6.14 Manage CHT and Wastewater Surveillance Program Flashcards
What chapter of the P5010 is waste water?
Chapter 7
Medical Department Responsibilities
visual inspection of Marine Sanitation Devices
Indoc of personnel (training periodic)
Provide on site advice
must be present during cleanups
Three modes of CHT
Restricted waters
at sea
in port
CHT system on most ships?
Collection element
soil drains or sewage from toilets
gray water drains
diverter valves
Hold element
retain sewage during transit
- 12 hour holding period
Transfer element
Sewage pumps
overboard and deck
Ship Waste Off Loading Barge (SWOB)
Two types of transfer modes
Manual transfer mode
activated independently
Automatic transfer mode
low level stop pump at 10% (keeps primed)
30% signals duty pump
60% signals standby pump
80% visual and audible alarm activated
Hydrogen Sulfide
poses the greatest danger to ships and personnel
Gas can become what?
H2S is heavier than
pump rooms should have
slight negative pressure
ventilation indicator
two Emergency Escape Breathing Devices
Who do all leaks, spills or other sources of contamination get reported to?
Engineering officer, Exectutive Officer, SMDR
Toxic gases
Hydrogen sulfide
carbon dioxide
What does hydrogen sulfide smell like?
rotten eggs
Personnel who are in contact with wastewater must be current on which imms?
Tetanus Diptheria
Required PPE
coveralls rubber boots rubber gloves face shields SCBA
How do you clean contaminated clothing?
hot water and soap for laundering
Where are the safety procedures listed?
CH 593
Approved EPA disinfectants
- phenolic type
- iodine type
What do you do if a bilges is contaminated?
sewage pumped out, washed down with a fire hose and pumped out again
What do you do if potable water supply is contaminated?
must be secured
rechecked until the water is determined safe
Ships interior color for CHT systems
- valve handles
- operating levers
Wastewater disposal procedures
overboard discharge of untreated sewage within US waters and territorial seas is PROHIBITED
At sea
diverted or discharged overboard
in port
discharged into a sanitary sewer through sewer risers or Ship Waste Off Load Barges (SWOB)
In restricted waters
collected and stored in holding tanks
gray water is discharged overboard