6.8 Flashcards
Causes of New Imperialism
- european affairs grew tense, causing competition to have colonies –> colonies were used to keep other countries from setting up bases
- colonies were international prestige –> not getting in the race was a sign of weakness
- they used patriotic fever to arouse interest in nationalism
- social darwinism –> superior races must dominate inferior races by military force or show how strong they are (getting land), survival of the mightiest
- religious –> europeans had moral responsibility to civilize ignorant people –> creating convents, converting people + impose modern technology and medicine
- economic motive –> economic imperialism
White man’s burden
-europeans had moral responsibility to civilize ignorant people–> creating convents, converting people + impose modern technology and medicine
Economic Imperialism factors
- demand for natural resources
- instead of trading, just have direct control of areas
- surplus of capital from bankers and industrialists caused them to seek higher rates of profit
- extra: it cost a lot to administer it, but because of nationalistic pride, people forgot about that
Marxism and Imperialism
- followers of mar said that imperialism was economically motivated because they associated imperialism with ultimate desire of capitalist system
- less wealth –> investment at home is exhausted–> go abroad
African and European states before 1880
-they only dealt with existing independent states instead of having direct control
South Africa
- after napoleonic war, british people settle there (cape town)–> this go Boers mad –> boers eventually had to move up north
- boers were still mad –> cape colony try to get transvaal, but then revolt, then became independent republic
- overall, the british were trying not to have a war with boers, but eventually would
-descendants of original dutch colonists in south africa
Cecil Rhodes
- found gold and diamond companies
- great champion of british expansion
- down fall –> no longer prime minister when he tried to overthrow boer government without british approval
Boer War
- they eventually had a war, even though they tried not to
- there were many casualties and EXPENSE
- this war showed that the increase military and money investment would be needed to maintain british empire
- after boers were defeated, the british were nice to them –> representative governments, self governing
French and Portuguese possessions
- before 1880 they were the only counties with african settlements
- then afterwards, they started to add more and create protectorates
Britain in Egypt
- after canal is opened in egypt, britain’s thought this was their way to india
- so they landed there and put a protectorate
- they also moved south in sudan
Italy and imperialism
-they seized ottoman Tripoli (Libya) after being embarrassed by their defeat by ethiopians
Belgium and Central Africa
- King Leopold II was interested in PROFIT and progress (europeanizing it)
- started to establish belgian settlements in congo
King Leopold II
- king of belgium
- was interested in PROFIT and progress (europeanizing it)
- started to establish belgian settlements in congo
Henry M. Stanley
-interested in central africa
Germany in Africa
-bismark originally didn’t emphasize colonies but then as domestic political pressures for a
german empire grew, he advocated it
Impact on Africa
- liberia and ethiopia were free states
- africa was conquered by states that wanted to create colonial empires (britain, france, germany, belgium, spain, portugal)
- anyone who resisted, were devastated by the european military force
- they treated blacks very badly
Britain in Asia
- they were interested in it because of land to graze on and gold in australia
- australia–> granted self government then commonwealth
- new zealand–> colony then dominion status
- india –> at first british east india company controlled it, then sepoy mutiny caused control of india to go to government
Sepoy mutiny
-this revolt caused the control of india to go from british east india company to government
Russia in Asia
- went to siberia (settled there) and alaska
- they also moved south, where they went to persia and afghanistan and had conflict with britain –> afghanistan was a buffer state and persia into two spheres of influence
- they moved east, where they wanted to move into korea, but had a war with japan (russo-japanese war)
Russo-japanese war
-russia moved east, where they wanted to move into korea, but had a war with japan –> in the end, japanese had a protectorate in korea
China before imperliams
- ruling manchu dynasty was decline
- western nations started to rush into to gain trading privileges
- countries decided to establish spheres of influence and long term leases of chinese territory
- then open door policy was created
open door policy
-one country would not restrict commerce of other countries in its sphere of influence
Japan and Korea
- japan and korea excluded westerners
- because of japan’s victories, japan had clear superiority and they annexed korea
Southeast Asia
- britain had burma and malay states
- france had indochina (combined cities and created it into union of french indochina)
American Imperialism
- pacific islands –> took samoan islands and hawaiian islands, hawaiian people reasserted their authority then troops came in and hawaii was annexed (example of nationalistic fervor)
- because of defeat in spanish-american war, americans wanted to extend their empire so they got some lands, one of their reasons was that US was to christianize them
Africa’s Response to Imperialism
- there was a new class of african leaders who were educated and admired western culture
- however, they still resented the foreingers –> westerners didn’t apply democracy, equality, etc.. and economic propserity
- the middle class africans also were mad –> superiority of westerners in segreated schools, churches etc…
- urban educated class was mad at their superior country so they started to assert their own nationality and cultural destiny
China’s Response to Imperialism
- humiliation of china —> created antiforeign violence
- then westerns made it an excuse to put more restrictions on them –> Boxer Rebellion
Boxer Rebellion
- rebellion in China
- Society of Harmonious Fists–> aim was to push foreigners out of China
- army destroyed them –> restored order –> demanded more restrictions from government –> government got weak
Japan’s Response to Imperialism
- shogun at first held real power
- shogun agree to concessions –> samurai revolt –> restoration of emperor as head of government
Meiji Restoration
- in japan
- -shogun agree to concessions –> samurai revolt –> restoration of emperor as head of government
- adopted western methods –> education, industrial and financial methods of US, democratic political system & authorotian
- created power military
- pursued western imperialist model –> China, Korea
India’s Response to Imperialism POSITIVES
- british government was controlling them directly
- british brought order to soceity –> honest and efficient government
- british brought western technology and schools
- they passed laws that protected some practices that were against women –> sati
India’s Response to Imperialism NEGATIVES
- population growth led to extreme poverty
- industrialization destroyed local industries and their money was used to pay british army
- education was only for rich
- although some people had it good it was still bad –> best jobs only for brits
- indians were never considered equals of britain
- a nationalistic movement was created and they demanded independence
Results of new Imperialism
- almost all of africa and asia were under colonial rule or (china and ottoman empire) verge of collapse
- some managed to escape this because of GOOD FORTUNE, not design –> thailand, ethiopia, afghanistan, japan