600-37 Hate Crimes Flashcards
Hate crimes shall be given the department’s _____. Employees shall refer hate crime victims to the appropriate community resources whenever possible.
highest investigative priority
Hate Crime.
A criminal offense motivated by bias and committed against a person or property.
A preformed negative opinion, prejudice, or attitude toward a person or group of persons based on race, color, disability, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, gender, or sexual preference.
When officers responding to the scene collect sufficient objective facts to indicate the _____, the incident report title shall include the words “Hate Crime” (e.g., Aggravated Assault - Hate Crime).
offender may have been motivated by bias
Objective evidence to be considered when titling an incident as a hate crime includes:
a. Was the incident known to have been_____?
b. Does the victim perceive the action of the offender to have been _____?
c. Were any _____ that indicate bias?
d. Did the incident occur on or during an _____ that is significant to the victim’s or the offender’s group or interest (e.g., a religious holiday)?
e. Were there any offensive _____ that are known to represent a hate group, or other evidence of bias against the victim’s group?
f. Are the _____ significant in relation to the offense?
g. Were the victims engaged in _____?
a. Was the incident known to have been motivated by bias?
b. Does the victim perceive the action of the offender to have been motivated by bias?
c. Were any remarks made that indicate bias?
d. Did the incident occur on or during an event or date that is significant to the victim’s or the offender’s group or interest (e.g., a religious holiday)?
e. Were there any offensive symbols, words, or acts that are known to represent a hate group, or other evidence of bias against the victim’s group?
f. Are the demographics of the area significant in relation to the offense?
g. Were the victims engaged in activities promoting their group?
The mere utterance of a bias epithet by an offender does not provide sufficient evidence to title the incident as a hate crime. Utterances combined with other factors indicating bias could provide a basis to classify the incident as a hate crime. When in doubt, officers shall consult the _____for assistance in determining if the incident is a hate crime. If CID personnel are not readily available, officers shall _____.
1) Criminal Intelligence Division (CID)
2) proceed with titling the report as a hate crime
All hate crimes are to be reported as _____ in accordance with the provisions of General Order 200-10, Notification and Emergency Management. The Crime Analysis & Command Center (hereafter referred to as Command Center) shall ensure _____ is immediately notified of significant bias incidents for federal reporting purposes.
1) significant events
2) CID’s Hate Crime Coordinator or designee
Any suspicious incident with potential terrorism connections relating to any hate crime, harassment, threat, vandalism, or graffiti directed at persons or ethnic groups as a result of issues related to terrorism shall be documented in an “_____” incident report or forwarded to CID as an additional concerned division.
1) Investigation CID
Officers shall notify a supervisor immediately when it has been determined that a hate crime has occurred. Supervisors shall ensure that the provisions of General Order 200-10, Notification and Emergency Management are followed including, but not limited to, notification of the _____ and the preparation and submission of a _____.
1) Command Center
2) Significant Event Report
The officer responding to the scene is responsible for:
a. Ensuring that the scene is processed and _____ is collected and properly tagged or submitted. This includes taking photographs of any graffiti and collecting any relevant flyers and literature at the scene that indicates a crime motivated by bias.
b. Collecting any and all _____ at the scene that address whether the offense was motivated by bias (see the above Incident Reporting section of this General Order).
c. Preparing the _____
d. Sending a copy of the incident report to ___.
e. Providing victims with the appropriate _____
This may also include providing victims or complainants with a Houston Police Department Hate Crime Resource List (Hate Crime Tip Card) supplied through CID.
1) available evidence
2) available objective facts
3) initial incident report.
4) CID
5) social services referrals
The various investigative divisions are responsible for follow-up investigations of hate crimes based upon the _____ (e.g., Homicide Division shall investigate hate crimes involving assault while Burglary and Theft Division shall investigate hate crimes involving vandalism).
The investigating division shall keep the _____ informed of all available information affecting the investigation. Investigators shall address as part of the follow-up investigation whether the suspect’s actions were motivated in whole or in part by any form of bias as defined in this General Order.
1) underlying criminal offense
2) Hate Crime Coordinator
The Hate Crime Coordinator shall hold the rank of _____ and shall be assigned to ___. The Hate Crime Coordinator shall
have final staff authority over the department’s efforts against hate crimes. This staff authority includes oversight and direction of policy adherence and administrative procedures (e.g., standardization of forms, computer programs, statistical reporting, hate crime reporting, and compliance with the department’s Public Affairs’ policies).
1) lieutenant
2) CID
Specific responsibilities of the Hate Crime Coordinator include:
a. Developing, maintaining, and coordinating the department’s _____.
b. Developing, maintaining, and coordinating the department’s _____.
c. Ensuring the accuracy and integrity of all files and_____.
d. Serving as the _____ for all local, state, and federal task force type work units targeting hate crimes.
e. Coordinating and approving all hate crime related training both within the department and with outside training
schools for all officers who are _____.
1) Hate Crime Database
2) Hate Crime Hotline
3) hate crime related documentation
4) coordinator
5) specifically assigned hate crime investigative duties
Specific responsibilities of the Hate Crime Coordinator include:
f. Reviewing and approving all requests by _____ wishing to instruct at the Houston Police Academy or outside training
schools, public forums, task forces, conferences, workshops, or seminars involving hate crimes.
g. Coordinating the development of antihate crime education and community awareness programs with the department’s ___
h. Providing the _____ with timely reports and special briefings relative to significant hate crime events, hate crimes citywide, and the status of the hate crime problem.
1) officers
2) Community Services Unit and Community Outreach Unit.
3) Chief of Police and the Command Staff
CID shall ensure all activities necessary to assist in clearing a hate crime case are carried out with the _____. CID is also responsible for coordinating both information and investigative activities with outside agencies, as necessary.
CID shall provide and monitor a _____ to allow citizens to report suspected hate crime incidents. The telephone hotline shall also serve as a contact/referral point for individuals requesting hate crime information. Informational brochures regarding the Hate Crime Hotline and reporting hate crimes are made available by CID.
1) highest possible priority
2) 24-hour Hate Crime Hotline
CID shall serve as the second-level judgment unit as defined by applicable federal guidelines concerning hate crimes. As such, this division shall have specially trained staff that shall make a final decision as to the _____. The _____ shall make the final determination whether an incident is to be classified as a hate crime and reportable under the 1990 Federal Hate Crime Statistics Act, 28 United States Code § 534.
1) existence or nonexistence of bias motivation in an incident
2) Hate Crime Coordinator
As the second-level judgment unit, a representative from CID shall respond to the scenes of significant bias incidents, as determined by the _____. When doing so, a determination should be made whether additional resources should be called to the scene (e.g., police tactical units, community liaisons, mental or physical health professionals, or clergy).
On a ____ basis, CID shall provide the Command Center with a hate crime call-out roster for those CID personnel responsible for responding to significant bias incidents.
1) Hate Crime Coordinator
2) periodic
Unless disclosure is required by law, only the _____ or the _____ may approve the dissemination of hate crime intelligence or hate crime information to other law enforcement agencies, other persons outside the department, or employees of the department.
1) captain of CID
2) Hate Crime Coordinator