5.1. Intra-Partum and Post-Partum Care - Medications of Labour Flashcards
What are the Absolute Contraindications for the Induction of Labour?
- Foetal Lie is not Longitudinal
- Known Pelvic Obstruction
- Placenta Praevia
- Cardiac Disease
- Foetal Distress
What are the Relative Contraindications for Induction of Labour?
- Previous Caesarian Section
2. Asthma
What is used for the Induction of Labour?
- Prostaglandin Analogues
2. I.V. Oxytocin
What is the function of the Prostaglandin Analogue, used in Induction of Labour?
- Encourages Cervical Dilation and Effacement
2. May lead to contractions
What is the function of the I.V. Oxytocin, used in Induction of Labour?
Initiates Uterine contractions
When is Augmentation of Labour required?
When contractions reduce in Frequency or Strength in Active Labour
Note - This happens even after spontaneous onset of Labour
Why might Augmentation of Labour be needed?
Complication of Labour - Obstruction etc.
What is used to Augment Labour?
I.V. Oxytocin
What does Active Management of the Third Stage of Labour Involve?
- Early Clamping and Cutting of the Umbilical Cord
- Use of Uterotonic Medications (Pharmacological Management)
- Delivery of the Placenta by Controlled Cord Traction
What Medications are used in the Active Management of the Third Stage of Labour?
- I.M. Injection of Synometrine - Combination of Syntocinon and Ergometrine
- Syntocinon - Synthetic Oxytocin
- Ergometrine = Ergot Alkaloid, causes smooth Muscle Contraction
What are the 2 types of Post-Partum Haemorrhage?
- Primary - >500mls blood loss within 24 hours
2. Secondary - >500mls blood loss after 24 hours
What are the Medthods of managing a Post-Partum Haemorrhage?
- Physical
- Invasive
- Surgical
- Pharmacological
What is the Physical management of a Post-Partum Haemorrhage?
- Rubbing up a Contraction
2. Bimanual Compression
What is the Pharmaological Management of Post-Partum Haemorrhage?
- Syntocinon - Synthetic Oxytocin
- Synometrine / Ergometrine Alone
- Carboprost (Prostaglandin)
- Misoprostol (Prostaglandin)
- Tranexamic Acid (Anti-Fibrinolytic)
What is needed for the immediate management of a Primary Post-Partum Haemorrhage?
- Wide Bore I.V. Access
- I.V. Fluids
- Blood Transfusion