600-11 Foot Pursuits Flashcards
Foot pursuits are inherently dangerous police actions. _____ shall be the primary consideration in determining whether a foot pursuit should be initiated or continued.
Officers shall consider the balance between protecting the safety of the public during police foot pursuits and the duty to enforce the law and immediately apprehend suspects.
Officer and public safety
Officers may initiate a foot pursuit of a person only when _____
A person ______ should not serve as the sole justification for a detention, arrest, or foot pursuit. Such actions on their own do not constitute the offense of evading arrest or detention.
Officers shall be able to articulate one or more additional factors, other than the mere flight of the person, to establish the reasonable suspicion or probable cause to detain or arrest the person.
1) they have established the necessary reasonable suspicion or probable cause to detain or arrest the person.
2) leaving a location due to the presence of police officers
To the extent possible, coordination of the foot pursuit should be assumed by the initiating officer unless circumstances dictate otherwise or until relieved by a supervisor. The officer initiating a foot pursuit shall, as soon as practicable, provide the following information to the police dispatcher:
a. ____number
b. Officer location and_____
c. _____ of suspects
d. Whether or not the suspect is ____
e. Why the suspect is _____
a. Unit number
b. Officer location and direction of pursuit
c. Number and description of suspects
d. Whether or not the suspect is armed
e. Why the suspect is being pursued
In deciding whether or not to initiate or continue a pursuit an officer should consider the following alternatives to foot pursuit:
f. _____of the geographic area
g. Saturation of the area with _____
h. ____availability for search
i. ____support
j. _____ if the officer knows the identity of the subject or has other information that would likely allow for later apprehension.
f. Containment of the geographic area
g. Saturation of the area with patrol personnel
h. Canine availability for search
i. Air support
j. Apprehension at another time and place if the officer knows the identity of the subject or has other information that would likely allow for later apprehension.
Risk factors officers should consider when deciding to initiate or continue a foot pursuit include, but are not limited to:
k. Whether the officer is _____
I. _____availability
m. Officer ____ level
n. Environmental conditions such as_____
o. Whether the suspect is ____
p. If _____ are involved
q. Officer’s familiarity with ____
r. Area _____
k. Whether the officer is acting alone or without immediate back-up
I. Communications availability
m. Officer fitness level
n. Environmental conditions such as weather and lighting
o. Whether the suspect is armed
p. If multiple suspects are involved
q. Officer’s familiarity with the area
r. Area hostility
Generally, the primary (initiating) officer should not try to overtake a fleeing suspect but shall keep him in sight until sufficient back-up is available to apprehend the suspect. Officers in a foot pursuit should:
a. _____ if the officers lose sight of the suspect.
b. Avoid _____as the suspect.
c. Utilize the “_____” technique when rounding corners or at the end of a fence.
d. Use a “_____” to obtain a glimpse of what is on the other side of an obstacle or barrier.
e. Be aware of _____
. Stop, Look, and Listen if the officers lose sight of the suspect.
b. Avoid going over the same obstacles or barriers as the suspect.
c. Utilize the “slicing the pie” technique when rounding corners or at the end of a fence.
d. Use a “quick peek” to obtain a glimpse of what is on the other side of an obstacle or barrier.
e. Be aware of hazards (dogs, swimming pools, clotheslines, etc.).
Officers should move to _____ mode if the suspect is no longer in sight. The primary officer, if possible, should immediately coordinate, directly or indirectly, through the dispatcher and with secondary officers to establish a _____ to contain the suspect. Pursuing officers are reminded that voice transmissions while running and in other field tactical situations may be difficult to understand and may require repetition.
Assisting officers should immediately attempt to contain the pursued suspect. Unless the primary officer needs immediate assistance, secondary or back-up officers should consider that a better strategy may be to utilize a _____ rather than respond to the primary officer’s location.
1) active suspect search
2) perimeter in the geographic area
3) perimeter search
Under most circumstances officers shall have their firearms holstered when involved in a running foot pursuit. Although circumstances may dictate that officers may need to pursue a suspect fleeing on foot with an un-holstered weapon, special caution shall be given to running with a firearm in hand. When handling a firearm, officers shall always follow _____ procedures by keeping the trigger finger outside of the trigger guard until the officer has made the conscious decision to fire the weapon. Officers shall _____, if possible under the circumstances, before physically restraining a person.
1) indexing
2) re-holster the weapon
When pursuing a suspect believed to have a firearm, rather than continuing with a foot pursuit, it may be a better course of action to move to a containment strategy or an active suspect search mode. Officers moving to a containment strategy or an active suspect search mode should consider available tactical options, such as _____. The decision to pursue an armed suspect for apprehension may be accomplished when the suspect is _____ and an arrest can be accomplished with limited risk to officers and innocent persons.
1) cover and concealment
2) at a tactical disadvantage
Officers should consider alternatives to engaging in or continuing a foot pursuit when two or more officers become separated or lose visual contact with one another or when _____
In such circumstances, it is generally recommended that a single officer keep the subject in sight from a safe distance and _____
1) obstacles separate them to the degree that they cannot immediately assist each other should a confrontation take place.
2) coordinate the containment effort.
An officer shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit if the officer believes the danger to pursuing officers or the public outweighs the necessity for immediate apprehension. Unless there are exigent circumstances, such as an immediate threat to the safety of pursuing officers or other persons, officers shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit under any of the following conditions:
If the suspect achieves _____ by entering a building, structure, confined space, or wooded or otherwise isolated area.
The primary officer shall notify the dispatcher, communicate the officer’s location and the location of the suspect, and await the arrival of back-up officers to establish a_____. The use of a police canine shall be considered. See also General Order 600-05, Special Threat Situations.
1) tactical superiority
2) containment perimeter
An officer shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit if the officer believes the danger to pursuing officers or the public outweighs the necessity for immediate apprehension. Unless there are exigent circumstances, such as an immediate threat to the safety of pursuing officers or other persons, officers shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit under any of the following conditions:
Officers lose possession of their firearm, radio, or _____
other essential equipment.
An officer shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit if the officer believes the danger to pursuing officers or the public outweighs the necessity for immediate apprehension. Unless there are exigent circumstances, such as an immediate threat to the safety of pursuing officers or other persons, officers shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit under any of the following conditions:
c. If the suspect’s identity is established or other information exists that allows for the suspect’s probable apprehension at a later time and _____. Officers should balance the possibility of losing evidence of a crime (e.g., narcotics, weapon used in a crime) with the safety of later apprehension.
there is no immediate threat to the public or police officers
An officer shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit if the officer believes the danger to pursuing officers or the public outweighs the necessity for immediate apprehension. Unless there are exigent circumstances, such as an immediate threat to the safety of pursuing officers or other persons, officers shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit under any of the following conditions:
d. If the primary officer loses communication with the dispatcher or _____
communication with backup officers is interrupted.
An officer shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit if the officer believes the danger to pursuing officers or the public outweighs the necessity for immediate apprehension. Unless there are exigent circumstances, such as an immediate threat to the safety of pursuing officers or other persons, officers shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit under any of the following conditions:
e. If an officer or another person is injured during the pursuit and requires immediate assistance and _____
there are no other police or medical personnel able to render assistance.
An officer shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit if the officer believes the danger to pursuing officers or the public outweighs the necessity for immediate apprehension. Unless there are exigent circumstances, such as an immediate threat to the safety of pursuing officers or other persons, officers shall not engage in or continue a foot pursuit under any of the following conditions:
f. If instructed to _____
terminate by a supervisor.
The designated supervisor shall terminate a foot pursuit at any time the supervisor concludes that _____ outweighs the necessity for immediate apprehension of the suspect.
the danger to pursuing officers or the public
The supervisor shall take command and control of and coordinate the foot pursuit, if possible.
Given the primary officer’s need for communication, the use of radio air time may not be appropriate during a foot pursuit. As in any tactical incident, the supervisor does not have to be physically present to assert control over the situation. Once the foot pursuit has concluded, the designated supervisor shall _____
monitor the incident to determine if a supervisory response is needed.
The following procedures shall be completed by the police dispatcher upon being notified by a police officer that the officer is involved in a foot pursuit.
a. Receive, record, and immediately report to other officers the suspect information coming in from the officer involved in the pursuit and ensure _____
b. Request the assistance of _____
c. Notify a _____ of the foot pursuit.
a. Receive, record, and immediately report to other officers the suspect information coming in from the officer involved in the pursuit and ensure back-up officers are immediately assigned.
b. Request the assistance of a canine unit and air support.
c. Notify a patrol supervisor of the foot pursuit.
A foot pursuit in and of itself does not constitute a use of force. When a foot pursuit does not result in a Response to Resistance (R2R), officers shall complete the Foot Pursuit/No R2R Form via the Response to Resistance Entry System on the department’s Intranet Portal. Supervisors shall complete an After-Action Report, but are not required to _____
supplement the incident report.
If the foot pursuit involves a reportable R2R, officers shall complete the Standard Response to Resistance (R2R) form, which also contains the required foot pursuit documentation. Supervisors shall have the same responsibilities as those required for _____. Detailed R2R documentation requirements and procedures are outlined in General Order 600-20, Response to Resistance Reporting.
reportable R2R