Other term for Normal Microbiota
Normal Microflora
Systematic study of the interrelationship that exists between the organisms of the environment
Study between the interrelations between the human and the world around them; living and non-living things
Human Ecology
- Study of interrelationships between microbes and the world around them
- Interaction between human and their normal microflora (normal)
Microbial Ecology
Also termed as “Simbiosis”
Symbiotic Relationship
- Refers to living together or close association of two living organisms (differenct species) known as symbionts
Symbiotic Relationships
- A symbiotic relationship where different
microorganisms have no effect on each other - Cactus and tarantula living in a desert
- A symbiotic relationship that is beneficial to one and do not harm the other (neither beneficial nor harmful)
- Barnacles on a whale
- Bacteria on skin (epidermis; feeds on dead skin)
- A symbiotic relationship that is beneficial to both symbionts and similarly produces positive effect towards each other
- Bees on flowers
- Normal intestinal flora (e. coli)
- A symbiotic relationship that is mainly beneficial to one and harmful to another, usually leaves through form of a disease (parasite deprives host of nutrients)
- Ticks on dogs
- Mosquitoes on humans
- All microbes on and within the human body do not produce disease under ______, some are even beneficial and help maintain one’s health
normal conditions
Disruption in the normal microbiota
- Pathogens that wait for the opportunity to cause disease
- When the host’s immune system is compromised
- Can cause a disease when given access to blood, urinary bladder, lungs, and place where they do not belong
Opportunistic Pathogens
The healthy fetus is ______, following the rupture of the bag of water
Maternal Factors for Gut Colonization in Infants
- (1) _______
- (2) _______
- (3) _______
- (4) _______
- (5) _______
- (6) _______
(1) Weight gain
(2) BMI
(3) Nutrition
(4) Type of Delivery
(5) Type of Feeding
(6) Antibiotics
- Relatively fixed and are regularly found in a given area of the body at a given age
Resident Microbita (Resident Flora)
Conditions for favorable growth of resident microbiota includes (depends on the part of body where they reside in):
(1) _________
(2) _________
(3) _________
(4) _________
(1) Moisture
(2) pH
(3) Temperature
(4) Nutrients
- Take up temporary residence on and within humans through their constant exposure to favorable external environment
- Found on skin/mucus membrances
- Can be present from minutes, hours, days, to weeks (not months)
Transient Microbiota (Transitent Flora)
Transient Microbiota are only temporary because:
(1) They may be ______ from external areas
(2) Not able to _______ with the resident microbiota
(3) Fail to survive the _______ of the body
(4) Killed by substances produced by the _______
(5) Flushed away by _______
(1) washed away
(2) compete
(3) acidic and alkaline environments
(4) resident flora
(5) bodily excretions/secretions
- Composition: (1) ______
- Type: Mostly (2) ______ in deeper layers of the skin, hair follicles, sweat, and sebaceous glands
- Most common microbes: From (3) _______, _________, and ________
- Location: Skin near (4) _______ and _______ of the body
(1) Bacteria and Fungi
(2) Anaerobes
(3) Genus Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium
(4) Skin near mucosal openings and moist folds of the body
Important Considerations for Microbiota of Skin
1. Frequent _____
2. Proper ______
3. Particularly ______ (for healthcare professionals)
(1) Handwashing
(2) Hygiene
(3) Careful
- Scant (barely sufficient) amount due to flow of tears containing (1) _______ that interfere with cell wall synthesis
- The external surface of the eyes are lubricated, cleansed, and protected by (2) _______
(1) lysozyme
(2) tears, mucus, and sebum
- The middle ear and inner ear are (1) ______
- The outer ear and the auditory canal contain (2) ______ also present on the skin
(1) sterile
(2) microbes
When a person coughs, sneezes, or blows their nose, microbes may be carried along the _______ which leads to the middle ear, causing infection
eustachian tube
- Affords shelter for both (1) ______ and ______ microbes
- Found in (2) _______ margins, crevices between the _____, and deep folds of the surface of the ______
- Examples include cocci and bacilli, spirochetes, yeasts, moldlike organisms, protozoa, and viruses
(1) Anaerobic and Aerobic
(2) Gum, Teeth, Tonsils
Microbes responsible for dental plaque
Streptococcus mutans
- Population is (1) ______
- Microbes are generally (2) ______
- Includes initial colonization of N. meningitidis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bordatella pertussis
(1) varied
(2) harmless
The microbiota of the nasal passages and throat provide the following benefits to the upper respiratory tract:
(1) _______
(2) Excellent conditions for ________
(1) Moist and warm mucus membrance
(2) microbial growth
- Normally (1) ______ (free of microbes)
- Organisms are destroyed by (2) _______ which are defense mechanisms
(1) sterile
(2) alveolar macrophages
- Minimal bacteria due to stomach’s hostile environment
- (1) ______ - survives stomach acidity due to urease; can cause duodenal ulcer
- Few microflora exist in the small intestine due to constant (2) ______
- The (3) _____ contains the largest number of microbes
(1) Helicobacter pylori
(2) perisitalsis
(3) colon
- Helps in the alkalinization of the stomach acid for H. pylori to survive
- Allows colonization of H. pylori
- The kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder are (1) _____
- The (2) _____ and the ______ consist of numerous microbes (bacteria, yeasts, viruses)
(1) sterile
(2) 1cm distal urethra; external meatus
- The reproductive systems of both men and women are normally sterile, except the (1) ______
- Vaginal microflora depends on age, hormonal levels, and vaginal pH:
- Female Infant: (2) ______
- 1 month of age to puberty: (3) _____ due to cessation of glycogen production
- Puberty until menopause: (4) _____ due to resumption of glycogen secretion
- After menopause: (5) _____
(1) vagina
(2) lactobacillus spp.
(3 neutral = pH 7.0
(4) acidic = pH 4 to 5
(5) pH > 5
- Certain intestinal bacteria are beneficial to because they produce useful (1) _______
- Synthesis of Vit. K & B12, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, and biotin through their secretions
(1) vitamins and other nutrients
- Literally means microbes vs. microbes
- Prevents other microbes to become established
in or colonize a particular anatomic location - Synthesis of substances that inhibit growth of pathogens
Microbial Antagonism
- Involves the ingestion of bacteria and yeast to reestablish and stabilize the microbial balance with the bodies.
- This can be in the form of various products that can be used in humans.
Biotherapeutic Agents
- Organisms that are hanging around and wait for the right time to cause infection.
- Usually takes place when the host tends to be immunocompromised
Opportunistic Infections