4th from flashcards
점심 후에 미팅이 있어요. There is a meeting after lunch.
수업 후에 도서관에 가서 공부할 거예요. I will go to the library to study after class.
오후 네 시 후에 약속이 있습니다. There is an appointment at 4 p.m.
파티는 저녁 후에 시작될 예정이에요. The party is scheduled to start after dinner.
비가 그친 후에 산책을 나가기로 했어요. We decided to go for a walk after the rain stopped.
Have to, should, must( to be okay, to be possible for for second syllable) conjugation
아,어,여+야 돼요
(Ignore 해요 in flashcard)
To not be, to not have there is not
돈이 없어서 쇼핑을 못 했어요. I couldn’t go shopping because I don’t have money.
이 책은 도서관에 없어서 다른 곳에서 찾아봤어요.
This book isn’t in the library, so I looked for it somewhere else.
시간이 없어서 오늘은 운동을 못 했어요. I didn’t exercise today because I didn’t have time.
Adjective form of describtive verb conjugation
What is one letter in hanguel do you add for compound noun that ends in vowel
Word to make question mark( one syllable and starts with ㄴ)
formal, like say to baby
뭐 먹니? What are you eating?
언제 갈니? When are you going?
verb stem+ 자
To make a question
ㄹ/을/x 까
possessive particle, similar to “of” in English. It indicates possession or association between nouns.
친구의 집- Friend’s house Title of the book 시간의 흐름 - Flow of time
진실의 발견 - Discovery of truth
Verb ending of condition, if, when, once; what is verb stem if v/c?
(More) than
선생님들은 학생들보다 더 똑똑해요 = Teachers are smarter than students
한식은 양식보다 더 매워 = Korean food is spicier than western food.
이 책은 그 책보다 가벼워. This book is lighter than that book.
여름이 겨울보다 덜 춥다. Summer is less cold than winter.(덜 = little less)
2nd Can’t
수 없다
이 문제는 해결할 수 없어. I cannot solve this problem.
수도 있다
내일 비가 올 수도 있다. It might rain tomorrow.
그 일은 어려울 수도 있어. That task might be difficult.
Can’t even, there’s no other way
수도 없다
너무 어려워서 이 문제를 풀 수도 없다.
It’s so difficult that I can’t even solve this problem.
이런 일이 벌어져서 정말 어이가 없어서 어쩔 수도 없다. This situation is so absurd that I can’t even comprehend it; there’s no way.
이미 너무 늦어서 도와줄 수도 없다.
It’s already too late, and there’s no way to help.
그 일은 내가 원하는 대로 되지 않아서 어쩔 수도 없다.
That matter doesn’t go the way I want it to, so there’s no choice.
지금은 아무리 노력해봐도 결과가 나쁠 수도 없다.
No matter how hard you try now, the outcome might still be bad.
Verb ending for a change of action,’while’ ,because, and
to expresses that one action occurs after another.
The second action is caused by the first action- use because
For one action to halt, and for another action to begin:
Irregular verb don’t change
친구를 만나러 갈 때, 길에서 운동하다가 다가 봤어. When I was going to meet my friend, I saw someone exercising on the street.
햇볕이 너무 강해서 나무 아래로 다가 가서 그늘에서 쉬었어. Because the sunlight was too strong, I approached a tree and rested in the shade.
음악을 듣다가 갑자기 눈물이 나왔어. While listening to music, tears suddenly welled up.
커피를 마시다가 어렸을 때의 추억이 다가 왔어. While drinking coffee, memories from my childhood came flooding back.
학생은 열심히 공부하다가 잠이 들었어요. The student studied hard and then fell asleep
못/지 못하다
Can, there is a way to verb, what is the conjugation
수 있다
conjugation: v- ㄹ수 있다
c- 을수 있다
ㄹ-수 있다
만들 수 있다.I can make.들을 수 있다. I can hear.
쓸 수 있다. I can write. 갈 수 있다. I can go. 웃을 수 있다. I can laugh.
to help/ Aux. for somebody in favor of somebody, conjugation
conjugation: 아, 어,예 주다 bascially without 요
엄마가 과자를 내 손바닥에 놓아 주었어 Mom put some candy into my hands (on my palms) for me
내년 초에 오빠가 돈을 보내 줄 거예요 My brother will send the money early next year
동료가 그 일을 저에게 설명해 줬어요 A colleague explained that work to me
할머니가 오늘 멀리에서 와 주셨어요
Grandma came from far away (for me/us) today
경찰관은 밖에 있는 미친 사람과 상대해 줬어요
The policeman dealt with the crazy person outside (for me)
Ending for object
Subject endings
가-이/는-은 (v,c)
With a good appetite adverb
음식을 맛있게 먹다. Eat the food deliciously.
커피를 맛있게 마시다. Drink the coffee deliciously.
be + -ing (what is conjugation)
고 있다
고 있어,아,예
To be(all its forms polite, casual)
(Put in grammar book and test)
(v, c) 예요/이에요 (polite) (v, c) 야/이야 (casual) 입니다( formal polite)
First of all adv.
먼저 해보세요. Try it first.
먼저 시작하겠습니다. I will start first.
일을 하기 전에 계획을 먼저 세워야 해. Before doing the work, you need to plan first.
먼저 해보세요. Try it first.
Imperative verb ending for don’t v!
먹지마! Don’t eat! 말하지마! Don’t say anything!
To have, to be, there is
책이 있다. There is a book.
가방이 여기에 있다. The bag is here.
In fact, actually, fact, the truth is
This word is commonly used as the noun in a quoted version of ~는 것.
사실(은), give me meanings around bp
Also what is commonly used with.
그것은 사실이에요? = Is that true? (is that a fact?)
저는 그 사실을 백과사전에 찾았어요 = I looked up that fact in an encyclopedia
이 사실을 부장님께 알려 줘야겠어요 = I guess I should tell the boss (about) that fact
저는 부장님에게 그 사실을 말할 거예요 = I will tell that (fact) to my boss
EX in noun in 는 것 quoted version:
그녀는 아이가 죽었다는 사실을 숨겼어요 = She hid (the fact that) her child died
에다가 means what and when do you generally used it
에다가 means the same as 에
It is more likely to be used when one thing is being added to something else.
저는 샌드위치에다가 김치를 넣었어요 = I put kimchi in the sandwich
커피에다가 설탕을 넣었어요 = I put sugar in my coffee
for(verb) or(verb)
여자 친구를 위해 편지를 쓰거나 선물을 사 줄 거예요 I will write a letter, or buy a present for my girlfriend.
신발끈을 묶거나 신발을 벗으세요 Tie your shoes or take them off
오래된 차를 고치거나 새로운 차를 사야 돼요 I need to fix my old car or buy a new one
문이 완전히 열릴 때까지 버스에서 내리거나 문에 기대지 마세요 Until the door is completely opened, don’t get off the bus or lean on the door
regardless of,
the second clause is expected to occur regardless of what happens in the first clause.
conjugation(for verb)(지만, 더라도, 는데, 아무리)
give me meaning and mcp (not also)
Conjugation: verb stem + 아/어/예 + 도 (only used present tense)
태풍이 와도 내일 박람회에 가야 돼요
= Regardless of whether there is a typhoon, I have to go to the trade show tomorrow
보석을 그 동굴에 숨겨도 사람들이 찾을 거예요
= Regardless of whether you hide the jewels in that cave, people will find them
네가 건축가가 되어도 손으로 건물을 짓지 않을 거야
= Regardless of if you become an architect, you won’t be building buildings with your hands
can’t help but, to have no choice but to, have nothing to do but
(there is no way outside of)
ㄹ/을/x 수밖에 없다
우리가 밥을 먹을 수밖에 없어요 =We have nothing to do but eat
우리가 밥을 먹을 수밖에 없어요 = We have no choice but to eat
우리가 연극을 다른 데에서 할 수밖에 없어요 We have no choice but to do the play in a different place
죄송하지만 저는 당신을 해고할 수밖에 없어요 I’m sorry, but I can’t do anything but fire you
쓰레기가 많아서 방을 싹 청소할 수밖에 없어요. I have no choice but to completely clean the room because it is so dirty
usally use 에/에서
나는 9시에 밖에 나갈 거야 I’m going outside at 9 o’clock
혹시 밖에 비가 와요? = Is it raining outside?
북을 밖에서 치면 안 돼요? = Can you (please) play the drum outside?
배추를 밖에 다 놓았어요 = I put all the (Korean) cabbage outside
Due to, becuase(ends with 에)
By placing ‘때문’ after a noun= “because of (that noun).”
일 때문에 = Because of work 남자 친구 때문에 = Because of (my) boyfriend
일 때문에 나는 너를 못 만날 것 같아 Because of work, I probably won’t be able to meet you
남자 친구 때문에 새로운 남자를 못 만나 Because of my boyfriend, I can’t meet another(/new) man
등록금 때문에 저는 그 대학교에 못 가요
= I won’t be able to go to university because of the admission/registration fees
교복 때문에 아주 더워요 I’m really hot because of my school uniform
주식시장 때문에 요즘에 스트레스를 많이 받아요. I am very stressed these days because of the stock market
Because/therefore(2nd)(starts with 기)
기 때문에
It is also possible to place an entire clause before 때문에 instead of just a noun to indicate that some event/action occurred as a result of the clause preceding 때문에. (like backwards)
지금 공부를 하고 있기 때문에 너랑 통화하고 싶지 않아 I don’t want to talk with you on the phone because I’m studying now
입구가 멀기 때문에 다른 곳으로 갈 거예요
= I’m going to go to another place because the entrance is too far
무릎이 아프기 때문에 저는 걸어가기 싫어요 I don’t want to walk because my knee is sore
이 셔츠에 가격표가 없기 때문에 얼마인지 몰라요 I don’t know how much this shirt costs because there is no price tag
The clause before 때문에 must be in the form of a noun, and this is done by adding ~기 to the stem of the word immediately preceding 때문에.
투자자가 없기 때문에 우리는 다른 방법으로 할 거예요 We will do it another way because there are no investors
내가 남자이기 때문에 그런 영화를 좋아해 I like those kinds of movies because I am a man
2월이기 때문에 비행기표 가격이 떨어졌어요 The prices of flights dropped because it is February
Past tense because/therefore (2nd) connecting clauses(has 기 in it)
What’s the conjunction
았/었/였기 때문에( basically past tense plain form plus 기)
When connecting two clauses with ~아/어서, you should always remember that you do not conjugate the verb/adjective that ~아/어서 is being added to in the past tense.
For example, you should never do this:
내가 밥을 벌써 먹었어서 지금 먹고 싶지 않아
내가 밥을 벌써 먹었기 때문에 지금 먹고 싶지 않. Because I already ate, I don’t want to eat now
저는 시험을 못 봤기 때문에 대학교에 못 가. Because I did bad on the test, I won’t be able to go to university
주식을 많이 샀기 때문에 돈이 없어요. I don’t have any money because I bought a lot of stocks.
Future tense of because/therefore (2nd) connecting clauses(3 part construction)
ㄹ/을/x 것이기 때문에
기 때문에 to the 이다 at the end of this future tense conjugation.
내가 나중에 먹을 것이기 때문에 지금 먹고 싶지 않아Because I am going to eat later, I don’t want to eat now
나는 내년에 대학교에 갈 것이기 때문에 지금 열심히 공부하고 있어 Because I will be going to university next year, I am studying hard now
그녀가 그 셔츠가 거기에 없는 것을 깨닫지 못할 거기 때문에 저는 그냥 가져갈 거예요. She won’t notice that shirt is gone (not here) so I’m just going to take it
우리가 과거를 되짚어 볼 것이기 때문에 사진을 가져왔어요
We are going to be looking back at old times, so I brought some pictures
therefore/because of that(3rd)(has two words, has 그 in it, first word has 3 syllables, 따라서, 그러므로, 그래서’, ‘그러니까) Think of the common grammar constructions. Also where is this construction usally placed.
그렇기 때문에
Usally at the beggining
‘그렇다’ is close to the meaning of ‘like that.’
Person 1: 요즘에 사람들은 그 제품을 안 사요 = These days, people aren’t buying that product
Person 2: 네, 그렇기 때문에 그 회사의 주식이 떨어지고 있어요 = Yes, because of that, that company’s stocks are falling
To not know
If there are numbers, do you add 들
How do you tenses before 다
ㄴ/는(present-ing) 아/어/였(past) ㄹ/을/x 거(future)
You can have this before 다 or omit 다
Abbreviation for 것
What do majority of months end with and the exceptions in sino or korean
June and October(the syllable on the bottom is removed)
Conjuction So
Vowel And
noun vowel+와
And/with consonant
noun consonant+ 이랑
And/with vowel
(Noun) or (Noun)(not 또는)
저는 빵이나 밥을 먹고 싶어요 = I want to eat bread or rice
딸이나 아들을 낳고 싶어요? = Do you want to have (give birth to) a daughter or a son?
PLAY저는 저 남자나 저 여자를 뽑을 거예요 = I’m going to choose/hire that man or that woman
아무 거나
거 (thing)
anywhere, any place
아무 데나
아무 때나
Anyone, anybody
It is most commonly used with ~나 attached to it.
You can usally add 하고, 에, 와 directly to it
나는 아무와나 사귀고 싶어 = I want to go out with anybody
저는 이 선물을 아무에게나 주고 싶어요 = I want to give this present to anybody
저는 아무하고나 축구를하고 싶어요 = I want to play soccer with anybody
이렇게 좋은 학교에서는 아무나 공부를 잘 할 거예요 = Anybody can study well at this school
No one, nobody
집에 아무도 없어요 = There is nobody at home/There isn’t anybody at home
아무도 집에 가지 않았어요 = Nobody went home
아무도 나를 좋아하지 않아 = Nobody likes me
Renember you can have two negations
And/With (constant and vowels)
Add it right after the noun no space
Or function like 혹은 (noun or noun), not connected to the noun)
공화당 또는 민주당에 투표하세요? = Do you vote Republican or Democrat?
우유 또는 주스를 마실 수 있어요.
You can drink either milk or juice.
한국어 또는 영어로 말해주세요.
Please speak either in Korean or English.
Hours(not 시)
Use native 1st four is the abbreviation.
세 시간 동안 운동을 했어요. I exercised for three hours.
일곱 시간 동안 자고 싶어요. I want to sleep for seven hours.
Preposition 에 uses
Check the doc
- Position 2. Destination of moving 3. Time (오후, 시,벽, 오전, 아침, 점심, 저녁, 낮,밤) but some time nouns don’t need 에 such as 오늘, 어제, 내일, 매일/매주/매달/매년, 언제, 지금. 4. Standard like this is smaller to the horse, and the clothes are small to the body.
Check doc
- Place for the action. 2. Starting point(from) 3. Background of comparison( like I’m the best in the world;you are providing a setting or environment in which the comparison is taking place.)
Background of comparison examples 서울에서는 더 추워요. It’s colder in Seoul.
학교에서는 더 많은 친구들이 있어요. There are more friends at school. 여름에는 바다에서 놀기가 더 즐거워요. It’s more enjoyable to play in the sea during the summer.
집에서는 더 편안하게 느껴져요. It feels more comfortable at home. 산에서는 공기가 더 맑아요. The air is clearer in the mountains.
Adjective form of action verb with tense
Conjugation for present, past, future
verb stem + 는 = that verb(present)
+ ㄴ/은 = that verb (past)
+ ㄹ/을/x = that verb(future)
What is to show article when there are none to indicate it’s already mentioned or specific.
그 신발은 너무 비싸. Those shoes are too expensive.
어제 본 영화 어때?
B: 그 영화는 정말 감동적이었어.
A: How was the movie you watched yesterday?
B: That movie was really touching.
이 책은 정말 흥미로워.
This book is really interesting.
To be curious
not passive
If irregular verb ends in ㅂ as bachim what does it turn to?
To get out, go out, exit
나= out
To come out
Usually use with 에
근처에 편의점이 있어요.
There is a convenience store around here.
집 근처에 공원이 있어서 산책하기 좋아. There is a park near my house, so it’s nice for a walk.
여기 근처에 맛있는 음식점이 많아. There are many delicious restaurants around here.
근처에 주차장이 있나요? Is there a parking lot around here?
Otherwise, or( starts with 아)
아니면 나가서 먹을래? Or do you want to go out and eat?
이거 아니면 저거 고르세요. = Choose this or that.
지하철 탈까요? 아니면 택시 탈까요? = Should we take the subway or the train?
그 영화는 더빙이 되어 있나요 아니면 자막이 나오나요? = Is this movie dubbed or does it have subtitles?
Difference of 우리 and 저희meaning?
What do Koreans think as ?
저희(humble) show as lower
we, us
Korean think as a group
Only( with noun starts with ㅁ)
나는 커피만 마셔. I only drink coffee.
한국어만 할 수 있어요. I can only speak Korean.
이 메뉴는 회원만 이용 가능합니다. This menu is available only for members.
Think 위아래 노래
림자가 아래로 길게 늘어져 있어. The shadow is stretching long below.
That’s right
I’m busy
Nice to meet you!
How are you? I’m doing well
잘 지내요
Have you eaten?
밥 먹었어요
I love you
Are you okay?
I’m okay
Please give me
Thank you
(contains ㅂ, and is conjugated)
I’m sorry
like my apologies
Sad adjectives
Good, well
잘 모르겠어요: I don’t know well. 잘 먹겠습니다: I will eat well
Big (doesn’t like 대)
그 두 사람의 키가 비슷하다. Those two people have similar heights.
이 아이의 키가 빠르게 자라고 있어요. This child’s height is growing rapidly.
키가 작은 사람도 축구를 잘 할 수 있어요. Even short people can play soccer well.
외국의 문화를 체험하러 여행을 가고 싶어요. I want to travel to experience foreign cultures.
외국의 요리를 만들어 봤는데 맛있었어요. I tried making foreign dishes, and they were delicious.
Chinese, china
나는 중국 음식을 좋아해요. I like Chinese food. 2. 이번 달에 중국에 여행 갈 거예요. I will travel to China this month. 3. 중국의 역사는 아주 오래되었어요: China’s history is very ancient.
To be hot
To be cold
Fun, funny
To be easy
이 문제는 정말 쉬워요. This problem is really easy.
To be difficult
이 문제는 정말 어려워요. This problem is really difficult.
To be good
To be hard, tough, exhausted
이번 주는 정말 힘들어요. This week is really tough.
시험이 다가와서 공부하느라 힘들어. The exam is approaching, so it’s difficult due to studying.
To be expensive
비싸다( not expensive)
To be cheap
To be hungry
배가 고프다
아침을 먹지 않아서 배가 고파요. I’m hungry because I didn’t eat breakfast.
To be spicy
이 음식은 매우 맵다. This food is very spicy.
맵게 조리된 해물찜은 한국의 대표적인 음식 중 하나에요. Spicy steamed seafood is one of Korea’s representative dishes.
To be cool, amazing
당신의 옷이 정말 멋져요. Your clothes look really cool.
그 화가의 작품은 정말 멋지게 표현되어 있어요.The painter’s artwork is expressed really beautifully.
To be beautiful, pretty
그 꽃은 아름답게 피어났다.
The flower bloomed beautifully.
To be tall
키가 크다(to be tall)
내 친구 중에선 키가 제일 크다.
Among my friends, he/she is the tallest.
키가 큰 이점 때문에 농구를 잘한다.
Due to his/her tall height, he/she plays basketball well.
What is (health) work out at the gym( can say this colloquially but grammatically wrong)
Ex for health
나는 매주 헬스 클럽에 다녀와서 운동해.
I go to the health club every week to work out.
헬스는 건강을 챙기기 위한 좋은 방법 중 하나이다.
Fitness is one of the good ways to take care of your health.
한 시간 동안 운동하다. Exercise for one hour.
여섯 시간 동안 자다. Sleep for six hours.
세 시간 동안 공부하다. Study for three hours.
Five (korean)
Ten Billion
Hundred Thousand
Hundred Million
Ten million
Ten Thousand
Counter for clothes except footwear
Use this counter for shirts, pairs of pants, jackets and so forth.
재킷 아홉 벌 (nine jackets)
회사를 다니기 위해서 새 옷을 두 벌 샀어요.
I bought two new sets of clothes to wear for work.
Counter for machines; vechicles; musical instruments; applinances
자동차 한 대를 샀어요. I bought one car.
컴퓨터 두 대를 사용하고 있어요. I am using two computers.
세탁기 세 대가 고장났어요.Three washing machines are broken.
zero(can’t native, sino)
counter for days
나는 삼 일 동안 공부했어 = I studied for 3 days
나는 삼 일 동안 학교에 안 갔어 = I didn’t go to school for 3 days
used in the same way as 지난, but it means “next.”
저는 다음 주에 영화를 볼 거예요 = I will see a movie next week
PLAY저는 다음 주에 캐나다에 갈 거예요 = I will go to Canada next week
Like above, 다음 can be used with 시간 to mean “next time,” but not “next hour.”
우리는 다음 번에 학교에 갈 거예요 = We will go to school next time
more common ways to say two days
another way to say three days
“For” a certain amount of time
indicate how long an action occurs. It is typically placed after a duration of time
Notice also that no additional particle is added to 동안, 에 not added
2분 동안 = for 2 minutes 이틀 동안 = for two days
저는 10분 동안 걸었어요 = I walked for 10 minutes
(osid)Per- to indicate within that unit of time, how much something was done.
(ig) 에(remember think time used)
저는 이 약을 하루에 두 번 먹어요 = I eat (take) this medicine twice per day
저는 그 친구를 1주일에 한 번 만나요 = I meet that friend once per week
저는 여기에 한 달에 세 번 와요 = I come here three times per month
저는 1년에 두 번 미국에 가요 = I go to America twice per year
Month, counter for month, uses native numbers
When counting months, you can either use 달 or 개월. When using 달, you must use the pure Korean numbers, and when using 개월, you must use the Sino-Korean numbers. There is no difference in meaning, and both are used frequently.
저는 두 달 동안 한국어 수업을 들었어요 = I took a Korean class for 2 months
Month, counter for month(2nd) uses sino
When counting months, you can either use 달 or 개월. When using 달, you must use the pure Korean numbers, and when using 개월, you must use the Sino-Korean numbers. There is no difference in meaning, and both are used frequently.
저는 이 개월 동안 한국어 수업을 들었어요 = I took a Korean class for 2 months
What can also be added after 지난/다음 to mean “last/next time”
저는 박물관에 다음 번에 갈 거예요 = I will go to the museum next time
저는 박물관에 지난 번에 갔어요 = I went to the museum last time
This year(no ㄴ in it)
저의 어머니는 올해 한국에 올 것입니다 = My mom will come to Korea this year
while(3rd, has ㄷ in it it two things)
는 동안
like the noun 는 것,
You typically won’t see verbs that happen instantly (and don’t continue) used before ~는 동안. Like: 내가 일어나는 동안… = While I was standing up…
The action of “standing up” occurs almost instantly and it is rare for other actions to occur while “standing up” occurs.
저는 수학을 공부하는 동안 연필과 자와 지우개를 다 썼어요
I used a pencil, eraser and a ruler while I was studying math
아줌마가 말을 하는 동안 저는 그 아줌마의 주름을 쳐다봤어요 I was staring at the older lady’s wrinkles while she was talking
저는 집에 가는 동안 친구랑 얘기했어요 = I talked with a friend while I walked home
종업원이 보증 기간에 대해 설명을 하는 동안 저는 그 종업원의 말을 듣고 있지 않았어요. I wasn’t listening when the worker was explaining about the warranty period.
내가 밥을 먹는 동안 열쇠를 잊어버린 것을 깨달았어
= While I was eating I realized that I forgot my keys
영화를 보는 동안 다른 사람들이 너무 시끄러웠어요
= While I was watching the movie, the other people were really loud
Counters for things arranged in lines( setencs, gimbap,desks, set of 10 eggs)
한 줄에 이름 다섯 개를 쓰세요.
Write five names in one line.
김밥 세 줄 Three 김밥
이 그림은 여러 줄로 이루어져 있어요.
This picture consists of several lines.
예순(not 여순, valid)
Hundred Billion
To grow(has ㅋ in it)
To be cool(3rd)(has ㅅ in it)
To melt, warm up(transitive verb, not passive,caustive)
소금을 물에 녹이다. dissolve salt in water
한데 옹송그리며 모여 몸을 녹이다. huddle together for warmth
분유를 물에 녹이다.dissolve powdered milk in water.(milk is object)
언 고기를 녹이다.melt frozen meat.( meat is object)
To be happy(2nd)(no ㅎ in it, has ㄱ)
친구들과 함께 시간을 보내면 기쁘다. I am happy to spend time with my friends.
To fix
For example, such as(not a vocab, NT, but it isn’t direct translation)
예를 들어
예= example 들어= to enter
예를 들어, 사과, 바나나, 그리고 포도가 있습니다.
For example, there are apples, bananas, and grapes.
예를 들어, 운동을 할 때는 물, 수건, 운동화 등을 챙겨야 해요. For example, when exercising, you need to bring water, a towel, sports shoes, and so on.
HTSK, grav
Decide to, what grammar does this, and what is the form always in connotation of usage?
What’s often used with it
(grav) Explain meaning that’s it.
conjugation: verb stem + 기로 (space)했어요
기로 is always in the present tense and “하다” at the end of the clause is in the past tense, always have to be like this for any tense.
~는데(but/and(some contexts)) is often used with it
우리가 내일 만나기로 했어요 = We decided to meet tomorrow
우리가 어제 만나기로 했어요 = We decided to meet yesterday
저는 선생님이 되기로 했어요
= I decided to become a teacher
내일 친구랑 음악회에 같이 가기로 했어요
= I decided to go to the concert with my friend tomorrow
지금부터 그 친구를 신용하지 않기로 했어요
= From now on I decided to not trust that friend
To be cold feeling by touch
손이 차겁다.- My hands are cold.
음식이 차가워요. The food is cold
attached to nouns like 를/을 위해, but this has the meaning of “about.” Conjuation:
Noun+에 대해
나는 너에 대해서 생각했어 = I thought about you
나는 나의 아버지에 대해서 말했어 = I spoke about my father
나는 그것에 대해서 책을 쓸 거야 = I will write a book about it
can be used to indicate that one receives something from a person or non-person.
you cannot use ~에게서/~한테서 to indicate that you received something from a non-person. ~에게서 and ~한테서 have a similar meaning, but can only be used when one receives something from a person.
Give me the Conjugation:
Noun+(으)로부터, meaning ands its connotation and comparsion/similarity with ~에게서/~한테서
나는 나의 여자친구로부터 편지를 받았어 = I received a letter from my girlfriend
저는 교감선생님으로부터 한국어를 배웠어요 = I learned Korean from my vice principal
나는 돈을 정부로부터 받았어 = I received money from the government
이것을 하늘로부터 받았어요 = I received this from the sky (heavens)
grav(2 based on the the usage)
meaning that is opposite of ~에게/한테/께.This can also have the translation of “from,” but they are used in a more restricted way than 에서 like it can’t be from a place. These particles are attached to the person from whom one receives something. The “thing” that is being received doesn’t need to be something physical. It could be something abstract like stories, explanations, or other things.
what are these particles and how is it used?
grav(2 based on the the usage) Noun+에게서/한테서 meaning, and connotation of usage and meaning and difference that 에서.
저는 교감선생님에게서 한국어를 배웠어요 I learned Korean from my vice principal
저는 그것을 친구한테서 들었어요 = I heard that from my friend
나는 나의 여자친구에게서 편지를 받았어 = I received a letter from my girlfriend
에게, 한테 and 께 difference and meaning
What is the special condition of the 께
한테 is usually used in conversation, ~에게 is usually written (although it is still said in conversation very often) and ~께 is the honorific form of 에게/한테.
Note that just because you use ~께 doesn’t mean that your sentence needs to end in a polite way. ~께 is used when the person who is being given to is of high importance. Though the formal word is more likely to be used like “드리다” would most likely be used instead of 주다
아버지는 아들에게 돈을 준다 = The father gives money to his son
나는 학생들한테 한국어를 가르쳤어 = I taught Korean to the students
저는 부장님께 그 사실을 말할 거예요 = I will tell that (fact) to my boss
Using 께, you don’t have to use a formal verb you can just use a regular verb like in the above examples you use a different verb (말씀).
나는 책을 교장선생님께 줬어 = I gave the principal a book