600-41 Weapons of Mass Destruction Flashcards
All chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive (CBRNE) incidents, real or hoax, shall be treated as _____
The ____ is located on the department’s Intranet Portal.
1) significant events.
2) ERP (Emergency Response Plan)
The five categories of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) materials including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive.
Poisonous substance produced by a living organism.
Consequence Management.
Activity performed primarily by the Houston Fire Department (HFD) after a CBRNE attack that may include isolating the hazard area, caring for victims,performing decontamination, administering emergency medical treatment, and recovery.
Emergency Decontamination.
Rapid but methodical decontamination of individuals near the scene of the incident that is designed to save lives by removing the contaminating agent from the victim. This activity is performed primarily by HFD utilizing large amounts of water and is accomplished in the warm zone.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Personnel.
HFD paramedics and other medical personnel, including doctors and nurses, at the scene of large-scale disasters.
Hazardous material.
HAZMAT Personnel.
HFD personnel who deal with any solid, liquid, or gas that has the capability of producing adverse effects on the health and safety of people or other living organisms.
Hot Zone.
The area immediately surrounding the CBRNE material, extending far enough to prevent the spread of adverse effects to persons outside this designated zone. Hot zone is also referred to as the restricted zone, exclusion zone, danger zone, or kill zone.
Inner Perimeter.
The area designated as a control line surrounding the warm zone. A line between the outside edge of the warm zone and the cold zone.
Mass Decontamination.
Rapid decontamination of several persons simultaneously that is designed to quickly reduce the effects of the contaminant and limit the spread of the CBRNE agent. This activity is performed primarily by HFD utilizing large amounts of water and may occur in the hot zone before victims are allowed to go to individual decontamination stations in the warm zone.
Outer Perimeter.
The area designated as a crowd control line surrounding the incident. A line between the general public and the outside edge of the cold zone.
Disease causing agent.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Protective equipment worn by individuals and designed to provide protection from the hazard present. PPE can range from something as simple as a long-sleeved shirt to cover unprotected skin to a completely encapsulated gas-tight suit with self-contained breathing apparatus.
The purpose of the department issued first responder PPE (Blue Bag) is to allow the officer to avoid some types of contamination, minimize risk, and escape the threat; it is not for work within the threat area. The PPE in the Blue Bag does not protect officers against all threats and the suits are not rated for splash and gas vapors.
Warm Zone.
The area between the hot zone and cold zone where personnel and equipment decontamination occur. It includes control points for access to the hot zone. This area may also be referred to as the “contamination reduction zone.”
Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD)
a. Any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas: bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces (113 grams), missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce (7 grams}, mine, or device similar to the above.
b. Any weapon involving toxic or poisonous chemicals.
c. Any weapon involving a biological agent or disease organism.
d. Any weapon that is designed to release radiation at a level dangerous to human life.
Response to a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) incident is very similar to the response to a hazardous material incident as described in General Order 200-10, Emergency Management.
The following are three primary differences between a WMD incident and a hazardous material incident:
a. A WMD incident is more likely to involve_____. Therefore, the required response is commensurately larger and more complicated.
b. A WMD incident is always a crime because _____. Therefore, the scene of a WMD attack shall be processed as a crime scene.
c. A reported WMD incident may be a hoax perpetrated by someone with the intent of creating fear and chaos. Reporting a hoax WMD threat is a criminal act. Therefore, every WMD incident, real or hoax, shall be _____
1) material with greater toxicity and more severe consequences
2) the purpose is to kill or seriously injure people
3) investigated by the Homicide Division.
Safety of first responders is critically important. If the first responders become contaminated, ill, or incapacitated, then they become part of the problem and cannot effectively rescue victims or initiate other critical actions that could serve to mitigate the situation and prevent other persons from becoming victims. Officers shall utilize _____
time, distance, and shielding as protective actions.
Officers responding to a WMD incident shall adhere to the following guidelines:
a. _____ before doing anything. Officers shall not rush in and risk becoming victims.
b. Focus on the hazard and _____. Officers shall not taste, eat, intentionally smell, or touch anything at the scene of a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive (CBRNE) incident.
c. Remain vigilant for _____ and hamper the initial response.
d. Immediately _____ what is seen and heard, if there is any distinct odor noticed upon arrival at the scene, what the wind direction is, and what actions are necessary.
1) Assess the situation
2) how to avoid it
3) any additional devices designed specifically to injure first responders
4) notify the dispatcher
Chemical Attack
A chemical attack is the _____. The toxicity of chemicals varies greatly. Some are acutely toxic (i.e., cause immediate symptoms); others are not. Chemicals in liquid or vapor form generally lead to greater exposures than chemicals in solid form.
Many variables affect the concentration of a chemical including wind and the volatility of the chemical. The release of toxic chemicals in closed spaces (e.g., tunnels, airports, financial centers) could deliver doses high enough to injure or kill a large number of people. In an open area, a _____ and would have to be released in large quantities to produce mass casualties.
1) spreading of toxic chemicals with the intent to do harm
2) toxic chemical cloud (plume) would become less concentrated as it spreads
Chemical Attack
Dissemination methods used for a chemical attack include the following:
a. _____ systems of a building.
b. Misting, aerosolizing devices, or _____.
c. _____release (e.g., container of chemical left open).
d. Bombs, mines, or other explosive devices that contain chemicals other than _____.
e. Improvised chemical devices that combine readily available chemicals to _____
f. Sabotage of buildings or vehicles containing _____.
g. Introduction of toxins in the ____.
1) Ventilation
2) sprayers
3) Passive
4) those used to create the explosion
5) produce a dangerous chemical.
6) chemicals
7) food or water supply
Biological Attack
A biological attack is the intentional release of a _____ against humans, plants, or animals.
pathogen or biotoxin
Biological Attack
Dissemination methods used for a biological attack include the following:
a. _____ dispersal of an agent in the air from sprayers or other devices.
b. Intentionally contaminating _____
c. Human carriers as transmitting agents by _____
d. Contact with infected _____
e. ____ naturally spread some agents such as plague bacteria (vector-borne illnesses) and potentially could be used in an attack.
f. Physically distributed through a _____ or other means.
1) Aerosol
2) water or a food supply.
3) coughing, through body fluids, or by contaminating surfaces.
4) animals or contaminated animal products.
5) Insects
6) mail carrier service
Radiological Attack
A radiological attack is _____. This attack could deliver radiation doses high enough to cause immediate health effects or fatalities in a large number of people or may not be immediately identified.
Due to potentially lethal levels of radiation emitted from medical or industrial sources, this type of attack can be performed _____ or _____.
1) the use or spreading of radioactive material with the intent to do harm
2) covertly (i.e., no dissemination needed)
3) overtly (e.g., sprayed, scattered, explosion)
Radiological Attack
A “_____” is one type of radiological dispersal device that uses a conventional explosive to disperse radioactive material over a targeted area and is primarily used to:
a. _____ where people live and/or work, disrupting lives and livelihoods.
b. Cause _____ in those who think they are being or have been exposed.
1) dirty bomb
2) Contaminate facilities or places
3) anxiety
Nuclear Attack
A nuclear attack is the use of a device that produces a _____. A nuclear explosion is caused by an uncontrolled chain reaction that splits atomic nuclei (i.e., fission) or combines atomic nuclei (i.e., fusion) to produce an intense wave of heat, light, and air pressure.
Although a nuclear device is difficult to construct, this attack has the _____.
1) nuclear yield
2) largest impacted area
An improvised explosive device (IED) attack is the use of a “homemade” bomb and/or destructive device to _____. Because they are improvised, IEDs can come in many forms, ranging from a small pipe bomb to a sophisticated device capable of causing massive damage and loss of life. An IED can be:
a. Carried or delivered in a ____.
b. Carried, placed, or thrown by a ____.
c. Delivered in a _____.
d. A _____ device.
For proper response to explosive threats, see General Order 600-36, Bomb Threats, Explosive Devices, Explosions.
1) kill, destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract
2) vehicle
3) person
4) package by a common carrier (e.g., mail carrier)
5) secondary or entrapment
First Responding Officers
Upon arrival at the scene of an incident determined to involve a CBRNE material, the first responding officers shall do the following:
a. Notify the dispatcher of the signs and symptoms of the victims and keep the dispatcher updated. Provide the dispatcher with a _____ where HAZMAT and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel can respond.
b. Request _____ personnel.
c. Request a _____.
d. If possible and if circumstances permit, stay _____ of the contaminate in order to avoid possible contact and advise all officers and citizens to do the same.
e. Establish and keep clear _____ for numerous responding emergency vehicles.
f. Protect the scene as a _____.
g. Notify the _____ as soon as information becomes available and provide updates.
1) specific location for a victim collection area
3) supervisor
4) upwind, uphill, and upstream
5) entry and exit corridors
6) crime scene
7) Crime Analysis & Command Center (hereinafter referred to as the Command Center)
First Responding Officers
Responding officers shall work closely with HAZMAT and EMS personnel to _____. Consistent with General Order 200-10, Emergency Management, officers shall defer to Houston Fire Department (HFD) officials regarding critical information necessary to ensure their safety. Officers shall defer to the judgment of HFD supervisors with respect to the establishment of the _____. HFD shall have primary responsibility for consequence management at the scene of a _____.
1) secure and stabilize the scene and rescue victims
2) hot zone, warm zone, and cold zone
3) CBRNE incident
(The five categories of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) materials including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive)
First Supervisor on the Scene
The first responding supervisor shall complete the “Seven Critical Tasks” listed in General Order 200-10, Emergency Management, with the advice and cooperation of HFD personnel and in the context of establishing the hot zone, warm zone, and cold zone. Additionally, the first responding supervisor shall:
a. If merited, notify the _____ and request that a citywide radio channel be dedicated for the incident.
b. Notify the _____ without delay and provide an update regarding the scene and all victims.
c. Allow only specially trained and equipped first responders to operate within the inner perimeter and only if they are wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). The level of PPE required for warm zone and hot zone operations shall be determined by _____
d. As soon as the inner perimeter is established and the warm zone is defined, initiate a log that contains_____. This log shall continue throughout the incident and list the entry and exit times of all HPD personnel entering or leaving the warm zone and/or hot zone.
e. Ensure any additional resources are _____.
1) Emergency Communications Division (ECD)
2) Command Center
3) HFD based on the threat present.
4) the names and employee numbers of all HPD personnel who enter or have been inside the inner perimeter
5) staged in the cold zone
Emergency Communications Division (ECD)
ECD shall maintain standard operating procedures (SOPs) specifically for CBRNE incidents that shall include the following:
a. Dispatching a _____ to the scene.
b. Notifying HFD for a HAZMAT and EMS response, and providing a precise _____.
c. Notifying the _____.
d. Notifying the _____.
1) field supervisor and a patrol unit
2) description of signs and symptoms of the victims
3) ECD Watch Command supervisor
4) Command Center
Command Center
The Command Center shall notify the following:
a. _____ Division.
b. Tactical Operations Division’s _____ Detail. These officers are specially trained and equipped to enable them to conduct law enforcement operations in a WMD environment.
c. ____ Division.
d. ____ (CID).
e. Office of ____.
f. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). By presidential directive, the FBI is the _____. Any use of a CBRNE weapon is a federal crime.
g. City of Houston’s _____.
h. _____ as necessary.
In addition, the Command Center shall maintain readily available reference material so that Command Center personnel can answer basic questions about signs and symptoms, incubation periods, and other information relative to the most common known CBRNE threats.
1) Special Operations
2) Bomb Squad and Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
3) Homicide
4) Criminal Intelligence Division
5) Public Affairs
6) lead federal agency for incidents involving CBRNE terrorism
7) Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
8) Other resources
Special Operations Division
The Special Operations Division shall do the following:
a. Go to the scene of the CBRNE incident and obtain an _____ from on-scene personnel and the incident commander to ensure everyone is working cooperatively and efficiently in the Unified Command.
b. _____ at the field command post.
c. Determine the _____ to secure the scene, to set the inner and outer perimeters, to establish scene access control points, and to provide security and support operations as required.
d. Determine the need for a _____.
e. Coordinate with the Command Center for _____ activation, if necessary.
f. Ensure a log is being kept of all _____.
1) incident briefing
2) Assume command of law enforcement resources
3) number of officers necessary
4) dedicated interoperable radio channel for the incident
5) Special Response Group (SRG)
6) HPD personnel entering and leaving the warm zone and/or hot zone
Homicide Division
The Homicide Division shall be responsible for investigating all _____incidents, including those believed to be hoaxes. Investigators from the Homicide Division shall go to the scene and shall be responsible for completing the _____
(The five categories of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) materials including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive.)
2) original incident report and the Significant Event Report.
Criminal Intelligence Division (CID)
CID’s Houston Regional Intelligence Service Center (HRISC) (a.k.a. Fusion Center) along with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) shall complete an _____ for the _____ regarding CBRNE incidents in which a device or substance is discovered and _____. This report shall include information regarding the initial investigation; the results of any laboratory analysis performed; any local, national, or world trends; and the probability of future threats.
In all CBRNE incidents, HRISC/JTTF will support the Homicide Division and any other responsible division or law enforcement agency in the investigation of the incident.
In the case of a potential hoax when no victim symptoms are apparent, CID shall work in conjunction with Homicide investigators to evaluate the credibility of the initial information and its source.
1) intelligence report
2) Chief of Police
3) there is a criminal intent in its use
On-scene mass decontamination and/or emergency decontamination of individuals may be necessary to save lives and to limit the spread of the CBRNE agent. HFD personnel shall perform the decontamination with law enforcement support to ___.
All persons leaving the hot zone shall be considered to be contaminated. Every effort short of _____ should be made to get all contaminated persons to remain in the warm zone until they are properly decontaminated. Officers shall attempt to get voluntary compliance with the decontamination procedures.
A number of persons, particularly those who do not feel symptoms, may refuse to comply with decontamination directives and insist on leaving the scene. Based on information from EMS personnel, officers shall _____. If possible, the name and contact information of persons potentially contaminated should be recorded for future reference.
1) maintain order and issue directions.
2) arrest or use of physical force
3) advise those persons leaving the scene to seek medical evaluation as soon as possible
Police Personnel and Weapons
All police personnel leaving the hot zone shall remain in the warm zone until _____
If the _____ at the scene deems it necessary, all police personnel required to do so shall submit to emergency decontamination in accordance with HFD procedures. This includes decontamination of all firearms, which shall be done at the scene by HFD using water or other mixture deemed appropriate by HFD.
After the decontamination procedure, officers shall retain possession of _____. All other police equipment and personal property, including vehicles, shall be left at the scene if the HFD incident commander so orders.
1) evaluated by HFD and decontaminated if necessary.
2) HFD incident commander
3) their firearms
The absence of victim symptoms or other evidence to support the credibility of a CBRNE incident would suggest the possibility of a hoax incident. A hoax incident that causes a largescale response can be just as effective for a terrorist from the standpoint of _____. A hoax incident may also result in the disruption of social institutions and have an adverse impact on local businesses and government resources. In addition, terrorists may use a hoax incident to _____.
1) inconvenience to potential victims, bystanders, and the public in general
2) test the timeliness or effectiveness of a local response
Officers answering a call for service or investigating an incident that involves a CBRNE threat with no information or evidence to support the credibility of the threat shall:
a. Not _____ anything that is supposed to be contaminated with a CBRNE agent.
b. _____the area.
c. Request a _____
d. Ask the dispatcher to contact_____
e. Contact the _____ to report the potential CBRNE incident.
The Command Center shall notify the _____.
If such actions are deemed appropriate by the HFD HAZMAT team supervisor, an HFD HAZMAT team shall evaluate the situation, recover CBRNE material, and conduct decontamination procedures.
1) touch or move
2) Isolate
3) supervisor.
4) HFD for a HAZMAT response.
5) Command Center
6) Homicide Division and CID
In any case, the incident report shall list all potential victims so that _____. Each potential victim shall be given instructions about personal precautionary measures that should be taken after leaving the scene. This information will be available from _____.
In the event of a telephone threat with nothing else to support it, the threat should be handled similar to a bomb threat as described in General Order 600-36, Bomb Threats, Explosive Devices, Explosions. The person with care, custody, and control of the location involved should _____.
1) health officials can contact them at a later date if further precautionary measures are needed
2) EMS or HAZMAT personnel.
3) make any decision regarding evacuation