5.3 The Oral Cavity, Mastication and Swallowing Flashcards
Describe the four names/locations of salivary glands
- Parotid (lateral cheek)
- Sublingual (under tongue)
- Submandibular (under mandible along midline)
- Palatine (in roof of mouth)
What bones make up the hard palate of the oral cavity? What sections of the mouth are soft/hard palate?
- Hard palate = maxilla and palatine bones
- Ant 2/3 is hard, post 1/3 is soft
What are the two types of muscle in the tongue? What are their functions?
- Intrinsic: fine movements of tongue
- Extrinsic: movement of the whole tongue
List the intrinsic/extrinsic muscles of the tongue
Intrinsic: longitudinal, vertical, transverse
Extrinsic: genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus, palatoglossus
Which muscles are used in mastication? How are they innervated? Blood supply?
- Medial/lateral pterygoid, masseter, temporalis
- Innervated by mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
- Blood supply is maxillary artery
Where does the temporalis muscle insert? What are its actions on the mandible during mastication?
- Inserts on coronoid process of mandible (anterior to mandibular notch)
Masseter insertion
Mandibular angle
What movements it the lateral pterygoid responsible for?
- Moves condylar process forward, initiating depression
- Protrusion (makes sense) and side-to-side movement also
Which pterygoid plate(s) do the pterygoids attach to? Which surface?
- Both attach to the lateral pterygoid plate
- Medial = medial surface, lateral = lateral surface
The supra and infrahyoid muscles ____ the mandible
Boundaries of pharynx subdivisions
- Naso: choanae to soft palate
- Oro: soft palate to epiglottis
- Laryngo: post. to larynx
What tonsils are in the naso/oropharynx?
Naso: Pharyngeal tonsil
Oro: Palatine tonsil
Describe innervation of the pharyngeal muscles
- CN X (motor)
- CN IX (Sensory)
- Sympathetic (vasomotor)
Describe the four phases of swallowing, from mouth to stomach. Which are voluntary?
- Oral (chewing, forming bolus, moving toward pharynx)
- Transit (tongue and soft palate move bolus toward pharynx)
- Pharyngeal (protect upper and lower airways, relax UOS)
- Oesophageal (peristalsis, open LOS)
Only the first two are voluntary (think about it).
What are the two muscular arches of the pharynx? How do they assist in swallowing?
- 2 muscles are palatopharyngeus and palatoglossal
- When they contract, they enable pressure buildup that drives swallowing
- Palatopharyngeus tenses and elevated soft palate to close nasal cavity
- Palatoglossus elevates posterior tongue to move bolus
Which muscles are responsible for tensing/elevating the soft palate
Tensor/levator veli palatini