510-1 Flashcards
What are the 4 primary TISSUE classes?
1) Epithelial 2)Connective 3)Muscle 4)Nerve
Why is Formaldehyde used to fixate a his to sample?
Formaldehyde denatures protein structure, making them indigestible to bacteria.
Why is formaldehyde removed from a sample? What compound would it turn into?
Formic acid is formed which would destroy the sample
After formaldehyde the sample is washed with solvents. Which ones?
Alcohol, xylene, limonene
After the solvent wash, what substance is ultimately placed in the sample?
Paraffin wax. A crude oil based derivative.
What is used to cut a sample?
A microtome
Why is the sample transferred to a warm water bath?
To get rid of wrinkles.
What are the two main stains used?
Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E)
What portion of the cell does H stain? What color is it?
Hematoxylin stains the NUCLEI blue/purple
What portion of the cell does E stain? What color is it?
Eosin stains the cytoplasm & connective tissues pink/orange. It ALSO stains RBCs bright red.
What are cover slips glued with?
The role of the pathologist
To understand histology and recognize normal vs abnormal tissue and to diagnose disease.
What is the main difference between a transmission electron microscope and a scanning electron microscope? How many dimensions does each show? How are the elections “guided”/”focused”?
TEM sends e-‘s thru the sample where as SEM reflects off of the sample. TEM=2D SEM=3D. Electrons are guided with magnets.
What are the epoxy samples cut with?
Diamonds–2 to 4 mm.
What are the 4 types of Epithelial Tissue?
Simple, Stratified, Pseudo stratefied and Transitional(which is ALSO pseudo stratified)
What are the types of Simple Epithelial Tissue?
Squamous=Flat/Pancake, Cuboidal=Cube like, Columnar=column like :)
What are the types of Pseudostratified epithelium?
columnar=column like
What are the types of Stratified epithelium?
1)squamous-keratinized 2)squamous-non keratinized 3)columnar 4)Cuboidal
What are the two types of transitional epithelium?
1)Relaxed 2)Distended–these are bladder and ureter cells. Relaxed when you don’t need to pee, distended when you do need to pee :) REMEMBER-Transitional is pseudo stratified!!!
What about the extracellular matrix is unique for the connective tissue? What are the four types of connective tissue?
The extracellular matrix of connective tissue is very high in volume compared to other tissue types. The four types are 1)Embryonic connective tissue 2)Connective tissue proper 3)Specialized Connective Tissue 4)Supporting connective tissue
What are the four types of connective tissue proper?
loose, dense, reticular, elastic
What are the two types of specialized connective tissue?
adipose, hematopoietic
What are the two types of supporting connective tissue?
cartilage, bone
The three types of muscle tissue?
Skeletal, cardiac, smooth
The two types of nerve tissue cells?
Neurons and glial cells.
Define differentiation
unspecialized tissues to specialized mature tissues eg. ectoderm to skin
Normal: ossification of cartilage Abnormal: a change that is not normal e.g. smoker: tracheal epithelium transforms from simple ciliated epithelium to stratified non-ciliated
IT IS NOT A TUMOR, but abbynormal increase in the number of CELLS in an organ or tissue eg. prostate enlargement
enlargement of preexisting cells eg. muscle growth from excercise
TUMOR growth benign & malignant