To check the power of the oligarchs, a partial form of participatory democracy was initiated by Solon, where some decisions were made by a popular assembly composed of all free male citizens
Athenian democracy
Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued that democracy is incompatible with representative institutions
Social contract theory
He argued that democracy is incompatible with representative institutions; social contract theory
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Argued that there are two are important basic freedoms (association and speech)
John Stuart Mill
What are the two important basic freedoms according to Mill
Association and speech
He was one of the first who advocated for a woman’s right to vote
John Stuart Mill
Participation in a democracy requires critical and inquisitive habits of mind, an inclination toward cooperation with others, and a feeling of public spiritedness and a desire to achieve the common good; this would require education
John Dewey
He argued that liberal democracy with its focus on freedom alienated individuals from each other (individual democracy)
Benjamin Barber
“Strong democracy should be a form of government in which all people participate in decision-making and implementation. While recognizing that the complexity of modern society imposes limits on direct democracy, participation by all is imperative because it creates shared interests, a common will, and community action, all of which inevitably give legitimacy to politics.”
Joel Wolfe
“Use of reason to secure the framework for attaining a just society”
John Rawls
“Reason tempers or even negates self-interest”
John Rawls
Argues that although different multicultural groups in society have contrasting norms and values, there are always overlapping agreements on certain important social, economical, and political topics.
John Rawls
Fair procedures and clear communication enable legitimacy of decisions, and the attainment of consensus
Jurgen Habermas