6 Responding to Change- Nervous Communication Flashcards
How can organisms increase their chance at survival?
By detecting a change & responding accordingly
Where can organisms detect change in?
-External environments (eg temp of surroundings)
-Internal environments (eg blood glucose conc)
What are the 3 steps in coordinating a response?
-Stimulus; change in environment
-Receptors; detect change in environment
-Effectors; initiate response
How do plants respond to change,why?
-Plants aren’t mobile organisms so can’t move to avoid harmful environments
-They regulate growth in response to direction stimuli, which are called tropisms
What is phototropism?
Growth in response too direction of light:
-Shoots positively phototropic= grow towards light
-Roots negatively phototropic= grow away from light
What is gravitropism?
Growth in response to direction of gravity:
Shoots negatively gravitropic= grow upwards, away from gravitational pull
Roots positively gravitropic= grow downwards, towards gravitational pull
What is Indoleacetic acid (IAA)?
Type of auxin controlling tropic response in plants
How can IAA be transported and what does this result in for its distribution?
-Can be transported over short distances (diffusion/active trans) & longer distances (in phloem) around plant
-This causes an uneven distribution of IAA, and a directional growth occurs
What is the process of a shoot bending towards light?
-Shoots= positively phototropic
-If shoot—> exposed to uneven light source, IAA is transported to more shaded part
-Higher conc of IAA in shaded part—> causes cells in shaded area to elongate
-Cell elongation= shoot bends towards light
What is the process of a shoot bending away from the gravitational pull?
-Shoots= negatively gravitropic
-If shoot—> exposed to uneven gravitational pull, IAA transported to underside (closer to gravity pull)
-High conc of IAA—> cells in underside elongates
-So, shoot bends away from gravitational pull
What is the process of roots bending towards the gravitational pull?
-Roots= positively gravitropic
-If root—> exposed to uneven gravitational pull, IAA= transported to underside (closer to gravity pull)
-Higher conc of IAA in underside—> inhibits cell elongation on lower side
-Root bends towards gravitational pull
What are tactic responses (taxes)? + give example
-Stimulus= positively/negatively directional, like light
Eg- woodlice move away from light source
-Dark environments like under stones= favourable for woodlice for protection from predators
-Ability to detect direction of light + move away helps woodlice locate more favourable habitat
What are kinetic responses (kinases)? + give example
Stimulus= non-directional, like humidity
Eg woodlice move more slowly, turn less in high humidity but opposite in low humidity
-Damp environments= favourable for woodlice, reduce water loss
-Woodlice detect drier environment—> move more, increases chance they’ll find more favourable enviro
-Woodlice detect damper environment—> move less, ensures they stay in more favourable enviro
What are reflex responses and what to they do?
-Automatic, quick, unconscious responses to a stimulus
-Often help organism respond quickly to harmful stimulus like heat
What is a reflex arc and which 3 neurones does it involve?
-Pathway of neurones involved in a reflex response
-3 neurones; sensory, relay and motor
What are the steps involved in a reflex arc?
-Detection; Thermoreceptors in skin detect heat stimulus
-Sensory neurone carries impulse from thermoreceptors to relay neurone in spinal cord
-Relay neurone carries impulse to motor neurone
-Motor neurone carries impulse to effectors (like muscles in arm)
-Response; arm moves away from hot object