64 Flashcards
what do you see
2 pedunculus cerebri with fossa interpeduncularis between. caudally in the fossa there is the substansia perforata dorsalis(grey), and on either side in the fossa sulcus n. oculomotorii(III) (for the nerve)
what is the level of the midbrain
eye level!! nerves exiting to enter the eye
main structures except colliciuli
correspondant to the ventral sulcus: sulcus lat mesencephalii along the two pedunculi cerebri
colliculi of the midbrain
dors (paired)
rostral collicolus: subcortical visual center
- lateral we se brachium, and lat to that the corpus geniculatum laterale
caudal collicolus: subcortical auditory center
- lateral we se brachium, and lat to that the corpus geniculatum mediale
the 4 together making the corpora quadrigemina
caud to the colliculi (DORSAL)
two trigonum lemnisci lateralis
and btw the caudal colliculi we see the IV trochlear nerve arising from the frenulum veli
midbrain - 3 sections dors->ventr
1 - lamina tecti (stratum griseum and str medullare
2 - tegmentum mesencephali
3 - pedunculus cerebralis
substantia nigra separate 2 from 3(and reg autonomic movement)
CROSSECTION mesencephalon
grey matter:
nucleus ruber(muscle movement) on either side of aquaductus mesencephali(sorrunded by substantia grisea centralis)
CROSSECTION mesencephalon
grey matter:
nuclei found around nucleus ruber
medial to both nucl ruber we see
- nucl motorii n. oculomotorii
- nucl motorii n. trochlearis
- nucl parasymp n. oculomotorii
nucl pretectalis is found ventrolat to nucl ruber
nucl parasymp n. oculomotorii aka
Edinger Westphal’s nucleus (EW)
name the 5 parts of the diencephalon
1 - thalamus 2 - hypothalamus 3 - epithalamus 4 - subthalamus 5 - metathalamus
5 parts of grey matter sorrunding the IIIrd ventricle
two bulbs of either side of third ventricle on top of mesencephalon - help form the interventricular foramen btw 3rd and 4th ventricle. contain nuclei with tracts -which are the only part of the thalamus consisting of white matter
thalamus connection btw the bulbs
adhered together with the interthalamic adhesion
consists of a pineal body - connected to the thalamus by habenula. the habenula forms the connection with the commisura habenulare. this forms the pineal recess of the IIIrd ventricle
the pineal body is sorrunded by the plexus choroideus
hypothalamus is found where
found rostrally, ventral to the floor of the third ventricle
the structures of the hypothalamus
rostr to the midbrain peduncle - the corpus mammarilare are found, rostral to that two tuber cinerum are found with the infundibulum btw, forming the pituitary gland (aka hypophysis). the infundibulum forms a recessus infundibulare in the IIIrd ventricle