62 BC - 49 BC Flashcards
When Pompey returned from fighting Mithridates VI in 62 BC and was standing just outside the pomerium expecting to be hailed a hero, who hailed Cicero the hero of Rome instead?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
While Pompey was standing just outside the pomerium expecting to be hailed a hero, Crassus hailed who as the hero of Rome instead?
Marcus Tullus Cicero
What Stoic man was recognized as the spokesman of Sulla’s optimate heirs in the late Republic, and passed a bill making bribing equites serving on juries a criminal offence?
Cato the Younger
Cato the Younger was of what philosophy?
Cato the Younger was recognized as the spokesman of whose optimate heirs in the Senate?
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Name the three people that ran for the consulship of 59 BC
Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Culpurnius Bibulus, Lucius Lucceius
Caesar, Bibulus, and Lucceius all ran for the consulship of what year?
59 BC
Name the consuls of 59 BC
Gaius Lucius Caesar, Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus
Caesar and Bibulus were consuls of what year?
59 BC
Name the three members of the First Triumverate
Gaius Lucius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, Marcus Licinius Crassus
Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus were all part of what informal alliance?
First Triumverate
Caesar asked this man to join the First Triumverate, but he refused because he saw it as an attempt to undermine the Republic.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Cicero was offered to join this informal alliance but refused
First Triumverate
What triumvir married Caesar’s daughter Julia?
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Pompey married what duaghter of Caesar?
Name the father of Pompey’s wife Julia
Gaius Julius Caesar
When was the Lex Vatinia passed?
59 BC
What law was passed in 59 BC, that gave Caesar immediate proconsular imperium over Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum for 5 years?
Lex Vatinia
Who passed the Lex Vatinia?
Caesar’s partisan Vatinius
What did the Lex Vatinia do?
Gave Caesar immediate proconsular imperium over Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum for 5 years
When was the Lex Julia de Repetundis passed?
59 BC
What law was passed in 59 BC, that achieved the surpression of extortion for provincial governors?
Lex Julia de Repetundis
Who passed the Lex Julia de Repetundis?
Gaius Julius Caesar
What did the Lex Julia de Repetundis do?
Surpressed extortion for provincial governors
Who targeted Cicero when he became a tribune by passing the law that would exile him in 58 BC?
Publius Clodius Pulcher
Clodius Pulcher was responsible for passing a law in 58 BC that would exile what man, his enemy due to the Bona Dea scandal?
Marcus Tullus Cicero
Clodius Pulcher got rid of what senator, a vocal enemy of Caesar, by making him governor of the distant Cyprus?
Cato the Younger
Who got rid of Cato the Younger temporarily by making him governor of Cyprus?
Publius Clodius Pulcher
Clodius Pulcher got rid of Cato the Younger by making him governor of what distant Roman province?
When was the Battle of Bibracte?
58 BC
What battle consisted of the defeat of the Helvetii at the hands of Caesar in 58 BC?
Battle of Bibracte
Name the losing tribe and victorious Roman commander at the Battle of Bibracte in 58 BC
Gaius Julius Caesar defeats the Helvetii tribue
When was the Battle of Vosges?
58 BC
What two battles consisted of the defeat of Ariovistus at the hands of Caesar in 58 BC?
Battle of Vesontio, Battle of Vosge
Name the victorious and losing commadners at the Battle of Vosges
Gaius Julius Caesar defeats Ariovistus
Ariovistus was the king of what tribe?
The Suebi were ruled by what king during Caesar’s Gallic Wars?
Name the three battles that occurred in 58 BC?
Battle of Bibracte, Battle of Vesontio, Battle of Vosges
An unprecedently long Thanksgiving of 15 days was held because of what man’s conquests in Gallia?
Gaius Julius Caesar
Because of Caesar’s conquests in Gallia, what holiday was extended to 15 days in 57 BC?
Caesar put down a revolt of what tribe in 56 BC using long poles with hooks?
When was the revolt of the Veneti against Caesar?
56 BC
What was unique about the way Caesar surpressed the rebellion of the Veneti in 56 BC?
He did it using long poles with hooks
Who invaded Britain twice in 55 and 54 BC?
Gaius Julius Caesar
How many times did Caesar invade Britain, and when were this incidents?
2 times; 55 BC and 54 BC
Where did Caesar defeat King Cassivellaunus of Britain in 54 BC?
Thames River
Who did Caesar defeat in 54 BC at the Thames River?
King Cassivellaunus of Britain
Who defeated King Cassivellaunus of Britain at the Thames River in 54 BC?
Gaius Julius Caesar
When did Caesar defeat King Cassivellaunus of Britain at the Thames River?
54 BC
What leader of the Arverni tribe defeated Caesar at Gergovia in 52 BC?
Where did Vercingetorix defeat Caesar in 52 BC?
Who did Vercingetorix defeat at Gergovia in 52 BC?
Gaius Julius Caesar
When did Vercingetorix defeat Caesar at Gergovia?
52 BC
From what tribe was Vercingetorix?
Where did Caesar finally defeat Vercingetorix in 52 BC?
Name the winning and losing commanders at Alesia in 52 BC
Gaius Julius Caesar defeats Vercingetorix
Who did Caesar finally defeat at Alesia in 52 BC?
When was the siege of Alesia?
52 BC
At what captured stronghold did Caesar brutally cut of both the hands of every captive, starving them as the begged for food?
What did Caesar do to the captured Gauls at Uxellodunum?
Brutally cut of both the hands of every captive, starving them as the begged for food
While Caesar was away in Gaul, what two people led opposing street gangs in Rome?
Titus Annius Milo, Publius Clodius Pulcher
Who led the anti-Clodian street gang while Caesar was away in Gaul?
Titu Annius Milo
Who led the pro-Clodian street gang while Caesar was away in Gaul?
Publius Clodius Pulcher
Who was recalled back from exile while Caesar was away in Gaul, and due to Pompey?
Marcus Tullus Cicero
Who got Cicero recalled back to Rome while Caesar was away in Gaul?
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
When was the First Triumverate’s conference of Luca?
56 BC
What informal alliance met at Luca in 56 BC to renew their alliance?
First Triumverate
When did the First Triumverate meet at Luca?
56 BC
Where did the First Triumverate meet in 56 BC to renew their informal alliance, and decide the provinces of the triumvirs for the next 5 years?
What was the point of the Conference of Luca in 56 BC?
To renew the First Triumverate, and assign the triumvirs their provinces for the next five years
As decided by Luca, give the provinces each of the triumvirs ruled over from 56-51 BC
Gaius Julius Caesar: Gallia
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Syria
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus: Hispania
What province did Caesar rule over as decided by the Luca conference?
What province did Pompey rule over as decided by the Luca conference?
What province did Crassus rule over as decided by the Luca conference?
What triumvir ruled over Gallia as decided by the Luca conference?
Gaius Julius Caesar
What triumvir ruled over Hispania as decided by the Luca conference?
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
What triumvir ruled over Syria as decided by the Luca conference?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
What tribune passed the Lex Trebonia in 55 BC, the law that formally assigned the triumvirs their provinces as decided at Luca?
Gaius Trebonius
When was the Lex Trebonia passed?
55 BC
What law was passed in 55 BC?
Lex Trebonia
What did the Lex Trebonia do?
Formally assigned the triumvirs their provinces as decided at Luca
What triumvir, after receiving Syria at the conference of Luca, looted the Temple of Jerusalem in 54 BC?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
When did Crassus loot the Temple of Jerusalem?
54 BC
What triumvir died at Carrhae in 53 BC, at the hands of Surena?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
What temple did Crassus loot in 54 BC?
Temple of Jerusalem
Where did Crassus die at the hands of Surena in 53 BC?
When did Crassus get killed by Surena at Carrhae?
53 BC
Who killed Crassus at Carrhae in 53 BC?
Surena was the general of what foreign people, of whom Crassus attacked after he gained Syria at Luca in 56 BC?
What triumvir’s head was displayed at the Parthian court during a performance of Euripides’ Bacchae?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
Crassus’ head was displayed at the Parthian court during a performance of what play?
Euripides’ Bacchae
Who died in 54 BC, the wife of Pompey and daughter of Caesar?
When did Julia (wife of Pompey, daughter of Caesar) die?
54 BC
Who did Pompey marry after the death of Julia?
Cornelia was the daughter of Metellus Scipio, a big optimate leader
Who killed Clodius Pulcher during a brawl on the Via Appia in 52 BC?
Titus Annius Milo
Cornelia was the fourth wife of what triumvir, after Julia?
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Who did Milo kill during a brawl on the Via Appia in 52 BC?
Publius Clodius Pulcher
Where did Milo kill Clodius Pulcher during a brawl in 52 BC?
Via Appia
When did Milo kill Clodius Pulcher during a brawl on the Via Appia?
52 BC
Who died in 52 BC?
Publius Clodius Pulcher
Name the wife of Clodius Pulcher
Name the first husband of Fulvia, who died in 52 BC at the hands of Milo on the Via Appia?
Publius Clodius Pulcher
Name the wife of Curio, who he got after Clodius Pulcher’s death in 52 BC left her a widow
Name the sole consul of 52 BC
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
When was Pompey sole consul?
52 BC
Give the years for all of Pompey’s consulships
70 BC, 55 BC, 52 BC
Who was consul for 70 BC, 55 BC, and sole-consul in 52 BC?
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Name the third husband of Fulvia, who she married after Curio died
Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony)
Mark Antony was the third husband of what woman, a widow after the death of Curio
Name the mother of Mark Antony, the daughter of Caesar
Name of the son of Julia who became Fulvia’s third husband, and temporarily close ally of Caesar
Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony)
Name the second husband of Fulvia who was Caesar’s right-hand man in the Comitia Tribunata
Gaius Scribonius Curio
What optimate consul tried to pass a Senatus Consultum Ultimum against Caesar, but was vetoed by Curio?
Marcellus tried to pass a Senatus Consultum Ultimum against what man, but was vetoed by his ally the tribune Curio?
Gaius Julius Caesar
Marcellus tried to pass what decree against Caesar, but was vetoed by the tribune Curio?
Senatus Cosultum Ultimum
Marcellus tried to pass a Senatus Consultum Ultimum against Caesar, but was vetoed by what ally of Caesar’s, a tribune?
Gaius Scribonius Curio
When did Caesar cross the Rubicon?
January 10th, 49 BC
Caesar crossed what body of water on Jan. 10th, 49 BC?
Rubicon River
Who crossed the Rubicon on Jan 10th, 49 BC?
Gaius Julius Caesar
What did Caesar say as he crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC?
Alea iacta est - The die has been cast
Who said Alea iacta est as he crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC?
Gaius Julius Caesar
What did Alea iacta est mean?
The die has been cast
When was the First Triumverate formed?
60 BC
What informal alliance was formed in 60 BC?
First Triumverate
What chieftain of the Aedui came to Rome in 60 BC, asking for protection against Ariovistus and the Suebi?
Divitacus was the chieftain of what Gallic tribe?
When did Divitacus come to Rome to ask for the protection of his tribe, the Aedui, against Ariovistus and the Suebi?
60 BC
Who did Divitacus ask Rome for protection against?
Ariovistus and the Suebi
Who was called the “Queen of Bithynia” by Bibulus?
Gaius Julius Caesar
What did Bibulus call Caesar during their consulship?
Queen of Bithynia
Who called Caesar “Queen of Bithynia” during their joint-consulship together in 59 BC?
Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus
When were Caesar’s Gallic Wars?
58-50 BC
What war was from 58-50 BC?
Caesar’s Gallic Wars
Name the victorious and losing commanders at Vesontio in 58 BC
Victorious: Gaius Julius Caesar
Loser: Ariovistus and Suebi
What general of Caesar helps him defeat Ariovistus at Vosges in 58 BC?
Publius Licinius Crassus
Crassus helped Caesar defeat Ariovistus at what battle in 58 BC?
Battle of Vosges
Crassus helped what man decisively defeat Ariovstus at Vosges in 58 BC?
Gaius Julius Caesar
When was the battle of Axona River?
57 BC
What battle was in 57 BC?
Battle of Axona River
Name the people defeated at Axona River, and the Roman who defeated them in 57 BC
Victor: Gaius Julius Caesar
Loser: Coalition of Belgic Tribes
At what battle in 57 BC, at a river, did Caesar defeat a coalition of Belgic tribes?
Battle of Axona River
Who was the only Belgic tribe to side with Caesar?
The Remi was the only Belgic tribe to side with what man during his Gallic Wars?
Gaius Julius Caesar
The Remi were the only tribe from what Roman province to side with Caesar during his Gallic Wars?
What triumvir built the Theater of Pompey in 55 BC on the Campus Martius?
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Who stucture did Pompey build in 55 BC on the Campus Martius?
Theater of Pompey
Where did Pompey build the Theater of Pompey in 55 BC?
Campus Martius
When did Pompey build the Theater of Pompey on the Campus Martius?
55 BC
Where was Caesar assassinated?
Theater of Pompey
Who was assassinated in the Theater of Pompey?
Gaius Julius Caesar
At the back of what theater is a Temple to Venus Vitrix?
Theater of Pompey
What temple is located at the back of the Theater of Pompey?
Temple of Venus Vitrix
What chieftain of the Eubrones revolted against Rome in 54 BC, famous for ambushing and killing Caesar’s two legates Sabinus and Cotta?
Ambiorix was the chieftain of what Gallic tribe?
The Eubrones were led by what chieftain during Caesar’s Gallic Wars?
What two legates of Caesar did Ambiorix ambush and kill in 54 BC
Quintus Titurius Sabinus, Lucius Arunculeins Cotta
When did Ambiorix and the Eubrones ambush and kill Caesar’s legates, Sabinus and Cotta?
54 BC
What Parthian general disposed Mithridates III, putting Orodes II back on the Arascid Throne? He would also be the killer of Crassus
Who did Surena dispose to put Orodes II back on the Arascid Throne?
Mithridates III
Surena disposed Mithridates III to put what man back on the Arascid Throne?
Orodes II
Surena disposed Mithridates III to put Orodes II back on what throne?
Arascid Throne
At what battle of 53 BC did Rome famously lose seven Aquila (legions), as well as Crassus to the Parthians and Surena?
Battle of Carrhae
How many legions did Rome lose at Carrhae in 53 BC?
Who was sent to recover the seven legions lost at Carrhae in 53 BC?
Tiberius was sent to recover the seven legions lost at what battle in 53 BC?
Battle of Carrhae
Name the two Romans who both died by having molten gold being poured down their throats?
Manius Aquillius, Marcus Licnius Crassus
Both Aquillius and Crassus died of what method?
Molten gold being poured down their throats
Whose burial in 52 BC is infamous for burning down the Curia when his body was placed there for cremation?
Publius Clodius Pulcher
Where was Clodius Pulcher’s body placed for cremation after his death in 52 BC?
The Curia
What did Clodius Pulcher’s cremation do to the Curia?
Burned it down
How did Vercingetorix die?
Being strangled in the Tullianum
How did Caesar defeat Vercingetorix at Alesia?
Cirumvallation and Contravallation
Made 2 walls; one besieged the city, one protected against other allies
Name the brother of Divitiacus
Name the brother of Dumnorix, a chieftain of the Aedui
Which of Caesar’s lietenants aided him in defeating Ariovistus at the foot of the Vosges in 58 BC?
Publius Licinius Crassus
Publius Crassus helped Caesar defeat what king of the Suebi at Vosges in 58 BC?