6 divisions Flashcards
What are the 6 divisions?
TaiYang = greater yang Yang Ming = bright yang Shao Yang = lesser yang Tai Yin = greater yin Shao Yin = lesser yin Jue Yin = terminal yin
What are the pairings of the organs in terms of 6 divisions
Tai Yang (Greater Yang) – Small Intestine & Bladder channels Yang Ming (Bright Yang) – Large Intestine & Stomach channels Shao Yang (Lesser Yang) – Three Heater & Gall Bladder channels
Tai Yin (Greater Yin) – Lung & Spleen channels Shao Yin (Lesser Yin) – Heart & Kidney channels Jue Yin (Terminal Yin) – Pericardium & Liver channels
How does cold move in the body?
Cold moves from the exterior into the interior through the skin.
How does cold enter the body?
Through the shoulders and back of the neck.
What is the TaiYin pairing of the channels?
Lung and Spleen: Taiyin
What is the Yang ming pairing of the channels?
Large intestine and stomach: Yang Ming
What is the Shao yin pairing of the channels?
Heart and Kidney: Shao Yin
What is the Taiyang paring of the channels?
Small Intestine and Bladder: Tai Yang
What is the jueyin pairing of the channels?
Pericardium and Liver: Jue Yin
What is the Shaoyang pairing of the channels?
Triple heater and Gall bladder: Shaoyang
What is the sequence of pathogens?
Pathogen: starts out as wind-cold.
Penetrates the surface of the body at TaiYang (small intestine and bladder)
Moves to yang ming and into Shaoyang.
The pathogen can move from tai yang straight to Shaoyang.
The pathogen can travel from Shaoyang to to yangming to tai yang and leave the body.
The pathogen could stay at tai yang and leave the body.
The pathogen may travel to Shao yang and leave the body.
The pathogen may move deeper.
How are the 6 division’s paired?
A Yin hand channel is paired with a Yin foot channel.
A Yang hand channel is paired with a Yang foot channel.
How does the pathogen move into the yin divisions of the body?
The pathogen moves from the yang divisions of the body and enters the yin.
The pathway is as follows:
Taiyin - Shaoyin - Jue yin
What are the dynamics of the divisions?
The dynamics of the divisions refers to the opening, closing and pivot movements in each division.
What are the dynamics of the yin channels?
Tai Yin opens onto the exterior
Jue Yin closes onto the interior
Shao Yin is the pivot (or hinge)
What are the dynamics of the yang channels?
Tai Yang opens onto the exterior
Yang Ming closes onto the interior
Shao Yang is the pivot(or hinge)
What is the definition of the dynamics of opening, closing and pivot?
“Opening”describes motion in an upward and outward direction.
“Closing”describes motion in a downward and inward direction.
“Pivot”describes motion of regulation between in and out, up and down.
What is the eight principle pattern presentations for each division?
TAI YANG: exterior Yang presentation – (opens onto the exterior)
YANG MING: interior Yang presentation – (closes onto the interior)
SHAO YANG: half exterior, half interior Yang presentation – (the pivot)
TAI YIN: interior Yin presentation – (opens onto the exterior)
SHAO YIN: interior Yin or Yang presentation – (the pivot)
JUE YIN: interior Yin & Yang presentation – (closes onto the interior)
Does the Tai Yang division open to the exterior?
Tai YangDivision opens to the external environment. It is therefore responsible for the ability to experience and absorb the world through the senses and to provide the necessary protection for this interaction.
What are the symptoms of tai yang not functioning properly?
When the opening of Tai Yang is not functioning properly, it can manifest as hyper-sensitivity to external stimuli, both physical and emotional.
It is the first stage, the beginning, the only true Exterior stage of the penetration of pathogenic Qi.
What is the pattern according to the eight principles of the tai yang division?
This pattern is Yang/External/Full/Cold
Where the Wind-Cold attacks the channels. It is on the surface and the internal organs are not affected.
Corresponds to the initial invasion of external Wind-Cold pathogenic energy through the pores of the skin.
This initial stage of an Exterior disease is an acute condition.
What are the three key symptoms of tai yang syndrome?
Occipital Headache & Stiff Neck: Located in the Tai Yang region of the body, that is the Bladder and Small Intestine channels.
Aversion to Cold: not wanting to go outside, wanting to cover up.
Superficial Pulse ( pathogen is sitting at the surface of the body as blood and qi move to the superficial layer of the body)
What type of fever is associated with tai yang division?
Fever in this instance does not refer to an ‘actual fever’ but to an objective hot feeling of the patient’s skin to palpation rather than an increase in actual body temperature.
A fever occurs when the strong Qi of the body engages the Wind-Cold invasion at the surface level of the body.
Tai Yang syndrome fevers are relatively mild because the invading Cold is weak compared to the body’s Wei Qi, as it commonly is in the initial stage of the pathogen entering the body.
The fever is accompanied by chills, the chills & fever occur simultaneously.
This is because the body is trying to expel the pathogen.
It is the pathogenic Qi struggling with the protective Qi.
What are the two different presentations of tai yang syndrome?
Channel Pattern – invasion of Wind-Cold with a prevalence of Wind (Zhong Feng)
Channel Pattern – invasion of Wind-Cold with a prevalence of Cold (Shang Han )
What is a tai yang attack of wind?
Invasion of Wind-Cold with a prevalence of Wind (Tai Yang Zhong Feng Syndrome)
There is an emphasis on Wind symptoms.
Wind attacks the body, Wind tends to affect the muscles.
Protective Qi is not strong enough to push the pathogen out and the balance between Protective Qi and Nutritive Qi is lost.
What are the characteristic symptoms of tai yang attack of wind?
Characteristic symptoms are: Aversion to Wind Mild aversion to Cold Sneezing Caused by the impairment of dispersing of Lung Qi in the nose, an example of ‘Rebellious Qi’. Slight fever Slight sweating Occipital Headache and stiff neck Qi is obstructed in the Tai Yang Channels of the head and neck – Bladder and Small Intestine Superficial pulse
What is tai yang attack of cold?
Invasion of Wind-Cold with a prevalence of Cold
(Tai Yang Shang Han Syndrome)
There is an emphasis on Cold symptoms.
Cold attacks the body.
Cold tends to manifest in the skin.
Cold contracts the pores.
There is stagnation, a tightness, in the space between the skin & muscles.
What are the symptoms of tai yang attack of cold?
Characteristic symptoms are: Aversion to Cold Sneezing Fever No sweating Headache and stiff neck Runny nose, clear/white discharge Runny nose with a white discharge is due to the impaired descending action of Lung Qi, which is then unable to transform fluids in the Upper Jiao, especially the nose. Superficial, tight pulse
What is the difference between a tai yang wind and cold attack?
A significant difference between Wind Attack and Cold Attack is that in Wind Attack slight sweating is present whereas in Cold Attack no sweating is present.
Lack of sweat in a Cold Attack reflects the Wind and Cold pathogens affecting both the muscles and the skin, causes contracture of the pores and therefore no sweating.
What is the treatment for tai yang?
The general Treatment Principle for Tai Yang stage of disease is to release the exterior/induce sweating.
More specifically the Treatment Principle with both channel patterns is to release the exterior, expel the Wind & Cold, restore the dispersing & descending of Lung Qi, harmonise the Nutritive Qi (Ying Qi) and Defensive Qi (Wei Qi).
What is the tai yang organ pattern of the bladder?
Taiyang Bladder organ syndromes are classified into:
Water Accumulation and
Blood Accumulation syndromes
What is Taiyang water accumulation?
The pathogenic factor is in the Bladder organ.
There are still symptoms of the Wind being on the exterior, together with symptoms due to the Bladder not transforming Qi & not separating & ascending fluids.
This gives rise to the following signs & symptoms:
Retention of urine
Thirst not relieved by drinking
Vomiting after drinking
What is tai yang blood accumulation?
There is both stasis & accumulation of Heat in the Bladder.
This gives rise to the following signs & symptoms:
Blood in the urine
Distension in the hypogastrium
Urinary urgency
Mental restlessness
What is the taiyang organs pattern treatment?
Water Accumulation
The Treatment Principle is to release the exterior, promote the Bladder function of Qi transformation and promote the excretion of fluids.
Blood Accumulation
The Treatment Principle is to invigorate Blood, eliminate stasis from the Lower Burner & clear Heat from the Bladder.
What is the yang ming stage of the divisions?
When the pathogenic factor reaches Yang Ming it has become Internal and the Cold has transformed into intense Heat.
This pattern can develop from Tai Yang or from Shao Yang.
Yang Minghas the closing dynamics. The closing enables Heat to accumulate and intensify within the body.
This intense Heat is necessary for the function of digestion. The closing allows the body to maintain this essential Heat, it also seals and contains the Heat, and moves it downward to enable drainage.
What is the pattern according to the eight diagnostic principles for Yang Ming stage?
This pattern is Yang/Internal/Full/Hot
What are the characteristics of yang ming stage?
At the Yang Ming stage both the Zheng Qi and the Xie Qi are strong.
As the pathogenic factor invades the interior of the body the excess pathogenic
Cold is transformed to intense Heat within the body.
Yang Ming fevers are therefore more severe than fevers in the Tai Yang stage.
In the Yang Ming syndrome, there are no chills.
What are the two types of yang ming patterns?
Channel pattern
There is Heat which is intense and although this is in the interior it is projected towards the exterior of the body.
Organ pattern
This involves the related Zang Fu (Stomach and Large Intestine organs).
The Heat is even more intense and has injured the body fluid leading to dryness.
What is the yang ming channel pattern?
Yang Ming channel pattern is characterised by Heat.
This pattern presents with what is known as “the 4 Bigs”.
*Big thirst, *big sweating, *big fever & *big pulse.
Pathogenic Heat spreads in the channel, steams Jin-Ye and causes Fluid deficiency.
The Heat is in the Stomach, the origin of Fluids -> intense thirst.
The internal fever gives a strong feeling of Heat with no aversion to Cold.
(Aversion to Cold is characteristic of Tai Yang disease).
There is what could be described as an aversion to Heat in Yang Ming disease
What are the symptoms of the four bigs?
Symptoms - the Four Big’s
Big thirst, (with a preference for cold drinks)
due to consumption of body fluids by the Heat.
Big sweating
interior Excess Heat is forcing fluids out.
Big fever
this indicates Interior Excess Heat.
Big pulse
strong pathogenic and anti-pathogenic factors.
What are some other symptoms of a pathogen effecting the yang ming division of the body?
Red face
Profuse sweating
Red tongue with thin, yellow moss
What is the treatment principle for the yang ming channel?
The Treatment Principle for Yang Ming channel pattern is to clear Stomach Heat.
What is the organ pattern of the yang ming division?
Characterised by Fire (intense Heat) in the Stomach & Intestines.
It is at a deeper energetic level than the Heat of the Yang Ming channel pattern.
The intense Heat injures body fluids which leads to dryness.
What are the symptoms of a yang ming organ pattern?
Constipation with dry stools Abdominal fullness & pain Dark, scanty urine Deep, full, rapid, slippery pulse The tongue moss is thick, yellow & dry
What is the treatment principle for a yang ming organ pattern?
The Treatment Principle for Yang Ming organ pattern is to drain Fire from the Stomach & Large Intestine and to promote downwards movement.
How does a yang ming channel pattern compare with a yang ming organ pattern?
This is the main distinguishing symptom of the Organ pattern.
It is due to interior Heat consuming fluids.
The Yang Ming Organ pattern will have abdominal bloating, or in more severe cases abdominal masses.
This is due to the Heat drying the fluids, causing Qi Stagnation in the organs.
What is the Shao yang stage characterised by?
The Tai Yang stage involves pathogenic Wind and Cold on the Exterior of the body which need to be released.
The Yang Ming stage involves pathogenic Heat in the Interior which needs to be cleared from the
Stomach or drained through the bowels.
In between these two stages is Shao Yang where the pathogen is between Internal and External.
What are some of the symptoms of Shao yang stage?
The Shao Yang symptoms include both chills and fever, but they do not occur simultaneously, these symptoms alternate from one to the other.
The related channels of Shao Yang are the Three Heater and Gallbladder.
In terms of dynamics what is Shao yang associated with?
Shao Yangis referred to as being half-exterior and half-interior.
It is the pivot that enables communication between the external Tai Yang and the internal Yang Ming. It regulates the demands and conditions of the external world with the requirements of the internal being.
How does the pathogen effect the Shao yang stage?
Pathogenic factors invade Shao Yang and contend with anti-pathogenic Qi (body Qi). There is a struggle in the area between the exterior and the interior.
Due to the struggle the pathogenic factor moves between the exterior & interior; it moves between Tai Yang & Yang Ming.
In terms of the principle pattern of diagnosis what is the pattern of Shao yang?
This pattern is Yang/half exterior, half interior/Full.
What are some of the other signs and symptoms associated with shao yang?
Gall Bladder channel and its element partner the Liver .
Bitter taste in mouth
indicates an excess GB condition, Heat disrupting the flow of bile.
Blurred vision
the Liver, which opens to the eyes, is affected.
Nausea, vomiting, bloating, poor appetite, and stomach-ache
an excess Liver condition can easily attack the Spleen and Stomach, which govern digestion.
Pain in the hypochondriac region
this is the region of the Liver/GB so as the Meridian flow is disturbed, so is this
What is the treatment of shao yang?
The Treatment Principle is to harmonise Shao Yang.
This means to disperse the Exterior and
clear the Interior.
What are the yin divisions?
Tai Yin (Greater Yin) Shao Yin (Lesser Yin) Jue Yin (Terminal Yin)
What is the tai yin division?
Tai Yinopens to the exterior.
It opens the internal, Yin processes of the body to the more Yang systems and processes.
What does the tai yin division allow?
This enables the absorption of nourishment, from external sources, to be used internally for physiological purposes of development, strengthening and healing.
When the opening mechanism of Tai Yin is not functioning properly, it can manifest as weakness and a tendency to withdraw and try to avoid external interactions, both physical and emotional.
Why is the tai yin division essential?
The opening of this Division is essential not only for receiving from the Yang systems of the body, but also for providing the Yang Divisions with the substances of Qi, Blood and body fluids that are produced in Tai Yin.
What happens if the opening mechanism of tai yin isn’t functioning properly?
When the opening mechanism of Tai Yin is not functioning properly, it can manifest as weakness and a tendency to withdraw and try to avoid external interactions, both physical and emotional.
What is the tai yin channel related to in terms of organs?
Lung and spleen channel.
It is the first of the yin channels and the pathogen has started to move into the interior of the body.
If the pathogen is strong enough, it can bypass the exterior and immediately invade Tai Yin.
In all cases, the Spleen will be deficient and there will be internal Cold and Dampness present.
What are tai yin diseases mostly caused by?
Tai Yin diseases are mostly due to pathogenic Cold directly attacking the middle jiao of a constitutionally weak patient, thus damaging the Yang of the Spleen.
When the middle jiao is weak and attacked by pathogenic Cold, the functions of transformation & transportation become abnormal causing retention of Cold-Damp in the interior.
What is the nature and pattern of tai yin disease?
The nature of Tai Yin disease is Empty and Cold (Yang deficiency) of the middle jiao together with retention of Cold-Damp.
This pattern is Yin/Internal/Empty & Full/Cold
What are the signs and symptoms of tai yin disease?
Abdominal fullness from the Spleen not being able to transform and transport. Abdominal pain alleviated by warmth and pressure. Feeling of cold Vomiting Stomach Qi may be obstructed and can rebel producing vomiting. Lack of thirst & appetite Diarrhoea Tiredness Pale tongue with sticky, white moss Deep, weak, slow pulse
What is the treatment principle of tai yin?
The Treatment Principle is to tonify Spleen Yang and expel the Cold
What is the shao yin division?
Shao Yinis classified as a pivot.
It regulates the Yin and Yang forces of the body which maintaining the fundamental balance.
What organs does the shao yin division effect?
Shao Yin syndrome affects the Kidneys and the Heart.
What are the two shao yin syndromes?
One involves a deficiency of Yang Qi and Cold, and the other involves a deficiency of Yin and Heat.
Both involve a serious disruption of the body’s basic Yin and Yang balance.
What are the patterns of the two shao yin syndromes?
Shao Yin syndromes of Cold transformation.
Shao Yin syndromes of Heat transformation.
These two patterns are essentially Kidney Yang deficiency with Empty-Cold and Kidney Yin deficiency with Empty-Heat.
What are the signs and symptoms of shao yin cold transformation?
Chills Feeling cold - the person may lie curled up or prefer many blankets. Cold limbs Listlessness, tendency to sleep Diarrhoea with undigested food Frequent, pale urination Tongue: pale & wet with white moss. Pulse: deep, weak & slow.
What is the treatment principle of shao yin cold tranformation?
Treatment Principle – tonify Kidney Yang & expel Cold.
What are the signs and symptoms of shao yin heat transformation?
Feeling of heat Irritability Insomnia Scanty, dark urine Dry mouth & throat at night Night sweats Tongue: red without moss. Pulse: thready, rapid.
What is the treatment principle of shao yin heat transformation?
Nourish Kidney Yin & clear Empty-Heat
What is the Jue Yin division?
Jue Yinis classified as a closing. The closing of Jue Yin maintains the motion of the energy cycle and prevents movement from becoming chaotic, and as a result dangerous and destructive.
It is the last (terminal) stage of penetration of pathogenic energy.
What are the characteristics of Jue Yin?
At this stage of disease there is weakness of Zheng Qi.
This disease condition is complex.
It is characterised by Heat above, Cold below.
The Yin and Yang are unable to communicate with each other, which makes the Yang rise and the Yin sink down.
This presents with Hot symptoms in the upper Jiao and Cold symptoms in the lower Jiao.
What are some of the signs and symptoms of Jue Yin heat above and cold below?
Heat above, Cold below Characteristic signs & symptoms: Heat above: Thirst Hunger Heat sensation in the chest & of energy rising Cold below: Cold limbs No real desire to eat Vomiting
What is the treatment for Jue yin?
The Treatment Principle for Jue Yin stage of disease is to clear Heat above, expel Cold below, harmonise the Liver channel.