54-67: effect of Anna's speech on Dido and their endeavour to win the favour of the gods Flashcards
impenso… amore
hyperbaton: reflects how love has been simmering for a while - now it is kindled into conflagration
animum flammavit amore
placement of flammavit between animum and amore reflects how the fire of love consumes Dido from within
flammavit amore… spemque dedit… solvitque pudorem
tricolon descends in terms of wordage, through the stages of Dido’s reaction to speech, to its inevitable conclusion - the removal of the key thing which has been restraining her desire
per aras
per: implies the thoroughness and exhaustiveness of the sisters’ rounding of the altars, no stone is left unturned in their attempt to please the gods
delubra adeunt… pacem exquirunt… mactant bidentis
tricolon neatly sets out the stages of entering communication with the gods
Iunoni ante omnis
‘ante omnis’ elevates this irony - the marriage is for Juno just a means to shackle Aeneas to Carthage so he cannot found Rome
pulcherrima & cadentis; media inter & ante ora
the cow becomes a metaphor for Dido - both are sacrificial victims, laid bare in the open
media inter cornua
position of inter enacts its meaning
impatience and increasingly erratic behaviour of Dido
pinguis… aras
hyperbaton + position in middle of line: altars are already laden with sacrifices - her additional sacrifices are excessive and unnecessary, indicating desperateness
choice instead of et/que: emphasises randomness and growing impatience of Dido who is clearly not getting the intended results from her sacrifices
fundit… spatiatur… instaurat
plurals from lines 56 & 57 have become singulars: Dido is now alone in her attempts to acquire the gods’ favour. Has even Anna given up?
reclusis… pectoribus
seperated via enjambment - the gap between them enacts the the breasts being split open
spirantia… exta
hyperbaton - Dido examines each bit of entrail separately and meticulously, looking for any sign of the gods’ goodwill
rare in epic - indicates pressure on characters and readers to interpret key issues
mollis medullas
‘mo’ ‘me’ alliteration creates moaning sound; recalls ‘spirantia exta’ assimilating Dido to a sacrificial victim, expressing that she ought to inspect herself
she is too impassioned to appreciate that the gods have shown no support for her to be with Aeneas