6. Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Flashcards
why do they keep having sax
Viking Age in British history
8th century-1066
What happened in 1066?
Battle of Hastings, 1066
When did Vikings stop invading the British Isles?
15th century -Scotland,
11th century -rest
Phases of Viking intrusions:
8th c. -small raids
9th c. -larger fleets (e.g. the Great Heathen Army)
10-11th c. -military forces of Viking kings
Date when did the Vikings sack Lindisfarne, Jarrow and Wearmouth, Iona
Where did Danish Vikings settle/raid?
East Anglia, Mercia, southern Northumbria
Where did Norwegian Vikings raid/settle?
Shetland, Orkney, Hebrides, Scottish Highlands, Isle of Man, Ireland
What did the catalysts od consolidation of power lead to?
Creation of national identities and statehoods
When did consolidation happen and what did it mean?
Unification, took place in the 9th century in England and Scotland
(due to Viking raids)
Bretwalds -meaning
The last overlord
(829-King Egbert of Wessex)
First English royal dynasty
the House of Wessex
Date the unification of Anglo-Saxon England
(King Athlestan of Wessex)
What did King Athlestan of Wessex do? (name 3)
-927, unified Anglo-Saxon England
-conquers Northumbria
-names himself King of the English
“King of the English” -who was the first true king of England?
King Athlestan of Wessex (927)
When was Dalriada cut off from Ireland?
9th century; by the Vikings
Creation of the Kingdom of Alba (year)
(consissts of Scots from Dalriada and Picts)
Who is the first king of the Kingdom of Alba?
Kenneth MacAlpin
First Scottish royal dynasty
The House of Alpin
When did the Viking raids intensify?
9th century
The Great Heathen army attacks
Who led the Great Heathen Army?
Ivar the Boneless,
Halfdan Ragnarsson
What part of modern England did the Vikings establish +when?
Kingdom of York
The last East Englian king is killed in…
Bury St. Edmunds becomes a pilgramage site
The attack of the Great Summer Army happened in the year…
Great Summer Army is lead by…
And attacks…
Guthrum leads the Great Sumemr Army, they attack Wessex
What lands did Vikings control by 878?
All Anglo-Saxon territories except for Wessex
What battle granted Alfred the Great the title of the King of Wessex?
Battle of Ashdown (871)
Battle of Edington (year+result)
878 (Battle of Edington),
Alfred the Great won
Reign of Alfred the Great
Treaty of Wedmore -878 resulted in…
The DANELAW -England politically divided between the English & the Danes
Cultural reforms of Alfred the Great (name 5)
-Anglo-Saxon chronicle
Administrative reforms of Alfred the Great (name 2):
-territorial shires (lead by sheriffs)
-burghs -fortified towns
Military reform of Alfred the Great (name 1):
establishment of a standing fleet of longships
(the origins of the Royal Navy)
Parts of Scotland that were part of Norway the longest (name 3):
Hebrides, the Orkneys, the Shetlands
First Irish cities:
Vikigs formed Dublin, Wexford, Waterfors, Cork, Limerick
When did the kings of Wessex conquer England back?
10th century
Who re-conquered England?
Edward the Elder
Battle of Brunanburh
937 -King Athelstan defeats Scots, Vikings and Britons
When are Danish raids renewed?
991 (Battle of Maldon)
Danegeld -meaning:
When English payed off Danes to buy peace
(Ethelred the Unready)
What caused the revenge of the Danish King? (1002)
Masacre of all Danes (1002)
-Ethelred the Unready’s rule
The North Sea Empire -explain:
The House of Denmark rules over England, Denmark and Norway (1013-1042)
Who divided England into four earldoms?
Canute the Great
Four Earldoms of England:
Northumbria, East Anglia, Mercia, Wessex
Who re-introduced the House of Wessex?
St. Edward the Confessor
Name the Anglo-Saxon social organisation (6 “stages”):
Athelings (Prince)
Name the Anglo-Saxon military organisation (4 “stages”):
Royal Huscarls
Hird -Huscarls
Name the Anglo-Saxon goverment organisation (3 “stages”):
King +Withan
Shires +Sheriffs