16) The Larynx Flashcards
What are the functions of the larynx? (4)
Airway protection
Describe the location of the larynx:
Between hyoid bone and trachea (C4-C6)
What are the main cartilages making up the larynx?
Epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid and arytenoid
Where does the epiglottis attach?
Anteriorly to hyoid and inferiorly to thyroid cartilage (thryoepiglottic ligament)
What is the function of the epiglottis?
Cover laryngeal inlet to prevent fluids or food entering resp. tract
What is the vallecula and its significance?
Depression between tongue base and epiglottis
Important for intubation of trachea
Describe the movements during swallowing to prevent food entering the respiratory tract:
Epiglottis pulled down and larynx pulled up and forward
How does epiglottitis present?
Sore throat, fever, drooling, sounds on breathing
What is the likely causative organism of epiglottitis?
H. influenzae
Describe the structure of the thyroid cartilage:
Two laminae meeting in midline to create the laryngeal prominence
How is the thyroid cartilage joined to the other cartilages of the larynx and nearby bone?
Joined to hyoid by thyrohyoid membrane
Joined to cricoid by cricothyroid ligament (membrane)
Describe the cricoid cartilage:
Complete ring of cartilage, connected to trachea by cricotracheal membrane
Describe the arytenoid cartilages and what attaches to them:
Sit on top of cricoid posteriorly and are points of attachment for vocal and vestibular ligaments
What is cricoid pressure?
Pressing on cricoid cartilage from front to compress oesophagus and stop regurgitation
What is a cricothryoidotomy?
Making an emergency airway through cricothyroid membrane