6.3 LL Muscles & Movements Flashcards
Describe the role of fascia
layer of fibrous tissue
- surrounds individual and groups of muscles
- divides muscles into compartments
- reduces friction / allows muscle to ‘glide’
intermuscular septa
- divides thigh and leg into compartments
Name 3 anterior muscles of the pelvis girdle
What type of muscle are they? flexor or extensor?
Strong hip flexor muscles
Iliopsoas muscle-
psoas major
psoas minor
both from lumbar spine, common insertion point at femur
3 posterior gluteal muscles of the pelvic girdle
- Gluteus maximus
- Gluteus medius
- Gluteus minimus
Name function
Hip extension and abduction
pelvic stability
Gluteus maximus -only recruited in ‘power’ extension • Gluteus medius • Gluteus minimus - abduct the hip - but primarily maintain position of pelvis in locomotion
Anterior component of thigh
Extensors of the knee
Name function of
Quadriceps 4
Vastus: medialis, lateralis, intermedius
Rectus femoris
Sartorius-not vital
Quadriceps muscle
- made up of 4 large and powerful muscles
- rectus femoris (flexes at hip)
attaches to sesamoid bone-> tibia
extension of the knee
most superficial crosses hip and knee joint
- 3 vastus 'large' 'vast' muscles: medialis lateralis intermedius vastus muscles produce powerful extension at the knee
Anterior compartment of thigh
Describe alignment of patella
Normal alignment of patella maintained by vastus medialis
Vastus Medialis oblique pulls quadriceps medially -train to make V M stonger
stop patella dislocation
tendency to pull patella laterally bc legs have an angle of inclination
vastus medialis weakness may lead to
- abnormal tracking of patella → cartilage degeneration - patella dislocation (laterally)
Posterior muscle compartment of thigh
Describe the hamstring muscles
Flexors of the knee
extension at hip joint
three ‘2-joint’ muscles:
- semimembranosus
- semitendinosus medial
- biceps femoris (long head) lateral
muscles crossing 2 joints-> injury more common
due to stretching beyond normal length
Medial compartment of the thigh
What do they do?
Adductors of the hip
bring leg/hip back into midline
Where is the Tibialis anterior? What does it do?
anterior muscle of the leg
front of the tibia, most superficial
goes to tarsal bones, crosses ankle
Where and what do
Extensor hallucis longus (EHL)
Extensor digitorum longus (EDL)
anterior muscles of the leg
Dorsiflexors-extension of the ankle
Extensors of the toes
EHL- Hallucis: big toe
EDL-digitorum: 4 digits
What is dorsiflexion and plantarflexion?
curve towards ankle
Plantarflexion- flexion
What problem can arise from fascia in the anterior compartment of the leg?
‘compartment’ syndrome
Treatment: fasciotomy to decompress
anterior fascia particularly tight-bad
compartment syndrome: if swelling occurs, neurovascular structures susceptible to compression
increased pressure within compartment
adaptation to compartment
veins start to close down under pressure
no where for blood to go, arteries open
pressure increases even more, neurovascular structures under compression, painful
cut fascia- FASCIOTOMY relieve pressure
veins will open up again
rejoin fascia l
What are the lateral muscles of the leg?
What do they do?
Why does straining occur?
Everters of the foot
Peroneal (Fibularis) muscles
- longus
- brevis
proprioceptive role
strain: over stretching damage to fibula-not particularly strong
Name the superficial muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg and their function
Plantar flexors
Gastrochemius: power, fatigue easily
Soleus: endurance
Plantaris: propriception + ?
Deep (some as anterior of leg but flexor instead of extensor) EA FP
- Tibialis posterior
- Flexor hallucis longus
- Flexor digitorium longus
Name the deep muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg and their function
Plantar flexors
Deep (some as anterior of leg but flexor instead of extensor) EA FP
- Tibialis posterior
- Flexor hallucis longus
- Flexor digitorium longus
intrinsic muscles of the foot
What type of muscles are they?
Name 3
Plantar muscles
- Hallucis muscles
- Digiti minimi muscles
- ‘central’ muscles