Strand of radical democracy that challenges the neo-liberal and neo-conservative notions of democracy
Strand of radical democracy that holds that there is a need to extend the liberal definition of democracy to include not only freedom and equality, but difference
Argues that liberal and deliberative democracy, in seeking a consensus, oppress and marginalize difference in terms of opinions, races, classes, genders and worldviews
Holds that there are oppressive power structures and relations in society, and these should be made visible, re-negotiated and changed through a kind of democracy that focuses on difference and dissent
Associated with left-communist and post-Marxist ideas of Italian radicalism
Focuses on the community:
- Seen as the pure constituted power instead of the deliberative rational individuals or the agonistic groups
- The community resembles a “plural multitude” (of people) instead of the working class in traditional Marxist theory
- This plural multitude is the pure constituted power and reclaims this power by searching and creating mutual understandings within the community
Challenges the traditional thinking about equality and freedom in liberal democracies by stating that individual equality can be found in the singularities within the multitude
Argues that democracy is focused on contestation and not rational consensus; the discourse is not based on violence but engages different aspects of political conflict
William E. Connolly
Society does not emerge from consensus, compromising and looking for the best option, but from struggle and political contestation
Roberto Mangabeira Unger
Proposed an empowered democracy, which would involve radical changes at politics in the center that would involve more social institutions in which everyone can interact, discuss and effectively empower themselves to drastically change economic, political and social circumstances
Roberto Mangabeira Unger
Argues that agonistic radical democracy aligns with the ideal of participatory democracy; challenged the possibility of consensus
Sheldon S. Wolin
This concept of democracy holds that political experience and the ordinary people are the primary political actors
Fugitive democracy by Wolin
He argues that democracy is a political experience and the ordinary people are the primary political actors (fugitive democracy)
Sheldon S. Wolin