6.5 Flashcards
Mass Society
- Population growth
- emigration
- transformation of urban environment
- social structure
- the woman question
- education
- mass leisure
- mass consumption
Population Growth
- 1850-1880—> cause was rising birthrates
- after 1880—> cause was decline in death
Cause for Decline in Deaths after 1880
- medical discoveries –> smallpox vaccinations
- environmental conditions –> reduced fatalities from diseases, improved nutrition, increase agricultural productivity, better transportation, pasteurization
- industrialization area–> couldn’t absorb all of rural population —> emigrate to north america
- little industrialization —> rural overpopulation —> migrate to industrial regions
- booming economies of north america + cheap shipping fares –> migrate to north america
- minorities (oppressed) (austrian empire, jews) —> migrate to US
Transformation of Urban environment
- industrialization + population explosion —> growing URBANIZATION –> cities growing
- migration from rural areas + urban centers offering something positive + improving health and living conditions –> cities growing
Improving Living COnditions in Urban cities
- reformers see that diseases are caused by filthy conditions —> put in reforms
- the local government helped with these reforms —> building inspectors, boards of health created, new building regulations, PUBLIC HEALTH ACT
- improved health –> ability to bring clean water into cities (aqueducts, dams) and expel sewage (pipes)
Public Health Act
- example of local governments helping with reforms in urban cities
- prohibited the construction of new buildings without running water and internal drainage system
Housing Needs
- reforms thought overcrowded houses were dangerous for physical health, political and moral health of NATION
- EARLY –> use middle-class, LIBERAL belief in private enterprise –> force to rise housing standards in face of competition
- LATER —> government interfered —-> meaning private enterprise not working —> meaning LIBERAL idea of government governing least governing best was untrue
- housing act of 1890
Redesigning Cities
- urban population grow–> redesign
- originally –> narrow streets (defensive)
- new –> broad streets (military) and magnificent view
- cities expanding –> people in countryside moving when cities are built where they are
The Upper Class of Mass Society
- most of the wealth of the upper class were upper middle class (industrialization) instead of landowning class
- they started to fuse together –> buying houses in rural or urban places, school/ education, government roles, marriages
-upper middle class (industry) who held most of the wealth of the upper class
The Middle Class of Mas Society
- TRADITIONAL groups of professionals + NEW business managers and new professionals
- lower middle class –> provide stuff for above
- white-collar workers –> product of second IR
- they had the same lifestyle and values –> preaching worldview, accepted science and progress, hardwork, regular churchgoers, concerned with propriety
The Lower Class of Mass Society
- eastern europe –> most everyone was in agricultura
- western and central europe —> not as much as eastern europe
- military conscription —> the lower class shared most of middle class values
- elementary school –> force to speak dialect and accept national loyalties
- there were skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled (most)
- got an improvement in conditions –> living conditions, able to buy more than just food (think about it)
“The Woman question” THe Role of women
- marriage and domesticity
- birthrates and birth control
- middle class families
- working class families
Marriage and Domesticity
- marriage viewed by everyone else –> honorable and available career
- marriage viewed by women —> economic necessity (think about it)
- increase in marriage rates –> decline in illegitimacy rates
Birth Rates and Birth control
- decline in offspring born –> declines in birth rates
- originally abortion and infanticide –> change in ATTITUDE —> increased awareness of birth control methods –> decline in offspring
The coming of cult of middle-class domesticity
-domestic servants (think) + less children (think) –> more time for women to devote time to domestic LEISURE
Cult of Middle-class Domesticity
- ideal of togetherness
- child raising and children’s play
- boys in middle class
- masculinity
- new ideal of middle-class women
New Child raising and Children’s play
- children are unique beings, not small adults (rousseau)
- mothers are important
- environment determine outcome of children
- new children games with knowledge aspect (checkers)
Boys in MIddle class
- sports –> toughen up
- leisure activities –> centered around national military concerns and character building
- boys scout –> badges were used to instill ideals of patriotism, self-sacrifice, military
-control sexual stuff + domination of females –> emphasis masculinity
New ideal of middle-class women
- she was someone who determined the atmosphere of the household through her character, not her work
- didn’t really happen –> couldn’t afford to hire servants so had to do everything
The Working Class Family
- women working was STANDARD –> then …with better paying jobs and better standards of living, they could depend on men’s income + WOMEN COULD STAY HOME
- children were expected to work very soon —> they were sent to school and dependents
- improved public health –> reduced infant mortality –> parents CHOOSE to have fewer children –> smaller families
- reduced work hours + weekends –> spend more time on kids + connections with the,
Education in the Mass Society
- universal elementary education
- female teachers
- literacy and newspapers
Before Mass Education
- educated meant —> attending secondary school (maybe university)
- secondary schools –> emphasized classical education and greek and latin
- only for ELITE—> after 1850, middle class families started to get education
- beginning of 19th century –> didn’t care about primary education
Universal Elementary School after 1870
- function of state was extended to include development of mass education
- primary education started to get compulsory/required
- states also created teacher-training schools
Why was there such a commitment to mass education
- why —-> liberals –> personal and social improvement + replace catholic education with secular values
- why —> conservatives –> improve quality of recruits + train people in discipline
- why —> second IR need skilled labor
- politically –> expansion of voting rights —> need more educated electorate
- politically –> mass education —> patriotism + nationalization —> more loyalty
What was taught in Primary School
- they taught national values
- girls and boys were mostly taught different things –> girls, domestic skill (sewing) + boys, practical skills (carpentry)
- taught middle class value –> hard work, thrift, sobriety, cleanliness, respect
Female Teachers
- development of consuplory education –> demand for teachers, which were mostly females
- women teaching children seen as an extension of women’s natural role as nurturers of children
- women paid lower salaries –> need to establish teacher training schools
Literacy and Newspapers
- mass education –> increase in literacy
- increase in literacy –> rise in mass-circulation newspapers (yellow pages ) which were easily understood, had serious editorials, analysis + cheap literature (women’s magazines, westerns, etc…)
What Determined Mass Literature
- new work patterns from MACHINES (before it depended on seasonal cycles)
- new technology and business practices (ferris wheel, transportation)
Mass Leisure
- music and dance halls
- mass tourism was originally for upper and middle class, but then it was for workers too
- team sports
- it was to provide mass entertainment and distract people from the realities of their work life
- before (popular culture) it was spontaneous community participation—> mass leisure is business, organized to make profits
Team Sports
- that were no longer chaotic but ORGANIZED
- they were to get young people to have individual skills and teamwork
- they were mostly for men
- they started to get professional and stadiums were built
Mass Consumption
- before –> limited
- now–> wide variety of material goods (because of improvements in standard of living, factory system, population growth, expanded transportation system, urbanization, modernization of retailing which was sold in large volumes)
- reconstruction –> department store space was created
- people to travel beyond their neighborhoods with new transportation
- advertising and catalogs allowed people to buy more stuff
- men also was a part of this (ready-made clothing) (men need clothes for work and home)