5.5. Endocrine system Flashcards
Endocrine glands
clusters of cells that release products directly into blood because they are ductless but highly vascularized, have extensive rER (and sER) because their main function is production of proteins and lipids (hormones)
hormone pathway to tissue (FSH example)
released into blood, binds to a specific receptor on the cells of the target tissue and changes its metabolic activity
the pituitary gland releases FSH, it reaches tissue inside ovaries and stimulates cells to produce oestrogen (smooth ER activated, steroid hormone)
what are hormones. What are different types of hormones?
chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands that travel through blood and affect target tissue
steroids (oestrogen, testosterone), peptide derivatives (insulin) or tyrosine derivatives (thyroid hormones like T3 and T4)
what is homeostasis
maintenance of the internal environment (variables of body fluids) between narrow and defined limits
pancreas structure
located below the stomach, both an endo and exocrine gland
exo: digestive enzymes are released via pancreatic duct into the beginning of the small intestine (amylase, protease, nuclease and lipase)
endo: between exocrine glands and ducts there are islets of Langerhans (clusters of endocrine cells), two types of endocrine cells: alpha cells (glucagon) and beta cells (insulin), islets are separated from the exocrine tissue by a thin capsule and are extensively vascularized
glucose blood concentration regulation
Set range for blood glucose concentration is 4-8 mmol/L.
If the level is too high (eating sugar), beta cells in islets are stimulated and they release insulin into the blood (targeting all body cells). Body cells absorb glucose through glucose channels and use it for cell respiration (more E produced). Liver and muscle cells will do the same but most of glucose will be polymerized and stored as glycogen.
If the level is too low (exercising, skipping meals), alpha cells will be activated, and glucagon will be released into the blood. Only liver and muscle cells are affected in this case as glucagon will enter them and hydrolyse glycogen into glucose. Glucose will be released into the blood and thus its levels will be raised.
Which cells don’t have to be stimulated by pancreas to take up glucose?
brain cells and intestinal cells
Difference in pancreas action when the glucose level is too high vs too low.
1) If the level is too high (eating sugar), beta cells in islets are stimulated and they release insulin into the blood (targeting all body cells). Body cells absorb glucose through glucose channels and use it for cell respiration (more E produced). Liver and muscle cells will do the same but most of glucose will be polymerized and stored as glycogen.
Not all body cells have to be stimulated by pancreas to take up glucose. For example, brain cells and intestinal cells.
2) If the level is too low (exercising, skipping meals), alpha cells will be activated, and glucagon will be released into the blood. Only liver and muscle cells are affected in this case as glucagon will enter them and hydrolyse glycogen into glucose. Glucose will be released into the blood and thus its levels will be raised.
What can be causes of diabetes:
1) complete lack of insulin – type I, juvenile, early-onset
2) insufficient amount of insulin – type II, late-onset
3) reduced sensitivity of target cells to insulin – type II, late-onset
How do diabetic patients’ levels of glucose differ from healthy?
Diabetic patients have a higher initial concentration of glucose in blood and it takes longer for the concentration to get back to the initial range after a spike in glucose.
What is present in both type I and type II diabetes?
a) A build of glucose in blood (hyperglycaemia) – high osmotic pressure – movement of water from cells by osmosis into blood – high blood pressure – larger quantities of urine
b) Lack of glucose in cells – disbalance in the metabolism of the food molecules, first fats followed by proteins have to be metabolised in cell respiration
Steroid hormones and peptide hormones
- structure
- location of the receptor on the target cell
- their effect on the target cell
- the longevity and speed of the effect
- examples
- derivatives of cholesterol
- pass through the membrane to the receptor protein in the cytoplasm or nucleus (hormone-receptor complex)
- affect gene expression by binding to the promotor region of a specific gene
- production/absence of specific enzymes (or other proteins)
- the effect is slower and more permanent
- testosterone and oestrogen
- made of amino acids
- attach to membrane receptor on the cell surface
- secondary messenger triggers reactions that stimulate or inhibit enzyme production
- rapid and temporary effects
- ADH (antidiuretic hormone) and calcitonin, melatonin, epinephrine
What is circadian rhythm and what is it set by?
How exactly?
What is the process of impulse propagation?
What secretes melatonin?
How does melatonin secretion change?
What is its function?
Circadian rhythm diurnal and nocturnal phases) is set by groups of cells in the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) that control the secretion of hormone melatonin by the pineal gland.
A special type of ganglion cell in the retina detects light and passes impulses to SCN which adjusts melatonin secretion accordingly (less melatonin as we age)
Increases in the evening and drops to a low level at dawn, it is rapidly removed from the blood by the liver.
High melatonin levels promote sleep through the night and falling melatonin levels encourage waking at the end of the night
What is epinephrine and what is its effect?
What responses and target cells does it activate?
Fight or flight hormone resulting in striated muscles receiving more and more glucose and oxygen-rich blood, allowing increased production of ATP and thus more frequent and powerful muscle contractions (preparing the body for vigorous activity)
1. Striated muscle fibres convert stored glycogen into glucose (supplies for CR)
2. Liver cells convert glycogen to glucose and release it into blood to muscles
3. Bronchioles dilate due to relaxation of smooth muscle cells (easier ventilation)
4. Cells in the brainstem (controlling ventilation) stimulate intercostal muscles and diaphragm to contract at a faster rate ad more forcefully (increasing gas exchange)
5. Sinoatrial node speeds up the heart rate (cardiac output increases)
6. Arterioles carrying blood to muscles and liver vasodilate due to relaxation of smooth muscle cells in their walls
7. Arterioles carrying blood to the gut, kidneys and skin vasoconstrict due to contraction of smooth muscle cells in their walls
What is the hypothalamus?
What processes do its nuclei control?
Where do they receive signals from?
Nervous tissue that links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. Made out of thousands of neurosecretory cells (long- in the posterior lobe and short-ending in the anterior lobe).
A) Thermoregulation (nucleus with thermoreceptors)
B) Blood pressure
C) Osmoregulation (nucleus with glucose and baroreceptors)
D) Secretion of pituitary hormones
Some nuclei receive signals from sense organs either directly or indirectly via the cerebral hemispheres. There are also inputs from other parts of the brain like medulla oblongata.
What is the pituitary gland?
Endocrine gland but part of the nervous system divided onto the anterior lobe (ventral) and posterior lobe (dorsal). It is a physical extension of the hypothalamus.
Control of the posterior lobe vs control of the anterior lobe
1) Posterior: Neurohormones are synthesized in the neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus and are transported and stored in vesicles in the axon ending located in the posterior pituitary. When a nerve impulse travels down the axon into the posterior PL from the hypothalamus, these neurohormones are released into the blood.
2) Anterior: Neurohormones (releasing hormones) are sent from the hypothalamus to the anterior PL via blood (portal vein). The short-ending neurons release neurohormone sin the capillary network and they join into the portal vein that branches into another network to supply the anterior PL. These releasing hormones stimulate endocrine cells in the anterior PL to produce and release their own hormones by exocytosis (e.g. LH, TSH, FSH, GH, PRL)
ADH, oxytocin and TSH function
ADH reduces the volume of urine, used in osmoregulation when C of glucose in blood is high
oxytocin targets cells in uterine muscles and mammary glands, its effect is rapid and short-lasting
TSH – thyroid stimulating hormone, thyroxin (tyrosine derivate, hydrophilic, chemically similar to peptide hormones target cells are all body cells)
Regulation of thyroxin secretion as an example of control of the anterior lobe:
A nucleus in the hypothalamus receives info on thyroxin concentration, releases TSH releasing hormone into the anterior pituitary lobe, response of anterior PL is releasing TSH into the capillary network, leaving the brain to the thyroid gland which will produce more thyroxin and stimulate all body cells. This results in increased activity of cells (CR increased) and increased metabolism (negative feedback mechanism)
Compare hormonal and nervous signalling by:
Type of signal
Transmission route
Destination of signal
Types of response
Speed and longevity of response
Chemical vs electrical
Blood vs neurons
Widespread signal but only target cells respond vs specific cells via synapse
Target cells vs muscles and glands
Growth, development, reproduction, changes in interneal environment (solute concentrations), mood, metabolic rate etc. vs contraction of smooth, striated and cardiac muscles (rate of contraction too) and gland secretion
Slow and long effect (until hormone breakdown) vs very rapid and short
What is tropism?
What are the types of tropism?
Directional growth of the plant (roots and shoots) in response to stimuli. Positive phototropism and negative geotropism.
What is positive phototropism and how does it work?
Response to detection of lateral light by pigments by the plant in the form of differential growth (sunnier side growing more slowly than the shadier side, cells dividing or elongating) of the apical meristem at the shoot tip (the growth won’t change if the shoot tip is covered). Results in increased amount of light absorbed for photosynthesis. Differential growth is regulated by phytohormone auxin.
What are phytohormones and what are their functions (give examples)?
Signaling molecules that:
1. Promote or inhibit growth by affecting rates of cell division and enlargement (gibberellin)
2. Promote or inhibit aspects of development (ethylene promotes fruit ripening)
3. Respond to stimuli – directional growth, curling of tendrils, flytrap capturing an insect
What is auxin?
What is its function?
Where is it produced?
How does it move between neighboring cells?
phytohormone that promotes differential stem growth in phototropic responses
in the shoot (apical) meristem and axillary buds
it enters cells by passive diffusion when its carboxyl group is uncharged, in the alkaline cytoplasm it loses a proton and becomes negatively charged, auxin efflux carriers pump negatively charged auxins across the plasma membrane into the acidic cell wall where auxin reverts to its neutral state and passively diffuses into the next cell
how does auxin promote differential stem growth?
cellulose microfibrils in cell walls are inelastic, growth involves them moving farther apart, which means that the carbohydrate links between them have to be weakened. This can be done by a decrease in pH. Auxin promotes the synthesis of proton pumps that transport H+ from the cytoplasm to the cell wall, decreasing the pH and thus weakening the links. The cell grows when it absorbs water (becomes turgid).
Auxin and cytokinin in stem and root communication process (shoot and root growth, root branching, stem branching)
Auxin transported via the phloem to the roots from the shoot and cytokinins transported via xylem from the roots to the shoot
1) Shoot and root growth – promoted by both, synergism (meristems)
2) New root development – auxin promotes, cytokinin inhibits (auxin released into the roots to signal that the upper part is growing and thus roots can too)
3) New stem development (branching) – cytokinin promotes, auxin inhibits (cytokinin signal to branches that they have the support of the roots to produce more branches) – when the main shoot is eaten, C(auxin) drops, axillary buds have to grow and produce more (when there is less auxin, root growth slows down which allows for growth of stronger shoot)
How does ethylene promote fruit ripening?
Why is this an example of a positive feedback mechanism?
Why is it important that ethylene is volatile?
promoting the conversion of acids and starch into disaccharides
fruits are stimulated to ripen by ethylene and they produce more of it as they ripen
it can diffuse to other fruits and promote their ripening too which helps synchronize the ripening of fruits, increasing attractiveness of a plant with fruit to animals and encouraging dispersal of the seeds.