6) Cranial Nerves Flashcards
How many cranial nerves are there?
Are they part of the CNS or PNS?
Part of peripheral nervous system
What are the 3 parts of the brainstem?
Mid-brain, pons and medulla oblongata
What is the role of the brainstem?
Regulation of cardio-respiratory functions and maintaining consciousness
What is cranial nerve I?
Olfactory nerve
What is the function of CN I?
Sense of smell
How would you test CN I?
Test one nostril at a time using smelling salts
What can damage to the olfactory nerve result in?
Anosmia (loss of sense of smell)
What are the causes of anosmia?
Head injury e.g. basilar skull fracture
Neurodegenerative conditions e.g. Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
Describe the route of CN I:
Through foramina of cribriform plate onto olfactory mucosa in roof of nose
What is cranial nerve II?
Optic nerve
What is the function of CN II?
How would you test CN II?
Test one eye at a time Visual tests (acuity and fields) and puplis
Describe the route of CN II:
Crossover at optic chiasm, through optic canal to retina
What visual problems can a pituitary adenoma cause and why?
Bilateral visual problems due to compression of optic chiasm
Which cranial nerves arise from the forebrain?
Olfactory and optic nerves
What is cranial nerve III?
Oculomotor nerve
What are the functions of CN III?
Innervate extra-ocular nerves (4/6)
PSNS to pupil causes constriction
How would you test CN III?
Eye movements
Pupillary light reflexes
Describe the route of CN III:
Through cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure into orbit
How does damage to the oculomotor nerve present?
Diplopia (double vision) and eye is in down and out position (blown pupil)
Due to damage to PSNS before cranial nerve
What are the causes of oculomotor nerve lesions?
Raised intracranial pressure
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Diabetes/hypertension (pupil sparing)
What is cranial nerve IV?
Trochlear nerve
What is the function of CN IV?
Innervation of extra-ocular muscle - superior oblique
How would you test CN IV?
Patient follows finger and reports double vision