5.4. Integration of body systems Flashcards
Differentiate between tissue, organ and body system
Which organ systems coordinate all others?
Tissue contains single or multiple cell types and cells communicate by chemical and electric signals. Organs contain multiple tissue types. Body systems (eleven) contain physically linked organs (respiratory, digestive) or organs dispersed around the body (nervous, endocrine).
Nervous and endocrine systems integrate and coordinate all body systems.
Organization of the human nervous system
- Central (CNS); brain and spinal cord – relay neurons/interneurons
- Peripheral (PNS); somatic (voluntary) and autonomic (involuntary) – sensory and motor neurons
What is a nerve?
What different types of nerves are there?
What nerve is the largest in the body?
a bundle of neurons enclosed in a protective coating. Some nerves only contain sensory (optical nerve), some only motor, and some both types of neurons.
Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body.
What does a sensory/motor/relay neuron do?
Sensory neuron – receives information from receptors about internal or external environment of the body (eyesight and touch in somatic and internal movements, pH, concentration, temperature in autonomic) and transmits it to the CNS. Cell body is positioned in the middle of the cell (on the axon).
Motor neuron – receives information from the CNS and transmits it to the effector (skeletal muscles in somatic and smooth muscles and glands in autonomic NS) – e.g. brain sends an impulse to the adrenaline gland (directly because endocrine system is slow). Cell body is located on the terminal (one side of the neuron).
Interneurons (relay) carry impulses within the CNS from one to another neuron – connecting motor and sensory
How is the brain divided? What is the function of each structure?
1) Cerebrum (big brain) is made of
a) cerebral cortex (surface of the cerebrum made of grey matter (dendrites)) and
b) white matter (inside of cerebrum made of axon terminals). Cortex receives impulse and processes it.
2) Hind brain is made of
a) cerebellum (small brain) which coordinates and fine tunes the contraction of skeletal muscles, regulates balance, timing and coordination of muscles and muscle memory and
b) medulla oblongata that has autonomic functions like cardiovascular centre, pH and temperature control, etc.
3) Most of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves are connected to the hind brain.
4) Hypothalamus and pituitary gland are a part of the nervous system but have control over the entire endocrine system.
Brain functions:
- Receives information
- Processes information (decision making)
- Stores information (memory, more synapses = better memory)
Where is the spinal cord located? What is its function? How are nerves positioned in it?
Spinal cord is inside the vertebral column, closer to the dorsal side (ventral (front) and dorsal (back)) it has white matter on the surface and grey matter on the inside. It is the integration centre for unconscious processes, and it can make decisions by itself regarding info brought by sensing neurons (e.g. reflexes) or send the impulse to the brain. 31 pairs of spinal nerves are connected to it. Sensory nerve roots are on the dorsal side and motor nerve roots on the ventral side.
How does a stimulus cause a reaction (describe the pathway of signal)?
Stimulus, as a type of energy from internal or external environment (touch, sound, stretch, chemicals, light…), is converted into electrical energy by receptors, the nerve impulse is conducted by sensory nerves to the relay nerves in CNS where information is processed, and the impulse is then carried by motor neurons to the effectors (muscle or gland) that carry out the response to the stimulus.
What is a reflex arc? Describe one example of it (describe the pathway of signal).
Synapses between neurons in reflex arc are located in the spinal cord Example is pain reflex or photo-pupillary reflex.
Pupillary reflex – protecting the retina from overly bright light – bright light is detected by photoreceptors (cons and rods) in the retina, signal travels to the optical centre in the brain via cranial nerves, signal is sent by motor neurons to the smooth muscles in the iris to contract and thus shrink the pupil.
what are the two forms receptors come in?
specialized receptors (stretch, chemoreceptors, photoreceptors in retina) or nerve endings (elongated dendrites) of sensory neurons (touch, heat)
What is feedback mechanism? What are potential variables of internal environment (and some corresponding receptors)?
Mechanism that controls internal environment of the body by detecting the change and responding to it by either counteracting the further change in the same direction (negative) or stimulating it (positive).
Variables of internal environment: temp of blood, p(CO2), p(O2), C(glucose) (only in pancreas), blood pressure (baroreceptors), C(blood) – chemoreceptors, thermal receptors, baroreceptors, stretch receptors, osmoreceptors (C(blood))
what is negative feedback mechanism? provide examples. How does it work (describe the process)?
When the nervous system undertakes action to counteract the perceived stimulus. For example, photo-pupillary reflex, heart rate and ventilation control and peristalsis.
Receptors detect changes of some variable in the body. This info is relayed to a coordinator that determines the level of response. The coordinator relays a decision to the effector that produces the response. The response will modify the internal environment, and new conditions will become new stimuli. The cycle continues until conditions are within acceptable limits.
Describe 1) ventilation control and 2) heart rate control by negative feedback mechanism.
1) Ventilation control: blood pH is too acidic, chemoreceptors in the vessel walls (aorta, carotid…) sense this, send an impulse via sensory neurons to the coordinator (a centre in medulla oblongata), impulse is sent back via motor neurons to muscles (diaphragm and intercoastal), ventilation is increased, less CO2 in the blood so blood pH increases to the homeostatic level (7.35-7.45 range).
2) Heart rate control: Blood pH and pressure (baroreceptors in carotid and aorta) info sent to the cardiovascular centre in medulla oblongata => if pH is too low sympathetic nerve stimulates the adrenal gland (effector) to release adrenaline into blood into myocardial cells to increase the heart rate and thus the turnover of blood => if pH is too high parasympathetic nerve stimulates lower heart rate (also called vagabond nerve or nervus vagus)
How does the intestine direct flow of materials through it? Which parts of digestive system are voluntary, and which are involuntary? What is the name of the NS that controls digestive system?
Intestine (ascending, transverse, descending) – longitudinal and circular muscles change the diameter and length of the intestine by intermittent contractions and relaxations and thus direct the flow of materials through the intestine
Enteric nervous system (controls digestive system) is the largest and most complex part of PNS. It is partly autonomic and partly somatic:
- Involuntary (peristalsis, smooth muscles of the oesophagus contract to push food down)
- Voluntary (striated muscle of tongue (pushing food to the back of the mouth), touch receptors in the pharynx (nerve impulse to the brain stem) and defecation/egestion (removal of faeces from rectum))
What does it depend on whether egestion is voluntary or involuntary and how? What type of a muscle is anus? What are enlarged vessels in that area called?
depending on the age (babies and older people involuntary, still hasn’t developed in babies, in older people gradual loss of nervous control leads to involuntary anal control)
Anus is a circular muscle – external is striated, internal smooth, rich blood supply needed
List and describe all structures of a neuron.
1) Dendrites are endings on one side of the neuron that provide a large SA for connecting with other neurons. They receive the receive nerve impulse and carry it towards cell body.
2) Single long axon carries the nerve impulse away from the cell body.
3) Neurons have companion cells called Schwann cells which wrap around one section of the axon and create a thick, insulating lipid layer called Myelin sheath.
4) Because Myelin sheath is not continuous (one segment = one cell) there are small gaps along the axon called nodes of Ranvier
what is it called when impulse jumps from node to node?
saltatory conduction
What is membrane potential? Why is the resting potential -75 mV?
unequal distribution of charges between inside and outside of a neuron. It is more positive outside a neuron than inside because outside there is a greater concentration of cations (Na+) and inside there are some anions along with a smaller contraction of cations (K+)
What is the role of the Na/K pump? How is an action potential achieved and what is it?
Prevents the electrochemical gradient from dissipating because of ions leaking down their C gradients
If a stimulus is applied the membrane is depolarized – +35 mV
What happens if the stimulus is too weak? What is this called?
Only some channels will open, and the change of charge will be insufficient to reach the threshold potential (-50 mV) and create an action potential (stimulus is not perceived). failed initiation
What happens when action potential is reached? Why is the final potential below resting?
Na+ channels close and K+ channels open, K+ ions flow out of the neuron and the membrane is repolarized
Because the K channels stay open for a little longer than necessary so more K+ flows out, making the final potential below the resting (-80 mV)
What is a refractory period? What is hyperpolarization (why is it important)?
a “rest period” for ion channels before they open again, and it lasts around 2 ms
Hyperpolarization (-80 mV) is inevitable and it ensures unit directional propagation of the impulse (no backflow)
What are local currents and why are they important?
Diffusion of Na+ down C gradient outside and inside the neuron – charge increases in the previously resting area, their voltage-gated channels open and Na+ diffuses inside, ensure propagation of the nerve impulse in one direction
What are voltage-gated channels? How do they work?
Voltage-gated channels open when a high charge is applied – the charge changes their tertiary and quaternary conformation
Why is nerve impulse possible (which property of cells)? How does a stimuli change the membrane?
because the membranes of nerve and muscle cells are electrically excitable (membrane potential can be changed)
a stimulus changes the permeability of the membrane to Na+ ions
what is a synapse? What are neurotransmitters?
a junction between two neurons or a neuron and an effector (muscle or gland)
proteins that are used to propagate the nerve impulse from one neuron to another by crossing the synapse (exocytosis from presynaptic neuron)
how is nerve impulse propagated across the synapse?
The Ca2+ leaking channels on the axon terminal are opened by the nerve impulse and Ca2+ ions start diffusing into the neuron. The increased concentration of calcium ions triggers the exocytosis of neurotransmitters by pushing the vesicles that contain them towards the membrane. They fuse with the membrane and release NT into the synapse which diffuse towards the postsynaptic neuron. On the postsynaptic neuron, there are Na+ channels that are also binding sites for specific NT. Binding of NT opens the channel, Na+ ions diffuse in, and the nerve impulse is created in the other neuron. NT are later digested to prevent overstimulation of the neuron and constant nerve impulse creation.
Two types of neurotransmitters, their functions and examples.
excitatory transmitters stimulate nerve impulse propagation (e.g. acetylcholine, glutamate) – bind to Na+ channels and cause diffusion of Na+ in
inhibitory transmitters inhibit its transmission by causing hyperpolarization of the neuron (e.g. GABA) – bind to Cl- channels (receptors) on the postsynaptic neuron, open then and cause Cl- ion diffusion inside (hyperpolarization, charge is pushed further away from the threshold potential)
what are exogenous chemicals? Examples and their functions.
chemicals originating from outside of the body that affect the synaptic transmission
1. Neonicotinoid pesticides – synthetic derivative of nicotine, binds to and blocks acetylcholine receptors on the postsynaptic neuron because it cannot be digested by acetylcholinesterase – overstimulates the receiving neuron (constantly transmitting the nerve impulse) which leads to paralysis and eventual death of the organism
2. Cocaine – joins with and blocks dopamine reuptake channels on the presynaptic neuron, dopamine constantly binds to postsynaptic neuron’s receptors (nerve impulse constantly transmitted) – leading to a feeling of euphoria
How is pain perceived (the nerve impulse pathway)
stimuli like chemical substances, heat and puncturing are identified by nerve endings and the nerve impulse is sent to sensory areas of the cortex. From there the signal is further carried over to the prefrontal cortex where the pain is recognized and the brain evaluates the situation in order to send an impulse to the effectors to reduce the exposure to the pain stimulus.
What is summation?
multiple releases of either only excitatory or both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters that results in the creation of an action potential, either multiple times by a single cell in a short time period or by multiple cells simultaneously.
What is consciousness
the state of complex awareness and an emergent property (result of interactions between many individual elements of a system/brain nerves)