therefore, 예매하다 could mean either “to purchase in advance” or “to sell in advance,” depending on what Hanja character is used. That being said, 예매하다 is usually used when one purchases a ticket in advance.
표를 예매하러 극장에 가고 있어요 = I am going to the theater to buy the tickets (in advance)
예매를 안 하면 행사 당일에 표가 없을 거예요 = If you don’t purchase the tickets in advance, there won’t be any tickets on the day of the event
the sales of tickets in advance
Judgement(구별’, ‘분류’, ‘분별 isn’t used)
As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame.
내 판단으로는 그들 모두가 책임이 있다.
Who is the best candidate in your estimation?
당신 판단에는 어느 후보가 제일 나아요?
He trusted her judgement.
그는 그녀의 판단을 믿었다.
‘I’m not sure that’s a good way to do it.’ ‘Let me be the judge of that.’
“나는 그것이 그 일을 잘 하는 길인지 모르겠다.” “내 판단을 믿어 봐.”
to judge
fault, mistake,wrong(not 오류, 실수)
전화 잘못 거셨습니다
You called[dialed] the wrong number.
그는 항상 자기 잘못은 축소하고 다른 사람들의 잘못은 과장하려 들었다.
He always tried to minimize his own faults, while exaggerating those of others.
너의 잘못이 아니면 그의 잘못이다.
Either you or he is wrong.
이상한 사람한테 잘못 걸려들어 봉변을 당할 뻔했다발음듣기
I nearly humiliated myself by getting involved with the wrong person.
잘못 판단하다
To misjudge(to judge wrong)
상황이 어느 면으로 보아도 어색한 상황이다.
The situation is an awkward one, whichever way you look at it.
그 사람의 상황은 나빠요 = That person’s situation is not good
저는 그 상황을 처음부터 끝까지 몰랐어요 = I didn’t know that situation from start to finish
situation, circumstances(not 정황,환경, 처지, 형편, 사정)
To control(not 관리하다)
The noun form of this word (“통제”) translates to “regulation”
統制= control
統 통= jap rule
制 제= regulation
Think rule and regulation in meaning in being in control.
언론을 통제하다 = to control the media/press
상황을 통제하다 = to control a situation
Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale.
미국 언론과 달리 영국 언론은 전국 규모로 작동한다.
a much/highly/widely publicized speech
언론의 대대적인 관심을 받은 연설
a threat to press/academic, etc. freedom
언론[출판]/학문 등의 자유에 대한 위협
The press, the media(two syallable)(not conglish)
연락이 안 오다
to not receive contact(3 words, think don’t come)
one’s contact information
연락하다 to contact
to reserve
Give me 2:(one is verb, other is two word with 옷 in it, 바꾸다, 대체하다, 교체하다 isn’t in it)
to change(clothes)
to change one clothes
옷을 갈아입다
갈아 : This part comes from the verb 갈다, which means “to change” or “to replace.”
입다: This is a verb that means “to wear” or “to put on.
셔츠를 갈아입다 = to change one’s shirt
제가 옷을 갈아입는 동안 돌아보지 마세요 = While I’m changing, don’t turn around
옷을 갈아입으러 탈의실에 갔어요 = He went to the change-room to change his clothes
집에 가자마자 잠옷으로 갈아입고 침대에 누웠어요 = As soon as I went home I changed into my pajamas and lay down
바다에 들어가기 전에 수영복으로 갈아입어야 돼요 = Before I go in the ocean, I need to change into my bathing suit
갈다, 갈아요 meanings around 2
(not 바꾸다, 대체하다, 교체하다, 연마하다, 일구다)
(to replace/exchange) change, replace, renew
(knife, etc.) grind, sharpen
타이어를 갈다
change a tire
칼(날)을 갈다
sharpen a blade[sword]
곱게 갈다
grind sth finely
to change the sheets
시트를 갈다
to replace the batteries
배터리를 갈다
to be congested
The active form of this word is 막다 (to block)
길이 막히다 = for a road to be congested (for there to be a lot of traffic)
변기가 막히다 = for the toilet to be clogged
불이 나고 문이 막혀 있어서 창문을 통해 빠져나갔어요
= A fire started, and because the door was blocked, I escaped through the window
One’s word
for one’s words to be clogged (to not know what to say)(hint to be passive block, one learned from preply, starts with word door obv)
말문이 막히다
피부가 너무 약해서 겨울에도 로션을 발라야 돼요
= I even need to put on lotion in the winter because my skin is weak
그 여자 몸이 아주 약해서 계단을 올라갈 수 없어요
= That girl can’t go upstairs because her body is so weak
to be weak
for a flame to be low(tricky, verb mean to be weak, not 유약하다’, ‘허약하다’, ‘왕약하다’, ‘허박하다)
불이 약하다
to be bored,
is used to describe the feeling of being bored.
심심해서 저는 영화를 보러 나가고 싶어요
= I want to go out and see a movie because I’m bored
일을 하면 너무 심심해서 다른 분야로 옮길 수밖에 없어요
= I have no choice but to move/switch fields because I am so bored when I work
To describe something that makes you bored (and thus, is boring), you should use(not 심심해)
오늘 부산에 내려갑니다
I’m going down to Busan today.
층계를 내려가다발음듣기
go down the stairs
To go down
드레스가 발목까지 내려온다발음듣기
My dress reaches[comes down to] my ankles.
To come down
To go in
To come in
뒷맛을 없애려면 새콤한 것을 먹어야 돼요
= If you want to get rid of that aftertaste, you need to eat something sour
어제 산 두부를 먹어 봤는데 뒷맛이 조금 이상한 게 아무래도 상한 것 같아요
= The tried the tofu I bought yesterday, and there was a bit of an aftertaste so it probably went bad
빗물이 현관에 들어왔어요
= Rainwater is coming into the entrance-way
문을 열려면 현관에서 직접 열쇠로 열어 주세요
= If you want to open the door, you need to come to the entrance in person with a key
아무도 모르게 집에 들어가려고 했는데 어쩐지 현관문을 열고 싶지 않았어요
= I was about to go into the house without anybody knowing, but somehow I didn’t want to open the front door
entrance room, entrace(not 출입문과 건물)
Front door(chinese, 앞,정문, )
patience/endurance N(not 끈기, 참을성, 견딤, 지구력)
인내의 시간 끝에 비로소 원하는 꿈을 이룰 수 있었어요
= After times of being patient (putting up with something), I was able to achieve what I wanted
비록 힘들더라도 인내하고 꾸준히 하다 보면 분명히 목표를 이룰 수 있어요
= Even if it is hard, if you are patient and continue to try, you can definitely reach your goal
To endure
patience(2nd, more than two syllable)
이 일을 끝내려면 인내심이 많이 필요해요
= If you intend to complete this task, you need a lot of patience
초등학생들을 가르치려면 선생님들이 인내심이 많이 필요해요
= In order to teach elementary school students, teachers need a lot of patience
international politics
저녁 준비가 다 되면 저는 제일 먼저 식탁에 수저를 놓아요
= When dinner is ready, I always put the cutlery on the table first
집 안 분위기에 따라 어울리는 식탁이 다르니 사기 전에 직접 보고 와야 해요
= Depending on the atmosphere of the inside of the house, the best dinner table could be different, so before you buy it, you need to come and see it
Dinner table(no obvious words Chinese no 상 in it)
outing/picnic/excursion(not 원족)
봄소풍 = spring outing
소풍 가다 = to go on a picnic
food/lunch brought on a picnic(two words in it, 원족 isn’t it)
소풍 도시락
도시락 = prepared lunnch
소풍 = picnic
Big bookstore(two words, 크다 isn’t used, 크기, 사건, 규모, 차량isn’t used)
대형 서점
large sized
formation, rank
그 팀은 보통 4-4-2 대형으로 경기를 한다.
The team usually plays in a 4-4-2 formation.
경기장 양 끝에는 대형 텔레비전 스크린이 배치되어 있었다.
Large television screens were positioned at either end of the stadium.
화학 공장 대형 화재에서 유독 가스들이 구름처럼 피어올랐다.
Clouds of toxic fumes escaped in a huge chemical factory blaze.
Short Sized(one word, think chinese)
소형차는 유지비가 더 싸다는 추가 장점도 있다.
A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run.
아주 작고 사랑스런 소형견
a tiny and lovely pocketpup
View/scenery(one that you really know, from preply vocab)
예쁜 경치를 보려면 아침 일찍 일어나야 돼요
= If you intend to see the beautiful scenery, you need to wake up early in the morning
제주도의 경치는 매우 아름다워서 사계절 내내 관광객으로 붐벼요
= The scenery in Jeju is really beautiful, so it is bustling with tourists throughout all four seasons
self-improvement/ self-development(one word(hint), 성장, 발전)
개발 = development
자기 = chinese oneself
자기개발에 힘쓰려면 돈을 낭비하지 말고 매달 저축하는 게 중요해요
= If you intend to work on improving yourself, don’t waste any money, and putting away money every month is important
새해가 될 때마다 서점에서 가장 잘 팔리는 책 종류는 자기개발서예요
= Every new year, the genre of books that sell the best are self-help books
Development(not 전개, 발전)
a 5-year economic development plan
경제 개발 5개년 계획
a development bank발음듣기
개발 은행
Self-help books
To develop
다음 10 년의 의료기술개발은 대한민국에 중요하다
= The development of medical technology over the next 10 years is important to Korea
땅을 개발하려면 땅 주변 환경을 먼저 정리해야 돼요
= If you intend to develop the land, you must first organize/clear up the environment around it
우리 회사가 상반기에는 그 제품의 개발을 진행하며 하반기에는 판매를 시작할 거예요
= In the first half of the year, our company will proceed with the development with that product, and in the second half of the year, we will start selling it
Saving Money(noun), savings(not저금, 절약)
저축을 늘리다발음듣기
increase one’s saving
one verb to mean: To save (money, still must use 돈)(not 돈을 모으다)
저축하다 basic mcp
Think saving, accumlation as saving to save
貯蓄 = saving
貯 저= saving
蓄 축= accumulation
매달 힘들 게 저축한 돈을 사기를 당해서 모두 날려버렸어요
= The money that I saved from tirelessly putting money away every month is all gone because I got scammed
자기개발에 힘쓰려면 돈을 낭비하지 말고 매달 저축하는 게 중요해요
= If you intend to work on improving yourself, don’t waste any money, and putting away money every month is important
(things, places, etc) search, look(for)
경찰이 실종된 아이를 찾고 있다발음듣기
The police are looking for the missing child.
to come looking for(one word with two verbs combined, not 방문하다, 다녀오다, 들러오다, 탐색하다, 추적하다)
그 사람이 저를 찾아오면 저한테 말해 주세요
= If that person comes looking for me, please tell me
이 의견에 동의하지 않는 사람은 제 사무실로 오후에 찾아오세요
= People who don’t agree with this opinion, please come and see (“find”) me in my office this afternoon
너무 바쁜 와중에 친구가 찾아왔기 때문에 친구와 시간을 보내지 못했어요
= Right when I was busy, my friend came looking for me so I couldn’t spend any time with him
To visit, to go looking for
오랜만에 고향에 와서 친하게 지냈던 친구의 집에 찾아갔지만 친구는 작년에 이사를 갔다고 했어요
= I came to my hometown for the first time in a while and went to the house of a friend I was close with and they said that he moved last year
To ask many people where something is, and to look for it(two words, predicating verb is a compound(nt), think of go, both words are verbs, first one is a long chinese verb used to ask around, inqure here and there 수색하다, 알아보다, 탐문하다, 뒤지다 isn’t any of the verbs)
수소문해 찾아가다
10년 전 사건에 대해 알고 있다는 사람이 있어서 수소문해 찾아갔다
= I asked a lot of people who knew about the events from ten years ago and went looking
그는 수소문 끝에 아이를 찾았다발음듣기
After asking all around, he finally found the child.
그는 그의 부모님을 수소문해 찾기 시작했지만 , 쉬운 일이 아니었어요 .
He set off in search of his birth parents by tracing rumors, but it wasn’t an easy task.
ask around, inquire here and there(one verb)(not 탐문하다, 조사하다, 탐색하다, 추적하다)
To find a job(v and N)
The noun form of this word “취직” translates to “finding a job”
저는 그 회사에 취직했어요 = I got a job at that company
이제 취직을 하려고 이력서를 쓰고 있어요
= Now I am writing a resume with the intent of finding a job
요즘에는 회사에 취직하려면 이력서를 인터넷으로 회사에 제출해야 돼요
= These days, if you want to get hired by a company, you need to submit your resume online
To ignore
무시 = to ignore
그 친구는 남의 말만 믿고 저를 무시했어요
= That friend believed what other people said (about me), and ignored me
땀띠가 있어서 이 연고를 바르란 아빠의 말을 무시했어요
= I have a heat rash, and I didn’t listen (ignored) the words/advice from my dad to put ointment on it
반: This part means “opposite” or “against.”(chinese)
대: This part means “big” or “large.”
To oppose
그 말을 연설에 말하면 사람들이 분명히 반대할 거예요
= If you say that in the speech, people will definitely disagree (with it)
사춘기인 아들은 부모님이 하는 모든 말에 반대부터 하고 봐요
= Kids going through puberty disagree/oppose everything that their parents say
in the opposite way
the opposite side
Side(not 측, 쪽, 진영)
그는 말이 없는 편이다발음듣기
He’s on the quiet side.
편을 가르다발음듣기
divide[split] sb[sth] into (two) teams(sides)
the opposite direction
counterclockwise(thinking clock, one word made of 3 different parts)
- beat around the bush
2.Switch the conversation into line, conversation
말 돌리다 meanings
돌리다 = to spin
시계반대방향 돌리다
시계 = clock
반대 = opposition
방향 - direction
돌리다 = to turn
to turn something counterclockwise(complicated one word has three things attached to it, two words ends with verb meaning to turn)( ‘회전하다’’, isn’t used)
to turn, to run a machine, to hand out
돌리다 meanings
A를 돌리다 = to distribute something
저는 밤에 세탁기를 돌렸어요 = I ran my laundry machine at night
저는 친구들에게 선물을 돌렸어요 = I distributed/handed out presents to my friends
그 기계는 너무 무거워요 = That machine is very heavy
회사는 기계를 대체했어 = The company replaced the machine
세탁기를 돌리다
to turn on, use a washing machine(two words, not liter translation 키다 isn’t used)
washer, washing machine
Think 기 as noun
세탁하다 is to wash
To wash(laundry) verb
세탁 can be used by itself
to wash clothes really well
옷을 아주 잘 세탁하다
to wash whites and colors separately
흰옷과 색이 있는 옷을 떠로 세탁하다
A formal way to say somebody has “passed away
to give back, also thing doing in the benefit of someone(not 반환하다
A compound verb made up of “돌리다” and “주다”
저는 친구에게 책을 돌려줬어요 = I gave my friend back his book
to lift, to carry, to hold
to enter, to go into
들다 follows the ㄹ irregular
저는 바닥에 있는 박스를 들었어요 = I lifted the box on the floor
그는 고개를 들었어요 = He lifted his head
저는 손을 들었어요 = I raised my hand
저는 가방을 들었어요 = I carried the/my bag
고개를 들다
to raise one’s head(머리 or 두상 isn’t used, word for head can mean hill also) For lift, the verb that means to enter/lift is used
head, hill
그가 안 믿긴다는 듯 고개를 갸웃거렸다.
He tilted his head to one side in disbelief.
고개를 숙이다 lower one’s head
고개를 돌리다 turn one’s head
머리가 좋다
to be smart(for one’s headsto be no trick, obv)
checked, in the sense of being repeated
in one’s (interior)mind/heas, think what words that you can use not 에 or 에서.
To come in
To go in
나는 동아리에 들었어 = I joined a club
저는 잠이 들었어요 = I fell asleep (I “entered” sleep)
저는 그 그림이 마음에 들어요 = I like that picture (That picture enters my heart)
To bring an object
You possess something. You bring something(only stuff, not a person) with you. Not indicating going anywhere.
This is not used when you “bring” a person somewhere. Instead, the word “데려오다” is used
가지다 means “to possess” and “오다” and “가다” mean “to come” and “to go” respectively.
imagine you have already arrived at your friend’s house with the money. You can use the word “가져오다” because you came to your friend’s house while in possession of the money (저는 돈을 가져왔어요). In this example, 가져오다 is used and the best English translation would be “I brought the money.”
저는 저의 숙제를 가져왔어요 = I brought my homework
저는 지갑을 안 가져왔어요 = I didn’t bring my wallet
저는 친구가 사과를 가져오는 것을 원해요 = I want my friend to bring apples
To bring/take an object
You are bringing or taking something to something, someone. bring something(stuff) with you to your place or another place
Imagine you have money at your house, and you will go to your friend’s house later to give it to him. Therefore, you will have to “bring” or “take” (same meaning) that money with you when you head over there. If you are currently at your house and are talking to your friend about what you will do, you should use the word “가져가다” because you are going to your friend’s house while in possession of the money (저는 돈을 가져갈 거예요). In this example, 가져가다 is used and the best English translation would be “I will bring the money.”
얼마나 많은 돈을 가져갈 거예요? = How much money will you bring/take?
날씨가 너무 더울 것이기 때문에 반바지를 가져갈 거예요 = I am going to bring/take shorts because the weather will be hot
jump rope(think line obv, and verb in noun where it is still in the process)
넘다 = to cross
(of a wall, mountain, border, etc.) climb (over), jump (over)
(degree(temp), shame(social), etc.) pass, go beyond
(The time and time limit) over
Climb(jump) over a wall
담을 넘다
우리는 두 시간이 넘게 기다렸다
We waited over two hours.
오늘은 낮 기온이 30도를 넘겠습니다
Today’s temperature will exceed 30 degrees.
자기 권한의 도를 넘다
to overstep your authority
줄에 서 있다
서다 = to stand
to be standing in line(three words, with some obv grammar, hint thing in line and existing while also stating the verb.)
To stand
(Come to halt)stop
(to take on a role) serve
서다, 서요 meanings
stand on one foot
한 발로 서다
이 급행열차는 3개의 역에서만 선다
This express train only stops at three stops.
중매를 서다
arrange a marriage (between)
A cold(in the sense of sickness not sensitivity)
감기에 걸리다 = to catch a cold
그는 심하게 기침을 했어요 = He was coughing severely
저의 아들은 시끄럽게 기침했어요 = My son was coughing loudly
설사는 맛있어요 = Diarrhea is delicious
설사를 하는 것은 재미있어요 = Having diarrhea is fun
To have diarrhea(있다 isn’t, obv thinking the action perform)
설사를 하다
설사는 맛있어요 = Diarrhea is delicious
the flu
독감에 걸리다 = to catch/have the flu
모든 학생들은 독감에 걸렸어요 = All the students have the flu
Sneeze N
나이가 많은 사람들은 항상 재채기를 시끄럽게 해요 = Old people always sneeze loudly
To sneeze
재채기하다/재채기를 하다
to hold a sneeze(for hold verb, it can mean surpress, endure, 인내하다, 견디다 isn’t used)
재채기를 참다
Basically to endure, bear
(phenonms, events, actions, sickness, etc. ) suppress, stifle, stop[resist] (doing), hold[fight, force] back, restrain oneself (from doing)
(Emotions, impulses, etc.) suppress, repress
(hard and difficult) bear, endure, tolerate,
참다(give me 2~3 around the ballpark)
suppress[swallow; restrain; keep down; force back] one’s anger
화를 참다발음듣기
너무 오랫동안 참아 왔다
I’ve tolerated it for too long.
하품을 참다
suppress[stifle; smother] a yawn
그때 진짜 참다 참다 진짜…
I couldn’t take it anymore.
진짜 꾹 참다 왔어요.
I endured the hunger.
a club in school or university
It’s hard to explain exactly what this is in English – but Korean high school students are usually forced to join a club at school. These clubs are called
저는 댄스 동아리에 들었어요 = I entered a dancing club
무슨 동아리 해? = What club are you in?
What’s used for missing(I want to see) a person(two words, person isn’t in, obv)
보고 싶다
저는 친구를 보고 싶어요 = I miss my friend/I want to see my friend
to miss, but is usually used when talking about missing a non-person(one verb)(생각나다, 아쉽다, 애틋하다, 회상하다, 가슴이 시리다 isn’t used)
그립다, 그리워요
Adj so can’t act on obj
ㅂ irregular
저는 한국 음식이 그리워요 = I miss Korean food
Class president(one word, not from any previous words that you know)
班長= monitor, in the sense of a person monitoring other people
think class length as being monitor where they are a class president
班 반 = class
長 장= length
Our class(two words is used, 우리 is one, for class it isn’t 교실, 수업, 학급, 수업, 부류, 계급,
계층 isn’t used)
우리 반
class of students in school(one word, not 교실, 수업, 부류, 계급
몇 반이에요? = What class are you in?
그 여자는 우리 반에서 제일 못생긴 여자예요 = That girl is the ugliest in our class
eyelashes(털 isn’t used)
속 = chinese in
in(interior) eyebrow, there is eyelash
location of work
In English, we say “work” to refer to what is being done and where it is being done. For example “I am doing work at work.” This refers to the location in which you work.
그는 직장에서 일찍 퇴근했어요 = He left work early
직장에서 더 멀리 이사하게 되었어요 = I ended up moving farther away from work
학업을 진행하면서 직장도 다녀요 = As I progress/continue my studies, I also go to work
저는 일반적으로 그 사람을 직장에서 보지 못해요 = I generally don’t see that person at work
when ~에서 is added to the words 여기/거기/저기, it is common to write/say
거기서, 저기서
“from the start” or “from the beginning.
Not attached to a noun
“부터” attached to 처음
그들은 저를 처음부터 싫어했어요 = They didn’t like me from the start
우리는 그 일을 처음부터 시작할 거예요 = We will start that job/task from the beginning
at first, start with 처
for the first time in a long time(two words, grammar is used(2), 2 words that you should know no trick, think as)
오랜만에 처음으로
For the first in only a long time
from start to finish(two grammar, two words)
처음부터 끝까지
When used to say “from start to finish,” the word “끝” is often used to mean “finish.
저는 그 상황을 처음부터 끝까지 몰랐어요 = I didn’t know that situation from start to finish
저는 그것을 처음부터 끝까지 복습했어요 = I reviewed that from start to finish
저는 그 책을 처음부터 끝까지 읽었어요 = I read that book from start to finish
happiness, gladness(nt, in noun form)
from 기쁘다, ㅁ noun form
행복은 작은 것에 기쁨을 찾는 것이에요 = Happiness is finding joy in little things
우리 딸이 애기를 낳을 거라는 소식을 들었을 때 저는 기쁨에 취했어요
= I was filled with joy when I heard the news that my daughter will be having a baby
놀이터에서 놀고 있는 애기의 눈에 기쁨을 볼 수 있어요
= You can see the joy in the eyes of the baby who is playing in the playground
to be overly happy about something(two words, has obv grammar, ends with predicating verb)(not 황홀하다, 열광하다, 도취하다)
기쁨에 취하다
(behavior, attitude) take = one use of 취하다
to be overflowing with joy(the first word is in noun form, two words)
기쁨이 넘치다
to overflow
(energy, emotions,etc) to explode into/with
In spring, the resort explodes into life.발음듣기
봄이 되면 그 휴양지는 활기가 넘친다
맥주가 넘친다
The beer is brimming over.
병원은 지진 피해자들로 넘쳐났다
The hospital was overflowing with victims of the earthquake.
to hide one’s happiness
기쁨을 감추다
(something)To hide
(facts, emotions, etc) disguise, cover (up)
감추다, 감춰요
보이지 않는 곳에 감추다
hide[conceal] sth from (one’s) view
창피한 사실을 감추다발음듣기
sweep[brush] sth under the carpet
겉을 꾸며서 본성[본심]을 감추다.
mask one’s real character[intentions] behind an assumed manner
a physical fight(one word, nt, ob combining two easy words
body + fight
a legal fight
흙 = soil
an intense/vicious fight
싸움을 붙이다
to start/pick a fight with somebody(not direct translation, two words)
붙이다 = to light up(one of uses)
(so that it doesn’t fall off)stick, attach
To kindle, light up
병에 라벨을 붙이다
put[stick] labels on bottles
불을 붙이다/불꽃을 피우다
to kindle a fire/flame
담배에 불을 붙이다
to light a cigarette
그 기관에 주요 자금 세탁 우려 대상이라는 꼬리표를 붙이다
label the organization as a ‘ primary money laundering concern ‘
to win a fight
싸움에서 이기다
To lose a fight
싸움에서 지다
To win, defeat
overcome, surmount
이기다, 이겨요
쉽게 이기다
win easily
어려움을 이기다발음듣기
overcome[surmount] a difficulty
To lose, be beaten
지다, 져요
Help, N
이렇게 주무르면 도움이 되나요? = Is it helpful if I rub it like this?
도움이 필요하면 알려주세요 = If you need help, let me know
친구에게 전단지를 도시 이리저리에 붙이는 것에 대해 도움을 요청했어요
= I asked my friend for help in putting up these flyers around (here and there) the city
이 일을 다 혼자 할 수 있는 게 아니에요. 친구들로부터 도움을 많이 받아야 돼요
= This isn’t a job that you can do by yourself. You will need to get a lot of help from your friends
To be helpful(two words)
도움이 되다
To become of help
to ask for help(this isn’t it 묻어, 부탁하다, 간청하다, 애원하다, 호소하다, 의지하다)
도움을 요청하다
To ask, request(not 물어요(묻다), 문의하다, 간청하다, 부탁하다, 청하다)
저는 선생님에게 숙제에 대한 설명을 요청했어요 = I asked the teacher for an explanation of the homework
Step(nt, think in the sense on moving/walking)
The verb form of this word (걷다) means “to walk.”
한 걸음 물러서 주시기 바랍니다 = Please take a step back
저의 다리가 길어서 걸음이 다른 사람보다 조금 더 빨라요 = My steps are a little faster than other people’s because my legs are long
You’ve got to start somewhere
(“Even a journey/path of a thousand steps has to start with the first step”)(5/6 words)
천 리 길도 한 걸음부터
천 리 길 means “a journey of a thousand miles.” 한 걸음부터 can be translated to “starts with a single step,” or “from one step.”
to be confronted with death(사망 isn’t in it, obv grammar in it, 봉착하다, 당면하다, 마주하다, 부딪히다)
죽음에 직면하다
encounter, face (with), be confronted with
이것이 우리가 직면하고 있는 문제다
This is the problem that we are facing.
to meet death (to die, two words, 사망 isn’t used, it is used in the sense of being fitted(obv, where it has various meanings))
죽음을 맞다
be right, be correct
be consistent (with), correspond (with)
(to a person or thing of shape or size)fit in
be hit, be struck
(a gun, a bolt, etc) be hit (by), be shot,
그 책장이 그 벽감에 딱 맞다.
The bookcase fits neatly into the alcove.
A가 맞는 답이다.발음듣기
“A” is the right answer.
그의 진술은 사실과 맞지 않다발음듣기
His statement doesn’t tally[coincide] with the facts.
매를 맞다발음듣기
be beaten
벼락을 맞다
be struck (dead) by lightning
그 책장이 그 벽감에 딱 맞다.
The bookcase fits neatly into the alcove.
그는 교직에 안 맞다.
He’s not cut out to be a teacher.
각오 from 각오하다
Determination(not 다짐, ‘결의’, ‘작정, 깨달음)
각오를 새롭게 다지다
reestablish[solidify] one’s resolve[determination]
공장에서 일하다 = to work at a factory
공장 노동자 = a factory worker
공장에서 만들어진 제품 = products made in a factory
저는 큰 공장에서 일해요 = I work in a big factory
제품이 언제 와요? = When will the products come?
우리가 그 제품을 내일 받을 거예요 = We will receive those products tomorrow
제품을 트럭에 다 실었어요? = Did you load all of the products onto the truck?
New product
chinese new 신규
two chinese word combined
공장에서 만들어진 제품
(renemeber 어지다)
products made in a factory(to get suffix in past tense)
To feel (sense, emotion)
(grav) 느끼다,느껴요 mc
배신감을 느끼다
feel betrayed
그는 뭔가 잘못되었다는 것을 느꼈다발음듣기
He found[sensed] something was wrong.
to express/feel sympathy for sb
…에 대해 동정[연민]을 표하다/느끼다
to feel a surge/thrill/shiver of excitement
밀려드는/전율이 이는/몸이 오싹해지는 흥분을 느끼다
to feel/have/show/express (an) interest in sth
…에 흥미를 느끼다/흥미[관심]가 있다/흥미[관심]를 보이다/흥미[관심]를 표하다
저의 눈에 뭔가 있는 느낌이 나요 = I have a feeling that there is something in my eye
매우 부드럽고도 이상한 느낌이었다 = It had a very soft, but also a very strange feel
오히려 29살에 열심히 일하는 당당한 여자가 될 것 같은 좋은 느낌이 든다 = Contrary to what you think, I have a good feeling that at 29 (years of age) I will become a hard-working, confident woman.
exclamation mark
to feel good, for a feeling to be good
느낌이 좋다
administration(not 경영, 통치, 관리, 운영, 살림)
행정부 = adminstration department
저는 행정부장께 서류를 다 드렸어요 = I gave all of the documents to the admin boss
그 도장을 종이에 찍으러 행정실에 갔어요 = In order to get that stamp on the paper, I went to the admin office
행정부가 직원 연봉 모두를 지불하는 책임이 있어요 = The administration department has the responsibility of paying all of the employees’ salary
adminstrative office
Smoking area(little tricky, one word)
구역 = area
흡연은 암의 위험을 크게 증대시킨다.
Cigarette smoking multiplies the risk of cancer.
다수가 흡연 금지를 찬성했다.
The majority was / were in favour of banning smoking.
non-smoking area
금연 = no smoking, not usally used by itself
No parking area
“children’s protection area” (be careful of children playing)
구역 = area
보호 = protection, 어린이 = young
child, children(not 아이, 아동, 소년, 소녀)
이 학교는 초등학교라서 이 동네에 어린이들이 많아요
= There are a lot of children in this neighborhood because this school is an elementary school
어린이들을 좋아하기 때문에 초등학교 선생님이 되고 싶어요
= I wanted to become an elementary teacher because I like children
preschool, kindergarten(not 유치원, think children’s house)
어린이 집
Children’s Day (national holiday in Korea)
one’s childhood(childhood)
어린이 시절
자기 어린 시절을 향수 어린 마음으로 돌아보다
to look back nostalgically to your childhood
To be an adult(one word, has )
어른스럽다, 어른스러워
어른 = adult
그녀는 나이에 비해 어른스러워 보인다발음듣기
She seems mature for her age.
스럽다 can also be added to some nouns to change them into an adjective, much like the function of ~적(이다). When doing this, ~스럽다 changes the noun into an adjective that has the “properties” of that noun. The two easiest examples to explain this change are:
사랑 = love
사랑스럽다 = “with the properties of love”
자연 = nature
자연스럽다 = “with the properties of nature”
warranty period(think chinese)
(This can be spaced out like 보증 기간)
보증 = chinese warranty
기간 =a period of time
preparation period
준비 = chinese preparation
expiration period (expiration date)
유통 = chinese expiration
the period of a contract
Contract, lease
그 임대차 계약은 내년에 만료된다.
The lease expires/runs out next year.
그 계약 건은 잊어 버려. 이미 날 샜어!
Forget about the contract. You[We]’ve already missed the right time!
계약을 맺다발음듣기
make[enter into] a(n) contract[agreement] (with)
application period (the period where we will be accepting applications)
to receive (an application)
It technically means “to receive,” but it usually used when the subject is giving something. It doesn’t make much sense, but that is how it is used.
This word is not said very often. You will see it written more commonly than you will hear it spoken.
접수하다(What the explanation of the translation)(You see it more in written or spoken)
저는 서울대학교에 원서를 접수했어요 = This should translate to “I gave my application to Seoul University” or “I applied to Seoul University,” but it also technically means “Seoul University received my application.
the final date to receive something
접수 마감일
이 프로젝트 마감일이 내일이라 서둘러야 해요
= The deadline for this project is tomorrow, so we need to hurry
마감일까지 숙제를 다 하려고 미친 듯이 공부를 했다
= In order to finish all of my homework by the deadline, he studied as if he was crazy
어제가 시험 문제 출제 마감일이라서 다 하고 12시 넘어서 잤어요
= Yesterday was the deadline for creating exam questions, so I did them all and slept after 12
application deadline
Sign up
저는 교장선생님께 저의 신청서를 드렸어요 = I gave my application form to the principal
인도에 가고 싶으면 비자를 신청해야 돼요 = You need to apply for a visa if you want to go to India
연수를 받으시고 싶다면 내일까지 신청하시기 바랍니다 = If you want to receive the training, please apply by tomorrow
장학금을 신청하다 = to apply for a scholarship
application form
신청을 접수하다
receive[accept] applications[subscriptions]
장학금을 신청하다 = to apply for a scholarship
그 학생이 아주 똑똑해서 장학금을 받게 되었어요
= That student is so smart that he ended up receiving a scholarship
제가 장학금을 받게 되면 해외대학교에 갈 거예요
= If I end up getting a scholarship, I will go to a foreign university
그 대학교에 가고 싶은 한국 사람들은 누구라도 장학금을 받을 수 있어요
= Any Korean person who wants to go to that university can receive a scholarship
Korean SAT
is short for “대학수학능력평가” and is a test that happens once per year every November in Korea. Universities base their admissions heavily on the results of this test, so it is very stressful and students spend the majority of their high school days working to get a good score on this test.
저는 내년에 수능을 봐야 돼요 = I need to write 수능 next year
원래 대학교에 갈 계획이 있었지만 수능을 잘 못 봐서 대학교에 갈 수 없었어요
= I had plans to go to university, but I couldn’t get in because I did poorly on the Korean SAT test
대학교에 가려면 수능을 잘 봐야 돼요
= If you want to be able to go to University, you should do well on 수능
아무리 열심히 공부해도 수능을 못 본다면 대학교에 못 가요
= Regardless of how hard you study, if you don’t do well on 수능, you can’t go to University
To increase
증가 = increase, growth noun
담배에 의한 사망은 증가하고 있어요
= Deaths due to smoking are increasing
경제가 어려워질수록 실업자의 수가 증가해요
= As the economy gets worse (gets more difficult), the number of unemployed people increases
새로 생긴 대중교통으로 인해 그 도시의 인구가 갑자기 증가하게 되었어요
= Due to the newly built mass transportation (system), that city’s population ended up
suddenly increasing
서서히 발전하는 의학기술로 전 세계적으로 인구가 계속 증가하게 되었어요
= Due to gradually developing medical techniques, the population of the world ended up continually increasing
to increase abnormally
the word use one of these ~적/적으로/적이다,
haven’t learned it yet but check upon this
비정상적으로 증가하다
usally when using 비정상 use 적/적으로/적이다
Increase, growth noun
인구 증가발음듣기
population growth
decrease, decline, drop, to fall, verb
That is a decrease of 20 per cent.
그건 20% 감소한 거야.
Infant mortality has fallen by 40 per cent.
유아 사망률이 40% 감소했다.
the world, it is in decline.
전세계적으로 이것은 감소하는 추세다.
decrease (in/of), decline (in/of), drop (in), fall (in/of) Noun
a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce
인력 규모의 점진적인 감소
a decrease of nearly 6% in the number of visitors to the museum
그 박물관 관람객 수의 약 6% 감소
a fall in this year’s coffee crop
올해 커피 수확량의 감소
gradually decreasing
점점 감소하다
점점 증가하다
gradually increasing
점점 다가온다
approaching gradually
getting better gradually
점점 나아지다
approach, draw near[closer], come closer[near], come up (to)
그가 내게로 다가왔다발음듣기
He came up to me.
선거철이 다가오고 있다발음듣기
Election time is nearing.
Done, Not HTSK applicable
To get better, improve
그의 집안 형편이 많이 나아졌다발음듣기
His family has gotten a lot better off.
to arrive, to reach
르 irregular.
For this one don’t try to conjugate it, it’s rare.
우리가 목적지에 이르게 되었어요
= We ended up arriving at our destination
이 길을 쭉 따라가다 보면 한 마을에 이르게 되는 데 바로 그곳이 저의 고향입니다
= Follow this road till the end and when you reach a village, that place is my hometown
to improve/develop/progress
발전 not really used by itself
한국경제가 발전하는 것은 캐나다 및 미국에게도 중요하다
= Improving the Korean economy is important to Canada as well as the United States
자원이 풍부한 나라일수록 미래에 더 발전할 가능성이 있어요
= As a country has more resources, there is more of a possibility for it to develop
북한 경제가 발전하려면 정부는 국민들을 더 이상 통제하면 안 돼요
= If North Korea wants to improve their economy, the government shouldn’t control its citizens anymore
중소기업을 발전시키는 것은 지역경제를 활성화하는 것에 중요해요
= Developing small and medium businesses is important in vitalizing a local economy
서서히 발전하는 의학기술로 전 세계적으로 인구가 계속 증가하게 되었어요
= Due to gradually developing medical techniques, the population of the world ended up continually increasing
To mean