6.13 Manage Potable Water Surveillance Flashcards
A raised frame to keep out water
Total process the distilling plant forms, including evaporation and condensation
Free Available Chlorine
Chlorine available in the forms of Hypochlorous acid and Hypochlorite ions
unit of length, one millionth of a meter
Point of Use
treatment device applied to a single tap
Reverse Osmosis
reverse of the natural osmosis achieved by external application sufficient reverse pressure to cause the solvent to flow in it UNNATURAL direction
test used to detect total coliform and EColi
Total Coliform
Mostly harmless bacteria that live in soil and water, and guts of animals
E Coli
Fecal coliform bacteria commonly found in intestines of animals and humans
Responsible for shipboard potable water systems, including treatment facilities
- design
- construction
- maintenance
Promulgating instructions
ship-to-shore potable water connections
Chief, BUMED
establishing and promulgating health standards for water quality AFLOAT
Area, Fleet and subordinate commanders
issuing necessary implementing directives
Commanding Officer
Promulgating a water sanitation bill
Engineering Department
responsible to CO for implementing requirements of NAVSEASYSCOM
Halogen and pH testing
Who can make a ship to ship or ship to shore connection?
Authorized personnel ONLY
Medical Department Rep
Bacteriological Testing (BACTI)
Daily Halogen testing
notify commanding officer of ANY discrepancies
Minimum Usage Requirements
50 Gals per person per day
“Water Hours”
Not less than 2 gals per person per day
When do you avoid making water?
Harbors or from polluted seawater
while in close formation
discharging waste, bilge water forward of the saltwater intakes
Other areas we can take water from
British Royal Navy
Canadian Forces
Royal Australian Navy
Shore to Ship from unapproved source
treated at a minimum of 2.0 ppm prior to receipt
Where can sea water be used aboard ships?
fire mains, decontamination, and marine sanitation devices
Types of Distillation Plants
steam distilling plants - steam by power plant
waste heat distilling plants - uses heat
vapor compression - electrical
Types of reverse osmosis
single or triple pass
Where is triple pass RO used?
Single Pass RO
additional disinfection REQUIRED
Triple Pass RO
additional disinfection NOT required
When can potable water tanks be filled with ballast water?
Never, unless necessary for survival of ship
Potable water tank coating
NSF/ANSI standard
Where can vents and overflow lines not be placed?
food service spaces medical spaces toilets electrical or electronic rooms exterior of the ship
top of tank is 1/2” above deck (curb)
Types of water level measurement
automatic level gauges
sounding tubes
Sounding tubes
will remain inside sounding tubes
100ppm FAC for 2 mins
Filing Connections
Dark blue
18 in off deck
turned facing downward
screw caps have keeper chains
What must potable water to non potable water tanks have?
air gap
backflow prevention
Potable hot water settings
120F at water tap
Portable Water Hose Lockers
vermin proof
18 inches off deck
Potable water hose
examined routinely
capped or coupled and stored in hose locker
Hose labeling requirements
1 inch high letters every 10feet
dark blue
Valves labeling requirement
1/4inch high
When should halogen testing occur during potable water transfer?
Prior to transfer
Who will notify MDR prior to making potable water hose connection?
Potable waters from doubtful quality need what?
be investigated and examined thoroughly
commanding officer must be advised
minimum halogen residual must be 2.0ppm after 30 min contact time
What is the minimum halogen if from an approved source?
0.2 ppm after 30 mins
Two bacteria’s that we test for?
E Coli
Total Coliform
What are two DPD test?
DPD 1 - Tests for FAC or TBC
DPD 4 - Tests for chloramines (total chlorine) residual
What is the color comparator accuracy?
+/- 10%
What is the portable spectrophotometer accuracy?
+/- 2%
Two types of brominators
In line (proportioning) recirculation
When do you need to compare the same with the color comparator?
Within 60 seconds
How much water is used for the test tube?
How often is halogen testing completed?
How often is BACTI testing
What is the only EPA approved methods for BACTI testing?
Incubation times for BACTI
24 hours at 35C
Sources of contamination
bulkheads between potable water tanks and fuel
ballast tanks
wastewater tanks
What is the least desirable method for water disinfection?
batch method
What is the disinfection of choice?
calcium hypochlorite
clear, slightly yellow liquid
How often is emergency potable water tested?
using bromine vs chlorine
chlorine - in port
bromine - out at sea
How much water is collected for BACTI sample?
Types and strengths of chlorine used
5% Sodium Hypochlorite (liquid)
10% Sodium Hypochlorite (liquid)
65-70% Calcium Hypochlorite (dry)
Method 1
fill tank add chlorine to 10ppm FAC hold 24HOURS drain refill BACTI
Method 2
Spray 200ppm all tank surfaces flush inlet/outlet w/ 10ppm FAC hold for 30mins refill BACTI
Method 3
fill 5% tank w/ 50ppm FAC hold 6 hours add water until full, hold for 24hours drain refill BACTI
Who can approve the used of steam?
How many days of HTH supply can be held?
7 days
Maximum amount of bottles HTH in one locker?
6oz bottles
What color is the label on HTH box?
red letters with white background
Controlling taste and odor
Chlorination Method
Steam Method
Chlorination Method
chlorinate to 5.0ppm
distribute at 2.0ppm
Steam Method
boil sample water for one min
taste to see if odor/taste has improved prior to requesting NAVSEASYSCOM
How many holes are on metal box storing HTH?
3 1/4 inch holes
Calcium Hypochlorite
HTH boxes can not be stored where
machinery spaces flammable liquids storeroom berthing space paint storeroom oil and water test lab areas
All HTH lockers are labeled with
“Hazardous materials, calcium hypochlorite”
Storing bromine cartridges
slightly corrosive
shelf life = two years from date of manufacture
contents of water sanitation bill
responsibility sources connection procedures potable water hoses storage tanks disinfection procedures halogen residual testing bacteriological testing temperature, pH and salinity testing disinfection of tanks and distribution system records
How long is the potable water log kept?
2 years
Water testing log includes:
time and date of sample location of ship sampling site - tac number source - sink, scuttlebutt, etc halogen residual bacteriological testing (present/absent) action taken for discrepancies