6.6 Flashcards
mass politics
- european states wanted to achieve LIBERAL practices as constitutions and parliaments
- only western states accomplished this
- they used reforms to encourage expansion of political democracy (voting rights, mass political parties)
Reform in Britain from 1871-1890
- their system was GRADUAL reform through PARLIAMENTARY institutions
- their reforms encouraged expansion of political DEMOCRACY
- some reforms made by parliament –> Reform Act of 1884
Reform act of 1884
- extended the voting suffrage
- it gave votes to AGRICULTURAL WORKERS, who have been excluded
The “irish question”
- the Irish parliament by governed by british parliament
- the irish developed a sense of NATIONAL SELF CONSCIOUSNESS
- they wanted to put in the home rule
- although gladstone tried, parliament wouldn’t pass it
home rule
-it meant self-government by having a separate parliament but no complete independence in IRELAND
Timeline of the Third Republic
-creation of paris come –> National Assembly and paris Come fighting –> New Constitution created by National Assembly
Creation of Paris Come
- france defeated in franco-prussian war –> louis napoleon’s second empire fallen
- government was created by universal male suffrage, unlike the provisional government created by REPUBLICANS (otto von bismarck)
- people didn’t like republicans and favored monarchists –> so the national assembly had many of those types of people
- in response, republicans created paris come
National Assembly and paris Come fighting
- national assembly wanted to crush the come
- in this fighting some women stepped forth
- however, the paris come lost
- a new constitution was created
New Constitution created by National Assembly
- it was supposed to be only TEMPORARY
- the members of Senate and Chamber of Deputies were elected +also ministerial responsibility was created and the power of the chamber of deputies was created –> therefore the government’s moderation encouraged more and more middle-class and peasant support
Georges Boulanger
- he attracted those who were mad with the Third Republic –> monarchists, bonapartists, aristocrats, nationalists who wanted a war against germany
- he fled (scaredy cat)
Spain from 1870-1890
- positive –> a parliament was created (liberals and conservatives were the two groups)
- factors for creating discontent –> the liberals were basically conservatives because they were from landowning background + liberals and conservatives followed conservative policies
- people got angry (generation of 1898) and violence erupted
- they were suppressed — > this shows that reform could not be accomplished
generation of 1989
-group in spain that called for political and social reforms
- they couldn’t become a great power because
- people didn’t have loyalty to the new states, but only their same communities
- sectional differences
- catholic church didn’t except the unification
- turmoil between workers and industrialists
- few italians felt impowered
- not many people could vote
- government was weak because of corruption among official and lack of stability
- after unification, they stilled had divisions –> in the german constitution there was no ministerial responsibility, but responsibility to emperor
- after unification, they also had positives –> parliament was created with legislative bodies , the lower house was elected by universal male suffrage
- no political democracy was created because –> the army didn’t want to be controlled by the government, but by the emperor so they chose Junker landowners and sons of people who were loyal to the emperor
- no political democracy was created because —> Bismark
- at first he supported the liberals –> create common codes of criminal and commercial law, Kulturkampf
- then he started to attack socialism
- he attacked it because he thought it was a danger to the empire (anti nationalist, anti capitalist, anti monarchical)
- he repressed them (no meeting, no publications) and wooded others with his social welfare legislation
- he was unsuccessful
-this is when bismarck worked with liberals to attack the church
Austria-Hungary 1870-1890
- Austria failed because —> although they had a parliament with ministerial responsibility, the king ignored it
- there were many minorities were unsatisfied and the ruling austrian germans refused change
- hungary failed because –> although they had a parliamentary system, magyar landowners dominated everything
- the empire was still held together because —> francis joseph (although anti-hungarian) went above national differences, loyal to catholic church (loyalty of minorities), large imperial bureaucracy
nationalities problem
-the problems of minorities (austria hungary)