6.1 Flashcards
Realism/ Real Politz
- reaction to the failures of 1848 revolutions
- they wanted to be realistic in handling their power
- *believed astute diplomacy and well-chosen alliances are more useful than grand proclamations and romantic rebellions
- used by louis Napoleon, Cavour, bismark
- conservative leaders used armies and power politics to achieve foreign policy goals (… leading to unity)
- they manipulated liberal means to achieve conservatism(… leading to unity)
- winning wars built sense of national identity(… leading to unity)
- improving the economy and fostering cultural policies built sense of national identity (… leading to unity)
Louis Napoleon: Toward the Second Empire
- *he used the idea that authoritarian governments could use liberal and nationalist forces to bolster their own power
- he understood and appealed to the popular forces of his day (smart!)
- patient -> got support -> controlled government -> universal male suffrage -> elected to be president -> restoration of empire was elected
The Second Napoleonic Empire
- there was a sort of-representative government with universal male suffrage elections (LIBERALISM!)
- but! napoleon had a lot of control (introduce legislation, control armed forces)
Early Domestic Policies
- he stimulated the national economy and encouraged industrial growth (nationalism, hint hint!)
- government subsidies
- completion of french railway lines
- industrial expansion -> industry production double-> enriching middle class
- moderate free-trade -> double exports
Reconstruction of Paris
- directed by Baron Haussmann
- replaced narrow streets and congestion with wider avenues
- *effect: paris is a symbol of france’s greatness (nationalism)
- effect: great for military because difficult for revolts (barricading)
Liberalization of the Regime
- legalized trade unions and granting them the right to strike
- opposition candidates had more freedom to campaign
- legislative corps allowed to say more in affairs of state
- *keep in mind that all these reforms were to help the government (liberalism)
Foreign Policy: The Mexican Adventure:
- he wanted to dominate the mexican markets for the french
- he sent in troops to protect while there was struggle in mexico
- order restored
- archduke maximilian was made emperor, but executed by mexican forces
archduke maximilian
-was made emperor in mexico, but then was executed
Baron Haussmann
-he helped louis napoleon re-created paris
Motivation for Crimean War for NAPOLEON
- napoleon III wanted to free france from the congress of vienna’s decisions
- he also wanted france to the “chief arbiter of europe”
The Ottoman Empire
-the ottoman empire was losing land to the austrians and russians and greeks during the 17th and 19th century
Causes of the War in the Crimea
- the ottoman empire was WEAKENING and losing land
- russia wanted to TAKE ADVANTAGE of their difficulty and thought the RELIGIOUS BONDS gave them “special opportunities to enlarge its sphere of influence”
- other countries also wanted to TAKE ADVANTAGE of their difficulty (austria expanding, france and britain commercial opportunities in mediterranean)
- other countries were also scared of russia’s interests and them becoming a big power
Cause War in the Crimea between Russia and Ottomans
- russia wanted to protect religious shines, but FRANCE already had this privilege
- the ottomans refused
- so russia invaded territory that they had a “protectorate over”
- this then led to the declaration of war
Cause of War in the Crimea between Russia and France and Britain
- britain and france were concerned about the balance of power
- british: thought that russia would gain lands in ottoman and challenge them as a naval power
- france: they felt insulted (congress of vienna, protection of shrines) and feared the growing power of russia if successful
End of the War in the Crimea
- british and french attacked Russia’s Crimean
- their fortress of Sevastopol fell
- Alexander II sued for peace
- Treaty of Paris ended it
Effects of War in the Crimea
- many died (from both sides) from diseases
- however! Britain didn’t suffer as much because of Florence Nightingale
- european power relationships were destroyed
- the concert the europe was destroyed
- austria and russia were enemies (austria was neutral)
- russia AND britain withdrew from european affairs
- austria was now without friends among great powers
- piedmont-sardinia participated in war with france and britain and wanted to get support for italian unification
- russia’s defeat forced alexander II to launch reforms (policeman of russia)
Florence Nightingale
- emphasized sanitary conditions during the war in the Crimea
- she saved many BRITISH lives
Factors HIndering Unity in Italy:
- political divisions
- opposition of austria
- opposition of the papacy
- discord among nationalists
Factors Promoting Unity:
national feeling
- patriotic societies (carbonari, young italy)
- leadership of sardinia-piedmont under house of savoy
-secret society in italy
Leading Up to Cavour becoming prime minister
- the revolutions of 1848 (young italy) failed
- austria continued to control italy meaning they oppose unification
- reactionary bourbon regime controlled the kingdom of two sicilies
- pope pius IX opposed the cause of Italian nationalism
- everyone started to look towards piedmont-sardinia because it had its own liberal constitution and ruled by an italian dynasty
- *piedmont’s king named count camillo di cavour his prime minister
-the “soul” of unification in italy
King Victor Emmanuel II
- king of sardinia-piedmont
- named count camillo di Cavour his prime minister
Count Camillo de Cavour
- he was the “brain” of unification
- he was a liberal and moderate who favored a CONSTITUTIONAL government
- he was a realist
- he was a reactionary who hated democracy
- he believed astute diplomacy and well-chosen alliances are more useful than grand proclamations and romantic rebellions
- he combined power politics and secret diplomacy. this combination is called Realpolitik
Leadership of Cavour
- he grew the piedmontese economy and increased government revenues by making reforms and stuff
- with the economy growing and more money, he was able to use the money to grow the army
- he knew that he would need the FRENCH to fulfill italian unity
- so he made a plan with the Napoleon III to achieve italian unity and started it
Cavour’s plan to achieve italian unity
- ally with Napoleon III to drive austrians out of italy
- (after austrians are defeated) reorganize italy by expanding Piedmont into the kingdom of upper italy (lombardy, venetia, parma, modena, papal states)
- france would also be given some land (nice and savoy) (french control of italy)
Cavour’s plan in action and conclusion
- they agreed to begin cavour’s plan
- napoleon had won some battles, BUT realized that the austrians were still strong and were allying with Prussia (expensive)
- napoleon then made peace with austria and left
- since they left, piedmont only got lombardy (an upper italy kingdom)
- HOWEVER! the other upper italy kingdoms (except venetia) voted to join Piedmont after being taken over by NATIONALISTS
- he was a romantic
- supported young italy and mazzini (1848)
- he was a republican nationalist
- he was the “sword” of unification
- he raised an army called RED SHIRTS who went to the two Sicily where a revolt against the bourbon king emerged
- he helped create peace in sicily
- then he was starting to go to rome where CAVOUR interfered………
Cavour and Garibaldi
- Cavour was scared that Garibaldi going into rome would cause a war with france because they were the defender of papal interests
- cavour then went to garibaldi
- garibaldi then yielded to cavour’s demands and left
New Kingdom of Italy
- after garibaldi left the two sicilies and papal states, they voted (plebiscites) to join Piedmont
- now the two sicilies, papal states, and upper middle kingdom (except venetia) were part of this new kingdom
- however! venetia was made part of the kingdom because of prussia
- it was made under a CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT
- it was under the control of Piedmont and King Emmanuel II
Problems occurring STILL in Italy
- Venetia was controlled by austria and had french troops it and the pope didn’t want a new italy
- so prussia defeated austria and france, making venetia part of italy
- also northern italy was urban, sophisticated and increasingly industrialized
- southern italy was rural, backward and poor
- the new government had a heavy debt
- government weakness
- law of papal guarantees of 1871 (church hostilities)
- ambitious nationalism: militarism, imperialism, WWI
Factors Promoting Unity:
- common nationality
- napoleon’s influence: he aroused german nationalism against him, weakened austrian authority in germany by abolishing the holy roman empire, and reduced the more than 300 german states to less than 100
- congress of vienna: it reduced the number of german states to 38 and organized them into an Austrian-dominated league of ruler, the German Confederation which proved to be weak and effective, incapable of providing Germany with a unified government
- zollverein: promoted economic unity
Factors Hindering Unity:
- differences among the german people: protestant north, roman catholic south. north: manufacturing, south: agriculture
- opposition of austria: 1819 carlsbad decrees to suppress liberal and nationalist ideas in Germany. These laws provided for strict supervision of universities, teachers, student organizations, and censorship. PLUS if unified, austria would lose influence over german affairs
Leading Up to Prussia’s powerfulness?
- germany was a loose confederation that was mostly controlled by austria
- prussia was starting to become bigger and helped the economy of Germany through the ZOLLVEREIN
- so MIDDLE-CLASS LIBERALS started to support Prussia and looked up to it to unify Germany
Leading up to appointment of Bismarck
- Prussia created a new constitution that was sorta a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY but! the voting power was determined by how many taxes you paid
- this system UNINTENTIONALLY, made the MIDDLE CLASS have the most votes
- so these voters (middle class) wanted reforms, but the executive power remained too strong
- king william I becomes king and strengthens the army
- this scares MIDDLE-CLASS LIBERALS who wanted reform, but scared that army will influence people to go to conservatism and monarchy stuff
- after the prussian legislative did not pass military budget with king william, he made Count Otto von Bismarck prime minister
- it took away the internal taxes on transportation by PRUSSIA
- it stimulated trade
- it also added to the prosperity of the member states
King William I
- after frederick william died, he became king
- he made bismarck prime minister
- he was made kaiser or emperor of Germany in Versailles in the Hall of Mirrors
- he was considered the master of Realpolitik
- *he believed astute diplomacy and well-chosen alliances are more useful than grand proclamations and romantic rebellions (like cavour)
- he governed prussia while IGNORING PARLIAMENT and the parliament didn’t revolt
- *he combined power politics and secret diplomacy. this combination is called Realpolitik
Bismarck’s Domestic Policies
- he went to the parliament to ask them to pass the military budget
- at this meeting, he PRAISED LIBERALS
- they didn’t pass it however
- then bismarck just went on to raising the army and making it bigger
- he went to the parliament to ask them to pass the military budget
- at this meeting, he PRAISED LIBERALS
- they didn’t pass it however
- then bismarck just went on to raising the army and making it bigger
- from then on, he governed prussia while IGNORING PARLIAMENT and the parliament didn’t revolt
The Danish War (1864)
- the danish wanted to combine schleswig and holstein duchies
- the germans didn’t like this
- instead of asking the parliament to invade germany, he persuaded austrians to declare war
- denmark lost and gave away the duchies
- austria and prussia divided it
Effects of the Danish War
- in order for prussia to completely dominate NORTHERN, PROTESTANT germany , he had to either exclude austria from german affairs or to have austria expect the domination of germany
- the dividing of the two duchies from danish war gave opportunities to create “friction” with austria and give reason for war
The Austro-Prussian War (1866)
- bismarck gained the neutrality of russia, french, and italy, leaving austria ISOLATED
- he made austria mad (schleswig-holstein) and started war
- austria made peace because of prussia’s great army
Result of the Austro-Prussian War
- austria lost venetia (give to italy)
- austria agreed to the dissolution of german confederation
- austria is excluded from german affair
- north german confederation is created
- southern german states (catholic) left alone
Northern German Confederation
- german states north of main river
- protestant states
- created after austro-prussian war
Effects of the Austro-Prussian War
- bismark proved napoleon III’s idea that nationalism and authoritarian government could be combined because liberals voted for bismarck’s budget bill because they were WON over by his success
- bismark proved that liberalism and nationalism could be separate because he used nationalism to get liberals to support him
- he created a new constitution for north german confederation that allowed delegates be elected and states keep their local government (but it was still controlled by king)
Leading to the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)
- bismarck realized that france would never allow a strong german states
- the throne of spain was offered to a distant relative of king of prussia (william), leopold
- france got mad at this
- william then asked leopold to not except the throne
- france then asks for a formal apology
- bismarck makes edits Ems Telegrams / Ems Dispatch to make it more insulting
- france then declared war
Ems Telegrams / Ems Dispatch
- william’s (king of prussia) reply to france
- bismarck edits it to make france mad and declare war
Franco-Prussian War
- france was defeated by prussia by general von moltke’s army
- the treaty of frankfurt ended this war
Consequences of Franco-Prussian War/ Treaty of Frankfurt
- france had to pay a huge indemnity (damage to french economy)
- france had to give up alsace and most of lorraine to german empire (blow to french pride)
Unification of Germany
- southern germany agreed to join the North German Confederation
- in the hall of mirrors, King william was declared kaiser/emperor
- german unity was achieved by prussian monarchy and prussian army
- germany merged into prussia (NOT THE OTHER WAY)
- german liberals were now happy with success of unity, instead of freedom
- germany was now the strongest state because of its industrial resources and military power
Importance of Prussian leadership of German unification
-this meant the triumph of authoritarian, militaristic values over liberal, constitutional sentiments