510-5 Flashcards
What type of epithelium is the epidermis?
Keritinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium
What are the four main cells of epidermis?
1)Keratinocytes-MOST abundant cell of the epithelium 2)Melanocytes-pigment cells in basal layer 3)Langerhans cells (dendritic cells)-from the bone marrow, present antigens to T-cells*allergic reactions! 4)Merkel’s cells (tactile cells)-in touch with sensory neurons KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE!!
How many layers are in thick skin and thin skin respectively?
Thick skin 400-600m layers thick (no hair), thin skin is ~ 75-150m thick (hair present)
Is epidermis vasular? innervated?
It is avascular and not innervated
Name the 5 strata of the epidermis from superficial to deep.
(((C-L-G-S-B))) 1)Stratum Corneum 2)Stratum Lucidum 3)Stratum Granulosum 4)Stratum Spinosum 5)Stratum Basale
What is the skeletal muscle of the lips?
Orbicularis Oris
What are the 4 glands of the lips?
1)salivary 2)mucous 3)sweat 4)sebaceous
What are the 3 distinct types of stratified squamous epithelia of the lips?
1)Thin&Hairy-Keratinized W Hair and Glands 2)Vermillion zone-Keratinized WITHOUT hair or glands 3)Oral mucosa-nonkeratinized OR parakeratinized epithelium with glands
What is Meissner’s Corupuscle? Where can I find one?
Its a nerve ending in the Vermillion zone of the lip. Makes lips perfect for kissing! and feeling things I guess.
What marks the junction between labial mucosa and the vermillion zone?
minor salivary glands! think: dry vermillion zone and wet labial mucosa
Since the oral mucosa is BOTH nonkeritinized and parakeratinized, what about the nuclei distinguishes parkeratinized cells?
The nuclei of parakeratinized cells are PYKNOTIC-dark and shrunken-nuclei.
What are the three layers of MUCOSA?
1)Stratified Squamous Epithelium 2)Lamina Propria 3)Muscularis mucosae
What features of the 3 mucosal layers distinguish ORAL mucosa from other mucosa?
EPITHELIUM:degrees of keratinization, based on type IV collagen LAMINA PROPRIA: RETE RIDGES, fibroblasts MUSCULARIS MUCOSAE:the oral mucosa has NO muscular is mucosae (we keep things moving enough with saliva!)
What three things can I find in the loose CT of the oral submucosa?
blood vessels, nerves, & minor salivary glands
The THREE types of ORAL CAVITY Mucosae!!!
Lining Mucosa, Masticatory Mucosa, Specialized
Where can I find Masticatory and Specialized mucosa?
Masticatory: Gingiva and hard palate Specialized: dorsal surface of tongue LINING is the rest! (alveolar mucosa, labial mucosa, buccal mucosa, soft palate, floor of the mouth, surface of the tongue)
What type of epithelium is lining mucosa?
NONkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
What is the lining mucosa supported by?
Vascular lamina propria-FEW papillae(so its mobile!)
Is the lining mucosa permeable?
Yes, think: topical anesthetic, nitroglycerin, vitamin B12, and tobacco
What is a down growth of epithelium into the lamina propria?
A Rete Ridge! (interdigitated with papilla of the lamina propria)
What are the four layers of the masticatory mucosa epithelium?
S. Basale-Hemidesmosomes; S. Spinosum-desmosomes; S. Granulosum-keratin granules; S. Corneum-keratinized and parakeratinized
What are clusters of sebaceous granules in the oral mucosa? (Not all people have these..)
Fordyce’s granules
What are the 5 parts of the GINGIVA?
1)Attached-to periosteum of the alveolar bone 2)Free-on the Crest of the alveolus 3)Gingival Margin/Crest-gingiva at the apex of the free gingiva(over the crest of the alveolus) 4)Sulcar epithelium-lines the gingival sulcus 5)Junctional Epithelium-2 basal laminae
How does Junctional epithelium connect gingiva to tooth? WHO characterized this phenomena?
2 basal laminae- one to the ENAMEL (Internal Basal Lamina) and one to the connective tissue around the alveolar bone (normal Basal Lamina). Good ole Bernhard GOTTLIEB!!
What are the two types of epithelium in the gingival sulcus?
1)Sulcular epithelium and 2)junctional epithelium
How do melanocytes transfer melanin to keratinocytes? Where are melanocytes embryologically derived from?
Via CYTOCRINE injection. Neural Crest Cells.
Preview: what type of oral mucosa lines the dorsal side of the tongue? Is it keratinized or nonkeratinized?
It is SPECIALIZED oral mucosa and it is KERATINIZED.