219-237: Jupiter's wake-up call Flashcards
harks back to Iarbas’ speech: probably affirmative - Jupiter is aware of Aeneas and Juno’s affair but only cares when its implications for the fate of Rome become apparent, rather than because of Iarbas’ bruised ego
emphatically enjambed: respects Dido’s royal-imperial ambitiom, unlike Iarbas
oblitos famae melioris amantis
chiasmus reflects the unintended intertwining of Dido’s and Aeneas’ fates, placing the main casualty in the middle - their reputations
famae melioris is respectful of their stature, unlike Iarbas, implying that any action Jupiter takes is not for the sake of Iarbas’ grievances
vade age… voca… labere
imperatives: mighty Jupiter taking charge
Dardaniumque ducem, Tyria Karthagine
asyndetic juxtaposition poses the question: what is a Trojan leader doing in Tyrian Carthage
fatisque datas… urbes
J’s true concern, not Iarbas’ petty complaints
polyptoton enforces chain of command J>M>A
defer mea dicta
placed between ‘celeris’ and ‘per auras’, textually enacting the words passing through the breezes
non… talem
hyperbaton underscores the percieved difference between Venus’ promise, an heroic founder of Rome, and the current reality - a slothful womaniser forgetful of his destiny
idea vindicat
J questions Venus’ decision to save Aeneas twice on the battlefield of Troy, given the poor return on her investment
gravidam imperiis belloque frementem
chiasmus envelopes most of Rome’s glorious military history to come
Italiam regeret
enjambed: emphasises A’s purpose
totum… orbem
hyperbaton emphasises the hyperbole - J greatly over glorifies Rome’s future power
Ascanione pater Romanas invidet arces?
pater… videt textually breaks up ‘Ascanione’ ‘Romanas’ ‘arces’ - J spitefully suggests A is breaking up this fated unity
quid struit
snappy rhetorical question
inimica in gente
foreshadows the enmity between Carthage and Rome, thus stressing the pointlessness of Aeneas’ fooling around with Dido
nec prolem Ausoniam et Lavinia respicit arva
chiasmus: foregrounds Aeneas’ final destination
Ausonia has been referenced throughout the proem, Lavinia is the town Aeneas is destined to found, therefore this line spans the entire epic and beyonf
the chief point in J’s speech, highlighted by its position in the line
hic nostri nuntius esto
harsh t-alliteration