5.2 Flashcards
WiFi Signal Analyzer
Does microsoft have it’s own WiFi Signal Analyzer Software?
Yes called
Spectrum analyzer
A tool that assesses the characteristics (for example, frequency, amplitude, and the effects of interference) of wireless signals.
application for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. open source.
(Tool for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance)
Which port is iPerf3
To test the network’s speed, what online applications are available to test the speed of the internet provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Network port analysis tools can
can be used to verify if specific ports are open on devices on the network.
Nmap - Zenmap GUI.
Network port analysis tool to verify if specific ports are open on devices on the network
application monitors the consumption of network bandwidth specifically aimed at the application, user or device. Network administrators can use this tool to detect bottlenecks in the network or prevent the overutilization of the network bandwidth.
how to TFTP similar to ftp
TFTP is very similar to the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) but does not require the same amount of resources, for example, memory or storage.
What does TFTP do
The Trivial File Transfer Protocol was developed to transfer files between different network devices.
what can tftp transfer
TFTP can be used for the transfer of configuration files to networking devices. Configuration files can also be used to restart a network device, for example, a router.
terminal emulator software
To successfully remotely manage networking devices across different operating systems,
Most client devices on the network are Windows-based, which does not come natively installed with software to connect and manage Linux devices remotely. Thrid-party software is available to facilitate these connections.
Scan Host IP Allocation
IP analysis application will be used to scan the network to determine the devices on the network and the IP addresses allocated to the hosts.