600-08 Missing, Kidnapped, and Found Persons Flashcards
All appropriate missing person and interference with child custody incident reports shall be immediately generated by the primary patrol officer. There is no _____waiting period to report a missing person of any age. The Missing Persons Desk of the Juvenile Intake Unit is operational _____ . The Missing Persons Desk is the point of contact for investigations involving missing adults and juveniles, including cases of interference with child custody. Employees shall contact a Missing Persons Desk supervisor in all cases in which there is a question regarding the _____.
1) 24 hour
2) 24 hours a day
3) generation of an incident report
Officers shall immediately respond to all incidents involving a missing adult or juvenile.
The _____ Division shall investigate cases of missing persons, including in-progress kidnapping and abduction incidents.
The _____ Division shall investigate delayed reports of kidnapping and abductions where the person is no longer missing.
1) Homicide
2) Major Assaults & Family Violence
After arriving and gathering all pertinent facts at a scene involving a missing person, including an attempted child abduction, officers shall immediately contact the ___ and provide them with all the necessary information for a _____entry on the missing juvenile or adult.
The MPD shall enter the information into TCIC/NCIC within the amount of time required by General Order 800-11, TCIC/NCIC.
1) MPD [Missing Persons Desk]
The primary officer shall provide as much of the following information as possible to the MPD:
a. Complete _____information (e.g., name, date of birth, and identification, driver license, and social security numbers).
b. Complete _____of the person (e.g., gender, race, height, weight, clothing, age, hair color, eye color, marks, scars, or tattoos).
c. _____description (if applicable).
d. Possible _____.
e. Last known _____.
f. Any other _____
a. Complete identification information (e.g., name, date of birth, and identification, driver license, and social security numbers).
b. Complete description of the person (e.g., gender, race, height, weight, clothing, age, hair color, eye color, marks, scars, or tattoos).
c. Vehicle description (if applicable).
d. Possible destination.
e. Last known location.
f. Any other pertinent information.
[Missing Persons Desk (MPD)]
Personnel in the MPD shall immediately enter all available information into _____ and complete a supplement to the original incident report with their actions and any additional information.
When a photograph is available, the MPD shall assist patrol officers by developing and electronically distributing the _____of the missing individual. The primary officer shall document the flyer’s creation in the incident report.
Additionally, employees shall follow general broadcast procedures in accordance with General Order 600-03, General Broadcasts, as long as_____
2) Critical Reach Flyer
3) the victim is not further endangered by doing so.
_____ requires law enforcement agencies to report to NCIC each case of a missing person under 21 years of age. This requires an incident report to be generated.
Federal Law (Suzanne’s Law)
Special Circumstances
Special circumstances for missing persons include all life endangerment situations such as abductions, missing persons under suspicious circumstances, missing elderly persons, or missing persons with life-endangering mental illness. Patrol officers shall notify a supervisor of all such situations and _____
consult with the appropriate Homicide or MPD supervisor.
Special Circumstances
Officers shall immediately call the Homicide Division when the incident involves a _____, including incidents of family violence, and a _____.
1) possible kidnapping where the victim is still missing
2) missing person incident that may involve foul play
Special Circumstances
Additionally, for missing person incidents with special circumstances, the patrol officer dispatched to the scene shall:
a. Gather essential information and broadcast this information along with a ______
b. Search the area where the missing person was last known to be or is _____.
c. Utilize department resources (e.g., _____).
d. Coordinate with ______ on all activities performed in connection with the search.
The notified MPD supervisor shall coordinate field investigations and searches of missing person incidents involving special circumstances with the appropriate Homicide Division personnel.
1) description of the missing person.
2) reasonably believed to be
3) helicopters, tracking dogs
4) MPD and Homicide Division supervisors
Interference With Child Custody
Under federal law, juveniles who are the subjects of_____ cases are considered missing. Therefore, the primary officer shall generate an incident report for interference with child custody and contact the MPD to provide information required for a TCIC/NCIC entry if needed. Due to the complexity of these cases, the ____shall determine whether a TCIC/NCIC entry will be made.
1) interference with child custody
2) MPD
If the missing person has not been located within a reasonable length of lime, investigators from Homicide Division may make the scene. If Homicide Division was not notified by the primary officer, the MPD shall notify Homicide Division. In such circumstances, Homicide Division personnel shall:
a. Obtain copies of all ____.
b. _____the patrol officer(s) at the scene.
c. Continue and monitor the ____.
d. Obtain photographs and prepare _____ if not yet completed.
e. Contact HPD’s ______ to disseminate media information if necessary.
f. Verify all _____and update all necessary files.
a. Obtain copies of all reports.
b. Debrief the patrol officer(s) at the scene.
c. Continue and monitor the search.
d. Obtain photographs and prepare Critical Reach Fliers if not yet completed.
e. Contact HPD’s Office of Community Affairs to disseminate media information if necessary.
f. Verify all information and update all necessary files.
AMBER (American’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) Alert
The AMBER Alert System is an emergency broadcast system that alerts the public of serious child abductions. All of the following criteria must be met before activating the Houston Regional AMBER Plan or the statewide Amber Alert System:
a. The missing person is a____
b. Law enforcement believes the missing person has been _____.
c. Law enforcement believes the missing juvenile is _____
d. Law enforcement has conducted an investigation that verified the abduction or_____
e. Sufficient information is available to disseminate to the public that could assist in _____
Officers with situations meeting the criteria outlined in this subsection shall contact _____ for further instructions and procedures.
a. juvenile
b. abducted.
c. in danger of serious bodily harm or death.
d. ruled out alternative explanations.
e. locating the missing juvenile, suspect, or suspect’s vehicle.
1) Homicide Division
Activation of the statewide Amber Alert System also applies to:
f. A missing juvenile 17 years of age or younger who law enforcement believes is in immediate danger of _____
g. A juvenile younger than ____ years of age, regardless of whether the juvenile departed willingly with the other person, who has been taken from the care and custody of the juvenile’s parent or legal guardian without the permission of the parent or legal guardian by another person who is…
Officers with situations meeting the criteria outlined in this subsection shall contact _____ for further instructions and procedures.
1) becoming a victim of sexual assault.
2) 14
3) more than 3 years older than the juvenile and not related to the juvenile by any degree of consanguinity or affinity.
4) Homicide Division
Silver Alert
The Silver Alert System alerts the public to missing senior citizens with a _____. The state network has the ability to disseminate Silver Alerts to any ______, based upon investigative recommendations. Not all activations are considered “statewide.”
1) documented mental impairment
2) geographical area in Texas
Endangered Missing Persons Alert
The Endangered Missing Persons Alert is designed to notify the public of missing persons with an _____
intellectual disability or certain developmental disorders.
Silver Alert
All of the following criteria must be met before activating the Silver Alert System:
a. The missing person must be ____years of age or older.
b. The senior citizen’s domicile must be _____
c. The senior citizen must be diagnosed with an impaired mental condition and the senior citizen’s disappearance has to _____. Officers shall require the family or legal guardian of the missing senior citizen to provide documentation from a medical or mental health professional of the senior citizen’s condition.
d. Confirmation that an investigation has taken place verifying that the senior citizen’s disappearance is due to his or her_____ and alternative reasons for the senior citizen’s disappearance have been ruled out.
e. Silver Alert request must be made within ___hours of the senior citizen’s disappearance.
f. There must be _____ to disseminate to the public that could assist in locating the senior citizen. Highway signs will be activated only if accurate vehicle information is available and it is confirmed that the senior citizen was driving the vehicle at the time of the disappearance.
Officers with situations meeting these criteria shall contact the ___ for further instructions and procedures.
1) 65
2) in the state of Texas.
3) pose a credible threat to his or her health and safety
4) impaired mental condition
5) 72
6) sufficient information available
7) MPD
Endangered Missing Persons Alert
All of the following criteria must be met before activating the Endangered Missing Persons Alert.
a. The missing person has been diagnosed with an _____, including Asperger’s Disorder, Autistic Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Rett’s Disorder, or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder not otherwise specified. If the missing person has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability, law enforcement shall require a written diagnosis from a physician or psychologist licensed within Texas, or certified by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services and/or Texas Department of State Health Services.
b. Law enforcement has confirmed that an investigation has taken place verifying that a reasonable explanation for the missing person’s disappearance has been ruled out and that the disappearance _____
c. The Endangered Missing Persons Alert request is made within ___ hours following the missing person’s disappearance.
d. There is sufficient information available to disseminate to the public that could _____. Highway signs will be activated only if accurate vehicle information is available and it is confirmed that the missing person was in the vehicle at the time of the disappearance.
Officers with situations meeting these criteria shall contact the ___ for further instructions and procedures.
1) intellectual disability and/or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder
2) poses a credible threat to the health and safety of the missing person.
3) 72
4) assist in locating the missing person
5) MPD [Missing Persons Desk]
CLEAR (Coordinated Law Enforcement Adult Rescue) Alert
The CLEAR Alert is designed to notify the public of missing, kidnapped, or abducted adults. All of the following criteria must be met before activating the CLEAR Alert:
a. The person must be between _____ years of age whose whereabouts are unknown.
b. A preliminary investigation must verify that the adult is _______.
c. The CLEAR Alert must be requested within ___ hours of the individual’s disappearance.
d. There must be _____ to disseminate to the public to help locate the individual, a suspect, or the vehicle used in the incident.
Officers with situations meeting the criteria outlined in this subsection shall contact _____ for further instructions and procedures.
1) 18 and 64
2) in imminent danger of bodily injury or death or the disappearance is involuntary, such as an abduction or kidnapping
3) 72
4) sufficient information available
5) Homicide Division
___ officers shall provide guidance to officers to ensure all information is obtained and all reasonable efforts are made to locate the missing person.
Federal law (Suzanne’s Law) requires law enforcement agencies to report each case of a _____. This requires an incident report to be generated.
The primary officer shall complete an incident report within ___ hours of arrival on the scene and include the name of the MPD employee who was notified and the time the information was provided to the MPD in the narrative. The missing person’s information shall be listed as “MSP” for missing person in the report, not “W” for wanted.
1) MPD [Missing Persons Desk]
2) missing person under 21 years of age to NCIC
3) 2
For the purposes of this General Order, a person 18 years of age or older.
For the purposes of this General Order, a person under 18 years of age.
Missing Persons Desk (MPD).
A point of contact within Juvenile Intake Unit for investigations involving missing adults and juveniles that enters the required information regarding missing persons into TCIC/NCIC.
Missing Persons Unit.
A unit assigned to the Homicide Division that investigates cases involving missing persons.
Camo Alert
The Camo Alert is designed to notify the public of a missing _____ who suffers from a _____, including post-traumatic stress disorder or a traumatic brain injury.
1) current or former member of the United States armed forces
2) mental illness
Camo Alert
All of the following criteria must be met before activating the Camo Alert:
a. Verification from the _____ that the missing military member is registered for the Camo Alert Program.
b. Confirmation that the individual reported missing is a _____, including the National Guard or a reserve or auxiliary unit of any branch of the armed forces, and that the individual’s location is unknown.
c. Confirmation that the missing person _____, including post-traumatic stress disorder or a traumatic brain injury, requiring documentation from a physician or psychologist indicating the mental illness, date of diagnosis, patient’s name, and physician or psychologist’s signature.
d. Confirmation that the disappearance poses a credible threat to the military member’s _____
Officers with situations meeting the criteria outlined in this subsection shall contact _____ for further instructions and procedures.
1) Texas Department of Public Safety
2) current or former member of the United States armed forces
3) suffers from a mental illness
4) health and safety or the health and safety of another.
5) Homicide Division
Employees may view all active _____ on the Intranet Portal, located in the Missing Persons Unit tab, for a listing of missing persons citywide.
Critical Reach Fliers
If an officer encounters an adult who is confused or exhibits intellectual disability, the officer shall:
a. Contact the MPD to determine if _____
b. Coordinate with MPD in an effort to _____
1) the found person has been reported missing.
2) contact a responsible person (e.g. , relative or caregiver) to whom the found person may be released.
If an officer encounters a juvenile who exhibits behavior that leads the officer to reasonably believe that the juvenile may be missing, the officer shall:
a. Contact the MPD to determine if the found juvenile has been _____.
b. Coordinate with personnel from the MPD in an effort to_____
1) reported missing
2) locate and contact a parent or legal guardian to whom the found juvenile may be released.
If a parent or legal guardian of a found juvenile cannot be located, then _____. Juveniles shall be transported in accordance with state laws and with General Order 500-06, Juvenile and Young Adult Encounters.
the MPD shall advise the patrol officer where to transport the person
Disposition of Found Persons
When an officer has probable cause to believe that a found person is suffering from a mental health crisis, the officer shall transport the person to _____ in accordance with General Order 500-12, Response to Mental Health Incidents.
Officers shall generate an incident report and advise the MPD of the disposition of all found persons.
a hospital or the Neuropsychiatric Center (NPC)
NAMUS (National Missing and Unidentified Persons System) ENTRIES
The NamUs is a national database for _____ cases across the United States. The Missing Persons Unit shall enter all available identifying information into NamUs in cases received after September 1, 2021 , that involve missing persons no later than the____ day after the date the case was received.
1) missing, unidentified, and unclaimed persons
2) 60th