6.2 - Further psychological influences on the individual Flashcards
What is anxiety?
A level of nerves and irrational thinking in response to a perceived threat.
What is competitive trait anxiety?
A disposition to suffer from nervousness in most sporting situations.
What is competitive state anxiety?
A nervous response to specific sporting situations.
What is somatic anxiety?
A physiological response to a threat such as increased HR.
What is cognitive anxiety?
A psychological response such as worrying about losing.
What are the 4 types of anxiety?
Competitive state.
Competitive trait.
How long does competitive state anxiety last?
Describe the relationship between cognitive anxiety and performance:
As cognitive anxiety increases, performance decreases - negative linear effect.
Describe the relationship between somatic anxiety and performance:
As somatic anxiety increases, so does performance up until optimum level where somatic anxiety continues to increase but performance decreases.
Describe the relationship between anxiety and time to competition:
Cognitive anxiety is high but steady from a week until comp to an hour before when there is a peak up to the event. It then decreases as the event gets underway.
Somatic anxiety is low and steady from a week until 2 hours before the event and then it increases to peak at the time of the event and then decreases as the event gets underway.
What is a questionnaire?
A set of questions to measure of assess something.
What are the 3 methods of measuring anxiety in sport?
Self-report questionnaires.
Psychological testing.
What are the advantages of using questionnaires to test anxiety?
Quick, cheap and efficient so that large numbers of players can be assessed quickly. The results can easily be compared by coaches.
What are the disadvantages of using questionnaires to test anxiety?
Players might not understand the question asked/they may give the social desirability answer instead of the true one.
Answers depend on mood state (e.g. different answers after win/loss).
The questions are inappropriate to that bias results are given - leading questions.
Responses can be influenced by the time it takes to do all of the questions - rushing to complete may lead to an incorrect response.
Give an example of a questionnaire used by sports psychologists to measure anxiety:
The Sports Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT).
15 statement questionnaire.
What is the Sports Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT)?
A questionnaire used by sports psychologists to measure anxiety.
What was the SCAT extended to?
The Competitive Sport Anxiety Inventory (CSAI 2).
What is the Competitive Sport Anxiety Inventory (CSAI 2)?
A questionnaire used by sports psychologists to measure anxiety.
What is observation in measuring anxiety?
Gaining a measure of anxiety simply by watching the performer.
What are the advantages to using observations to measure anxiety?
They are true to life.
What are the disadvantages to using observations to measure anxiety?
Results are based on the opinion of the observers and these may vary where numerous observations are made making the results highly subjective.
The observers also need to know what the people they are watching behave like normally so that changes from the norm can be noted.
Time consuming and may need more than one observer.
If they know they’re being observed their behaviour may change or they may suffer more anxiety - making results invalid.
How can physiological measures be used to measure anxiety?
Physical responses measured such as increased HR, increased levels of sweating, increases in the rate of respiration and even levels of hormone secretion.
What are the advantages of using physiological measures to measure anxiety?
Factual so comparisons can easily be made.
Responses to anxiety could be measured in training or in real game situations - technology such as HR monitors etc. feed info immediately back to coaches who could judge anxiety when game is in motion.
What are the disadvantages of using physiological measures to measure anxiety?
Training is often required so coaches can learn how to use the devices - cost of them may deter amateur performers from using them.
Wearing the device may restrict movement in sport.
The performer is aware that they are being measured which may cause additional stress and give a false reading.
What is aggression?
Intent to harm outside the rules; hostile behaviour.
What is assertion?
Well-motivated behaviour within the rules.