148 BC - 106 BC Flashcards
When was the Third Punic War?
149-146 BC
What war was from 149-146 BC?
Third Punic War
Conflict between what two parties caused the inciting incident of the Third Punic War?
Numidia and Carthage
Conflict between King Massinissa of Numidia and Carthage caused what war?
Third Punic War
Who was the king of Numidia at the time of the Third Punic War?
The siege of what city was the last battle of the Third Punic War?
Siege of Carthage
The 3-year siege of Carthage was the last battle of what war?
Third Punic War
When was the Siege of Carthage?
146 BC
How long was Carthage beseiged during the Third Punic War?
3 years
Who finally defeated and permanently destroyed Carthage at the end of the Third Punic War in 146 BC?
Scipio Aemilianus
Scipio Aemilianus defeated and permanently destroyed what city in 146 BC, the end of the Third Punic War?
Who was defending Carthage during its three-year siege in the Third Punic War?
Hasdrubal the Boetarch
Hasdrubal the Boetarch defended what city during its 3-year siege from 149-146 BC?
When was the First Servile War?
135-132 BC
What war was from 135-132 BC?
First Servile War
Name the two rebel leaders, originally slaves, during the First Servile War
Eunus and Cleon
Eunus and Cleon were leaders against Rome during what war?
First Servile War
Where was the headquarters of Eunus and Cleon during the First Servile War?
Enna was the headquarters of Eunus and Cleon during what war?
First Servile War
Enna was the headquarters for what rebel leaders during the First Servile War?
Eunus and Cleon
Who was praetor in 198 BC, and consul in 195 BC?
Cato the Elder
When was Cato the Elder praetor?
198 BC
When was Cato the Elder consul?
195 BC
What province did Cato the Elder govern as praetor?
What province did Cato the Elder govern as consul?
Hispania Criterior
Name the daughter of Scipio Africanus
Name the son-in-law of Scipio Africanus, or the husband of his daughter Cornelia
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
Name the father-in-law of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
Scipio Africanus
Name the children of Cornelia and Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Name the parents of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Cornelia
Who was the grandfather of the Gracchi brothers on their mother’s side?
Scipio Africanus
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, husband of Cornelia, was governor of what region?
Viriathus led the people from what region?
During the 140s BC and the conflict between the Lusitainians and Romans, who led the Lusitanians?
What was the fighting style of Viriathus and the Lusitanians against the Romans?
Guerrilla warfare
Who broke the peace treaty between Lusitania and Rome in the Viriathic War?
Servilius Caepio
When did Viriathus achieve independence for Lusitania, thus marking a temporary peace between him and Rome?
141 BC
Servilius Caepio broke the peace between who and Rome?
Viriathus and the Lusitanians
How was Viriathus assassinated by Caepio?
One of his own men was bribed to kill him
Who was killed by one of his own men that was bribed by Servilianus Caepio?
In what province was Numantia located?
Hispania Criterior
During what years were the siege of Numantia?
143-133 BC
143-133 BC were the years of the siege of what city in Hispania Citerior?
Who was captured in 137 BC by the Namantians, forcing Tiberius Gracchus to negotiate a peace treaty with them that was later broken?
Gaius Hostilius Mancinus
Mancinus’ capture by the Numantines forced what person to negotiate a peace treaty in order to let Mancinus go?
Tiberius Gracchus
Who broke the peace treaty Tiberius Gracchus made for Mancinus’ life, thus destroying Numantia in 133 BC?
Scipio Aemilianus
Scipio Aemilianus destroyed what city in 133 BC after a 1-year siege of it?
Who was known as the “first man over the wall of Carthage,” accompanying Scipio Aemilianus there in 146 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
Tiberius Gracchus was known as the first man over the wall of what city destoyed in 146 BC?
Name the childhood tutors of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Diphanes and Blossius
Diphanes and Blossius were the childhood tutors of what two brothers, the granchildren of Scipio Africanus?
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Whose land bill ordered the state to repossess holdings of public land in excess of 500 iugera?
Tiberius Gracchus
Tiberius Gracchus’ land bill ordered the state to repossess holdings of public land in excess of how much?
500 iugera
Whose co-tribune was Marcus Octavius, which he removed in front of the Concilium Plebis when he refused to withdraw the veto of his land bill?
Tiberius Gracchus
Who was Tiberius Gracchus’ co-tribune, who Tiberius later removed himself in front of the Concilium Plebis when he refused to withdraw his veto of Tiberius’ land bill?
Marcus Octavius
Who were the three members of the commission used to carry out Tiberius Gracchus’ land bill?
Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus, Appius Claudius Pulcher
What was the relationship between Appius Claudius Pulcher and Tiberius Gracchus?
Pulcher was Tiberius’ father-in-law
Name the father-in-law of Tiberius Gracchus who was his colleague in the commission to carry out Tiberius’ land bill
Appius Claudius Pulcher
In 133 BC Attalus III gifted what land of his to Rome?
In 133 BC who gifted Pergamum to Rome?
Attalus III
When did Attalus III gift his kingdom of Pergamum to Rome?
133 BC
Who asked the people to make Pergamum (gifted to Rome by Attalus III that same year) subject to his land bill?
Tiberius Gracchus
Who informed Tiberius Gracchus that there was a mob forming to kill him?
Fulvius Flaccus
Fulvius Flaccus was an ally to what early-Republic figure, warning him of a mob led by Scipio Nasica to kill him but to no avail?
Tiberius Gracchus
Name the pontifex maximus of 133 BC who led a mob and killed Tiberius Gracchus that same year
Scipio Nasica
When was Scipio Nasica pontifex maximus?
133 BC
When did Tiberius Gracchus die?
133 BC
Who died in 133 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
Name the consuls of 132 BC that tried Scipio Nasica for the murderer of Tiberius Gracchus but secretly sent him to Pergamum to avoid punishment
Publius Popillius Laenas, Publius Rupilius
Laenas and Rupilius were consuls of 132 BC, and tried what person for the murder of Tiberius Gracchus, but secrety let him escape to Pergamum?
Scipio Nasica
Name the wife of Scipio Aemilianus who was rumored to have killed him
Sempronia, sister of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, was rumored to have killed her husband. Who was this person?
Scipio Aemilianus
When did Scipio Aemilianus die?
129 BC
Who died in 129 BC, rumored to have been murdered by his wife, Sempronia
Scipio Aemilianus
Scipio Aemilianus spoke against whose bill to leagalize reelection to the tribunate?
Carbo’s bill to legalize reelection to the tribunate was spoken against by who, the brother-in-law of the Gracchi brothers?
Scipio Aemilianus
Who helped consuls Laenas and Popilius persecute the followers of Tiberius Gracchus, a friend of Scipio Aemilianus?
Gaius Laelius
Gaius Laelius, a friend of Scipio Aemilianus, helped consuls Laenas and Rupilius persecute the followers of what man, who died from a mob in 133 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
Name the two supporters of Tiberius Gracchus who took up the commission to carry out his land bill after his death
Marcus Fulvius Flaccus, Gaius Papirius Carbo
Fulvius Flaccus and Carbo were supporters of what man, and took up his land commission after his death in 133 BC
Tiberius Gracchus
What allied town of Rome rebelled in 125 BC?
Fregellae rebelled against Rome in what year?
125 BC
What person put down the rebellion of Fregellae in 125 BC? This person would later murder Gaius Gracchus.
Lucius Opimius
When was Gaius Gracchus’ tribunate?
123-122 BC
Whose tribunate was from 123-122 BC?
Gaius Gracchus
Who was questor in Sardinia (126 BC), tribune (123 BC), and passed the Lex Frumentaria?
Gaius Gracchus
Where was Gaius Gracchus’ quaestor-ship in 126 BC?
What did the Lex Frumentaria do?
Made the state buy and import overseas grain for sale to citizens in Rome
Gaius Gracchus passed what law, which made the state buy and import overseas grain for sale to citizens in Rome?
Lex Frumentaria
Who passed the Lex Frumentaria?
Gaius Gracchus
What did the Lex Militaris do?
Required government to:
- Clothe and equip Roman soldiers
- Shorten terms of service
- Forbid drafting boys under 17
Gaius Gracchus passed what law, which required the government to clothe and equip Roman soldiers, shorten their terms of service, and forbid drafting boys under 17?
Lex Militaris
Who passed the Lex Militaris?
Gaius Gracchus
What did the Lex Rubria do?
Provided the foundation of Gaius Gracchus’ colony Junonia on the site of Carthage
What law provided the foundation of Gaius Gracchus’ colony Junonia on the site of Carthage?
Lex Rubria
Who passed the Lex Rubria
Rubrius (ally of Gaius Gracchus)
What did the Lex Acilia do?
Excluded senators and curule magistrates from the special court used for high-officials accused of embezzling
Court named quaestio perpetua de rebus repetundis - by Lex Calpurnia
What law excludded senators and curule magistrates from the special court used for high-officials accused of embezzling?
Lex Acilia
Who passed the Lex Acilia?
Acilius (ally of Gaius Gracchus)
Who got the senate to pass a Senatus Consultum Ultimum against Gaius Gracchus and led an armed posse against him, killing Gaius and his old friend Fulvius Flaccus as well?
Lucius Opimius
The Senate passed what decree against Gaius Gracchus, forcing his death by Opimius?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum
Who claimed to be the illegitamate half-brother of Attalus III, leading a resistance to the annexation of Pergamum after its donation to Rome in 133 BC?
Aristonicus claimed to be the illegitamate half-brother of what person?
Attalus III
Aristonicus led a resistance to the annexation of what Roman province after its donation to the empire in 133 BC?
When was the Jugurthine War?
111-106 BC
What war was from 111-106 BC?
Jugurthine War
Name the father of Jugurtha
Name the adoptive son of Micipsa who would start a war against Metellus, Marius, and Sulla
Name the grandfather of Jugurtha
Name the adoptive grandson of Masinissa who would start a war against Metellus, Marius, and Sulla
Name the brothers of Jugurtha
Adherbal and Hiempsal
Name the biological sons of Micipsa
Adherbal and Hiempsal
Who was Adherbal and Hiempsal’s father?
Who was Adherbal and Hiempsal’s only other brother?
Name the biological grandsons of Masinissa
Adherbal and Hiempsal
Who was Adherbal and Hiempsal’s grandfather?
Who besieged one of his brothers at Cirta, proceeding to massacre all the Roman citizens in it soon after
Jugurtha besieged one of his brothers at what city, proceeding to massacre all the Roman citizens in it soon after?
Who said Rome was “a city for sale”
What famous phrase was associated with Jugurtha about Rome’s monetary value?
That Rome was “a city for sale”
What tribune first started the investigation into Jugurtha possibly bribing Roman officials?
Gaius Memmius
Gaius Memmius was the tribune who first started the investigation into what man possibly bribing Roman officials?
Who was the first Roman commander who attacked Jugurtha? He then tried to form a truce with him but in vain.
Lucius Calpurnius Bestia
Bestia was the first Roman commander in opposition of what man, trying to form a truce with him but in vain?
Who was the second Roman commander sent to deal with Jugurtha?
Spurius Postumius Albinus
Spurius Postumius Albinus was the second Roman commander sent to deal with what man, after Bestia failed?
Metellus was the third Roman commander who went against what person, after Albinus failed?
When was Metellus consul?
109 BC
What consul of 109 BC was also involved in the Jugurthine War, being the third commander sent by Rome to deal with him after the failure of Bestia and Sp. Postumius Albinus?
Quintus Caeciluis Metellus
What senior officer of Metellus double crossed him to take command away from him against Jugurtha?
Gaius Marius
Gaius Marius was senior officer of what person, double-crossing him and taking his command against Jugurtha?
Quintus Caecilius Metellus
Where was Marius born?
When was Marius first elected consul?
107 BC
Who was consul for the first time (a novus homo) in 107 BC?
Gaius Marius
Name the quaestor of Marius who helped him defeat Jugurtha
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Sulla was quaestor to who during the Jugurthine War?
Gaius Marius
Marius/Sulla persuaded what ally of Jugurtha to betray him, ultimately leading to Jugurtha’s defeat?
King Bocchus of Mauretania
Bocchus betrayed what ally of his, ultimately leading to Marius’ victory over him in 104 BC?
Where and how did Jugurtha die?
Strangled to death in the Tullianum
After the death of Jugurtha, who received the wesetern and eastern parts of his kingdom respectively?
Western: Bocchus
Eastern: Gauda
Bocchus and Gauda were the subsequent rulers of whose kingdom after his death at the hands of Marius and Sulla?
Who was awarded the corona muralis because he was the first Roman over the walls of Carthage during its siege from 149-146 BC?
Tiberius Gracchus
What was Tiberius Gracchus awarded for being the first ROman over the walls of Carthage during its siege from 149-146 BC?
Corona Muralis
Who received the Corona Graminea for his part in leading the Romans during the 3rd Punic War?
Scipio Aemilianus Africanus
What award did Scipio Aemilianus receive for his part in leading the Romans during the 3rd Punic War?
Corona Graminea
Who was the dictator at Corinth during its sacking in 146 BC by Lucius Mummius?
Critolaus was dictator of what city during its sacking in 146 BC by L. Mummius?
What prominent Roman rebuilt Corinth after its sacking in 146 BC?
Gaius Julius Caesar
What city was rebuilt by Caesar after its sacking by Mummius in 146 BC?
What aqueduct was built in 144 BC?
Aqua Marcia
When was the Aqua Marcia built?
144 BC
Who built the Aqua Marcia?
Quintus Marcius Rex
What aqueduct was built by Q. Marcius Rex?
Aqua Marcia
What aqueduct was the longest aqueduct that led into Rome?
Aqua Marcia
What aqueduct was funded by the sacking of Corinth?
Aqua Marcia
The Aqua Marcia was funded by the sacking of what city in 146 BC?
During which war was the siege of Numantia (142-133 BC)?
3rd Celtiberian War
What Roman attempted to capture Numantia in 152 BC, but failed?
Fulvius Nobilior
Nobilior attempted to capture what city in 152 BC but failed? The city was later captured by Scipio Aemilianus in 133 BC
When did Nobilior attempt to capture Numantia, but failed?
152 BC
What Roman province was once the foreign kingdom of Pergamum?
What foreign kingdom became the Roman province Asia after it was bequeathed in 133 BC by Attalus III?
What name did Aristonicus take during his revolt against Rome, in order to claim he was the son of Eumenes II?
Eumenes III
Who changed his name to Eumenes III, in order to claim he was the half-brother of Attalus III and son of Eumenes II, and thus was entitled to Pergamum instead of Rome?
Who did Aristonicus claim to be the son of?
Eumenes II
What man was captured by M. Peperna and later strangled to death in 129 BC?
Who captures Aristonicus, leading to Aristonicus dying in 129 BC?
Marcus Peperna
Different than the M. Perperna that killed Sertorius
Who dies in 129 BC, being strangled to death after being captured by Peperna for claiming the throne of Pergamum?
In what year is M. Peperna (not the guy who killed Sertorius) consul?
130 BC
Who was consul in 130 BC, and also captured Aristonicus?
Marcus Peperna
Name the brother-in-law of Scipio Aemilianus, who died in 133 BC
Tiberius Gracchus
Tiberius Gracchus was the brother-in-law of what man, who may have been poisoned by his wife Sempronia?
Scipio Aemilianus Africanus
What two people die in 129 BC?
Scipio Aemilianus Africanus, Aristonicus
What road was built from 146-120 BC?
Via Egnatia
When was the Via Egnatia built?
146-120 BC / 130 BC
What road took people from Northern Greece to Byzantium?
Via Egnatia
The Via Egnatia took people from where to where?
Northern Greece to Byzantium
When was the Aqua Tepula built?
126 BC
What aqueduct was built in 126 BC?
Aqua Tepula
What aqueduct was the last aqueduct built in the 2nd Century BC?
Aqua Tepula
The Aqua Tepula was the last aqueduct to be built in what century?
2nd Century BC (100s BC)
What two aqueducts were combined into one by M. Agrippa in 33 BC?
Aqua Tepula and Aqua Marcia
Who combined the Aqua Tepula and Marcia into one in 33 BC?
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa
When did M. Agrippa combine the Aqua Tepula and Marcia into one?
33 BC
Who was consul in 125 BC, a known friend of the Gracchi brothers?
Marcus Fulvius Flaccus
When was Fulvius Flaccus (friend of the Gracchi) consul?
125 BC
What descendent of Scipio Africanus defeated the Allobroges and Arverni in 120 BC, building a triumphant arch in celebration?
Fabius Maximus Allobrogicus
What two tribes did Allobrogicus defeat in 120 BC, building a triumphant arch in celebration?
Allobroges and Arverni
When did Allobrogicus defeat the Allobroges and Arverni tribes, building a triumphal arch in celebration ?
120 BC
What did Allobrogicus build after defeating the Allobroges and Arverni tribes in 120 BC?
A triumphal arch
What road is constructed in 118 BC?
Via Domitia
When was the Via Domitia constructed?
118 BC
What road connected Italy with Spain?
Via Domitia
The Via Domitia connected what two countries together?
Italy and Spain
Who built the Via Domitia?
Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus
What road was built by Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus in 118 BC?
Via Domitia
Who dies in 118 BC?
When does Micipsa die?
118 BC
Who does Rome send in 116 BC to split Numidia between Adherbal and Jugurtha, after Jugurtha killed off Hiempsal?
Lucius Opimius
When is Lucius Opimius sent to split Numidia between Adherbal and Jugurtha, after Jugurtha killed off Hiempsal?
116 BC
At what city does Jugurtha kill his brother Adherbal in 112 BC?
When does Jugurtha kill his brother Adherbal at Cirta?
112 BC
Who does Jugurtha kill at Cirta in 112 BC?
Among every single resident at the city, his brother, Adherbal
Name the killer of Adherbal son of Micipsa, who killed him at Cirta in 112 BC
When does Bestia get sent to Numidia to deal with Jugurtha, but fails?
111 BC
Who gets sent to Numidia to deal with Jugurtha in 111 BC, but fails?
Lucius Calpurnia Bestia
Who is sent to deal with Jugurtha by the Senate in 110 BC?
Spurius Postuius Albinus
When is Sp. Postiumius Albinus sent to deal with Jugurtha?
110 BC
What Roman commander attempted to catpure Jugurtha’s treasury-city, Suthul, but fails?
Aulus Postumius Albinus
What city was the center of A. Postumius Albinus’ attempts to defeat Jugurtha? Unfortunately he never captured it
What city was the center of Jugurtha’s treasury?
Who is made commander (as well as consul) in 109 BC to deal with Jugurtha?
Quintus Caecilius Metellus
When was Metellus made commander to deal with Jugurtha?
109 BC
When was the battle of Muthul?
108 BC
What battle was in 108 BC?
Battle of Muthul
Name the victorious and losing commanders at Muthul in 108 BC?
Victor: Quintus Caecilius Metellus
Loser: Jugurtha
At what battle does Metellus defeat Jugurtha, before he was quickly replaced by Marius in 107 BC?
When did Marius become commander against Jugurtha?
107 BC (same year as his first consulship)
Who became commander against Jugurtha in 107 BC?
Gaius Marius
When he is made commander against Jugurtha, who destroy’s Jugurtha’s stronghold at Capsa?
Gaius Marius
What stronghold of Jugurtha does Marius destroy when he is made commander against him?
In what year was Jugurtha finally captured?
106 BC
Who was captured in 106 BC?
When did Jugurtha die?
104 BC
Who died in 104 BC?
Bocchus I was the king of what people?
Who was king of the Mauretanians during the Jugurthine War?
Bocchus I
What two people are born in 106 BC?
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
In what year are both Cicero and Pompey the Great born?
106 BC
When was the battle of Noreia?
113 BC
What battle was in 113 BC?
Battle of Noreia
Give the losing Roman commander, and two victorious tribes at Noreia in 113 BC
Victors: Cimbri and Teutones
Loser: Gnaeus Papirius Carbo
At what battle was Carbo defeated by the Cimbri and Teutones in 113 BC?
Battle of Noreia
Whose 50,000 Roman soldiers does Viriathus trap in 141 BC to gain temporary Lusitanian sovereignty?
Servilianus’ 50,000 troops were captured by who in 141 BC?
When were Servilianus’ troops captured by Viriathus, allowing him to gain temporary sovereignty for Lusitania?
141 BC
What three people helped Tiberius Gracchus pass his famous land bill, though it was blocked by Octavius?
Appius Claudius Pulcher, Publius Licinius Crassus, Publius Mucius Scaevola
Ap. Claudius Pulcher, P. Licinius Crassus, and P. Mucius Scaevola all helped whose famous land bill pass in 133 BC, though it didn’t work out due to Octavius?
Tiberius Gracchus
Who was said to have found an eagle nest with seven eggs as a child, signifying his seven consulships?
Gaius Marius
Marius is said to have found an eagle nest with what in it as a child, signifying his seven consulships?
Seven eggs
Where is Marius said to have found 7 eggs as a child, signifying his future 7 consulships?
Eagle Nest
Who is credited with creating the Roman Standing Army?
Gaius Marius
What is Marius credited with creating in terms of a new type of army?
The Roman Standing Army
Who was called the “3rd Founder of Rome” due to his reforms?
Gaius Marius
What nickname was given to Marius due to his reforms of Roman military?
“3rd Founder of Rome”
After the revolt of Aristonicus, what consul constituted Pergamum into the province of Asia in 129 BC?
Manius Aquilius (the Elder)
Father of the one who got gold poured down his throat/ended 2nd Ser. War
When was Manius Aquilius the Elder consul?
129 BC
What province did Manius Aquilius the Elder constitute in his consulship of 129 BC, which was originally known as Pergamum?
What region was constituted by Manius Aquilius the Elder during his consulship of 129 BC, into the Roman province Asia?
Who made peace with the Celtiberians in 151 BC?
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
With what tribe did Marcellus make peace with in 151 BC?
When did Marcellus make peace with the Celtiberians, after Cato the Elder fought against them?
151 BC
Who did the Senate support to the Seleucid throne after Judas Maccabeus, in 152 BC?
Alexander Balas
To what throne did the Senate support Alexander Balas, after Judas Maccabeus and Antiochus IV?
Seleucid Throne
After Fulvius Flaccus and Carbo, name the members of the “Second Land Commission” of Tiberius Gracchus
Gaus Gracchus, Appius Claudius Pulcher, Publius Licinius Crassus
C. Gracchus, Ap. Claudius Pulcher, and P. Licinius Crassus were part of what “group”?
Ti. Gracchus’ Second Land Commission
Who cleared the Balearic Islands of pirates in 123 BC?
Quintus Caecilius Metellus Balearicus
When did Metellus Balearicus clear the Balearic Islands of pirates?
123 BC
Metellus Balearicus cleared what region of pirates in 123 BC?
Balearic Islands