Outcome of diverse competing interests
Democratic equilibrium
Open competition for electoral support, politics mimicking the market place, necessary in ensuring fair competition and equality (but also required fairness and equality)
The ability to compel someone to do something against their will or interest; first face of power by Robert Dahl
Actual power
The ability to transform resources into actual power
Potential power
The objective is to study power and politics empirically by looking at concrete outcomes (what issues, who are involved, how conflict is resolved, who wins and who loses?
Who has the power
Reputational approach
How decisions are made and who is able to influence the outcome
Decisional approach
Theory that holds that elites are able to mobilize biases to influence the outcomes
Theory of non-decision making by Bachrach and Baratz
[THEORIST] Elites are able to influence consciousness of people
Stephen Lukes
State is an autonomous entity with its own interests
A system where the state becomes a key player in the interaction between corporate capitalists and organized labor or trade unions
State is a neutral arbiter of competing interests
Classical pluralism